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#1 2019-04-23 08:17:19

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Nevers family- a weird start, a good end- a supriseful return … id=4211054

I was born nevers, was a weird town

Had sheep and bakery corners, half of the berry was on ice cause there were the ponds and need to plant berry on top of the pond ofc.
The fire was near ice, and 2 ice tiles near it.
Someone made a mosquito it's property. Didn't lasted too long.

So i didn't really liked it at first but went along with it.
We had a big pop and most clothes taken, so i went out west and found a snare, got a sheep fed, new needle, went out snaring and got my own pack.
Few kids were spoiled after me, seriously just don't gear babies before young workers.
Either give them one each or put it down somewhere.
I made my own clothes found a few rabbit furs bit further from camp and had all except torso.

Anyway, i went out further west and made a lasso, i was only 12 this time, i found a lot of horses around -150 -80 SW, i got the furthest one still waiting for age 14.5 (same as fertile age it seems)
took the horse home, i had all prepared for it, fed it, fed a sheep, kill it (took bakery knife), made a saddle.
Asked older lady to give me cart, and told her i get rope and make new, thanks for it.
So i did, went further NW got a set of clothes from a dead guy, and a lasso i cut, and a rope in pack.
Had very few kids, not sure if they suicide cause  don't see all of them, maybe disconnected,  i think i counted 4 and shows 2.
We had a lot of babies and few dedicated farmers taking care of wheat, carrot and berry, not much milkweed.

Made a new oven and cut a tree, made a bucket then 2 more. Finished the newcommen atmospheric core.

We had another horse cart, girl was getting rabbit with it, then i seen her ghost above us.  I explored a bit and found a vein, so i made new bucket, fence kit, took pick and cracked it, made a basket on place and got back 3 baskets of iron, then 4 then 4 other and 2 in pack, total 35!

A guy was making a hot room on jungle, started with floors then stone around it, someone wanted  property fences, told her that wont work on jungle, needs real walls, he finished by the end of his life, was a nice looking building connected to the oven.  I would still rather place it right on biome border. I guess they already started bakery before.

By the end of my life we had a guy finding my rubber station and another odler lady who were smiting.  I gathered stone for a cistern, which was hoarded one by one cause they need shallow wells all the time. And they even used up the limestone for masa dough.
I seen several people still, and quite a few girls.
I felt bad i couldn't made more, but the ropes were limiting factor all the time, and made sense to get the iron vein as we were low on iron.

I checked on stdout, closest town was around 4000.

I started a new life, born in Gold family. Was aa nice little place with a north berry farm and a south one digged into 3x2 plots, road between it, top one had one row planted and one digged out. Small pen, small bakery, huge green biome.
I was checking for the Nevers family but all coordinates i seen wasn't to be found, and the one i did was very close 1500 tiles, so i made a horse, yet again quite fast, and by the time of 18 (helped around a bit so i don't take much with me), i had a few sisters so wasn't worried.

I made a journey of 1500 west and -500 south just  to find out that the coords i followed wasn't even real or something very wrong.
So i took my way NÉ for the next coordiantes 2700 500, actually full diagonal  is same as going west straight on number of tiles, so didn't lost much time. This took me 6 min, and then again like 5 more.  i had a daughter and didn't wanted to suicide, i always pick them up and if they follow i do my best feeding them.
I parked a bit and told her that we go east, a few hundred tiles, she was ok with it. I choose to cut trough a swamp which was a jungle and desert so i had to be careful with her not to starve.
I miscalc a bit, didn't really matter on horse but for the girl it was a bit long way ,she grew hair by the time we were close.
100 more east, we seen a horse cart. The same as the rabbit hunter girl had. She couldn't be the one as i had a break between games and she was kinda older than me. I think her daughter. We met her at her last minutes and she was very surprised. She was a Nevers but the camp was a tiny eve level civ.  I had a son in meantime and he also follow me, the next 2 suicide even if i wanted to raise her, not sure why, she seen a small camp or i was talking to others but she quit in a half min.
Checked the next coordinates and was 2600 -150, so 650 south and a bit west
I found a pack for my son, probably the old lady lost a son/daughter
My daughter went a bit further so she only had a basket.
She thought we are lost, but told her several times the distance.
Bro was a bit slow, i think he got a berry bowl only nothing in pack.
We stopped several times in jungles, and eating, i was going back and forth with cart to make sure they come.
We arrived to the nevers camp northern side. Daughter went ahead, i seen her ghost, asked son if he sees, but no.

I didn't expect to see that. Tons of clothes, full berry field, full bakery, full pen, not a  single soul.
Someone took the bones and cleaned up, knives in basket, properties decayed, i guess they still ran out of girls.
My daughter seemed smart, and my son also was checking out the smithy what is next step.

they made a fire and i got some kindling fired up some steel. I was 37 at arrival, soon old.
I seen my daughter had a girl a bit after then a son. Melted the knives back and ordered stuff around got 2 malachite and few limestoens for cisterns and loom. And that was it, i was too old, so just grabbed the net, tried a few times then gave to grandson and say them goodbye.

So the Nevers town died out, i think Eve Nevers tried new eve run after.
They quite far from anything so my lil fam has to survive long and make a bell to have a chance.
Plenty of steel and iron, the rubber was made and the belts for newcommen attachments. So all it's left to crack the oil, which is super close like 40 west from center  and a kiln already nearby.
If you born there, there is enough iron for a car and an engine well and the north outpost is decent if want to skip out on area bans.

Kinda disturbing that people don't care about big cities, even if they are nice, the amount of work on that rooms and the newcommen setup, the iron stacks, a very nice map, a city full of food was lost in half an hour we died.
Hope the Golds make it.
Back at home we had 1 fertile females and 5 girl kids total (maybe bugged but possibly true), 1-1 our side. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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