One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-04-25 09:29:16

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Minimum kid supply? Reward for care and team work?

Jason said every life should be different

Every life of mine:

Im born into a camp/city
There is bustlign with life, a lot of babies near the fire
We fight for the furs, the packs, the food.
20 years later everyone clothed, most noobs dead
finally we make steady food production, only the unlucky or really new people die
40 years later im with 4-5 others and some male kids

at the end of my life some old ladies and especially old males
each of them made something nice

we cloth up the last girl/girls around my 40ies, some kids suicide but generally just we don't have any, maybe 2-3 newbees who starve at age 4-5 cause they cant put down an item

Generally my grand niece has to stay in fire and yum, still nothing. MAYBE a son.

Then we die out.  Generally food and clothes are plenty, people are hard working ,friendly, good teamwork.
Maybe if a female gets 40, bump the scales to higher chances of girl kids, ad if old males die, higher chances of boys to born.
This would result in a 60% ish girl base which would be better.

We need higher chance of girl kids. Minimum 2 if no one helps them out, or kills them , sure, block the chance of new ones.
Sute the next two could be boys. Or if one male born higher chance of girls. We need replacement population and weighted by the age of population..
Elders should boost baby rate so they replace them.

Right now gen 3-4 camps cant even support so many kids with clothes or food and they might not make it.

Lot of times i stick with what i got cause im afraid it can be worse.

Maybe a recommend/not recommended city survey. When you die, answer simple questions with radio buttons:

How is the food production: Bad OK Good
How is the setup of buildings
How is the setup of berry farms
How is the people currently (shows for others as X minutes ago)
Why did you die?
Accident /Boredom /People didn't care of me /Violence or abuse(fake murder reports would be bad) /Im new
Would you like to come back sometime?  Yes/No/Maybe later

Now i don't want a selection screen or this to be visible to anyone or decide directly for you, but maybe show while the game is loading
maybe if shows that people think is a good town, you stay and take more seriously
Maybe some scores like:
Replayability of the city: 1-10
Opinions on farms: 1-10
Opinions on structures 1-10 or NA if none
People come and go, that doesn't matter really but maybe some cults or traditions arent good
extra comments

The game would load for a bit, like a 30 sec timer, showing opinions

The down voted cites/camps/outposts would get lower fertility so higher chance to get out of contest.
While the ones people like, a better score.
so maybe it would be the first choice for most people

People who quit cause the town is bad, like tiny rooms, messed up farms, are generally the better players who know that is esier to make new than fix bad ones
The ones who want to eve suicide anyway

IF a lot of people die and it's conclusive, maybe show some signs in the city, like color codes or maybe like "Your niece, Cherry Pie died, she had an accident , her last thoughts were that this place would need a cleanup"
Generate out something from the survey

the problem of too many eves and spreading too thin is other issue

but i don't feel that hard work and care is rewarded
it's very luck based
first you got a few random people who born as a random gender
then they can suicide or starve early
then you run out of people and other places steal a lot of possible candidates
Maybe females closer to 40 should get babies. Like in real life woman who don't have any kids want them more.
i often was born to every single female from a family, and the only thing they had is multiple naked females who didn't do anything special.

I also often see 4-5 females in a row with 1 minute difference and im sure if you are the 4th and your big sis has all the clothes you don't want to play that much. But if you would join 10 min later, when you are the youngest kid,  you would stay. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#2 2019-04-25 09:38:51

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Minimum kid supply? Reward for care and team work?

or Jason could add finally an option for getting kids in any case of infertility

i think, he thinks about that atm
but nevertheless, the main problem is the generally too small number of players
if you spread 100 people present among all the towns & settlements, some still just don't get any kids, even if there was an infertility kids option

we need more players in game

also, we need better care for noobs, so they don't die as often

& i also think, the /die usage has skyrocketed in the past few monts,
i have as average 2/3 who suicide that way, even if the town is good, people are good & equipped with good supply

the other thing

i agree
work should be rewarded

how about combining a blessing system with general fertility & female kids on top ?

- - -

Last edited by breezeknight (2019-04-25 09:40:27)


#3 2019-04-25 10:28:57

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Minimum kid supply? Reward for care and team work?

blessing wont work

once i played with yahg, his description of me was:
"he is like a ghost, you never see him just the endless loot near the camp"

who would be blessed? the ones who ask for it
some kid was thanking 5 straight minutes to an old guy that he saved him as a baby
probably she was too annoying to her mother
she was eating berry for the whole time

i basically dug up 10 bushes, replaced with roads (elders family, my deepest roots, i made a nice berry farm with roads, they made 2 new ones near it without roads
a kid kept planting it back on all the wrong tiles even if i told several times not to, so i stab him
this girl was the first to curse me cause "ree i can eat berry and curse and  talk"

the other game i made a 6x6 room above them and i think it was thaunos who was like "how did this thing got here?"

if you dont know you don't know, and if you don't know you don't care
if you don't know that your mom is dumb and that rude uncle is the smartest person
and he tells you that we need water, and your mom tells you to extend berries, what you do? what your mom says
if that uncle works on charcoal for a whole life and you got water, you never even question how you got water
when you don't have pies or water, you ask why you guys don't make water?
who gets the clothes? kids who stand still, how many times you see fully geared afk babies? they think they good kids cause they stand like a dead wood

i got a crown once for merit, i made the first compost
really rarely i get packs or knives for being a good player, from good players
most often i get packs and clothes for being a cute kid

people will pretend anything, the framer chick who is butthurt that someone has a problem of her stealing things, can be the sweetest mother for 3 minutes, complains how helpless she is and how rude someone else is, convinces her kid to curse and kill him then doesn't give a fuck about her for the rest of her life

that's why hate or bad intentions are more truthful, still subjective, but people wont hate you if you don't even talk with them and they cant even follow you
and they seem more butthurt if you talk back
if they curse, means they are angry

no one rôle plays hate, or act as a bad guy or gets punished by accident

imagine everyone blessing the last girl kid
she turns 3 and starves herself, next life
you play cute kid for 5 min, mom blesses you, you run away from the camp and make a new city

Last edited by pein (2019-04-25 10:30:52) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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