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#1 2019-04-28 06:27:50

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

Recently im having big lag issues, bouncing every life sometimes even every action.

My fps is around 60 and ping at about 144ms but when doing an action ping can sudenly got to 300+ for some reason, it happens only when i do an action (as far as i know) i tested ping multiple times just running around no issue, but when interacting with objects it sometimes gets laggy and bouncing multiple times, maybe just a coincidence.

Ping when interacting with object (skull) :


Normal ping:


I tested my ping on a los angeles server and i get an average of 162 ms but no crazy spikes, max is at 165 ms

Which makes me think it's an issue with the server or game in general

Even with the test im not 100% it's not an issue on my end, is there a way to ping game server out of the game and maybe compare it with another server close to it's location?

Or some other way to tell if it's on my end or if it's a game issue

Last edited by Dodge (2019-04-28 06:31:16)


#2 2019-04-28 06:53:05

Registered: 2019-04-28
Posts: 213

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

I have been having the same problems just after playing the update, it may be a thing with the client that lags with every transition

make bread, no war


#3 2019-04-28 17:54:48

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

I used this tool : to ping the big server

I always get 139 ms which is consistent with the 144 ms that i get with the /ping in game, so it's probably not an issue related to the server itself but a bug in coding (memory leak?).

Also the spike in ping seems to happen when interacting with objects but it doesn't happen always

Could be useful to have a debug tool to see exactly what is causing the issue when doing an action and what exactly is going on during a spike.

Last edited by Dodge (2019-04-28 17:55:45)


#4 2019-04-28 22:27:46

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

some say it's the gates
and i think that right, you will ping with fences and gates more often livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#5 2019-04-29 16:14:52

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

Yes, there very well could be a bug somewhere.... or something with the disk-based database that creeps up over time.

Can someone verify if it happens more often with gates?

Are people, in general, owning a lot of gates?


#6 2019-04-29 16:25:23

Registered: 2019-02-19
Posts: 456

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

They are not. It's rare to see a town with them. No real reason to use them yet.


#7 2019-04-29 17:35:37

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

Just played a full life and saw no lag spike on my end.... I wonder what it could be.

I did see one disconnect mid-life.  I saw that during the last life I lived as well, and I've never seen that before, on my end, in the past year, so that has me a bit worried.  But I was able to reconnect right away, so at least it's temporary.


#8 2019-04-29 17:40:38

Registered: 2019-02-10
Posts: 23

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

jasonrohrer wrote:

Just played a full life and saw no lag spike on my end.... I wonder what it could be.

I did see one disconnect mid-life.  I saw that during the last life I lived as well, and I've never seen that before, on my end, in the past year, so that has me a bit worried.  But I was able to reconnect right away, so at least it's temporary.

The disconnects are temporary as you can get back into the game but they are consistent which is annoying.


#9 2019-04-29 17:42:15

Registered: 2019-02-19
Posts: 456

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

It coincides with "login failed" issue so probably related or the same.


#10 2019-04-29 19:51:34

Registered: 2019-02-11
Posts: 464

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

Twisted has caught the disconnects on video, see for example 15:30 and 22:15 in this one: …

I experience the same, so it's not his Internet connection. My impression is that it usually happens when someone dies, yet not every time someone dies... that could be just a coincidence though.


#11 2019-04-29 20:00:05

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

Here you can see it happen to me in the log:

L4 | Mon Apr 29 16:35:05 2019 (271 ms) | general | New player connected as player 1083494 (tutorial=0) (-39488,-17433) (maxPlacementX=7000000)
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (794 ms) | general | Player 1083494 ( marked as disconnected (Socket write failed).
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:34 2019 (991 ms) | general | Got curse level for from curse server: 0 (excess 0)
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:35 2019 (52 ms) | general | Player 1083494 ( has reconnected.

However, looking at the area of the log around where this happens to me, it looks like I was the only one at that time:

L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (762 ms) | general | 2/115 players were sent part of a 1-line PU: 1083332, 1083636, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (764 ms) | general | Got client message from 1083514: MOVE 105 108 @2320 -1 1 -2 2 -3 1
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (767 ms) | general | Got client message from 1083883: UBABY 32 30 -1 1084069
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (767 ms) | general | Need to send updates about these 1 players: 1083883, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (768 ms) | general | Sending updates about these 1 players: 1083883, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (768 ms) | general | 3/115 players were sent part of a 1-line PU: 1083769, 1083883, 1084069, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (768 ms) | general | Got client message from 1083321: MOVE 9 7 @2418 0 1
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (770 ms) | general | Need to send updates about these 1 players: 1083796, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (770 ms) | general | Sending updates about these 1 players: 1083796, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (770 ms) | general | 5/115 players were sent part of a 1-line PU: 1083641, 1083789, 1083796, 1083940, 1084155, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (776 ms) | general | Got client message from 1084131: MOVE -37 51 @83 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 -4 -4 -5 -5 -6 -5 -7 -5 -8 -6 -9 -5 -10 -5 -11 -5 -12 -5 -13 -5 -14 -5 -15 -5 -16 -5
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (781 ms) | general | Got client message from 1083828: MOVE 23 63 @1868 0 -1 0 -2 0 -3 0 -4 0 -5 0 -6 0 -7
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (787 ms) | general | Got client message from 1083893: MOVE 38 -22 @972 0 -1 0 -2
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (789 ms) | general | Got client message from 1083730: MOVE -6 23 @1876 0 1
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (790 ms) | general | Need to send updates about these 1 players: 1083730, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (790 ms) | general | Sending updates about these 1 players: 1083730, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (790 ms) | general | 6/115 players were sent part of a 1-line PU: 1083730, 1083731, 1083861, 1083963, 1084145, 1084168, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (792 ms) | general | Got client message from 1083911: MOVE 13 -2 @163 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -2
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (794 ms) | general | Need to send updates about these 1 players: 1083769, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (794 ms) | general | Sending updates about these 1 players: 1083769, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (794 ms) | general | Player 1083494 ( marked as disconnected (Socket write failed).
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (794 ms) | general | 3/115 players were sent part of a 1-line PU: 1083769, 1083883, 1084069, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (798 ms) | general | Need to send updates about these 1 players: 1083687, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (798 ms) | general | Sending updates about these 1 players: 1083687, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (798 ms) | general | 3/115 players were sent part of a 1-line PU: 1083687, 1083771, 1083902, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (813 ms) | general | Got client message from 1083732: USE 3 3
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (814 ms) | general | Need to send updates about these 1 players: 1083732, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (814 ms) | general | Sending updates about these 1 players: 1083732, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (814 ms) | general | 3/115 players were sent part of a 1-line PU: 1083732, 1084005, 1084049, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (814 ms) | general | Got client message from 1084001: UBABY -1 0 -1 1084165
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (815 ms) | general | Need to send updates about these 2 players: 1084001, 1084165, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (815 ms) | general | Sending updates about these 2 players: 1084001, 1084165, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (815 ms) | general | 6/115 players were sent part of a 2-line PU: 1083446, 1083857, 1083868, 1083982, 1084001, 1084165, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (827 ms) | general | Got client message from 1083869: MOVE -20 -4 @1654 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 5 7 5 8 5 9 5 10 5 11 5 12 5 13 5 14 5 15 5
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (836 ms) | general | Got client message from 1084094: MOVE -34 7 @77 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (838 ms) | general | Got client message from 1083668: MOVE 0 7 @2063 -1 -1 -1 -2
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (844 ms) | general | Got client message from 1083336: MOVE 8 134 @3101 -1 -1
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (844 ms) | general | Need to send updates about these 1 players: 1083336, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (844 ms) | general | Sending updates about these 1 players: 1083336, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (845 ms) | general | 5/115 players were sent part of a 1-line PU: 1083336, 1083402, 1083407, 1083668, 1083893, 
L4 | Mon Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 (858 ms) | general | Got client message from 1083771: MOVE 13 11 @1649 -1 -1

And yikes, in the past 24 or so hours, there were 2250 players marked as disconnected.  Some of these are undoubtedly real, but other ones are not.  During that same time, 1680 players reconnected.  That's quite a lot.

These disconnections are not distributed uniformly among players.  One lucky winner saw 53 disconnects in one day.  34 people have more than 10 disconnects in a day.  I'm guessing that at least some of these people have a problem with their network.

305 people saw only one disconnect in 24 hours.

I did see at least one mass-disconnection event, where pretty much everyone on the server was marked as disconnected in the same second.  I'll have to make a graph of disconnections each second for the past 24 hours and look for the spikes.


#12 2019-04-29 20:09:33

Registered: 2019-02-19
Posts: 456

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

It's a server issue.


#13 2019-04-29 20:24:00

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

Here are the disconnection events where 4 or more players were disconnected during the same second:

      4 Apr 28 22:30:03 2019 
      4 Apr 28 23:14:37 2019 
      4 Apr 28 23:14:41 2019 
      4 Apr 28 23:32:40 2019 
      4 Apr 28 23:57:39 2019 
      4 Apr 28 23:59:51 2019 
      4 Apr 29 00:36:44 2019 
      4 Apr 29 00:48:55 2019 
      4 Apr 29 00:55:26 2019 
      4 Apr 29 01:14:55 2019 
      4 Apr 29 01:20:41 2019 
      4 Apr 29 01:30:51 2019 
      4 Apr 29 01:44:39 2019 
      4 Apr 29 01:56:22 2019 
      4 Apr 29 02:00:44 2019 
      4 Apr 29 02:23:46 2019 
      4 Apr 29 05:41:26 2019 
      4 Apr 29 06:54:06 2019 
      4 Apr 29 07:24:54 2019 
      4 Apr 29 13:16:19 2019 
      4 Apr 29 15:16:29 2019 
      4 Apr 29 15:16:34 2019 
      4 Apr 29 15:51:33 2019 
      4 Apr 29 15:56:18 2019 
      4 Apr 29 16:21:39 2019 
      4 Apr 29 18:05:54 2019 
      4 Apr 29 19:08:28 2019 
      4 Apr 29 19:36:49 2019 
      4 Apr 29 19:59:38 2019 
      5 Apr 28 22:41:40 2019 
      5 Apr 29 00:26:04 2019 
      5 Apr 29 01:20:21 2019 
      5 Apr 29 01:23:53 2019 
      5 Apr 29 01:42:08 2019 
      5 Apr 29 01:49:48 2019 
      5 Apr 29 02:42:52 2019 
      5 Apr 29 03:12:45 2019 
      5 Apr 29 10:05:47 2019 
      5 Apr 29 10:17:48 2019 
      5 Apr 29 15:16:30 2019 
      5 Apr 29 16:03:09 2019 
      5 Apr 29 16:10:53 2019 
      5 Apr 29 17:22:31 2019 
      5 Apr 29 18:21:47 2019 
      5 Apr 29 18:52:35 2019 
      5 Apr 29 19:02:57 2019 
      5 Apr 29 19:08:24 2019 
      5 Apr 29 19:36:36 2019 
      5 Apr 29 19:36:40 2019 
      6 Apr 28 22:43:37 2019 
      6 Apr 29 00:29:06 2019 
      6 Apr 29 01:14:51 2019 
      6 Apr 29 12:30:30 2019 
      6 Apr 29 13:30:29 2019 
      6 Apr 29 18:08:51 2019 
      6 Apr 29 18:37:06 2019 
      6 Apr 29 19:36:45 2019 
      7 Apr 28 23:29:40 2019 
      7 Apr 29 01:47:13 2019 
      7 Apr 29 12:02:54 2019 
      7 Apr 29 12:02:58 2019 
      7 Apr 29 15:15:05 2019 
      7 Apr 29 16:20:54 2019 
      7 Apr 29 18:08:47 2019 
      8 Apr 29 00:26:00 2019 
      8 Apr 29 00:48:56 2019 
      8 Apr 29 01:45:35 2019 
      8 Apr 29 18:05:50 2019 
      8 Apr 29 20:00:40 2019 
      9 Apr 29 02:52:23 2019 
      9 Apr 29 19:12:34 2019 
      9 Apr 29 19:53:47 2019 
     10 Apr 29 19:59:34 2019 
     10 Apr 29 20:16:28 2019 
     90 Apr 28 22:21:13 2019

Times are UTC.


#14 2019-04-29 20:43:09

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

CatX:  were you playing with Twisted at that moment?  Did you experience this same disconnects at the same moment?

It's also interesting that it happens for him 2x in a row, always... that's really weird.


#15 2019-04-29 21:10:50

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

I'm still bouncing every now and then when i interact with objects (not always), is it normal to bounce 1-2+ times when interacting with objects with a 144 ms ping?

Also why does the /ping doesn't have a graph like the /fps ?, hard to track the spikes since you have to /ping at the exact moment you start bouncing.


#16 2019-04-29 21:18:57

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

Ping is a discrete operation.

To make a graph, I'd have to PING automatically at some interval.

Have you seen the /net graph?  Not sure how helpful that would be in this case.

Welp, I see what's at least causing the mass disconnect, which happens regularly.... that's when the server's log is rotated!  I guess the disk op takes a while (the logs are big, 2 GB or something) and during that time, the clients all deem the server disconnected.

Looking in the log during that time where the 90 people were disconnected, I noticed that this was right at the beginning of the log file... aha!


#17 2019-04-29 21:24:43

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

Yeah, so copying this log file to make a backup of it is taking about 20 seconds.  The server stalls during that operation.


#18 2019-04-29 21:39:38

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

How often is the log rotated?

Is it normal to have bouncing issues with 144 ms ping?

Last edited by Dodge (2019-04-29 21:40:47)


#19 2019-04-29 21:54:23

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

Jason, this week I've played several lives and I've noticed that disconnections happen when someone is born or dies near me

these disconnections are usually unique (only once) but sometimes for no reason the server disconnects me 2 times in a row one right after the other


#20 2019-04-29 21:59:38

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

Log is rotated every 24 hours.

So, what this meant was this:

Throughout the history of the game (always), once a day, everyone on the server would collectively bounce for about 20 seconds.

In the old days, they would have just bounced there.  In the new days, when the client detects such conditions better, they will get disconnected.

Also during this 20 second interval, logins will be impossible (though I'm not sure what the client timeout will do...  maybe logins will just hang until the server starts responding again).

This log-rotating code was written in 2011, and I never anticipated rotating 3GB log files with it.

The fix is simple:  move the file to make a backup (which is instantaneous), don't copy then delete!

Anyway, this fixes one glaring issue here, but doesn't address the other issue (spurious disconnects throughout the day---which aren't preceded by bouncing client-side).


#21 2019-04-29 23:01:25

Registered: 2018-10-12
Posts: 663

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

There's a github issue for this -

The people posting on the issue (me included) have come to a conclusion that the mass disconnects happen whenever a person that owns a property gate dies.

The disconnects are almost definitely related to people dying (I checked my videos and whenever a DC happened it was right when a person died). They don't happen every time a person dies, but it seems that every time they do happen the dead person was a property owner.


#22 2019-04-29 23:01:44

Registered: 2019-02-19
Posts: 456

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

jasonrohrer wrote:

CatX:  were you playing with Twisted at that moment?  Did you experience this same disconnects at the same moment?

It's also interesting that it happens for him 2x in a row, always... that's really weird.

Happened to me multiple times. Usually never less than one disconnect.

Typically either disconnects you, you reconnect and immediately disconnects again, third time ok.

Or it disconnects you and you start battling it out with the "login failed".

I never had any issues in any other game and I play FPS as well. It happened to me exactly as I saw happening on twisted.


#23 2019-04-29 23:21:22

Registered: 2019-02-11
Posts: 464

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

jasonrohrer wrote:

CatX:  were you playing with Twisted at that moment?  Did you experience this same disconnects at the same moment?

It's also interesting that it happens for him 2x in a row, always... that's really weird.

No, I wasn't playing with him.

And yes, it always happens two times in a row.


#24 2019-04-30 01:33:26

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

Okay, thanks for the info!

I should be able to fix this tomorrow.


#25 2019-04-30 01:33:59

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Lag spike, high ping, bouncing pls fix.

Note that insta-disconnect is different from bouncing.... seems like there are multiple issues here.


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