a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I know people here would do it for just the bragging rights, but a contest win a nominal prize ($10 steam gift card?) or even a prize with more value like a copy of one of your original sketches for the game (if you still have them) would get people going.
But, how do you have a contest for a game like OHOL?
-Highest average number of grandkids who live to 30 per female life (min 5 hours play during contest week)
-Most plants watered. (IDK, trying to think of something you can't do too much of is hard)
-Most kills (of adults only) while getting zero curses for the week (NO, maybe don't do this one, but I think making it so you *can't get cursed a single time* would make it more interesting... You either have to be a good cop or very very very sneaky)
-Longest lineage where you are gen 2, 3, 4 or 5 (a longest lingage contest for Eve would just make the /die problem worse, but make someone want to do a good job as Eve's kids? Neat!)
What contest ideas do the rest of us have?
Last edited by futurebird (2019-05-02 21:32:25)
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Yes, contests are cool!
I do have one hesitation.... the whole "punished by rewards" thing.
I've run two big contests in the past, and I definitely noticed that the playerbase absolutely tanked immediately after the contest.
In the case of The Castle Doctrine, some players played all week during the contest and then literally never played the game ever again. Some of the WINNERS of the contest never played the game again, after winning.
I have thought about a long-term, always-on contest.
I do like biggest family tree thing, but that also gives a huge advantage to Eve.... and everybody would want to play Eve!
i think the reward would be like an hour of VOG mode. Jason said himself that sounded like a good reward for a contest.
Stop eating berries adults! go eat the pie or stew right next to you.
As far as longest family lineage, I think you could balance it by turning it into a 'raffle'. If the family breaks the longest-lineage record, everyone that manages to hit Age 60 (or maybe 55-60) in that family gets 1 ticket towards being drawn for VOG. Being in the same family multiple times at age 55-60, or even just 60, means multiple raffles towards it (since there's lineage banning, it'll be hard to get multiple draws).
Maybe Eve gets 3-5 by default for somehow managing to get a good spot to sustain it for so long.
Avatar by Worth
I like contests. However, lineage goes by amount of players, so just play when usa comes online..? Naah, not my cup of tea.
Also, IDK how much steam/Jason gets, but anyhow, giving free game to a friend would be much preferred to cash prize on steam I think. Also probably cheaper to everyone and better to game altogether. Oh, any signed one (as future* first post) would be worth a lot ! Even make a 15-copy plus original and that's it - this is what I've done with some artwork and one gets much more income than otherwise (when original mould is not destroyed).
Otherwise, being newbie, I don't have much to add. Maybe make a question which is preferred, and please let it run for at least couple of days (I've seen some that have run less than a day and have no ability to vote then, even if I notice the voting).
Last edited by Sukallinen (2019-05-02 21:54:22)
I find competitions like these often detract from the experience, prone to having people tunneling and burning out.
Also, why in the world would longest line be a contest? You have no control over your lineage other than where you settle down. Even the perfect place can be ruined by any combination of birthing RNG, "/die"ers, or destruction by either noobs or griefers. After you find a suitable location, the rest is up to luck.
If there were a contest, I'd prefer it'd be something in which the contestant is actually an active participant; rather than something were you roll the dice, then just watch and hope for the best. Skill over luck.
Believe you're right, but don't believe you can't be wrong.
Days peppers/onions/tomatoes left unfixed: 120
Do your part and remind Jason to fix these damn vegetables.
Also, why in the world would longest line be a contest? You have no control over your lineage other than where you settle down.
Really? I guess I just don't see it that way, every choice you make has implications for the next generation in your town. Strip the berry bushes for cloth without watering them? Spend your life hunting rabbits and making back packs? (those backpacks will be used for generations... I sometimes wish I could know about pervious owners)--Yes, there is a lot of random, but lineage depth is something you can influence...
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Really? I guess I just don't see it that way -cut...
A story of my life (TL;DR - had fun, made town important stuff):
I think I had some influence, town first had one bucket, small berryfarm, about five rows of carrots. One kid said I wasted one space planting milkweed to his carrot-row : I showed him the six piles of ready compost and asked if he'd help we'll have one heck of a farm. We did !
Ended up with one guy not talking with horsecart bringing logs and tried to keep up with our heavy rope production, all six (plus some other) composts spread well.
(oh and made left well deep instead of shallow and cistern-mats next to it at 57 yo), so about six carts and lots of buckets later I think the town is set for a long run. Also, did some flooring to stop berryfarm from expanding-one knifed someone who didn't understand it but we stayed out of it. We went to make new adze, hoe and several things to cut the logs (used up lots of iron and logs) while they did their drama.
Oh, it will all be ruined when americans start coming of course, but good try. Had fun. Did my janitor thing, np there.
Good liff'
Yes, every player can have in influence on it, for ill or good. I thought the discussion was a contest around the eve that had the longest line. That's what I was referring to. Aside from location, the only thing an eve can influence is the first few generations, at most. After that, it's out of their hands.
So you are referring to some kind of contest between the people within the longest line? How would you measure their influence? Making backpacks vs making stew, carts vs wool clothes, which one is worth more? Seems like a really bad can of worms. Maybe you just have a contest of backpack makers, or who makes the most tools? Maybe who makes the most engines? How would you keep track of this? And even if you could, you'd have people tunneling on that one thing. "I know the farm is in disrepair and I'm probably the only one who can fix it, but I can't afford to lose time on the backpack record". Then you get tired of making backpacks every life as you grind for that particular contest and start to resent the game....Like I said, can of worms.
Believe you're right, but don't believe you can't be wrong.
Days peppers/onions/tomatoes left unfixed: 120
Do your part and remind Jason to fix these damn vegetables.
I find competitions like these often detract from the experience, prone to having people tunneling and burning out.
Also, why in the world would longest line be a contest? You have no control over your lineage other than where you settle down. Even the perfect place can be ruined by any combination of birthing RNG, "/die"ers, or destruction by either noobs or griefers. After you find a suitable location, the rest is up to luck.
If there were a contest, I'd prefer it'd be something in which the contestant is actually an active participant; rather than something were you roll the dice, then just watch and hope for the best. Skill over luck.
Maybe if it was separate from the main server and worked a bit differently.
You get a finite map and randomly select however many number of Eves. Then everyone else are randomly assigned to each Eve.
Lineage bans are disabled entirely. Instead you always spawn back to your family.
Which ever family survives the longest is the winner.
Occasionally Famalies would get a marker for another teams location. Being murdered means you can't comeback for awhile or even permanently. Raids would be risky but could also cripple the other team.
Maybe if it was separate from the main server and worked a bit differently.
You get a finite map and randomly select however many number of Eves. Then everyone else are randomly assigned to each Eve.
Lineage bans are disabled entirely. Instead you always spawn back to your family.
Which ever family survives the longest is the winner.
Occasionally Famalies would get a marker for another teams location. Being murdered means you can't comeback for awhile or even permanently. Raids would be risky but could also cripple the other team.
I love this idea so much, but hate the idea of raids being governed by coords being handed out at random.
Maybe have the map be small enough that it could feasibly happen without coords at all, it would encourage more paranoia and wall building, so that it's a bit more fair.
Though, this would also give any family with a majority of zoom mod users a huge advantage.
Last edited by Peaches (2019-05-03 22:20:27)
The Frank to your Cleopatra
@Bob 101
That actually sounds pretty fun. Like a competitive take on OHOL. Maybe a competitive mode with that finite map Jason was considering a while back. Would be interested to see where that idea would go.
Believe you're right, but don't believe you can't be wrong.
Days peppers/onions/tomatoes left unfixed: 120
Do your part and remind Jason to fix these damn vegetables.
Zoom clients would need to disqualified for fairness.
Zoom clients would need to disqualified for fairness.
Yup, that's a big problem, afaik there is no way to do it, not even with steam's support. But I bet gears grind somewhere on the competition ideas.
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