a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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If a kid runs and I need babies I want catch this so I don't get my timer reset. But, some of these kids choose to run anyway without being picked up once. (run if you want once I pick you up but geeez) Is there any trick to catching them? I guess I could make a baby jail, but I like to do work around camp and don't feel like putting myself in jail just to keep babies in jail on the off chance one might run and mess up my timer.
Give babies like 8 seconds of slowness when born and this problem would be reasonable, if you don't pay attention you get a runner. But right now if a kid wants to be annoying by running there is nothing you can do.
So I guess I want to know is chasing pointless?
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Possibly use the hetuw mods baby pick up option?
Stop eating berries adults! go eat the pie or stew right next to you.
I am agreement for having them be a touch slower in the first year. Had a baby dodging pick up while whistling constantly, purposefully trying to mess with baby timer, was maddening.
The great thing about a nursery building with doors is that babies can't get out on their own.
Depends on how fast you are, Can't seem to get them once they are moving.
Have you tried solving this problem with property fences?