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#1 2019-05-16 06:44:35

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Another map idea: sectors [idea discussion]

So at first jason made a big map, with perin noise, looks natural, has a lot of random features, sure it's similar but you cant really find straight liens and two maps which look exact the same
Problems with it: too big, very high roll, can be awful (once 400x400 the best spot was 3 ponds in a savanah edge and already had 3 kids)
can be very strange (all the wrong trees i nthe huge green biome)
we don't use most of it

Lately he did an update which is the springs. There is a grid of 40x40 where springs are the corners
-some springs are missing rendering useless that direction
-the map and the grid has no relation to each other so it's completely random
-the biomes were nerfed by temperature update, and without spring they just useless now
like jungle, here is some banana once is gone it's just a hot biome, maybe you get some rubber, maybe you hoard a lot of walls and make a hot room (which is nice but i bet people cnat use it properly), some plants and a very casual wall usage for sugar
ice is just some seal and round stones then maybe gold which is kinda useless, and tarry spots where all but one is useless
desert has the horses, shoe animals, fast road material, some sulfur but even hot rooms are bit worse there and  you cant do outdoor activities at all

But has some advantages:
-we can find others easier, navigate easier
-we can have water in different biomes, making savanah and badlands bit more viable
-the cities cover more space, and have some nice roads
-bit more strategic

So this 2 things contradict each other
for example the Wild town almost had the bell complete, but still missing the northern road, i was occupied with oil and scouting, and people wasn't really making the road trought the useless badland stripe to the abundant rabbit field
so this wells can be useful and you could go outside the main city, make outpost and skip area ban, but the biomes and grids don't always match
so any kind of spreadign of eves is highly rng

We could have best of both words, having a grid and a center tile, which is something valuable in each biome, not just water

Idea I.:
make the center of the biome a special tile like springs
ice would have tarry spots (maybe with limited oil), desert the same or maybe a rock mine, jungle a clay mine or similar
having higher quantity of raw resources would help with buildings over time and more emphasis on work and processing ,less on luck and gathering
the upgrades would limit the mining of these resources but would allow a bit more specialization for the city, maybe you would farm with ponds but you would have a flat rock mine so you could spread on a huge territory
maybe you would have medium level water and no road structure but huge adobe buildings
the biomes should have a more rectangular shape, and minimum size of like 20x20 max maybe 60x60 and the springs and centers wouldn't be symmetric (or maybe there is some random shape structure with different sizes that could fill the space like this, maybe the main tile wouldn't be central but the shapes would be similar in cardianal directions)

Idea II.:
the springs and special tiles would stay the same on a grid, but a bit bigger spread, like 60x60, but they would  be also edges of biomes, 4 edges would meet on a special tile
so you would have 4 out of 6 biomes meeting there, a bit of randomized edges so they wouldn't look fully straight, this way each spring would have acces to 4 biomes, don't really know, maybe this requires a set of combinations repeating, the only rule is that same biome cant repeat, maybe they can, but revolving around the central special tiles the size of them could only be 30x30 and 1,2,3 or 4 times this if all the springs have that biome and all of them face toward each other
this would be more generic and some combos would be better than other, but still better than current one

Idea III.:
the special tiles would be central, the bioems are rectangle shape,  the bad biomes (ice, desert, jungle) would be in middle of 8 randomly selected good biomes, as we got three, each good biome would have acces to 4 good ones, and 4 bad diagonally, or 2 good and 2 bad straight
the changes of desert, ice and jungle would be lower a bit
maybe the badlands and savanah would be straight between the bad ones and the swamp green would be on the continuous stripes (each second horizontal where no bad biomes exist)
again not sure on the percentages if can be made varied enough or just make it generic
maybe need more bad biomes (i call it bad, cause the temperature outside makes you hungry faster so unviable for outdoor activities)
check this left side figure


Idea IV:
same as idea III, right side figure on the picture
each diagonal would be good, other diagonal bad, sounds bad?
turn it around 45 degree

the good bioems would be cardinal direction, the bad ones diagonal, we make straight roads anyway
the middle of this "circles" (eseantially like a bad resolution circle) would be a mashup between those biome, or random extensions of the nearby biome livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#2 2019-05-16 16:28:24

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Another map idea: sectors [idea discussion]

This is interesting... but not sure that I want to jettison a Perlin noise map full of unpredictability just yet.


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