One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-05-17 08:24:55

Registered: 2019-02-18
Posts: 85

Life of War... Peace is rare.

I just lived an interesting life where my family waged war over stolen resources.

I was born into a relatively early village, settled by two families. As a baby my mother carried me around asking everyone to prepare weapons to wage war over our stolen iron. We were pre-well at this point so that iron was a massive loss. Once I grew up I too went on the quest for a weapon, assuming the raiders I'd heard about may return. While on that search I actually stumbled across their town...they were seemingly peaceful and much more advanced than us (newcomen pump and all) At this point I figured we may not need to attack, our efforts would be better spent getting our own village set up anyway. Well... my family did not agree, as soon as I arrived home about four adults wielding knives started heading towards the neighbouring town.

I was still quite young at this point (also weaponless) and decided to stay home and expand the farm. A few minutes/years past and none of my family had returned, this is where I got curious and decided to go see what actually happened at the neighbours place. To my horror I arrived to find my family wielding bloody knives and only two of the towns natives surviving, they were completely unprepared. I tried to tell the foreign boy and woman to run but she couldn't understand me, the language barrier very real at this point.

Eventually the natives disappeared, fleeing or otherwise, and my family proceeded to settle in this new, much bigger town. Life went back to normal, I had two babies, we prepared to build a road and everything seemed peaceful. That is until my cousin came up claiming she's seen two of the surviving natives planning a counter attack "he has a bow" she said. So, as expected my family, knives back in hand, went searching. Eventually I was passed my own knife from an elderly woman and thus chaos ensued.

The boy with the bow invaded the town with his mother and I mistakenly stabbed my own son trying to get him. Some time later the boy managed to land a shot on me (I was one of only two fertile women) and was stabbed by my uncle in retaliation. My family was almost definitely doomed at this point though, my children had succumbed to the war and my older sister was about too old to have kids, with no surviving girls. That was the end of two families due to bloodlust.

Now I told that story because it really made me think... this update is fantastic but, does seem to bring out the worst in people. Those who choose to kill seem to have and unfair advantage over those who advocate peace within this game. Its starting to look like we need some way to detain people (handcuffs, jail etc) because at the moment if one or two people choose war over peace, even if they are a minority, the remaining people are at their mercy unless they decide to kill themselves which in turn breeds more violence. Give us ways to deal with griefers or aggressive neighbours without killing.

Last edited by wondaland (2019-05-17 08:25:11)


#2 2019-05-17 09:48:01

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Life of War... Peace is rare.

wondaland wrote:

That was the end of two families due to bloodlust.

Quoted for emphasis.  This is not just people NOT playing for the sake of the survival of their family.  It is people playing AGAINST the survival of their family.  And really, that war swords would encourage enough people to play against the survival of their lineages should have been obvious when it was just a mere idea... if it wasn't obvious to all that they would work that way.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#3 2019-05-17 09:49:13

Registered: 2019-04-11
Posts: 25

Re: Life of War... Peace is rare.

I noticed more hard borders and more hostility against people of other ethnicities, too. Nothing gets a family more riled up than someone blurting something in a different language. I witnessed some efforts to coexist, but there are people who advocate for the death of foreigners constantly. I understand why though, I was born in a small and peaceful town. Then out of nowhere came a woman with a war sword and slaughtered everyone. I can see, why people get more aggressive.


#4 2019-05-17 14:43:48

Registered: 2019-04-13
Posts: 88

Re: Life of War... Peace is rare.

If an Eve spawns next to a large town they can't build their own town like they probably wanted. An Eve has very little to lose by just picking up a sword and trying to kill all the townspeople. They can't talk to people in town, they probably wanted to play early game if they were an eve and now they have to play in a messy city with a bunch of half finished projects and clutter. Eves are trapped into playing near cities now unless they want to run for 20 minutes towards the wilds.

I played a couple of games normally yesterday after the update and the level of violence has definitely gone up. If you are in a town with a high population there are tons of murders for no reason (outside and within the family) I felt on edge the whole time even though I was just making compost that we desperately needed. I don't use curse tokens anymore because I can't tell who the griefers are everyone looks the same and people don't seem to care if someone is a murderer.

Last edited by Buggy (2019-05-17 14:44:35)


#5 2019-05-17 16:35:42

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Life of War... Peace is rare.

well, this is the internet, people are dicks
if they are able to kill someone they will
sometimes they get an excuse for it
other families speak other language, fear and hate coems easy
eeven if you don't kill em someone will come and will

i surely did, some quads came, two died and came back as black eves, now when half of your town was killed by black people you don't ask questions just stab, this morons even cursed me, and wont really help saying sorry
i don't think is a good idea mixing people
you got a sword and 2 families, a 12 year old snaps and half town is dead livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#6 2019-05-17 18:29:29

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 322

Re: Life of War... Peace is rare.

We need shields that protect from knives, swords and arrows. 

We also need "run" and "come here" emotes... gesturing with our hands in a direction does not require language in real life.

--Blue Diamond

I aim to leave behind a world that is easier for people to live in that it was before I got there.


#7 2019-05-17 19:45:07

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Life of War... Peace is rare.

I feel this update has tipped the balance too far toward destruction and violence.    I am still trying to play a peaceful farming game, but the tone is shifting toward a game of raids and pointless slaughter.   I've witnessed a lot more random violence.   I've been in more towns that were ended by murder rather than scarcity or low fertility.    It is becoming harder and harder to find a peaceful, cooperative life.   And even when you do, it can be ended abruptly by one guy with a sword or knife.

In several lives, I've heard people pushing the idea that our village should launch a raid to kill our neighbors, because "if we don't kill them, they are going to kill us."   I'm really tired of playing like this.


#8 2019-05-17 20:04:57

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 353

Re: Life of War... Peace is rare.

I am getting tired of it too. Language was a perfect, peaceful and interesting way to give people a reason to explore and meet. There was a problem to solve, to be able to communicate. That problem was answered through talking and working together. A beautiful update to the game.

This was overshadowed by the agent of chaos and conflict, swords. It preys on the darker side of humanity and I am angry and sad. It tarnishes the positive feelingsI used to have enjoying the game. For a moment I used to reflect on my real life ambitions differently because of the atmosphere that used to be in the game. That is fading incredibly fast.


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