One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-05-24 00:32:03

Registered: 2019-05-20
Posts: 65

Bug with killing

I was playing today and there was a neighboring town 30 second walk from ours. They came over with war swords and started attacking, but nothing was happening. I tried killing them with knife but it didn't do anything, it turned out being pretty awkward. I have no idea if this is a rare bug but the families couldn't kill each other. The strange thing is that my previous life I died to a griefer stabbing me, it was same family. Is this a obvious thing that no one has mentioned?

Edit: Nvm it not bug i have big dumb … id=4566701

Last edited by SpiritBomb32 (2019-05-24 04:09:35)

- "The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life."
Add books, please Jason.


#2 2019-05-24 03:09:53

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 855

Re: Bug with killing

Did you catch the control change? You need to hold SHIFT to kill now. Hopefully this will cut down on accidental stabbings and excuse of same. But I kind of thought Jason would never do it because of exactly the situation you ran into. -- --
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#3 2019-05-24 03:40:21

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Bug with killing

I think people will figure it out pretty quickly.

It's shown on the login screen, too.


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