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#1 2019-06-11 22:32:35

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Connecting the longest lineages Yum-brave road

After my first life i checked stdout for families

(-45596,-50583) eve ladd III
(-49595,-45833) eve yum V
(-49015,-45146) eve brave

found this eves with still living lineages

after i was born in yum outpost (north, adobe wall pens, diamond shape berry farm) i found out that the main town is south
later in other life tried to go back but a lady gave me a pack and told me it's far
so instead i went southwest to find the town
according to my distance calcualtor is … 15,-45146)
899 away, based on the death of the eves
actually just
~580 ~670 if you look at the coords

i was born in the Brave nursery
went SW and found the town, had 3 kids on way, one grow older then jump off, one suicide, and i arrived with a girl to Yum town
they were ok for a bit, i tried to get a normal pack as mien decayed and old woman stole my knife
but she was nice to my kids
bit later some moron kill me with a sword for no reason
and stab my kids as well
someone saved  a daughter so then peace came, mostly

born back as a guy for Yums, but sadly i was disconnecting 10 times and starved
calculated with the coordinate program ( shows your birth coordinates relatively to where you are) that the north side road where the oil is for Yum family, it's actually 572 572 SE from my birth so i started some stakes
then tried to make pick but got killed

as a boy made one single road then starved with disconnect
bit later born as the only Brave kid, to the only fertile Brave woman in yum town
this time was peace, and i pickaxed the road from south and moved most of it NÉ, made a progress of like 30 tiles?

made quite a few fences for horses in strategic locations, south of town, near pen, near oil and my road, one in ice at end of my road progress
used up most of iron to make some steel and took care of tool making
quite funyn that in like 4 hours that i was first time a Yum and my 4th life there nobody really even made any smithing, no tools really, no kindling , no progress on walls, they even took the sprign from bakery back to smith
still nice town, mostly well organized
forgot screenshot

the plan was to conenct the towns and make some arena half way
so males and old people can kill each other for fun big_smile
as they don't decay we can still make that road, i guess it's not easy but a few volunteers can make the most of it, and leave up some fences to gather on the way

so if you are in Brave town, turn the south road SW under a spring, then each sprign will be near the road (i didn't checked in Yum town but going right a bit can archieve the same thing)

roads and walls don't decay and this towns are long lineages and quite close so even if some part decays , we can find our way back to them livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#2 2019-06-11 22:58:40

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: Connecting the longest lineages Yum-brave road

Wow, how can we check that sdout like you did? Can you teach me? I can help you later, I really love building roads. When a village dies, I just make a lot of axes, put them on a cart and go on a direction chopping down all trees on my way.

And now it's even better to build road, since Eves spawns closer then months ago, when we built a road connecting three bell towns (Many Eves' Town) that lasted for a month, even if Eves spawning futher and futher in a big spiral.


#3 2019-06-12 00:16:27

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Connecting the longest lineages Yum-brave road

well just live a life, stdout.txt will contain some data (even mid life)
jason removed coords but you can see family names

search for soemthing like "eve " or "hope" and scroll to list
copy list and paste to google sheets
hit data-separate text to columns choose space as delimiter
sort the names then hit data - remove duplicates (new feature)

will show a list of unique family names like


then you know this are your possibilities next life

head over … front_page

check the top 5 deep roots
click on the eve, chech her name
notice Eve Whisler is different than Eve Whisler II
might be same person but was a whisler family yesterday who died out

head over …
check bottom line
yesterday data
it will update at 09:00 gmt +0
with 8 hours of data
so you need a family to survive 16 ish hours
the next im not sure, today i catched a time where families were updated from yesterday and was only 10 hours ago
check the Eve name and search on it in names
copy id and search on it in the other txt
copy the coordinates
if want to be sure, check some more, like her daughter name
if you got 3 people same place, pretty sure there is the town

now that you got one Eve camp, you need one more
check all top 5 eves that day
copy out the names

(-45596,-50583) eve ladd III
(-49595,-45833) eve yum V
(-49015,-45146) eve brave

this can be used next week to find your way back if you do the same
might be hard task tho
if it has bell, it's possible

also you can use whatevers client Hetuw which can find you the bell town
or your related position
download the coordinate tracker
maybe add it to a program with hotkey ability (i use ctrl-shift M to show my coords)
as you see you can calculate distances for those eves by subtracting the coordinates

if you tired or shit at math use … 15,-45146)
just add coords to "()" and type distance from (0,0) to (1,1)
this will plot you the coords and he position, so you know the distance and the angle
note that i had 899 distance which is 140% of 600 cause is diagonal, and 0.82 actual ingame
on a square based map diagonals are technically same distance as straight ones
helps it imagine the angle, but better off subtract the vertical and horizontal and follow that, checking your position fro myour birth time to time

now if you found the other town then find a spot which has some sort of structure like oil well or well or stone wall
start a road toward the other town
if it's straight then is good, if not you can add turns and make like 3 roads to signal a turn
you can do a road upward then connect it to a city if it's like 100 left and 300 rightthen maybe choose 150 and do a few tiles of road sideways

now be realistic, if you got a distance like this, 600
then you might do like 50 roads
but also making a few fences helps

ideally you put one road at both targets and one road at every 5 tiles, can be more sideways
not sure, generalyl zoom players will follow it anyway
if you go on fault lines, then good to turn near wells, springs, spring sites, that will help people get water or make outpost
now a distance of 600 you can maybe make like 4 fences and  one tile every 10 away from each other
then others can gather, connect pieces
put a fence to each biome with resources
green and swamp always decent, desert gets empty, only the tarry spot and sulfur matters, kill snakes, ice just tarry spot and some seals and stone, jungle has some bana , savanah the rabbit clusters
this fences will be good for any horseman

if you tell both cities to make the road or leave a note ( i did write one stating that Brave town 600 away at NÉ)
people read and see the road start, they can just go that way in middle

i think many bell towns had 900 long road
now if you leave a stone  block each 100 tile with a sign on it like I-I,I- II , III , IV etc
each 200 tiles ( at a spring cause 40x5 is 200) then people can remember them better
one to nine isn't hard, x is a bit more expensive
one letter stock with sharp stone, one with flint
V+I is K then sharp stone makes X
this will only make sense if people make a few then make the stone blocks with "kilometer" signs
that why i say 200 is best and we should make it meta cause we can rather do 200 long road parts if possible then turn

diagonals don't have to be staircase to run fast on it, just touch diagonally

i guess a system with spring turns and 40 long roads would be best
so if one town is 0-0 and other is 45-200
then do 40 SE then 160 S
and at spring leave a stone with a board with I, meaning 40 tiles
and a horse fence or a property pen with a bush

Last edited by pein (2019-06-12 00:34:13) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#4 2019-06-12 00:40:31

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 855

Re: Connecting the longest lineages Yum-brave road

Think I found brave town

brave_town.PNG -- --
Custom client with  autorun, name completion, emotion keys, interaction keys, location slips, object search, camera pan, and more


#5 2019-06-12 01:04:31

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Connecting the longest lineages Yum-brave road

oh yeah we can even use wondibles map now, even fits on it wit ha bit of resize big_smile livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#6 2019-06-12 02:27:59

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: Connecting the longest lineages Yum-brave road

~Thank you very much @pein, I appreciate that information. smile


#7 2019-06-12 08:09:33

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Connecting the longest lineages Yum-brave road


this is  yum town

and this wa the plan
TQd0PiY.png livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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