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#1 2019-07-01 17:01:00

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

jesus mino uses hammer on knife

i was born as [jesus mino] and ask "how to disassemble knife" in a town with way too many knifes.
the only response that i get is "thats impossible" which i know to be false, as i whitnessed that knifes disassemble easily, i just forgot how exactly.
i waste 15 minutes of my life with dumb trial and error, till i get to use... well, the spoiler is in the title.

This story toggles between forst and second person, because i strongly dissasociate against the mino family and the jesus name and the curses that i was given, in a town full of paranoya and greed.
Second person sometimes makes for a funnier narrative here for those reasons.

[jesus mino] taught a whole city to use hammer on knife.
jesus mino learned interesting lessons to share.

--- end of summary, more detailed below:

mino town had too many knifes, and i was determined to either learn how to disassemble knifes, or to murder anyone with a knife or bear, because fuck that state, its gonna end in greed murder and grief, qand oh boy, it sure did.

I should have done the latter much more, the murdering of anyone with a knife, especially after teaching how to disharm a paranoid and megalomanic town. i had suspicions of megalomany on one particilar player, and i acted upon them way too late. I have regrets.
if you teach a town how to disassemble knifes, to make saws, shears and krautboards, and multiple people say (or act like) "i support your business" , and four people still refuse to give up their knife, none iof Them anywhere near the kitchen most of the time, you have just found your megalomanic future murderers (or at least murder supporters), and they just have to die before they make you die.
Greedy fucks sure tend to run far out of town a lot, where they hide things, or lock up things, well, this is where you must murder them, before they murder you.
Then its just self defense, and in the interest of a cooperative town, as you have just filtered out the greedy fucks from the people who want less knifes and more safety/cooperation.

The most surprising part of this story to me:
i was just taking the file and one of many hammers (file to prefent making more knifes, the city had plenty of thingss that reqwuire a file, so i could keep the file)
normalyl, i would have ben murdered point blank, just for posessing a file, but this town was different in that regards, because they already had too many knifes, they could not care less for the file anymore. the town was littered in three blades without shafts, so you know it was that bad.
i kept saying "use hammer on knife", and demonstrated to some, how to disassemble a knife, after they gifted a knife far away from the city (trusting situation)
in total, i used the hammer on four knifes, and prevented three more blades from being made into more knifers 8using file twice on blade makes useful tool)
i think, two players went as far as gifting me their only knife. three others only gifted ther knifes by force, after having murdered someone innocent. because this jesus mino doesnt fuck around naively. this jesus mino kills or be killed (in the end both happened, but jesus mino kd ratio is positive, so jesus mino doesnt casre if whiney griefing murderers curse and claim jesus mino were a griefer).

Too many people are greedy retards and megalomanic in a coop mmo, and that just ends in murder.
funny side story, one newbie completely misunderstood jesus mino clear message to "use hammer on knife", and wanted him to make more knifes. That was cute dumb adorable.
jesus mino replied "thats the oposite of what i do!" and just increased distance from that player to disassociate.

Mino city had pretty much one knife per player, and many players had two or three knifes. of course theyre not all malicious, but half of them tolerated and promoted a state of constant paranoya.
for that state alone, the mino family must die, cause its just not a fun multiplayer game state.
but of course it gets worse, after it gets better.
they were not all megalomanic, but they sure where unable and unwilling to completely prevent the murder of jesus mino.
at least four people did not murder jesus mino, after jesus mino stabbed one cunt, who stabbed a child for nonsensical greedy false flag shit.
so that proved that jesus mino "use hammer on knife" campaign had the whole town behind the back of jesus mino.
[jesus m,ino] was surprisaed, that many people gifted them their knife, sure, most cases this was aone of two knifes, and they never needed any knife. they should have gifted both knifes.
jesus mino turned knifes into shears, that were used to plant trees and skewers.

but jesus mino has regrest, becauase the mino town is full of retarded megalomaniacs, who did not listen to jesus.
instead, we had retard moms, who gifted their babies backpacks with knifes, just begging to have a murderer raised.
insteead, we had mothers, who threatened to murder a baby, for having taaken some cloth, in a town with plenty of cloth.
that mom later murdered that little child, i stabbed her, that dumb town cured her, and she stabbed and cursed jesus mino.

jersus mino stabbed three people, after they stabbed others, for megalomanic reasons, and for not using hammers on knifes.

as sayd before, most people on the town supported the "use hammer on knife" pohilosophy of jesus mino. but iof course, in a town with one knife per population, you always find atg least 2 murdering megalomaniacs, who heal each other, and curse jesus mino, and murder jesus mino. … id=4894844
jesus mino filal words, after killed with a bow in megalomanic vengeance by a grivous cunt, where "i kill griefers"
and many curses went around for a while in the mino town,
but at least jesus mino reduced the number of knifes in the town by half,.
mino still has too many knifes though, and has proven to having to die.
not just because of the knifes thing, but because i planned a big kitchen wall, and within a large wall, some retard build a much smaller (way too small) kitchen. and the whole mino family was dumb enough to let that happen. a too small room within a half build larger room.

the jesus name was just a summy bonus to this story.

just use knife on hammer, it makes people much happier, safer, and it sure exposes megalomaniacs that just support murder and grief. so you know who to not heal stab wounds of.

Last edited by ollj (2019-07-01 17:18:02)


#2 2019-07-01 17:40:00

Joseph Stalin
From: Москва
Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 207

Re: jesus mino uses hammer on knife

you killed lots of people you grifer


#3 2019-07-01 18:46:36

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 200

Re: jesus mino uses hammer on knife

Joseph Stalin wrote:

you killed lots of people you grifer

if yu grife yu get the knife

Insert OHOL-related signature here


#4 2019-07-01 18:49:07

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: jesus mino uses hammer on knife

Your solution to avoid greedy murders and grief is killing anyone who doesn't obey you? What a greedy retard megalomanic asshole griefer.
You're not the king or something like that. Some people have weapon to defend themselves, they're not obligated to give their weapons to a kid who wants to own the only knife. If you want to make more tools, destroy your knife to do them instead of stabbing people to steal their stuff.

Tyrants dictators use to disarm the population in order to have the only weapons and rule the country easily, and them, kill who doesn't agree with them, they pretend they are doing that for a good cause, but it's a lie, they are just greedy murders. And you look like them.

You are free to play the way you want, but don't pretend you're helping people doing this. You're just an ordinary griefer.


#5 2019-07-01 19:05:05

Registered: 2019-02-16
Posts: 245

Re: jesus mino uses hammer on knife

Who put you in charge of knife control?

I understand recycling knives that are just laying around, but to get angry because people won't give you the knife they have. That's crazy!  You do not know their reason for having that knife.. Personally, I like having a knife on me for the people who like getting all stabby on everyone.  I get stabby right back and eliminate the problem. 

If you asked me to hand over my knife so that you could recycle it, I would tell you to wait until I die. If I seen you stabbing people I would have instantly killed you! Stop thinking everyone has to play the game your way.

P.S. I think you need to take a little break from the game, it seems as if it's starting to take a toll on your sanity!

Last edited by Jojigirl (2019-07-01 19:09:21)


#6 2019-07-01 19:40:44

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: jesus mino uses hammer on knife

Steel blades can get smelted.  You also need one for the oil rig, for the bore, and for the lathe.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#7 2019-07-01 19:48:32

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Re: jesus mino uses hammer on knife

oh the tears of idiots who do not read.
more prove that any chat ingame is a waste of time.

well as of now, the mino is 2 girls 7 woman, anbd thee qin family, only slighly less dumb, is 2 tribes, wioth like 50 of those in total.

io get born to those three, and mino is soon extinct, with or without me, cause one newbie of the mino family had a peacefull meeting with the central qin town, so, we learned the language, and where warned of adjacency.

please join the angre retard mob that skipped to read the part where i wrote that i knifed people thaafter they knifed others, for their greedy insanity.

Last edited by ollj (2019-07-01 20:15:26)


#8 2019-07-02 02:47:20

Registered: 2019-05-12
Posts: 698

Re: jesus mino uses hammer on knife

ollj wrote:

oh the tears of idiots who do not read.
more prove that any chat ingame is a waste of time.

well as of now, the mino is 2 girls 7 woman, anbd thee qin family, only slighly less dumb, is 2 tribes, wioth like 50 of those in total.

io get born to those three, and mino is soon extinct, with or without me, cause one newbie of the mino family had a peacefull meeting with the central qin town, so, we learned the language, and where warned of adjacency.

please join the angre retard mob that skipped to read the part where i wrote that i knifed people thaafter they knifed others, for their greedy insanity.

You got to give credit where credit is due: you are not exactly good a writing either. XD

- I believe the term "Berrymuncher" is derogatory and therefore I shall use the term "Berrier" instead.

- Jack Ass


#9 2019-07-02 13:29:45

Registered: 2018-06-03
Posts: 114

Re: jesus mino uses hammer on knife

so basically if i have a knive and work my ass off killing sheep occationally slicing bread/turkey when noone else does it or go for rubber you'll be the one that goes after me because i dont wanna give it up? so what if i have a knive atleast if im old ill turn it to saw/laythe or shears when needed .... Also file is needed for dye shears and saw aswell and what about people making paper??? if i ever meet you you should stay on my good side dude because i dont hesitate -.-

im eve groot or eve degroot and if i dont care and spawn next to an item ill call myself eve (itemname)
420 mushroom cultist and proud of it!


#10 2019-07-02 22:17:15

Registered: 2019-04-28
Posts: 213

Re: jesus mino uses hammer on knife

Change the word knife with gun, then read it with a strong korean accent and the text just turns out funnier

make bread, no war


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