One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-07-29 03:33:25

Registered: 2019-07-29
Posts: 3

Character health.

What if there was an in all cases significant ingame reward for keeping your character well fed with a variety of different foods, and having a high genetic score? It could probably give you a bigger potential to your contributions for your family.
I'm telling you to imagine a "health system".

At first, you are born with 0% health. The maximum your health can go by default is 100%, and the default minimum it can get to is -100%. The absolute maximum it can get to is 125%, and the absolute minimum, -125%.

Having a high percentage of health can;
  *Make your hunger increase more slowly;
  *Make your character walk slightly faster;
  *Let you, at a young age, do tasks that would otherwise require you to be older;
  *Give you a higher chance of having babies;
  *Make your life lasts for just a few minutes more;
  *Increase your genectic fitness;
  *And more, maybe?

But otherwise, having a low percentage of health can;
  *Make your hunger increase faster;
  *Make your character walk slighty slower;
  *Decrease your chance of having babies;
  *And decrease your genectic fitness.

Off course, what can influence my health?
  *The Yum Bonus;
  *My genectic fitness;
  *Recovery from a lethal wound;
  *Having yellow fever;
  *And having a low number of lives, probably.

PS: Your genectic fitness could increase the maximum or minimum amount of health you can have slightly, depending on how high or low it is!


#2 2019-07-29 06:16:42

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Character health.

breeding board is not a real mirror of skill or anythign is just pure luck and a bunch of things you got no control of

you lose a lot of points in early camp cause people are too dumb to survive
you lose a lot of points by 5 year old kids deciding they don't want to be there

a hp bar would be needed so duels and wars are not one hit clown fiesta, it would have a bit of skill level and a bit of randomness, and a bit of threat for the attacker that it can go wrong if they mess with the wrong person

the yum bonus is quite bad in current form as people threat it like it matters
and don't realize how much time and resources they waste for their selfish goal livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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