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#1 2019-12-06 19:58:15

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Another Genetic Fitness Score reset is coming

Here's the deal:

Average lifespan is computed by last 10 lives for You on record.

If there aren't 10 live available, we "pad" the history with extra 30-y-o lives.  This is meant to make a more sensible average for brand new players who don't have that much history.

However, we also discard historical lives affecting your score beyond 25.  This includes You lives and all offspring for you.

What has been happening is this:

--We only keep 25 historical lives on record.

--We need 10 You lives from that record to compute your average lifespan

--Most people don't have 10 You lives in their 25-life window (the average is more like 5)

--Most people are eternally getting their average padded with several "30-year" dummy lives

--Even when they live to 60 constantly, their average hovers much lower because of this padding.

--Because score deltas for everyone (your ancestors and you) are computed based on your average, most people are getting bigger boosts from each offspring and You life than they should be.  Expert players, who constantly live to 60, are handing out fitness score boosts constantly.  (Their true average is 60, but the 30-year padding being used to get a 10-life average is pushing their computed average down to 45 or so).

--Major score inflation results.


Keep both You and non-You lives around in separate batches.  Make sure we keep 10 You lives (and 25 non-You lives), so that after a player has lived at least 10 lives, we stop using 30-year padding entirely.

Reset all scores back to 30 to give us a fresh start after this fix.

I'm sorry about this, but it was a hard inaccuracy to notice.  Thanks to miskas for pointing out that something was off, and Twisted for confirming that he was seeing the same thing (they both were living to 60 consistently, but still seeing their own scores go up from each subsequent 60 life they lived, when it should have leveled off).


#2 2019-12-06 22:18:40

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Another Genetic Fitness Score reset is coming

This fix (and the reset) is live now.


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