One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2020-02-10 20:45:24

Registered: 2020-01-20
Posts: 95

The stages of town development

Stage 1, The initial struggle. A brief period where Eve and kids setup camp in an optimal spot.

Stage 2, Idyallic Village. A period of stability and progress as the camp is expanded.

Stage 3, Rubber crisis. The first hurdle arises, People scramble for rubber.

Stage 3.5, The merging. Families begin to merge, starting to transition into cities.

Stage 4, The Second Crisis. Again the need to upgrade arises.

Stage 5, The Rest. Thousands of years of endless suffering. Original well was depleted centuries ago. Countless fights, Just enough effort so people can survive.


#2 2020-02-10 20:52:34

Registered: 2018-09-04
Posts: 11

Re: The stages of town development

You forgot Stage 6, whole town is slaughtered.


#3 2020-02-10 20:54:10

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 226

Re: The stages of town development

What the hell? There are like over ten stages, and the first crisis is NOT rubber.

What is an ominous blade blank?

It's that blade blank next to the file and short staff you see in a naked toddler's basket.


#4 2020-02-10 21:02:32

Registered: 2019-04-14
Posts: 304

Re: The stages of town development

I played two lives today after my extended break and we were definitely at stage five both times(maybe stage four for my first life). I tried to help nonetheless but I ran out of tool slots and had to beg someone to put kindling on our only dying fire and again had NO time to teach much of anything, tried to tell my son how to make shears but couldn't show him due to lack of slots lol!

Plus murders happened in one life where I managed to stay out of it but in my second life my son Jalen picked up a bby (first red flag) told him to drop and he did and said sorry. But then a few minutes later came looking for me with a bow and arrow saying "Mooooommm", I kept noping the fuck out of there and he didn't even get to target me but not too long after targeted our ONLY FERTILE woman and she DIDN'T MOVE out of the way and got shot! I took a gulp of pie, stabbed my son cursed someone for the first time since my break and that was that!

I also complained about always giving birth to a damn killer/kidnapper seeing as it happens SO OFTEN.

I should have taken the arrow in the beginning, then MAYBE someone would have taken him out before targeting the most important person to our survival but I don't know, that's life!



#5 2020-02-11 04:09:50

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: The stages of town development

well, you got  few steps like iron, tools, sheep pen
few challenges like axe before branches run out
mine before tools break
and well upgrade before the food runs out

rubber is a hard limit to all this, you better make maps, look around in the area
ride out if you are black, take sulfur with you
even better if you move finally
but that part is  not that interesting
you either close and got veterans, or you never had a chance

some towns are slightly better for resources, but there isn't much of a difference

oil game is the same, doesn't matter if they are gingers if they dumb they won't make oil for others. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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