One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2020-05-17 14:55:38

Registered: 2019-07-20
Posts: 339

The True Bison Followers and the False Queen Opaline Bison

I was Chad Bison and I was born to Aria Bison who was a very loving and caring mother. She taught her younger sisters along with her kids and praised their nobility. So when she passed the immediate family become very sad and disheartened. We did not like bowing down to our second and fourth cousins who held the highest title in the village. We wanted to praise and be loyal to OUR bloodline and not theirs. So with my Aunt Trinity and my sister Hanna we started a new leadership under the banner the True Bisons. We recruited the progeny of my mother and quickly rose from a small minority to a rival faction. None of the heretic none bloodline were allowed to join.  We established Hanna Bison of the leader of our group and our bloodline grew. Opaline the leader of the heretics was not happy about this. She kept proclaiming herself as the True leader and the true follower to bison but we knew better.

We told her we no longer obeyed her and we were a separate group. She was in disbelief but she said I will let your group do what it pleases but you all obey me we refused and called her a heretic. Tensions were rising and violence grew closer but the true bison followers and opaline the heretic did not want war so we made an agreement that war will not occur within our groups. There was peace within the village and our faction grew. By the time opaline was on her death bed the fake bisons and our distant cousins were in the minority and the true bisons has taken over the village. She begged that we reunite the tribes but I refused only the bloodline of aria bison shall persist.  She died ordering the bisons to reunite but it didn’t happen. The remaining progeny of Aria Bison that followed Opaline converged to True Bisons. As for Opalines blood line now... it still remains under her daughter felicity.

The true Bisons were of Aria Bison and her sisters.


#2 2020-05-17 15:04:35

Registered: 2018-06-17
Posts: 158

Re: The True Bison Followers and the False Queen Opaline Bison

I was one of felicity's sons.  I didn't see any of this drama unfold.  I didn't even see people talking to each other.  How strange.

I'm fish, deal with it or don't, idgaf


#3 2020-05-17 17:16:46

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: The True Bison Followers and the False Queen Opaline Bison

Lava wrote:

... Tensions were rising and violence grew closer but the true bison followers and opaline the heretic did not want war so we made an agreement that war will not occur within our groups....

love the story, just wonder if war would be even possible with the current system? It would be more like the majority slaughters the minority.


#4 2020-05-17 21:05:31

Registered: 2018-06-17
Posts: 158

Re: The True Bison Followers and the False Queen Opaline Bison

the story is made up and did not happen.

I'm fish, deal with it or don't, idgaf


#5 2020-05-17 21:22:19

Registered: 2019-07-20
Posts: 339

Re: The True Bison Followers and the False Queen Opaline Bison

This story is true you were either too young or not even born because when I died felicity was still fertile. Look at Opalines last words. Lmao a heretic Bison!!


#6 2020-05-18 14:54:02

Registered: 2019-07-20
Posts: 339

Re: The True Bison Followers and the False Queen Opaline Bison

Yes sadly even though when I died Aria bloodline was very prevalent and the Opalines were down to about two or three they some how managed to outlive the aria branch ?


#7 2020-05-18 17:10:40

Registered: 2019-07-20
Posts: 339

Re: The True Bison Followers and the False Queen Opaline Bison

Anyways I rekindled the Bison religion I hope it lasts I made a shrine aswell.


/ill green face


#8 2020-05-20 06:29:47

Bobo Bill
Registered: 2020-04-16
Posts: 14

Re: The True Bison Followers and the False Queen Opaline Bison

Then about 24 hours later true greatness arrived and wiped out the entire Bison Family leaving no war, no rebellion, just peace.

“I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.”

― Genghis Khan


#9 2020-05-20 07:33:00

Blue tinker
Registered: 2020-03-31
Posts: 53

Re: The True Bison Followers and the False Queen Opaline Bison

Bobo Bill wrote:

Then about 24 hours later true greatness arrived and wiped out the entire Bison Family leaving no war, no rebellion, just peace.

Are you sure it was you who wiped the town? I was in the town literally a generation before Bison family died. When I was dying there was a girl problem (one girl baby born by the only fertile female in town, who was already pretty old). As I look at the family tree none were killed by knives, bows, boars etc. It appears that the only fertile girl starved early and everyone commited suicide by starving … id=6234823
I knew the mother of the girl personally, I was the one who named her.

It's a shame that they died though. I made my protest sign 'NEED CONTENT' there. Now noone will see it. Also there was a ton of water.

New to the forum but not the game. Property fence enthusiast.


#10 2020-05-20 08:55:40

Registered: 2018-10-12
Posts: 663

Re: The True Bison Followers and the False Queen Opaline Bison

Can confirm the story is true


#11 2020-05-20 09:27:27

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: The True Bison Followers and the False Queen Opaline Bison

Blue tinker wrote:

It's a shame that they died though. I made my protest sign 'NEED CONTENT' there. Now noone will see it. Also there was a ton of water.

can be worth to reclaim the town...


#12 2020-05-20 09:36:42

Registered: 2020-03-31
Posts: 27

Re: The True Bison Followers and the False Queen Opaline Bison

Arcurus wrote:
Blue tinker wrote:

It's a shame that they died though. I made my protest sign 'NEED CONTENT' there. Now noone will see it. Also there was a ton of water.

can be worth to reclaim the town...

Why is it matter?
Jason doesn't play his own game so your sign 'NEED CONTENT' is useless.
So, the Bison fam dies out, what is the big deal?? With the current status of the game, towns die in 2-3 days is normal. Nothing worth to build, nothing worth to play.


#13 2020-05-20 10:03:31

Blue tinker
Registered: 2020-03-31
Posts: 53

Re: The True Bison Followers and the False Queen Opaline Bison

minth wrote:
Arcurus wrote:
Blue tinker wrote:

It's a shame that they died though. I made my protest sign 'NEED CONTENT' there. Now noone will see it. Also there was a ton of water.

can be worth to reclaim the town...

Why is it matter?
Jason doesn't play his own game so your sign 'NEED CONTENT' is useless.
So, the Bison fam dies out, what is the big deal?? With the current status of the game, towns die in 2-3 days is normal. Nothing worth to build, nothing worth to play.

My sign is my form of protest. It lasts pretty much forever (server wipes are a thing, I know), I don't sit around acting like I like the current state of the game while also not killing everyone else like Bobo Bill. And it matters to me simply because I spent quite some time making it and now it turns out few players have seen it.

New to the forum but not the game. Property fence enthusiast.


#14 2020-05-20 14:20:10

Registered: 2019-05-12
Posts: 698

Re: The True Bison Followers and the False Queen Opaline Bison

Blue tinker wrote:
minth wrote:
Arcurus wrote:

can be worth to reclaim the town...

Why is it matter?
Jason doesn't play his own game so your sign 'NEED CONTENT' is useless.
So, the Bison fam dies out, what is the big deal?? With the current status of the game, towns die in 2-3 days is normal. Nothing worth to build, nothing worth to play.

My sign is my form of protest. It lasts pretty much forever (server wipes are a thing, I know), I don't sit around acting like I like the current state of the game while also not killing everyone else like Bobo Bill. And it matters to me simply because I spent quite some time making it and now it turns out few players have seen it.

Unfortunaately Jason only listens when you break something. Signs aren´t really making anything.

- I believe the term "Berrymuncher" is derogatory and therefore I shall use the term "Berrier" instead.

- Jack Ass


#15 2020-05-20 22:25:35

Registered: 2019-07-02
Posts: 168

Re: The True Bison Followers and the False Queen Opaline Bison

Lava wrote:

I was Chad Bison and I was born to Aria Bison who was a very loving and caring mother. She taught her younger sisters along with her kids and praised their nobility. So when she passed the immediate family become very sad and disheartened. We did not like bowing down to our second and fourth cousins who held the highest title in the village. We wanted to praise and be loyal to OUR bloodline and not theirs. So with my Aunt Trinity and my sister Hanna we started a new leadership under the banner the True Bisons. We recruited the progeny of my mother and quickly rose from a small minority to a rival faction. None of the heretic none bloodline were allowed to join.  We established Hanna Bison of the leader of our group and our bloodline grew. Opaline the leader of the heretics was not happy about this. She kept proclaiming herself as the True leader and the true follower to bison but we knew better.

We told her we no longer obeyed her and we were a separate group. She was in disbelief but she said I will let your group do what it pleases but you all obey me we refused and called her a heretic. Tensions were rising and violence grew closer but the true bison followers and opaline the heretic did not want war so we made an agreement that war will not occur within our groups. There was peace within the village and our faction grew. By the time opaline was on her death bed the fake bisons and our distant cousins were in the minority and the true bisons has taken over the village. She begged that we reunite the tribes but I refused only the bloodline of aria bison shall persist.  She died ordering the bisons to reunite but it didn’t happen. The remaining progeny of Aria Bison that followed Opaline converged to True Bisons. As for Opalines blood line now... it still remains under her daughter felicity.

The true Bisons were of Aria Bison and her sisters.

Twisted wrote:

Can confirm the story is true

They both speak the truth!! Opaline (aka Twisted):


#16 2020-05-20 22:34:54

Registered: 2018-06-17
Posts: 158

Re: The True Bison Followers and the False Queen Opaline Bison

that's nice but it wasn't going on when I was there.  ArPee isn't my deal though so maybe 100 tiles out of my zoomed area it was all going down.

I'm fish, deal with it or don't, idgaf


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