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#1 2018-04-22 16:42:26

Registered: 2018-04-22
Posts: 5

Are all towns gone?

The most advanced settlement I have seen since the update was a carrot farm that died out after two generations. Have you guys seen towns like before or are they all gone now?


#2 2018-04-22 16:50:35

Registered: 2018-03-30
Posts: 12

Re: Are all towns gone?

I haven't seen any since yesterday.


#3 2018-04-22 17:08:13

Aurora Aurora
From: Tuppsala (HAHA FATTAR NI!?!?!)
Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 839

Re: Are all towns gone?


One of the original veterans.
Go-to person for anything roleplay related.
4 years in the community.
Unbanned from the discord.


#4 2018-04-22 17:18:10

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 26

Re: Are all towns gone?

the town with two bells? lived like seven lifes there, i build a house next to the monument and some schmuck placed a pine wall where is suposed to be a door, now the cathedral is favela like.


#5 2018-04-24 09:36:29

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Are all towns gone?

i literally spwaned on top of a farm with a girl and idiot blonde guy
i remmebered him, the run before a blonde guy stole my basket with ropes
and this run he had a bow and arrow, i was running around and shot on me, missed, i wnet out, found he other bow, shot him then he complains about beeing murdered

seems you spawn very close to smaller camps, i had many runs when kid suicies and in like 3 mins i find an empty village with some tools, kilns, good position, near water, etc livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#6 2018-04-24 10:33:03

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 445

Re: Are all towns gone?

I've seen a few places that are more well off than others but nothing I'd class as a city.  I consider spawning in a carrot farm to be lucky because I've been getting mostly wild eves.
Nothing seems to last longer than a few generations and even then it's often a very small civ. I've seen uninhabited ruins of a city, everything was overgrown and decayed.

I had a fairly decent life recently in which I lived to 60. It was small encampment but we had the means to craft steel tools and a sheep pen was completed in my lifetime. I had 1 son and 1 daughter that made it to adulthood, the rest died off. I got grandkids which I was pretty happy about.

There was one good looking civ I saw but they killed me for being a boy, went there later as an eve and everyone had died and everything of value decayed.

"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"


#7 2018-04-24 11:01:52

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Are all towns gone?

you were the girl in the other city i gave my seal skin?

i made a new one, someone cut my marker, bell rang top left, i somehow missed the way back, its not too hard to miss, its an ice biome into a swamp

stressed out when i enetered a huuuuge desert, then i found small camps, in the end i dint kept my last kid, i was lost, went back to a bigger camp, cleaned up a bit and left them a lot of fence kits, like 15 and picked all branches off trees. if i ever born back, i go find that ruins.

that "city" we were was a graveyard, two runs i ran away from it occasionally checking back, not even for refill just to drop off babies or some stuff

if you got a set of tools its pretty much a nice place.
ofc sheep and roads makes a good city

today i spawned twice into a desert village, once i was left alone, then only my family was there, we had ice holes in desert, like 3 horses, sheep pen, escaped sheeps, a knife
never seen whats in south city

and yesterday i was running like 10 minutes to a bell tower with roads, small farm, a lady was rude, telling me that eves eat their food and they get famine. well eves give up half their lifes and its kinda fun to find a bell. my son told me to kill them. should of started with the guard, still wiped a family out. i wanna do that again, wild eves going wild with kids xD livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#8 2018-04-24 11:29:55

Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 61

Re: Are all towns gone?

The city is in its original place. JUST


Last edited by JS (2018-04-24 11:32:37)


#9 2018-04-24 20:12:30

Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 5

Re: Are all towns gone?

pein wrote:

today i spawned twice into a desert village, once i was left alone, then only my family was there, we had ice holes in desert, like 3 horses, sheep pen, escaped sheeps, a knife
never seen whats in south city

I was there once! Twice actually. First life my sister used the knife to kill some of our siblings. I starved while we were setting up to cook some pies. Immediately was reborn as my sister's daughter. It was seriously crazy though, like fifty ice holes all clustered together in the desert. I don't remember there even being any snow anywhere!


#10 2018-04-24 20:22:29

Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 45

Re: Are all towns gone?

I found a town yesterday as a rogue male. I spent my whole life there alone. They had a small carrot patch of like 15 plots, a forge and all the starter tools. I was able to determine that it was griefed to death by someone who unleashed three bears nearby, and this was further evidenced by their "Griefer Camp"; a small patch of trees with a bunch of pies hiding, and a Bow, Arrow and knife, along with their skeleton.

I spent my entire life solo at that town- I reorganized the whole town until I was old enough to pull a cart, after which I made a cart and went and collected stuff to make a full set of clothes and arrows. I tracked and killed all the bears, brought back the pies to the town, and fashioned three bear rugs. On my last five years, as I was marveling at my accomplishments, a mother and her child stumbled across me. I told them about the town and its bear problem, and how I had slain all the bears single handed. I then passed my clothing onto the child, told him where the food was, and told him to be good.

Hopefully they made it.

I feel like any civ's that make it to the advanced stages are brought to ruin through how absolutely cluttered and awful long term storage has become.


#11 2018-04-24 21:06:53

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: Are all towns gone?

There is a hidden city on the edge of the desert and marsh with a patch of land that is the same temp as naked in a campfire with a big stone wall about a third the way completed and two blocks I cut incorrectly when trying to help make walls :$.. It might still be there. If you find it there is plenty of water north and there is a fence post for the horse cart at the water hole and a half done sheep pen with loose sheep roaming like madmen. If you find it we worked hard on that city <3

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#12 2018-04-25 02:07:47

Registered: 2018-04-08
Posts: 29

Re: Are all towns gone?

I found a huge city, all stone walls and like a million berry bushes, not sure on which server. When I first found it, I just stumbled upon it as an Eve. The people there told me it was 'Berryland' and tried to kill me, but I ran away, stealing some of their pies, and later their axe. I eventually died of old age, and was reborn inside the city. My mom refused to name me because I misclicked and jumped out of her arms. Eventually more and more people were born into it, and I just abandoned it and returned to the old camp I had as an Eve.

Just... a bad place to be, I believe. Didn't really enjoy the lives I lived in/near it.

Last edited by lostlandofcarrots (2018-04-25 16:49:06)


#13 2018-04-25 09:58:55

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 445

Re: Are all towns gone?

Had another somewhat decent life, had a shit ending tho. Was born in another desert town, we started with a good amount of stuff.  I spent most of my life forging tools with my sister. We had a sheep farm already and it was going fairly well, I didn't spend much time in the carrot farm. I actually lived off berries and cactus fruit for most of my life.

Apart from that I made some mutton pie and tried to teach kids. One of the kids even called me "Dad" because I fed them berries and taught them stuff. It was all well until I got older. The carrot farm was neglected and all the women were pumping out hoards of rotten kids. They descened upton the carrot farm like a swarm of locusts, The niece that I raised was desperetly trying to keep them under control but without success.

I was getting old and cranky, I considured getting my knife out and slaying most of the kids. I still liked my village and I didn't want to be remembered as some griefer that slayed the children. I decided to pass on my backpack to my niece, with the knife included. I told her to do whatever it took to protect and keep everyone alive, even if it meant killing the ignorent.

With my weapon gone, I longer posed a threat to my village. I intended to continue my work for the reminder of my life. Unfortunely kids had eaten up all of the food supply. I see one of the kids with a pack full of carrots, "Can you spare an old man a carrot" I tell him. "No" Says the very friendly kid. Them fucking ungratful little snobs, I put in a lifetime of hardwork, I worked tirelessly smithing and baking, yet in the end they couldn't even spare me a single gooddamm carrot.

I hope my niece cut a few of them down after I died.

"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"


#14 2018-04-25 10:39:45

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Are all towns gone?

i seen a few connected camps, actually most of cities are like that, you go two biomes and you find stuff
i always build something useful or make a desert camp with bunny meat cooking equipment, flatstone road in desert
fix sheep pens to diagonal entrance

one city had tons of snake skin, wolf skins, no milkweed, i started as little girl and survived somehow, with one cousin
we both had tons of kids, we had plenty of stuff, but small carrot farm, but cactus was nice, they cant destroy it and is hot there, so i tought i keep them all. had like 18 kids that run, i swear, i fed 15 and seen one grandkid, most of them died, showed my last son my milkweed farm, i made the first cart and got the rope for second, rest was babysitting, i rejected the last 3 kids, enough is eough, what is weird, little worms are stuck inside the city, plenty of cactus, plenty of berry in a connected green biome, no one survives

and my last run i was in a city with 6 forges/kilns in a row, only two soil, one was wormy, had to take out worm
my bro/cousin dunno was same age, he brought four soil, but he died, also another two ladies and all my kids
then around 35 i was alone, 36 i had a daughter then another then a son, i kept all of them and my son grew up when i went grey
told them to pick out everything, we had plenty of seed, dunno what happened to the soil, someone filled cisterns picked seed out, and made us a favor, i made the fence better cause a guy made all sheeps escape, exept one. told a kid to smith a knife and cut them, i met him my next life, they had a knife or two.
i was running out of ideas so i called them Lux, Fux (became future) and Mux. i became the daughter of my daughter Future but she didnt fed me, my cousin fed me once, my mom dragged me to desert i ran back, then somehow told that im granny.
i brought tons of soil, but the city collapsed anyway. nobody made milkweed and too many kids. still no horse, no saddle made, and they even lost most skins.
I managed to scout north, get berry bowls and placed in the pen. hope no one eats it as i had no carrots to put in them,
Last breath i showed a lady my small carrot farm, as everything was barely watered from 5 seeds we got from wilderness, ideal place, has only four soil, but lot of water, if they extend south they can find the other villages. there were some bells to north west i think. if i get back to there i can still fix it i think. now i know like few hundreds of tile away the place of thngs. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#15 2018-04-29 13:17:53

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Are all towns gone?

today i spawned twice in a city with many dry wells but plenty of ponds and berries, an impressive sheep pen, kinda weirdly made out of stone, small farm, big desert. first time the berry even regrown some so we fedsheep and made clothes, were many famines but people held p, and the city is going, plenty of cactus north but people still fcking up carrot field
we made 4 compost first run then a lot of dung, we were short on plates, but no one bring clay, no one kept fire alive, they just wandering eating, talking. running around searching for stuff already made.
carts were gone but some never returned, baies took most of my time, kept all non duplicates, when holding one didnt kept next as i was explaining
my last breath made some plates and died near kiln
saved a grandson as little boy in famine, fed him cactus on the path, raised him, even found my daughter in red clothing and she named him

second run as male, they geared me up, mom was making marker and then picked me up so lucky, i havent had to make my own. she was new and had to tell her how to name, but she raised me well, i took a pie, then head out to desert with my pack and a basket, i was kinda selfish for pack, but then is the only thing i need more than clothes, brought some baskets of cactus, then with cart even more, survived many famines, people stole a lot
i shot a girl eating seed row
then i made a small fence entrance, thrash pit around 1x3 zone seed row, at least they need to put down the fence and someone can tell not to take, in two runs wasnt further than the nordic desert, people made some fences elsewhere to stop with horse, some horses are still in desert, city can go for few hours at least, if the seed is secure and berries regrow time to time, everyone should be clothed in wool

enjoyed both runs, next time i try to explore more, setup my own pen somewhere, make tools, plenty of possibilities, not much green biome nearby and havent seen the savannas either, first run wasnt many backpacks, nor baskets, second run wasnt many tools . people killing boys then girls are unproductive. me and aut were so big superstars big_smile fully geared snakeskin shoe, she even had the painted wool. had a son , called me dad cause fed him cactus until grew up livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#16 2018-04-29 23:41:08

Registered: 2018-04-14
Posts: 100

Re: Are all towns gone?

That sounds a bit like a pen me and some other weirdo did recently, if it was west past the water ponds and had really long hallways both on top and bottom side and multiple questionable design features, also a lot of trash pits.

I started that thing but got too old to get anywhere. Then I spawned there again in another life and there was a second one started next to it. Then me and some other dude worked to finish it, though we had some conflicting ideas and the design got very weird as a result.


#17 2018-04-30 02:29:57

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Are all towns gone?

haha it became very small , couldnt holdenough pooo livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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