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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2020-08-17 19:27:11

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

At Present More Content Might Mean More Racism

When peppercorns got added, there existed a new expectation placed on browns only, namely that they provide peppercorns to the world, and no one else had that responsibility. 

More content in tundra, desert, or jungle similarly might increase the amount of racism in game in the form of increased expectations of members of one race only to provide something for others.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#2 2020-08-17 21:09:02

Registered: 2019-05-31
Posts: 11

Re: At Present More Content Might Mean More Racism

While I think the intention of this mechanic was to encourage multi-racial cooperation for long-term success, I do agree that it does unnecessarily add some racist elements to the game.

It's not like your skin color prevents you from actually functioning correctly in the desert in real-life. I know this is a game, but it's just a bit strange. I think the random languages are really cool and really all that is needed as a distinction (besides appearance) between the races.

But, honestly, more than anything racial zone restrictions just add a lot of unnecessary frustration to the game.. To me, it makes the map feel smaller (and less dangerous) when you cannot interact with things in certain zones. I don't even remember the last time I had to dodge a snake. But that's just how the game is now. The villages are almost all late game and the game is super easy. It's complicated to learn new recipes but that often isn't what I feel like doing when I want to play.

Obviously it is a crafting game and always has been, but it also used be a survival game. I miss playing early civilizations and eve lives where I felt like I could actually die but make a significant impact if I didn't. I loved following up on these civilizations and seeing how far they would go. I enjoyed the challenge of trying to help a new Eve player start a successful civilization. I even enjoyed the fact that most villages just didn't work out even if you felt like you did everything humanly possible. I know there are Eve civilizations still but usually I feel like I am just stuck playing in the same three villages now. I know the player population might not support many new civilizations anymore, but I really do feel like this could be tuned up a bit...I can't be the only one that prefers playing in new civilizations.

While I have been playing again lately, I don't think I will ever enjoy it again in the way I used to. And that's because it just isn't the direction Jason chose for the game. My play style was almost completely phased out as viable way to enjoy the game anymore.

It is what it is, but I do think things like racial restrictions ultimately contributed to this. I think the game instantly gets better if this mechanic is completely removed.

I also personally miss the randomly generated map but that is a whole different discussion...

Last edited by dankm00dy (2020-08-17 21:34:42)


#3 2020-08-17 21:30:36

Registered: 2019-10-11
Posts: 589

Re: At Present More Content Might Mean More Racism

Quit whining about racism because it's just big MEHHH. If you want pepper you don't slaughter browns. Racial restrictions is totally for co-op, not for race kills (I wish it was). Race restrictions, especially food cravings, means you will spend good time of your life on gathering some stuff just because they crave it. This forced exchange is not fun at all, game turned in wrong direction.

Last edited by Gogo (2020-08-17 21:32:21)


#4 2020-08-17 21:51:16

Registered: 2019-05-31
Posts: 11

Re: At Present More Content Might Mean More Racism

For the record, I don't fault Jason for trying to force an economy and trade into the game. I just don't think it worked out in practice because the game was just never designed for it from the start.

I hold no ill feelings against Jason (as I know many do), but I do feel like he strayed away from his original vision of the game. I THINK the issue was that this big vision wasn't all fully fleshed out from the start. His vision evolved as he developed the game (rather than sticking to its roots) and this ultimately led to many of the changes causing people to quit the game. I think it is a classic case of trying to fix what wasn't broken while ignoring things that could really improve the game such as QoL (like he recently focused on), more in-game technology, alternate technology, new zones and animals, etc. I just wonder where the game would be if he focused on these elements the entire time instead of trying to transform the game into a different one.

Honestly, I think a lot of Jason's ideas that he tried to make work would've been best left for a follow-up game or sequel. I just think he tried to turn this game into something it wasn't.

For anyone returning, the actual 'soul' of the game is VERY different than it was upon release. This is not to say all is bad... I do think the game could be in its best state ever with a few significant updates just by going back to basics. But I am not a game developer, so what do I know?

Last edited by dankm00dy (2020-08-17 21:53:41)


#5 2020-08-17 22:40:52

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 841

Re: At Present More Content Might Mean More Racism

I wish people could have babies far from home, multiracial towns would be nice.

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veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl


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