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#1 2020-09-13 08:28:38

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Since we are lately talking so much about neural networks....

.... there is a theory that our universe is "simulated"  / described in one.....

So we may be AIs (one view with certain personal traits on the neural network) that talk to AIs  (another view with certain personal traits on the neural network) already....

Why we talk to different viewpoints of our self? I guess first of all to have fun (what to do else with eternity?) and second to understand better our multi personalities through a dialog and then evolve through integrating the third perspective that evolves out of the dialog of the two perspectives....

I look froward to if the theory will be falsified or not. It would be enough to falsifie it if one part of our current universe cannot be explained through it.... … simulation

i long time was thinking about a game, which is basic jump and run game with evolving monsters, where all beings in it are using the same neural network....

Was also thinking if the world in this game is used itself to store the connection of the neurons, like changing the world will change the neurons and changing the neurons will change the world.... dont yet know how later could be implemented, but i guess connecting all "beeings" in the game with one neural network should not be that difficult with the knowledge about neural networks we have already...

And i guess a simulating world game where you not only can talk to an AI, but also the AI moves the beings around would be fascinated....
In an later step the different worlds of different players could be connected altogether and these neural network is therefore "distributed" on the computers of the players....

@jason maybe that would be a nice project? And maybe this may come closer to the truth how our world functions then we may have thought....

this would also explain how all the powers work that are described in eastern Philosophie... in the end its all a big mind game smile

Last edited by Arcurus (2020-09-13 08:36:44)


#2 2020-09-13 08:45:35

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Since we are lately talking so much about neural networks....

Our reality is clearly not a game, because there are no save points.

Prove me wrong.


#3 2020-09-13 09:05:34

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Since we are lately talking so much about neural networks....

DestinyCall wrote:

Our reality is clearly not a game, because there are no save points.

Prove me wrong.

if there would be save points and if all is in one neural network, the network would have to save itself in itself, which is quite impossible so only if "our"" world is actually not one world but a multi world then one world could be saved in another world...  so we dont know yet actually know if "our" part of the world has some kind of "save points", but actually if we consider "our" world as all the hole neural network itself, as said above, then at least in this theory there would never be perfect save points, so i guess be careful what you do, since undoing it might be quite near to impossible....

(actually considering the players itself, having a save point in OHOL is impossible, since players changed meanwhile after the saving, i guess thats also Jasons point, why he is not keeping families alive during server downs). So actually considering the player(s) itself as part of the game, save points are just an illusion and never be 100% possible, since the player itself changed meanwhile.... So only a game which is never influenced in any way by the player can have a save point, but in this case the player would nothing be more then an observer, which can only decide which part of the game which is nothing else then an movie he looks at. Since there might be multiple movies, with multiple different evolving story lines, choosing the movie you look at might look as if you are playing the game, but then still if the observer changes while observing the movie the movie might change the observer, and through that resetting the observer is only possible if it is a smaller part of an bigger observer, but the biggest all including observer most likely wont have "a save point" since there is no observer other then him who observed him fully and therefore could reset any state, then the sate this observer is in, so again, sorry, there might be only partial illusionär save games, but not a full one...

By the way, there is a theory which says, that it is possible to go back in time, if there are certain conditions, like a rotating universe and and (i think it was contracting) universe....

If this is true, then i wonder if not all celestial rotating bodies would "create" such an "time loope" (they rotate and through their gravity contract the space) and actually our so called perception of time would be nothing else then an overlapping of these different time loops which we are in, which influence each other. This could also explain, why certain patters, come back dayly, monthly yearly and so on at a certain time point....

It would be as you life in many different time loops and actually while going through your day, month, year, you actually would constantly travel "back" (actually its more as if you travel forward in time, but time is in a circle so at one point you are back to the same point) in time and actually would constantly change your actual past....

Sadly for you, since there are many many different time loops which overlap each other, it might be quite tricky to "optimize" all your "pasts" perfectly, but i guess you could start optimizing with the simple ones first and actually through that change your "past".

Funny theory, look forward if it is proofen to be wrong....

And funny that actually in this multiple time loop theory you would "use" actually constantly muliple time machines smile 

The universe might be more fun that you yet believe smile I guess its like in the movie Groundhog Day, just that you dont recognize easily the repetition, since you are trapped in multiple overlapped time loops, but i guess the easy ones like daily, monthly yearly patterns, should be quite easy to debug if you keep track of them...

Sadly for you also in this theory of time loops, it would be quite difficult if not impossible to restore to a save point...

But if actually all is the consequence of one initial starting "wave" then in an looping universe there is actually a change that the wave itself comes back to its beginning sooner or later....

Last edited by Arcurus (2020-09-13 09:19:40)


#4 2020-09-13 09:32:14

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Since we are lately talking so much about neural networks....

DestinyCall wrote:

Our reality is clearly not a game, because there are no save points.

Prove me wrong.

so the short answer is. You fall into the trap believing that any game has a true save point. But if you include the player(s) itself no game has a perfect save point, just illusionary save points, since the state of the player(s) must be saved too. So there are only save points that pretend to be save points, but in truth they are far from beieng save points where you can go back to, since meanwhile you as the player, changed....

And resetting you as player, requires an bigger "player" that includes / saved your state, so resetting "your" game is only possible if you are part of a bigger game, but the biggest all including game, cannot reset itself, since it cannot save the complete state it was in before in itself without changing itself.

Last edited by Arcurus (2020-09-13 09:34:58)


#5 2020-09-13 19:07:49

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Since we are lately talking so much about neural networks....

Or perhaps the Game has no save points for us, because we are not the players.  We are all just NPCs in someone else's game.


#6 2020-09-13 19:45:42

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Since we are lately talking so much about neural networks....

DestinyCall wrote:

Or perhaps the Game has no save points for us, because we are not the players.  We are all just NPCs in someone else's game.

could be smile


#7 2020-09-14 20:58:10

Registered: 2018-01-22
Posts: 712

Re: Since we are lately talking so much about neural networks....

This world being a simulation wouldn't mean that we're AI. We'd still be people, just people made of simulated atoms.


#8 2020-09-15 00:46:35

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Since we are lately talking so much about neural networks....

The simulation hypothesis assumes that reality as we know it is actually an incredibly sophisticated computer simulation of actual reality.   Any life within the simulation would be simulated life.  Any intelligence would be simulated intelligence.   So yes ... that would make us very advanced AI.

If reality is actually a computer simulation, that is.


#9 2020-09-15 01:02:19

Registered: 2018-12-29
Posts: 579

Re: Since we are lately talking so much about neural networks....

if we were a simulation then the technology to create this simulation must be so advanced that we couldn't even dare, to understand it... imagine  , to be able to create not only a planet not only a solar system, but an entire universe that is endlessly growing! a simulation that when its inhabitants start studying the finer details they find atoms, and laws!

A being to create such a powerful tool might as well be gods to

but I don't believe our reality is a simulation, because we have the ability  to be creative, to make art, to make music, to make OHOL... and computers just can't be creative, at least not like us

"hear how the wind begins to whisper, but now it screams at me" said ashe
"I remember it from a Life I never Lived" said Peaches
"Now Chad don't invest in Asian markets" said Chad's Mom
Herry the man who cheated death


#10 2020-09-15 01:31:52

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Since we are lately talking so much about neural networks....

Not yet, anyway.   

Perhaps someday, if the technology improves enough ...


#11 2020-09-15 09:08:26

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Since we are lately talking so much about neural networks....

'antking: wrote:

but I don't believe our reality is a simulation, because we have the ability  to be creative, to make art, to make music, to make OHOL... and computers just can't be creative, at least not like us

i wont bet on that... just look at Jasons new AI game and look at the answers of the AI.

There are now games out where actually the game master of a dungeons and dragons game is an AI and invents the hole world on the fly.

There are AIs, that can create hole orchestra plays, that are not distinguishable from human made ones...

And we are just at the beginning....


#12 2020-09-15 14:30:15

Registered: 2020-09-09
Posts: 58

Re: Since we are lately talking so much about neural networks....

You guys should what kurgestatch (I spelled that wrong) videos they cover these type of topics and use as scientifically accurate info as possible

I’m Gama I flaunt my ideas, and I’m fabulous
But I’ve allready said too much.


#13 2020-09-15 15:49:23

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: Since we are lately talking so much about neural networks....

antking:]# wrote:

if we were a simulation then the technology to create this simulation must be so advanced that we couldn't even dare, to understand it... imagine  , to be able to create not only a planet not only a solar system, but an entire universe that is endlessly growing! a simulation that when its inhabitants start studying the finer details they find atoms, and laws!

A being to create such a powerful tool might as well be gods to

but I don't believe our reality is a simulation, because we have the ability  to be creative, to make art, to make music, to make OHOL... and computers just can't be creative, at least not like us

I don't think creating simulated universe, atoms and laws is a big of a deal, we already have that simulated, just don't have the same quality as the real ones because we would need absurd huge amounts of processing and storage, but I don't doubt it will be doable in 1000 years (If human race survives), years ago I head about a bio-HDD that could store information on DNA, a room full of those bio HDDs (that's not te real name) would be enough to store all the stored information in the world, even the whole internet. I don't know what happened to this bio-HDDs but I think in 1000 years our super-computers will be nothing compared to a kid's laptops.

Computers can be creative or at least think they are creative. Machine learning can create wonderful things based on inputs, we can be an ol' machine learning system and be creating things our creators have never imagined based on their inputs.

If humans don't die, one day we will be able to simulate evolution scenarios and see how it would be if a thing or other Wes different, or simulate a million earths to check the prob of something happening.


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