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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#26 2018-04-21 19:45:46

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 100

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

I had to check the decay rates on, because I didn't encounter any established villages while playing for three hours. If you call being starved by mums over and over, or as eve looking for a sustainable spot "playing". It was actually rather frustrating to begin from scratch.

The decay rates of 2 hours or even less are ridiculous! Your 15 servers hardly ever hold 200 people at one given time @JASON!!

You say 5 generations, as if people play non stop at the same location. You know we are spread out all over the place. sad


#27 2018-04-21 19:48:21

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 100

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

@Jason Did you update the server files also? I get a server-client mismatch after I updated my private server.


#28 2018-04-21 20:01:13

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

If we are going down this path, it seems like the decay rate should be reduced if items are placed indoors. That way you can store things for later use, without having to make everything as needed.


#29 2018-04-21 20:06:34

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 100

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

Aurora Aurora wrote:

Okay so the new update is just making everythign shit. I like the farming thing but the rest is pure shit. Heres some of my input on how to fix it!

Number 1 -

Make things decay much, much slower. Let's say I have a basket, right now baskets decay every 30 minutes and then they regenerate. Baskets and tools should decay after 60 - 90 years of use. As to not ruin organization and farming every 30 minutes.

Number 2 -

Make the items repearable. You can't do anything with broken items at the moment. Not even throw them in the pit. This makes huge amounts of trash that we cant get rid of. To prevent this items should be fixeable. Maybe add a toolbox that when combined with an item fixes it.

Number 3 -


I dont understand why Jason keeps making the game harder and harder even though everyone on the forum is telling him that it's absolutely not what we want! We want (at least most of us) small roleplaying trinkets, new animals, signs, adams and dads, and like a million other things that dont involve making the game almost unplayable because its so hard!

I am really salty about this, I just wanna have some roleplay fun and marry my brother but instead I have to survive as an eve every fuckign game trying to get to the bell of the same dying civilazation with rotting tools and a hardened farm every fucking game!



#30 2018-04-21 21:23:32

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 4

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

Tools, clothes, backpacks and carts breaking is fine. Maybe the uses/time to break might need to be increased somewhat, but probably not that much.

Baskets breaking is extremely annoying though and makes any form of storage and organization almost impossible, as long as we do not have more permanent storage. Wooden boxes are not enough, because you need baskets for all the small stuff. As long as we don't have anything similar to baskets that is permanent, baskets must be permanent. And once we do have something like that baskets should last at least a full lifetime, if not two.


#31 2018-04-21 21:44:15

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 34

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

Lily wrote:

the decay rate should be reduced if items are placed indoors. That way you can store things for later use, without having to make everything as needed.



#32 2018-04-21 22:40:17

Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 3

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

Sorry man, I don't like this update. I like the concept, but I think focusing on what the game is about a bit more would be nice. The whole concept of the game in your intro video is what we do lasts FOREVER! and now it all decays and doesn't last for long at all?  Low blow as far as I'm concerned. lowest of the low. that concept of legacy is why I paid money for your game. The apocalypse was marginally fine, but this is stupid. please fix this update, I believe that it ruins the game too much, what we make in the game should last as long as you told us it would in the intro video.... forever (unless there is an apocalypse). Big fan of the game and would hate to see it die.


#33 2018-04-21 23:10:46

Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 19

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

The beginning problem with decay is especialy from baskets. They are hard to make.

2 Tule Reeds respawn after 1 hour and 1 basket decay after 30min.
2 Wheat, waste 2 soil to make 1 basket.

And you need wheat and reed to make another things like compost, adube. This is all insane, not sustainable, and we can't go nomads, there is no food for everyone.

Some ideas:

1) 1 basket from 2 reeds and they decay after you could do 2 more (basket decay 1h, reeds respawn 30min)

2) We could use something like a clay pot that works like a basket (maybe 2 clays + and smash it with stone), that would make clay expansive and that's awesome for expeditions. But if clay don't respawn will be another problem. People lost many plates and pies are the best food, we could grab only pie and leave plates there.


#34 2018-04-21 23:25:28

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 22

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

Babsy wrote:

So far I only spawned to naked mums over and over, so there goes your idea of spawning by temp requirement...

I haven't seen any city yet or signs of decay, because I spawned in the wild with mums running around for a good spot to start a base, of which most of them left me to die.

How about the ones that pick you up and carry you away a distance?  They're jerks.  Why do that?  Why pull such an absolute prickish thing?  You've just made it even longer until we can restart.  It's low-key trolling.  Stop that.

I'm beginning to sympathise with the bloody greavers.  I'm sure the game is still very fun...  Now if only I could play it!  The Mom's run off or die trying to take care of children while also undergoing the world's longest death run looking for a place that has soil AND water.

Just where on the planet are these people located?  Why is there so little water?  How about a stream?  A river?  A lake?  Let us do some fishing. 

Put most of those darn worms to work anyway.

And the decay would be fine, but there's just not enough room for the trash.  Everyone is about to find themselves swimming in broken baskets and carrots, mark my words.


#35 2018-04-22 04:35:36

Registered: 2018-03-17
Posts: 16

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

Skyroketting the dificulty by forcing repetitive tasks is a bad direction in my opinion. The amount of grinding required for baskets is awfull and impossible to sustain with random and new players. If the intention is pushing pies as a better (or only) storeable food, i would rather make carrots despawn faster.


#36 2018-04-23 08:39:27

Registered: 2018-04-19
Posts: 22

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

Well, I think I've officially had it with this nonsense.  "Woo item decay" my arse. 

The whole reason why I even bought this game was because I liked original concept.  There is no time for role playing lineage anymore, which was the main reason most people are even interested in the game.  You can't hand down anything to your kids.  Your contributions to the village are laughable at best, and annoying at worse.  How many times have I had to work around broken wheelbarrows and carts  that can't be moved.  How many baskets do I have to shuffle around so I can replace them with new?

For that matter, everyone is so busy trying to work around the mess, that no work happens at all because of it!  You can't even tell where your tools and items are unless there is someone there cleaning up their entire game.  Which wouldn't be that bad, if Jason would


You're seriously just going to stand back while random people destroy your game?  They've turned it into a joke!

"Oh, I've made them slower!"

Yeah.  Slower and armed.  Perfect.

How about something that might actually help?  How about a decay on their lives?  Cut half their life span, then add a five year decay for every action they take from then on.  Need to eat?  That's five years.  Need to put down your weapon to eat?  That's five years.  Need to pick it back up?  Another five years.

It won't stop the problem, but it will shrink it quite a bit.

Not that I'll be dealing with it anymore.  I'm giving my account over to my niece.  She might play it for a week or so before losing interest.  Or, she might rage quit after the first day.  Not my problem.

And better yet?

I've stopped her from giving Jason $20.00.

Which I will actively do from now on.

Because he promised forever,
and delivered a repeated loop of frustration.

I wonder how he's feeling now?  I know his player base has dwindled to a startling low already, as all players seem to just keep spawning into the same three villages (Two, now, as one was killed off by a troll with a bow) or Eves.  Someone needs to rethink his game plan and actually give something enjoyable to his paying customers.


#37 2018-04-23 09:45:20

Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 162

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

Eve-rlastingGamer wrote:

The whole reason why I even bought this game was because I liked original concept.  There is no time for role playing lineage anymore, which was the main reason most people are even interested in the game.  You can't hand down anything to your kids.  Your contributions to the village are laughable at best, and annoying at worse.  How many times have I had to work around broken wheelbarrows and carts  that can't be moved.  How many baskets do I have to shuffle around so I can replace them with new?

I bought the game for the same thing as you. Build a colony that will grow and get bigger. Now everything destroys itself.

That was me that killed off that village. Don't ring the dinner bell next time it makes me hungry for slaughter. Plus no point building anything anyway just to see it turn into FLOPPY garbage. So i have shift my focus to exterminating everyone that is not of my tribe. You will not eat my berries. You can not have any of my reeds. I need them for "basket crafting simulator" I purchased.

Last edited by kubassa (2018-04-23 09:58:55)

I got huge ballz.


#38 2018-04-23 10:51:50

Registered: 2018-03-19
Posts: 18

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

kubassa wrote:
Eve-rlastingGamer wrote:

The whole reason why I even bought this game was because I liked original concept.  There is no time for role playing lineage anymore, which was the main reason most people are even interested in the game.  You can't hand down anything to your kids.  Your contributions to the village are laughable at best, and annoying at worse.  How many times have I had to work around broken wheelbarrows and carts  that can't be moved.  How many baskets do I have to shuffle around so I can replace them with new?

I bought the game for the same thing as you. Build a colony that will grow and get bigger. Now everything destroys itself.

That was me that killed off that village. Don't ring the dinner bell next time it makes me hungry for slaughter. Plus no point building anything anyway just to see it turn into FLOPPY garbage. So i have shift my focus to exterminating everyone that is not of my tribe. You will not eat my berries. You can not have any of my reeds. I need them for "basket crafting simulator" I purchased.

So you bought this game because you thought this was ANOTHER colony building game. And now you realize it is not you feel entitled to disturb other people. If you are so frustrated with its current state why don't you just play something else while this is sorted out, and come back a month later, instead of bothering other players?


#39 2018-04-23 12:21:13

Registered: 2018-03-01
Posts: 85

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

I think people need to calm down, and realize there is nothing else like this on the market. The guy updates the game weekly, sometimes more. He engages on several social media platforms, and has a pulse on the community.

Does the update make the game more tedious? Sure.

Will it get fixed, even if it requires something like writing a database engine from scratch in 72 hours? Absolutely.

Accept that this is a living, breathing, thing.
It will change, for better and worse.
Jason hears your prayers.

Take a breath.

Two Hours, One Life - a curated OHOL server with heavy modifications.



#40 2018-04-23 14:32:41

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 85

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

sammoh wrote:

I think people need to calm down, and realize there is nothing else like this on the market. The guy updates the game weekly, sometimes more. He engages on several social media platforms, and has a pulse on the community.

Does the update make the game more tedious? Sure.

Will it get fixed, even if it requires something like writing a database engine from scratch in 72 hours? Absolutely.

Accept that this is a living, breathing, thing.
It will change, for better and worse.
Jason hears your prayers.

Take a breath.

You have to realise that because there's nothing else like this on the market, that people have to reject or complain about changes, especially ones that reduce enjoyment of said game.


#41 2018-04-23 21:13:02

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

Not sure what part of the trailer or marketing gave any of you the impression that you would build something in the game and it would last forever.

That doesn't even make sense.

There have been 1,000,000+ lives lived in the game so far, and if each one made a lasting, immortal contribution to the world, the world would be so full of stuff that it would all be meaningless.  A million walls?  A million baskets?  A million axes?

Making anything new in that context would be pointless.

The fact that the game originally had things lasting forever was essentially a bug.  You got used to it, and grew to like it.  But it never was the long-term intent.

This post was on the front page for quite a long time, for example:

And right on the home page, the game has always been described as a "multiplayer SURVIVIAL game."


#42 2018-04-23 22:21:01

Registered: 2018-04-23
Posts: 100

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

jasonrohrer wrote:

The fact that the game originally had things lasting forever was essentially a bug.  You got used to it, and grew to like it.  But it never was the long-term intent.

We did like it, a nicely organized civilization is a happy one.
But when you took away our long term compact storage by making baskets degrade without giving us a more permanent form of compact storage you also took our happiness. And our obviously misplaced hope that we, and our future generations, could enjoy things forever was tripped without a cushion to land on.
The player base fell hard, and we are going to whine until our boo boo feels better.

Last edited by Matbat (2018-04-23 22:22:35)


#43 2018-04-24 03:28:54

Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 3

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

jasonrohrer wrote:

Not sure what part of the trailer or marketing gave any of you the impression that you would build something in the game and it would last forever.

That doesn't even make sense.

There have been 1,000,000+ lives lived in the game so far, and if each one made a lasting, immortal contribution to the world, the world would be so full of stuff that it would all be meaningless.  A million walls?  A million baskets?  A million axes?

Making anything new in that context would be pointless.

The fact that the game originally had things lasting forever was essentially a bug.  You got used to it, and grew to like it.  But it never was the long-term intent.

This post was on the front page for quite a long time, for example:

And right on the home page, the game has always been described as a "multiplayer SURVIVIAL game."

This has nothing to do with decay, it has everything to do with limiting resources, but nothing to do with decay. Bottom line since this update I haven't seen a single "large" civ. the best I've seen is 5 people trying to keep a dismal farm alive with broken baskets going into a pit and carrots all over the floor. it doesn't make for exciting gameplay. the longevity of the things we made in game was not a bug, it is what made it awesome, the selling point, the coolest part....

I'm fine if things aren't permanent forever ie: the apocalypse or if its not viewed within 48 hours it resets, we still have a legacy to share with that. but we don't have that chance with the current decay system at all, and that is the big disappointment.


#44 2018-04-24 05:01:53

Registered: 2018-04-17
Posts: 221

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

jasonrohrer wrote:

Not sure what part of the trailer or marketing gave any of you the impression that you would build something in the game and it would last forever.

That doesn't even make sense.

There have been 1,000,000+ lives lived in the game so far, and if each one made a lasting, immortal contribution to the world, the world would be so full of stuff that it would all be meaningless.  A million walls?  A million baskets?  A million axes?

Making anything new in that context would be pointless.

The fact that the game originally had things lasting forever was essentially a bug.  You got used to it, and grew to like it.  But it never was the long-term intent.

This post was on the front page for quite a long time, for example:

And right on the home page, the game has always been described as a "multiplayer SURVIVIAL game."

At this point I'd like to here something reassuring like "i'm working on toning down decay and giving players the tools they need to deal with clutter"  Tbh I was on the verge of recruiting my brother and some friends to play, however given the current state of the game I can't recommend this trash simulator.  Despite that I remain optimistic and hope the tools to deal with the trash wind up in players hands soon.  Cheers.


#45 2018-04-24 05:57:40

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 136

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

Jason do you play your own game? Do you like it?
I have the feeling you dont play your own game and you also dont want to play.
You are not working on making a game you would like to play,
but you are working on game to annoy everyone (your great vision).
If you do not play your own game and/or dont enjoy it, than there is no way this is getting better.

I read some parts of this:
This will never work. Most people will always try to play the game in best way possible.
They make mistakes, at first, but they learn and get better.
Things you described only work irl, not in games.
But its funny to see how you try to make it happen by making it impossible to sustain a village. (no endless oil / apocalypse)
The base idea of this game is flawed, this will result in a frustrating experience for everyone.
The flaw is that you expect people to fail and when they dont you make it harder and harder until its impossible. (witch it already is since the apocalypse update)


#46 2018-04-24 08:45:13

Registered: 2018-04-08
Posts: 5

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

I think we all have to look at this in a couple lenses, including Jason's.

**Gamer's View**

We get back from our workplace or school every day and want to feel like we're doing something meaningful, fun and exciting in our free time. Spending half your life in game getting a full set of clothes that you can pass on to your kids when you die and getting them the tools they need to build up things like carts was awesome, if you knew that they could make use of it going forward. It's been hashed out over and over that most people dislike how slowly the games become more and more grindy with the advent of the apocalypse, then the changes to the Eve respawning algorithm that made it very unlikely to find a formerly established dead village, to now making even our tools useless within a generation. These changes make people feel like they are getting kicked in the nuts over and over when a lot of the player base really got into the game initially and enjoyed what they thought were "core" concepts to the game like leaving a legacy for others.

@Jason, the comment you just made is not a good way to address players concerns. Being brutally honest with people is appreciated by some, myself included, but will leave a tarnish on some to not want to keep at this game and help you play test the game as it is developing. On average, before this update, user totals on servers were roughly 120 to 180 on a good day. Now only about half of that are still playing whenever I check. I fear you need to find new ways of approaching certain updates or people will experience shell shock......become emotional.... and they will move on to a different game and forget about this game. You can't just force a drug addict to cold turkey and expect good results from it usually. You have to ween them off of the drug and give them rewards and something to look forward to. Here is how I would recommend going forward:

A. Everyone likes to have "good" stuff and you can never give them too much of that. But no one likes "bad" stuff and everyone has a certain tolerance to this before they want to send their fist through a wall. So if you want to add "bad" stuff in, you really need to hide it under a nice layer of "good" stuff that will keep the drug addict from having a relapse withdrawal. Or give the bad stuff in smaller doses over the course of patches and not in massive amounts.

B. We all love this game but we want to look to the future. It's important to keep us game testers in the loop because we are also invested in this game. But we don't always know why you do things. I know I'm sure somewhere buried deep in the forums is probably some vague answers but most of us don't have the time to invest in that. You do a great job of addressing things after the facts and do a fantastic job with the limited time you have to talk with us. I know this has to be insanely stressful considering you have a family and are doing this all solo over 12 hour shifts. But maybe a big fat picture on the front of the website news page showing us what your current and future projects are would at least help us see some of the reasoning for why you might have just added some ,at least in our eyes, random change to the game. This would give us hope in the dark hours when we are given a dose of the "bad" stuff and help us get through the withdrawals.... kind of like a safety blanket.

C. Update the front page because it's a bit misleading to players. "Building something to use in your lifetime, but inevitably realizing that, in the end, what you build is not for YOU, but for your children and all the countless others that will come after you." This patch kind of put that statement to shame in it's current installment. "Proudly using your grandfather's ax, and then passing it on to your own grandchild as the end of your life nears." from front page. "Not sure what part of the trailer or marketing gave any of you the impression that you would build something in the game and it would last forever.....The fact that the game originally had things lasting forever was essentially a bug.  You got used to it, and grew to like it.  But it never was the long-term intent." Ouch. You did say "countless others after you". I think you did actually imply forever. Clear communication is key my good sir.

D. Hire some programmers m8. We all respect taking pride in doing something yourself, but sometimes things are greater than you and need to be allowed to grow. Getting like minded people on this project and directing them would allow this game to go from a "cult" game of 200 players to a game millions could enjoy if you are willing to turn the pride switch off. There are so many passionate people out there that I'm sure would love to work with you Jason. You are a god among geeks and many would love to work under you.

**Possibly Jason's View**

He has a plan for this game and I'm sure that he isn't just making the game a certain way to destroy what he has spent thousands of hours working long hours on. The aspect I can only contemplate on is how much future planning he's doing versus on the fly programming to the game that's happening. Game design is a friggen massive undertaking and there are many ways to get to the end result. But just simply reading the front page of the website about the game, I get the feeling that the games evolving outside the normal parameters that Jason had initially put together. Now that's natural! If things didn't evolve.... that would probably lead down the path of insanity. Now most people feel a bit butt hurt because of the direction the games been going but it's just Jason working on this and he's doing everything. He doesn't exactly have a PR team or project manager with him telling him what best course of action to take. He's just one dude with a family probably working in the office of his house while hes being pestered by little brats.... I mean angels and RL problems. With the substantial changes that Jason has been putting in the game though, you should all be excited to see how this game changes over the next two years. I'm sure he knows there will be bumps and bruises along the way but he's putting his heart into this.


As Hitchhikers Guide has told us "DON'T PANIC". I platonically love you all.

Last edited by Bones (2018-04-24 11:44:53)


#47 2018-04-24 10:59:34

Registered: 2018-04-23
Posts: 59

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

Bones wrote:

I think we all have to look at this in a couple lenses, including Jason's.

I agree with you on so many levels. Props to you!


#48 2018-04-24 11:30:03

Registered: 2018-04-08
Posts: 5

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

@SpreadDaWord Thank you. I wouldn't have written a novel if I didn't think this was a worth while game. Wising Jason luck on this project.


#49 2018-04-24 12:38:25

Petrichor Int.
Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

I do believe that decay is a good thing, but it's going way too fast. There should be some kind of long term storage, like stone boxes or metal carts. Otherwise organisation is impossible. Also there must be a way to deal with all the trash lying around.


#50 2018-04-24 13:31:45

Registered: 2018-04-12
Posts: 132

Re: Update: From Riches to Rags

Can we please have:
1) ice boxes to keep food fresh
2) irrigation pipes so that we don't lose water pouches when baskets decay
3) a use for old baskets such as compost or kindling

I love all of my children.  You are wanted and loved.


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