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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2020-10-29 19:34:49

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Update: Homeland Biome Bands


I'm still on the road this week, evaluating potential places to move to as part of the Great California Exodus, but I managed to implement some substantial changes.

Homelands determine where you and your other family members can have babies, and they exist to ensure that people remain at least somewhat geographically separate.  Separate towns are more interesting than one big town for a variety of reasons (trade, transportation, etc.)  Historically, your family homeland was determined by wherever your family settled down and built a functional well.

Specialty biomes determine what your family is good at, and what they have to offer other families.  Your family has a corner on the market in whatever biome you specialize in.  Historically, specialty biomes of all kinds were scattered at random across the whole map.

But specialty biomes and homelands were not tied together in any way.  In fact, it was possible for your family to settle, and make their homeland, in an area that was far away from your specialty biome.  Thus, it was possible that another family, when seeking you out for help with your specialty, might need to lead your back closer to their homeland to find an instance of your biome.  When this happens, it doesn't feel very much like trade.  Furthermore, if you settle near a specialty biome other than your own, that nearby area is effectively dead, unusable space for you and your village.  You can't build there, at least not without the help of distant specialists.

So why don't people generally live in and around their specialty biome?  That would make more sense, and solve both of these problems.

In this update, your family's homeland is no longer defined by where you build a well, but instead connected to a new horizontal band on the map that contains your specialty biome.  In fact, that specialty biome only occurs in your band, and nowhere else on the map.  Other non-specialty biomes occur everywhere, exactly as they did before, but the snow biome occurs only in the north-most horizontal band, and the jungle and desert occur only in the two south-most bands.  In between these bands, there's a band with no specialty biomes at all (the centers of the gray rocky areas have nothing but more gray rocky areas), and this serves as the homeland band for the language specialists.  They make up for not having a resource specialty by having a bit more iron veins in their homeland.

If your're looking for snow, you can walk north.  If you're looking for jungle or desert, you can walk south.  Historically, looking for a particular specialty biome involved quite a lot of trial and error.  And now, when seeking out a biome expert, you will find plenty of the desired biome around them where you find that expert.  This also gives the map a more cohesive, regional feel.

Thanks to Twisted for proposing this change.

In addition, several bugs and issues with follower gates have been fixed, and property fences now decay more slowly.


#2 2020-10-29 19:47:29

Registered: 2020-07-27
Posts: 81

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

Seems to be minor issue where when server goes live, it is low pop, so biome restrictions/spawning do not work initially.  Fixes itself as server populates but it is rough on initial Eves.


#3 2020-10-29 20:00:51

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

Today [10/29/2020] 08:22:33

Spoonwood wrote:

So, players Eve chaining in a town can still have children without going out of their town.  That's a good positive.


I expect situations like the following to happen:

A black Eve gets children and they try to start up a camp OR reuses a dead town (being an Eve during during a server restart or possible sale period where there's a split for players not checking a custom server is almost, if not entirely, a matter of timing).  But, they aren't in a desert biome band, so Eve's children aren't likely to have children, since few players leave, and because even fewer players will understand the fertility mechanics, or they just don't care about having children.  In the extreme case, none of Eve's children leave to reach their prescripted biome band.  The consequences include NO legacy at all for Eve's children who don't move to their prescripted biome band, and such an Eve having a legacy worthy of the name also might get questioned.  It also means NO legacy at all for players early on the server who don't understand the fertility mechanics. … p?id=10229

Then again, it does happen every week that server1 lineages die out rather fast, but also for a different reason.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#4 2020-10-29 20:08:06

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

lol, when i saw spoonwood as last post, i first feared its necroed again smile


#5 2020-10-29 20:22:33

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

Small summary of the fence / gate fixes from github:

- Ally gates are now names follower gates, since they allow only followers to enter. So you actually need the first leader to give ownership to the follower gate if you want them to work for your allies.

- property fence and rickety fence decay now after 2 hours instead of 1. Dont know if this is enough to be good for a full village defense, but at least its double as much as before.

- "When an outsider (non family member) follows you, who you haven't exiled yet, you get a notice about it and an arrow pointing toward them. A visitor to your follower gate can see your name and follow you to come through your gate, so now you get a notice that they've done this, and you can go to deal with them if needed."

This could be quite useful to stop outsiders that want to do harm and makes it still easy for outsiders to enter if they want.

- Manually opened follower gate closes automatically after 30 seconds.
>> In away not 100% perfect, since an attacker could follow and then open for others, but a step in a good direction.

- Normal gates are again normal gates not follower gates

- Fixed so that shaky gates can be destroyed by non-owners (whoops) and so that follower gates can be opened by followers, but can only be destroyed by the actual owners.

Last edited by Arcurus (2020-10-29 20:25:48)


#6 2020-10-29 20:45:53

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

jasonroher wrote:

But specialty biomes and homelands were not tied together in any way. ... Furthermore, if you settle near a specialty biome other than your own, that nearby area is effectively dead, unusable space for you and your village.

It's not true that such areas were effectively dead.  I popped into a Ginger village as brown and picked them bananas a few weeks ago, threw down palm kernels on the ground.  I know I also got sugarcane out of a jungle before for a ginger family, and got buckets of latex and set up a second oven for those buckets of latex to get cooked.  Players would build snow flooring over iceholes.  One life I got 8 sealskins for a black family using their nearby tundra, and if I recall correctly, buckets of saltwater for that black family and some nearby browns (whose family was split up between two towns).  I saw a character in a ghost costume moving cactus fruits into a nearby badlands yesterday.  Horses in badlands near towns were another thing I saw sometimes seen on streams, and I saw that also while playing.  I saw a snowman made in a white town last night shortly made before I died.

I had seen a stream or two where similar things happened before also.

Players who don't use a zoom mod were probably less aware of such things happening than players who used a zoom mod.

jasonrohrer wrote:

So why don't people generally live in and around their specialty biome?  That would make more sense, and solve both of these problems.

If I understand correctly a problem was that such a system didn't result in things feeling very much like trade.  There will still exist one-way gifting from some players to other towns.  There will still exist looting of towns for their resources, and intelligent players aren't going to complain about such.  So, there's not good reason to believe that the new system will result in the resource transfers feeling like trade.

jasonrohrer wrote:

They make up for not having a resource specialty by having a bit more iron veins in their homeland.

This depends on where they settle.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#7 2020-10-29 22:21:12

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

DestinyCall and other cart/bucket makers.

What do you think of gingers and blacks placement?  What do you think of browns and whites placement?

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#8 2020-10-29 22:23:36

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

Rookwood wrote:

  Fixes itself as server populates but it is rough on initial Eves.

I looked for lineages dying out, because of this, but didn't find evidence of such.

That said, there's still the possibility of new players not picking up the idea of having to move to the breeding area.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#9 2020-10-29 22:46:10

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

Some people on the discord talked about there being so many Eves.

From the tutorial area using Hetuw mod at about the time of this post, I saw Song - 4 … id=6708681, Pea - 4 … id=6708264, Oilar - 14 … id=6708689, Popola -16 … id=6708257, Pickens -7 … id=6708288, Unknown - 4.  I'm also finding Sorrows family via the family trees … id=6708655: … id=6708655 .  Maybe there were more?  I have to wonder if the extra families are an effect of players not going to their breeding areas and 15 players on a server changing the fertility mechanics.

More families early on sounds more balanced to me, though I have a feeling that players like Gogo and Arcurus might disagree.

Most of the Eves did not seem like they were overwhelmed with babies to me (though, of course, in the end, what being "overwhelmed" means has a personal and heavy subjective element to it).  That provides a solid reason to stick with the fertility mechanics as they stand now.

Still though, with a server of 95%+ new players who have no idea about the fertility mechanics and needing to go to the breeding area to have children, there might be issues.  That issue might get alleviated with tutorial information.

Edit: Eve Featherly seemed happy or sarcastic, I can't tell: "I only had one kid, she went afk, and no grandbabies in sight. What a nice life." … id=6708809

Last edited by Spoonwood (2020-10-29 23:39:57)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#10 2020-10-30 14:23:19

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

the  small homesick radius, bound to getting water off a well (or born somewhere), was annoying.

I like these lines. is good birth control. eeves can walk straight east and revive a big city, like i just did.
any biome update made biomes more predictable, making the game much easier.
will we have a westward race by traits?
will most cities be on a biome border for double births?

the long horizontal desert sure is best for a horizontal stone tile road, and easier to plan now.
easy to plan a zigzag stone tile road to connect all the biomes vertically, and most cities horizontally.
but I got my eeved family to support now, so there is not as much road-building (only transporting stone tiles and bears to cities)

Last edited by ollj (2020-10-30 14:23:45)


#11 2020-10-30 15:34:00

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

ollj wrote:

only transporting stone tiles and bears to cities

Why are you transporting bears to cities?  Do you not like them?  Are you worried about players getting born into families in those cities instead of in your lineage?  Do you think that the players in cities are bored and need some sort of challenge like bear attacks?

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#12 2020-10-30 16:02:48

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 689

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

After playing with this update for a little bit I don't think it's bad, or really that different.

One thing I am really disliking is that you can't just go to a town and get supplies for them. You have to actually prepare to bring them supplies otherwise you'll get there and have to walk all the way back to your band to get latex or rubber since it doesn't spawn near the other races.

Another thing is waystones, you have to travel pretty far to find the waystones for towns now since their biomes do not spawn near you.

This change kind of feels unnecessary. It just extends the amount of time it takes to do things. You have to travel farther to get to towns, travel back for supplies they need, go back to the town again ect ect. I don't think it's bad though. I do like the extended fertility though I guess. Helps when stupid people wander away.

Anyways that's my take. The game isn't that different than it was before.

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#13 2020-10-31 23:37:19

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

DiscadedSlinky wrote:

One thing I am really disliking is that you can't just go to a town and get supplies for them. You have to actually prepare to bring them supplies otherwise you'll get there and have to walk all the way back to your band to get latex or rubber since it doesn't spawn near the other races.

What Slinky talks about here, implies the exacerbation of a longstanding problem.  The lack of the ability for families to rebuild from scratch, because of outsiders at higher technological levels bringing items to them.

Before the update one could walk to an Eve or early camp by using the family tree page on before one played.  I did this a few times.  I would wear clothes and a backpack, but at least as I did it more and more, I started thinking about not taking advanced technological objects to them.  Don't bring them a bucket or a horsecart, because they haven't the supplies to make those yet, and thus aren't at that technological level.  At least one life I recall walking into other people's camps, learning that they didn't have tools to make a bucket, so I would start working in the smithy to get their tools up.  But now?  Now doing things that way becomes hindered, because it would require walking back to one's home band if, for example, one wanted to get buckets of latex for Gingers WITHOUT using a bucket from your own family's supplies.  But, some players WILL still throw buckets of latex at Gingers to get them off the ground, because they want Gingers to get started on an oil rig, or as a sort of paying it forward.

Dodge puts the issue this way and makes it clear that this game would inherently have the technological mismatch problem resulting in a lack of rebuilding from scratch for some groups:

Dodge wrote:

Regarding your issue it's pretty simple, if you think about it how does that make sense to have in the same world a group that already is at the end of the techtree and another one that just started their first berry farm?

It's as if Europe was using electricity, cars etc and America just discovered fire or the opposite, even supposing that this scenario exist what do you think would happen?

Would it make sense with our current history or just in general?

Of course there's going to be issues because it doesn't make any sense.

And this problem will only get worse the more stuff is added to the game.

New cargo plane added!

Let me pack it up with with every important tech in the game plus large ammounts of found, find the nearest Eve camp using the latest localisation radar and boost them from small camp to advanced civilisation. … 20#p102620

The whole emphasis on trading and keeping families close is inconsistent with a foundational concept of this game of rebuilding from scratch.  And as Dodge suggests this game would inherently have that sort of problem anyways. 

Before it was at least possible to not use one's towns resources to get such a family supplies, and thus some people might not cheat on the rebuilding from scratch while also exchanging resources whether one or two way.  Now though it seems even less likely than before and makes worse the issue of players having the ability to rebuild from scratch with other people in the large multiplayer context.

Food generational decline also

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#14 2020-11-02 04:05:42

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

I want to emphasize that what happened with the Eves looks rather good.  An arc reset, and it didn't look like from the family trees that Eves had any cause to not feed their children.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#15 2020-11-11 14:03:34

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

From what I can tell, the tech pace is faster than ever.  Players send advanced technological objects to early camps, early camps loot from older camps, and/or resettle old technological camps.  That's what I've seen from watching streams, talking to others, and playing a bit also.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#16 2020-11-11 21:52:30

Registered: 2019-01-25
Posts: 321

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

Spoonwood wrote:

From what I can tell, the tech pace is faster than ever.  Players send advanced technological objects to early camps, early camps loot from older camps, and/or resettle old technological camps.  That's what I've seen from watching streams, talking to others, and playing a bit also.

That's not tier progression speed, that's momentum. And It's because of the effective road systems connecting dead and living villages. Roads are a little easier now but still take a lot of work.


#17 2020-11-11 23:38:30

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

I played a life as Sebastian Valerie: … id=6742853  I had seen a new Ginger family (Powers) using  So, I go there literally walking a horse there (fully clothed since I was a much older generation... not a good way around that if you ask me).  I helped them out until my death.  I made their first steel file, froe, adze, chisel, bow saw, and mining pick, and they transitioned from a shallow well to a deep well as I got old (I upgraded it).  The strange part was *everything was set up to drill for oil there with tanks*. 

I log back in like 10 minutes later and I'm PaulAnthony Aa … id=6742969  I had already planned on leaving, but before I did I saw that the Aa's pump had exhausted.  And I was only generation 12!  They must have resettled.  I walk back to the Powers.  There are some Powers there, but some end up leaving early.  A few minutes later someone is walking an engine around town!  No... that wasn't made in town, as there wasn't even a newcomen multipurpose engine.  I had brought two bowls of sulfur earlier, and there were two buckets of latex sitting there by the time I got back as Mr. Aa.  I had some more time to look around that life, and there were 3 iron veins on the fault life of the well.  But, by the time I was dead everyone had left for some older town!

That's what this update seems like.  People migrating to old towns.  And looting or gifting all sorts of stuff in advance.  NOT TRADING, LOOTING OR GIFTING.

Jason once said this:

jasonrohrer wrote:

The world is the imaginary space inside which this thought experiment plays out:

"If we had to start over from scratch, but kept all of our knowledge, how long would it take us to get back to iPhones?" where iPhones are a placeholder for whatever sufficiently advanced tech we can imagine. ..."


In recent times, I've been throwing in a few monkey wrenches that make failure more likely.  But I've always been somewhat disappointed that the progress up through 3000+ craftable items didn't take longer … 896#p81896

Well, when players can easily loot old towns or find old towns and resettle them, that "thought experiment" isn't even possible to execute.  And progress up through those craftable objects takes basically EVEN LESS TIME than ever before apparently.

Oh Jason said one other thing in that comment that I'll remark on:

jasonrohrer wrote:

The mystery is the unfathomable foundation of our being as people.

But, that's no mystery at all.  One's parents had sex or fertilization happened somehow.  That comes as the foundation of one's being as a person for all humans.

Last edited by Spoonwood (2020-11-11 23:40:10)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#18 2020-11-12 01:04:06

Registered: 2020-03-09
Posts: 192

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

Spoonwood wrote:
jasonrohrer wrote:

The world is the imaginary space inside which this thought experiment plays out:

"If we had to start over from scratch, but kept all of our knowledge, how long would it take us to get back to iPhones?" where iPhones are a placeholder for whatever sufficiently advanced tech we can imagine. ..."


In recent times, I've been throwing in a few monkey wrenches that make failure more likely.  But I've always been somewhat disappointed that the progress up through 3000+ craftable items didn't take longer … 896#p81896

Well, when players can easily loot old towns or find old towns and resettle them, that "thought experiment" isn't even possible to execute.  And progress up through those craftable objects takes basically EVEN LESS TIME than ever before apparently.

This is true, if you want a new family on an existing server to perform that experiment, but it is not true if you think of the entire server (from the moment of a reset) performing the experiment.

I think my preference would be for families to not die out so often, so they don't need to migrate back to old towns, but in any case the balance definitely feels a little weird.

Do you have any thoughts on how the different phases of the game could persist through a long lived server? At the moment the only real option is to do a map wipe - but that has the obvious downside of removing the 'extreme late stage' phase of the game (which I personally enjoy a lot).


#19 2020-11-12 02:56:58

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

Cogito wrote:

Do you have any thoughts on how the different phases of the game could persist through a long lived server?

It doesn't seem to me that you played between the original Steam release The Come Together Disaster (I call it a 'disaster' instead of an 'update'... it was and remains backwards in terms of quality).  As I understand things, and recall, and I might get some details wrong, during that time period Eves would initially spawn in an area near where the longest lived family lived the previous week.  So, initially, a bunch of families might congregate around that town and help revive it, or start up a new camp nearby.  There would exist "ancient" areas that survived updates that way.  New Eves would then spawn in an ever expanding spiral away from that point, which somehow would usually create a sort of ring of where towns would end up.  Players could also /die to Eve.  It was difficult to find other families, though it could happen.  Players could and did occasionally find something like a horsecart out in the middle of the woods, but it seemed rare, and going looking for a horsecart like that was probably a waste of time (unlike now where one just runs to the latest town).  Players did resettle old spots and bell towns did exist, BUT Eve camps and intermediate stages were known also, so early generation families didn't necessarily resettle.

There existed another system with a resetting spiral which would reset to a center spot if no one had seen that area in like 8 or 10 hours also for a time period.  It didn't quite work as well as the Eve spiral I described above for various technological levels.

Basically, I think the Eve spiral idea comes as the most promising for towns with various technological levels.  Jcwilk suggested some ideas to try to improve that a few months back, though I don't know if there were any improvements there.  A random biome spawning map would also be more interesting than this extremely predictable biome band stuff, and that's how the map was after the Steam release and before The Come Together Disaster.  Though, that is somewhat minor in comparison to spread out families who aren't ensured to find each other by any means.  Also, an Eve button for players with some genetic score threshold for using it (genetic score is flawed in what it measures... BUT players who use /die a fair amount won't have a high genetic score)... or it could be active only to players who haven't died before 10 perhaps 20 lives in a row or something.  Such an Eve button would help to vary technological level of villages... if players couldn't find old villages so easily.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#20 2020-11-12 05:26:54

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

This update made the issue even more apparent due to how predictable the location of villages are (on a band), you cant have Eve villages next to top tech tier diesel engine civilisations because then you dont "rebuild civilization from scratch" anymore which is one of the main thing in the game, but at the same time if you cant find other villages because they are completely isolated like before then it's just a game of one family evolving alone and it's also not interesting.

I was waiting for the point where the game would hit that wall and it would be obvious that this doesn't work or rather it "works" but is it really what you want? @jasonrohrer

You cant have early villages and late game cvilisations living next to each other or even in the same world for that matter if you expect them to interact with each other.

One world, one start, one ending.

There's 16 servers, they are all separated worlds but they all follow the same pattern of not having a real start and not having a real end

A lot of players where asking for an "Eve button", obviously that would be an issue because if everyone would be Eve then there would be no sons and daughters of Eve, one of the underlying reason of wanting that type of control is to be able to choose if you want to play in an early or late game village and that's fair especially for players that already played hours.

Currently players that want to choose just /die repeatedly which is both annoying for the one using /die over again and frustrating for the other one who has their baby constantly dying.

You can already choose in what world (server) you want to be, bigserver2's world could be 8'000 years old while the one on server1 could have just had a fresh start and Eve's are settling in.

If you join at the right time during the starting period you might even have a chance to be an Eve on top of playing in an early game world.


#21 2020-11-12 06:09:52

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

Dodge wrote:

There's 16 servers, they are all separated worlds but they all follow the same pattern of not having a real start and not having a real end

There does exist arc reset, as happened after this update.  That made for a real start, and all arc restarts do that.  Ends of a server would likely end up similar to children of men mode, or would probably have a baby overload/starving children problem if they worked similar to how the Rift would reset (at least that's what seemed to have happened from the reports I saw... I didn't play then... at all).  The game gets advertised that players get children, so ends of the world don't seem so happy with just human players as children.  Ends of the world though could work with end phase children controlled by code to get around that issue.

I also disagree with Dodge about families evolving alone as not that interesting.  I would even go so far to say that there existed a greater focus on family between the Steam release and The Come Together Disaster than now, since there weren't players strategizing about how to support the server, who needed oil, players thinking about whether to visit another town or not, whether towns could keep on living several thousands of tiles away from the Eve spawn point, and so on.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#22 2020-11-12 07:08:04

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

Spoonwood wrote:

There does exist arc reset, as happened after this update.  That made for a real start, and all arc restarts do that.  Ends of a server would likely end up similar to children of men mode, or would probably have a baby overload/starving children problem if they worked similar to how the Rift would reset (at least that's what seemed to have happened from the reports I saw... I didn't play then... at all).  The game gets advertised that players get children, so ends of the world don't seem so happy with just human players as children.  Ends of the world though could work with end phase children controlled by code to get around that issue.

No, it's not a true reset, the map is not wiped you can find tech laying around etc, also it's meta based on a technical necessity (server update) and not based on players actions and choices, start of servers are not issues regarding baby numbers since you can make players go Eve in case of overload the same way it works currently at a server restart...

Regarding the end of world, as long as you are a fertile woman you can get children if there is no more fertile woman or future possible fertile woman then eventually everybody dies and world ends.

If a player cant spawn in one world due to not having any fertile woman available then he is redirected to another world (server), so again no issue here.

Why would there be "just human players as children"? nonsense, as long as you are a fertile woman then you can get children "as advertised"


#23 2020-11-12 10:34:34

Registered: 2020-03-09
Posts: 192

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

Dodge wrote:

Regarding the end of world, as long as you are a fertile woman you can get children if there is no more fertile woman or future possible fertile woman then eventually everybody dies and world ends.

If a player cant spawn in one world due to not having any fertile woman available then he is redirected to another world (server), so again no issue here.

Why would there be "just human players as children"? nonsense, as long as you are a fertile woman then you can get children "as advertised"

Spoonwood has an issue with any time someone lives a life where they are incapable of (or perhaps even unlikely to) experiencing one of the things that has been advertised about the game. So Eves not living for a full hour, men not having children, etc.

If a server is being updated new players will be redirected automatically to another server.

Any players who are still on that server, even if fertile, will not have any babies.

Spoon's solution to them not having babies is to give them cute little robot babies that are controlled by code.

I don't hate the idea, but I think it is unecessary because I'm ok with the advertisements being aspirational rather than prescriptive.


#24 2020-11-12 11:43:47

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

If he's talking about server reset then he shouldn't have quoted me since i wasn't talking about that at all and they are nothing new.

Or at least not mention issues with server reset when i'm talking about a server actually having a beginning and an end.

He mentionned "so ends of the world don't seem so happy with just human players as children" talking about end and not server update so maybe he got confused.

But anyway server restarts are an edge case and so little part compared to all the other lives that it's not worth mentionning and nobody cares if there's that one life out off hundred others where you didnt get a baby because the server had to restart, as for being a man and not having a baby it's pretty obvious and everybody in their right mind understands this.

Now if we're talking about men not having the father status that's another story and Jason already wrote a post for why it's like like this.

I wouldn't be opposed though for being able to marry someone else and make baby with mixed genetics given of course that they are from another family and that it wouldn't be a necessity, it could be a way for a white family to have black kids for example.

But with the way the game is currently (homeland, biome restriction etc) it would probably break it.


#25 2020-11-12 15:53:27

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Update: Homeland Biome Bands

Dodge wrote:

No, it's not a true reset, the map is not wiped you can find tech laying around etc, ...

Server reset is not a true reset.  In contrast, arc reset is true reset with no tech lying around.  Or at least it was when this update *first* got put into effect.

Dodge wrote:

Regarding the end of world, as long as you are a fertile woman you can get children if there is no more fertile woman or future possible fertile woman then eventually everybody dies and world ends.

If players can join the server.  It sounded like your 'end of the world' idea wouldn't allow for players to join the server.  I guess I misunderstood though.  Were you just talking about the reflector directing players not checking a custom server, from an old world server to a new world server?  The old world might not die off in that case, if players who check a custom server kept on playing there (and plenty of players use bs2 as a custom server).  If there's no available players as moms and players can join a server, then the player joining becomes an Eve.  So, the old world might not die out.  That's not necessarily bad though.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


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