One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2020-11-14 07:58:47

Registered: 2020-05-22
Posts: 9

Can we get rid of /Curse my baby?

I know this has probably been brought up before, but I'm sincerely annoyed at this type of cursing. How can you curse a player for USING AN IN GAME FUNCTION?

People SID. It's a fact. It's not personal most of the time. People just want to be born in a specific village, gender, etc. Sometimes it's to be with friends, help dying villages, etc.

So why should we be cursed for it? It makes no sense to me. And the fact that the curses last as long as a normal curse - NINETY DAYS BTW - just blows my mind. It should last a few hours, tops. It's not like these players are GRIEFERS. They are using an IN GAME function, but are being punished for it.

Not to mention, SID babies do not affect your gene score. They do no harm except leave some bones, which eventually disappear.

TL;DR Please remove the ability to use /curse my baby on SID babies or lessen the curse time for them. It's silly and benefits no one.

Last edited by pockywocky (2020-11-14 07:59:28)


#2 2020-11-14 08:56:29

Registered: 2020-07-27
Posts: 81

Re: Can we get rid of /Curse my baby?

Nah, curse my baby is for runner babies too and people should be able to choose the type of player they play with.  Repeated SID babies are incredibly annoying and it's definitely a form of griefing if you do it more than a couple times to the same mom.

Last edited by Rookwood (2020-11-14 08:57:12)


#3 2020-11-14 09:50:26

Eve Troll
Registered: 2020-07-07
Posts: 331

Re: Can we get rid of /Curse my baby?

Ignore rookwood. I agree repeat sids are annoying, but only because of bone management. Which could be easily remedied if sid bones were removed.

You bring up a good point pocky. Ive been thinking about this a lot. We have a in game function to /die yet we have a bunch of mechanics that try to discourage its use/abuse. With tool slots gone its no wonder people are abusing /die again. Some people actually want to make a difference in this game and with certain tasks locked behind race restrictions its no wonder people would /die in order to do what they want in the game.

Curse my baby is a stupid mechanic used by petty people. There is literally no reason to curse someone for it. Even runner babies are typically trying to get out of the way before they /die so the mother doesnt have to deal with the bones. If you chase a runner baby you're probably too dumb to realize the person is trying to do you a favor, and if you curse them.. you have a special place in donkey town, because thats where you belong.

Last edited by Eve Troll (2020-11-15 04:36:17)


#4 2020-11-14 12:01:29

Registered: 2019-10-11
Posts: 589

Re: Can we get rid of /Curse my baby?

Today I catched runner BB and explained about SID, baby instantly died. Not my fault game has no decent tutorial about it.


#5 2020-11-14 13:10:06

Registered: 2020-07-27
Posts: 81

Re: Can we get rid of /Curse my baby?

Maybe I should have been more clear. 

pockywocky wrote:

It's silly and benefits no one.

This is objectively wrong.  It benefits the mother who is able to put an end to annoying behavior and get back to living their life instead of chasing after babies or having a repeated SIDs that slash dies every time they get picked up.   

The baby is free to continue respawning as long as there are mothers with patience to put up with its behavior.  So in actuality, it hurts no one and benefits the mother greatly.

You guys are forgetting that just because a mechanic exists in game, doesn't mean that the abuse of that mechanic can't be griefing.  Be considerate of other players and you won't have any problems.

Last edited by Rookwood (2020-11-14 13:12:14)


#6 2020-11-14 18:47:09

Registered: 2019-01-25
Posts: 321

Re: Can we get rid of /Curse my baby?

I think people would abuse /die if curse my baby wasn't inn the game.

But there are legitimate and unselfish reasons to use /die, like getting born into a low pop fam to save the lineage, or doing specialty work That's urgently needed. So I don't think people should use "curse my baby" as much as they do, but That's a social problem.


#7 2020-11-14 21:08:06

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Can we get rid of /Curse my baby?

"Curse my baby" exists because Jason doesn't really like people using /die.   He wants you to live whatever life you are born into rather than choosing your circumstance, but he can't actually force people to stay alive.   

Before the /die command was added, babies would just run away to die.    If it was removed, you would see more suicidal players, killing themselves to escape undesirable conditions or return to the "right" family. 

That's why Jason adds features that actively punish people for using /die too much, like the life limit and baby curses.  Rather than fixing the core problem by giving players more control over where they are born.


#8 2020-11-14 21:26:27

Registered: 2018-06-17
Posts: 158

Re: Can we get rid of /Curse my baby?

Cursing is stupid in general.  Rockwood is a great example of someone who things breathing is griefing so uses the curse as a way to make themselves feel better about being slightly annoyed.  Like 'ha, gotcha!'. Sure people use curses to not play with particular people, but most of the time it's done for petty reasons, like swapping clothes with a baby.  To be worry about a SIDs  baby enough that you feel the need to curse them, is the cursors issue not the cursee.

I'm fish, deal with it or don't, idgaf


#9 2020-11-14 21:31:29

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Can we get rid of /Curse my baby?

On the upside, if you get cursed by someone you do not like, you won't have to worry about playing with them for three months.


#10 2020-11-15 00:28:12

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Can we get rid of /Curse my baby?

FishRfriendsnotfood wrote:

Rockwood is a great example of someone who things breathing is griefing so uses the curse as a way to make themselves feel better about being slightly annoyed.

I'm not clear on this.  Was 'Rockwood' a typo, or where you kind of making fun of Rookwood's name?  Or something else?

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#11 2020-11-15 02:46:13

Registered: 2020-07-27
Posts: 81

Re: Can we get rid of /Curse my baby?

Spoonwood wrote:

I'm not clear on this.  Was 'Rockwood' a typo, or where you kind of making fun of Rookwood's name?  Or something else?

I'd say about 1 out of 2 people make that mistake.

Anyway, cursing is a way for the player to say I don't want to play with this person anymore and this game would be unplayable if it did not exist.

I also don't think SIDs is as annoying right now as it has been in the past.  There was a time where SIDs babies would /die and then spawn seconds later and do this upwards to a dozen or more times.   That's not happening as much as it used to.  Not sure if it's because player count has gone up slightly or the new band update makes it easier to find mothers in a homeland or what. 

Sometimes this is the result of a bad player who has been cursed by every mother on the server and you just happen to be the one who hasn't cursed them yet.  I see it a lot with new players getting this as a result and you can tell it really affects them because they don't understand what's going on and you have to explain to them so they don't feel horrible, then they too are annoyed once they realize what's happening.

Last edited by Rookwood (2020-11-15 02:54:34)


#12 2020-11-15 13:14:36

Registered: 2018-06-17
Posts: 158

Re: Can we get rid of /Curse my baby?

Spoonwood wrote:
FishRfriendsnotfood wrote:

Rockwood is a great example of someone who things breathing is griefing so uses the curse as a way to make themselves feel better about being slightly annoyed.

I'm not clear on this.  Was 'Rockwood' a typo, or where you kind of making fun of Rookwood's name?  Or something else?

Hmmm this is a mystery.  Perhaps one of the greatest since Jimmy Hoffa.  If you find out, let me know.

I'm fish, deal with it or don't, idgaf


#13 2020-11-15 13:19:26

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Can we get rid of /Curse my baby?

Some questions simply have no answer. 

Only more questions.


#14 2020-11-15 16:11:43

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Can we get rid of /Curse my baby?

FishRfriendsnotfood wrote:
Spoonwood wrote:
FishRfriendsnotfood wrote:

Rockwood is a great example of someone who things breathing is griefing so uses the curse as a way to make themselves feel better about being slightly annoyed.

I'm not clear on this.  Was 'Rockwood' a typo, or where you kind of making fun of Rookwood's name?  Or something else?

Hmmm this is a mystery.  Perhaps one of the greatest since Jimmy Hoffa.  If you find out, let me know.

Well that did have me laughing Fish.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


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