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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#26 2020-11-18 01:20:21

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: I found something in the woods.

karltown_veteran wrote:

Deers don’t lay eggs!! My moneys on ping pong balls 100%, or some other kind of ball. Not as exciting but seems more likely.

The pop-up sign says they are stones. (apparently)
Who are we, to argue with the signs?


The thing I don't get, though, is if

What do I need to add to WELL SITE to make a WELL?

It just doesn't make sense.

I need your help figuring this out, Kar- ahem, Anna.


#27 2020-11-18 01:25:36

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: I found something in the woods.

karltown_veteran wrote:

Deers don’t lay eggs!!

Maybe not presently, but they did hundreds of millions of years ago, and, they may once again, if we choose to engineer them to be that way...



#28 2020-11-18 01:27:40

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 841

Re: I found something in the woods.

Shovel + well site = well, right? At least that’s how I remember it
I can’t tell from the video but if they’re stones they’ll look.. stoney. If they’re totally smooth they’ll be ping pong balls.
I also can’t tell how serious you’re being but I’m surprised you remembered my name.

.-.. .. ..-. . / .. ... / ... - .-. .- -. --. . .-.-.- / ... --- / .- -- / .. .-.-.-
ˆ ø˜ç´ ƒ®åµ´∂ å˜ ˆ˜˜øç∑˜† å˜∂ ©ø† å∑å¥ ∑ˆ†˙ ˆ†
he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl


#29 2020-11-18 01:42:08

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: I found something in the woods.

karltown_veteran wrote:

Shovel + well site = well, right? At least that’s how I remember it
I can’t tell from the video but if they’re stones they’ll look.. stoney. If they’re totally smooth they’ll be ping pong balls.
I also can’t tell how serious you’re being but I’m surprised you remembered my name.

But this is all I see!
Stone + Well Site = Well Site
And I've already put a stone on the dry pond for a well, then it wanted me to put a stone on the well site for a well site, and I did that...

I don't want to give up. Something is going on here and I have to figure it out.

All I have are two stones left, and the basket.


(PS. I didn't, but I did remember you telling me.)


#30 2020-11-18 01:45:55

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: I found something in the woods.

karltown_veteran wrote:

Deers don’t lay eggs!!

You're right.  It must be a goose egg.  If only Morti had a big steaming pile of sheep dung.


Morti - have you tried adding more softballs to the wellsite?  It looks like it needs more egg power to complete its transformation.

If you need even more, I found this pile of stones nearby.


Last edited by DestinyCall (2020-11-18 01:56:01)


#31 2020-11-18 02:20:48

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: I found something in the woods.

DestinyCall wrote:
karltown_veteran wrote:

Deers don’t lay eggs!!

You're right.  It must be a goose egg.  If only Morti had a big steaming pile of sheep dung.


Morti - have you tried adding more softballs to the wellsite?  It looks like it needs more egg power to complete its transformation.

If you need even more, I found this pile of stones nearby. … SY400_.jpg

THE SIGNS CLEARLY STATE THEY ARE STONES not EGGS, Not MUSHROOMS and NOT SOFT BALLS, nor ping pong palls, nor table tennis balls, or any kind of balls for that matter...!

(I'm upset, imgur won't host anymore of my gifs. sad I still have dozens of pictures from the last 3 days, and imgur now, decided it's time to be stingy?
... I'm unhappy.)


#32 2020-11-18 02:30:41

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: I found something in the woods.

I am suspicious of the signs.   

Can we trust them?  Who is writing them?  What is their purpose?  How do they keep changing them? Is it elves?  It's probably elves.

I have so many question.


#33 2020-11-18 02:32:13

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: I found something in the woods.

I think they just throttled me back, I refreshed the last attempt and it finally went through... now you can see for yourself!

I didn't write the name of the object, Jason did, tell him they're actually chicken balls, or, whatever!


#34 2020-11-18 02:52:59

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: I found something in the woods.

Mouflon eggs.   He has been fooling us this whole time.


#35 2020-11-18 03:53:10

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: I found something in the woods.

Those look like whiffle balls.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#36 2020-11-18 04:10:34

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: I found something in the woods.


...chicken balls.


The Day I went to jail, I recorded so much video and took so many pictures of an overnight in my camp. I thought I'd just go to court, get a fine, pay a little on it and be back home streaming my adventures in Real Life, and, One Life for a nice little audience of 2 - 10 people. I don't want to end up back in jail on the 24th, after my next court date, but, I can almost guarantee that's where I'm headed. If not jail, maybe prison, I don't know. But both times it was for pushing people to the ground, which, I suppose are my 3rd and 4th domestic assaults. I'm not even sure which events in my past counted as the 1st and 2nd ones, I've been in maybe 20 fights in my life and cops ended up on the scene after half of them. City, County and State.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

Why am I so bad?

It's not even just that I'm aggressive either, I'm lazy - I haven't had a job in nearly 20 years, not anything I've paid taxes on, at least.
I've never owned a car or a license to drive one, I sit at a computer for 16 hours a day, I've smoked tobacco on and off for 21 years, I've had pains in my sides for 35 years and no one has ever told me why... there is so much shit wrong with me and, some of you think I'm a good person, well, obviously I'm not.


I'm okay, I just haven't taken my cold, wet, boots off since I got back from the woods today.
The snow this evening was really beautiful though. It started snowing just as I was finishing up taking pictures for this thread, I can't wait for winter.
I just want things to slow down, for people to get cold, and to see each other as sources of warmth.
I do not, want to spend this winter in jail, or prison.
Not that I won't accept and make a memorable time of it if I wind up in either.

Take good care of each other and your families.

If I get the urge to continue posting these pictures for this thread, I'll come back, but I need a break.
What I really need is someone to hug me, for once.
I initiate hugs with other people less and less often... and the last person to hug me was my slow bunk mate, after he stole my vanilla creme candies when I was in the gym, told me, then proceeded to bash himself in the face after I said I was going to kite him out of the cell for stealing from another inmate. I forgave him, then he said I was his only friend in there. I was in there for three weeks at that point, almost four and my bunkmate nearly split his own head open with his fist, over 6 pieces of candy, that he stole from me... then he had the nerve to ask for a hug, with 7 other guys watching the drama unfold, just anxious for me to knock him out.

Does anyone live near the Canadian border near Michigan? I wanna get the fuck out of this country.

Then I'll be happy being away, and THE PEOPLE of Michigan, or Alpena, or The United States or, whoever the judge says he represents, well, all those people that are fine the judge putting me away, will surely be happy I'm gone? Or is that not the point? Oh right, the point is that justice needs to be served, and, since I pushed two men down, I should receive a sentence that will either keep me in poverty for the next year, or, incarcerated for that time. Right, right.


I need to get to sleep or just stop typing, before I hang myself with this thread.


I'm still the person that loves you.
I even love those people I have hurt.
Love, disappointment, anger, hate and compassion, even sadness, these are not mutually exclusive to me, as I think I told Spoon in a stream once.
I was raised by a woman who would scream and smack her kids one moment, and then apologize and try to hug them seconds later.
I saw that shit happen to my older siblings growing up.
Some of my best remembered friendships were with people who physically hurt me, yet we recovered after our fight and said a few things to each other afterwards, we should have said before we thought we had to make the other submit.

As beautiful as life so often is, when seen through the lense of modern human civilizations media portrayals of itself overall - we're, we can be a lot more fucked up than we're even allowed to put in scripts, or that we know how to portray, in writing, or on sets. And I don't even mean the gory stuff, but that's the kind of upfront, life or death shit people often think of when they think humans are dangerous animals. No, it's not the acts that are the real concern, but the minds, the upbringing, the potpourri of learned motivators that either lead people to act, or, worse, make them look the other way when injustice plays out in the name of justice.

And caring, is seen as weak.

STOP. TYPING. AND. GO. just, go somewhere else.

You guys are the best chance I have at someone caring about me in the real world.
That might be why I've put so much time into this game.
When I saw I was so close to having the most hours played, I thought surely, that must say something good to someone, that I am willing to put this sort of time into playing this game with them. Maybe they'll care about me? It was a brief thought I had a few times, around 500, 1000, 2000 hours played...

I've read so much of what so many of you have typed here, none of you are bad - we could argue about values for years, I wouldn't think less of you.
There's nothing wrong with any of you. Except that you're too far away for me to hug.


I end this post, with...

This moment, of this video, when I was drunkest and nearly lost, at 3:45 AM October 6th, and I decided to explore the least explored direction, for that very reason, and the camera first captured the light of my fire through the trees.



#37 2020-11-18 04:32:56

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: I found something in the woods.

Cheers, to the chemistry of Earth, the Sun and the dead stars before us, that makes all this, conscious nonsense, possible.



#38 2020-11-18 05:18:43

Coconut Fruit
Registered: 2019-08-16
Posts: 831

Re: I found something in the woods.

Never seen full white baseball balls, at begin I was thinking someone painted them white for some reason.
Had to google it to see if there are any full white. … NrPXRydWU=

Maybe someone played baseball somewhere near and lost them?

Making own private server (Very easy! You can play on it even if you haven't bought the game)
Zoom mod
Mini guide for beginners
website with all recipies


#39 2020-11-18 06:40:09

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: I found something in the woods.

Coconut Fruit wrote:

Maybe someone played baseball somewhere near and lost them?

You can't play baseball with round stones.  That would be very dangerous.

Think of the children.


#40 2020-11-18 08:27:22

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 688

Re: I found something in the woods.

i recognize that desolate forest path, see you soon

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#41 2020-11-18 19:30:32

Registered: 2018-12-29
Posts: 579

Re: I found something in the woods.

Morti I do care for you even though I will probably never meet you... sad but true, I don't know the full picture of you world I only have only a small window on a black screen but what from what I have read is: you are a good person and you need help

You might say to yourself that your not a good person but the story with the guy in the cell tells me otherwise, the anger you feel doesn't come from you but from the ones who hurt you, your isolation comes from fear of that anger and your own,  and you searching for a community from the same place.

you have found a community, this community, as much as we love and care for you, you need others outside of the screen... dare I say real people, I know that it may seem scary to find others but they are out there....

but what do I know I am not a licensed therapist
I am worry for you, & hope that you will make it, to wherever you may roam to where ever you may find yourself, I hope that you find the help that you need...

- with lots of hugs Ant (sad but I though it fit)

"hear how the wind begins to whisper, but now it screams at me" said ashe
"I remember it from a Life I never Lived" said Peaches
"Now Chad don't invest in Asian markets" said Chad's Mom
Herry the man who cheated death


#42 2020-11-18 21:15:54

Registered: 2018-07-31
Posts: 293

Re: I found something in the woods.

Cheers friend !



#43 2020-11-18 21:19:37

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: I found something in the woods.

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

i recognize that desolate forest path, see you soon

It's not solo when I'm there.
It has me and I have it.
The sides of that path are like the forests arms, eager to embrace me.
The path itself is the distance between two long lost solmates, reunited,
moving towards one another, to shorten the time they are no longer untwined in each other's limbs,
from infinity, to zero.

This is the lure of the forest.
People are struggling because they've forgotten where they come from.
We don't belong out in the open, we belong in the trees.
It's them that belong around the stars.
They're the organisms planets should be made into.
We, just belong in them; between their roots and branches.
They will always be welcoming.
They know no other lifestyle, than to stand,
arms wide open, basking in the sun,
staring at the stars, every night, without fail,
growing, towards the infinite volume of space above.
Growing, out to all the stars.


I do not cut live trees for firewood.
I will trim them back from the path,
to make way for future travelers,
so that people,
like the neuronic blood cells of the Earth's body,
can be where they set their destination.
To facilitate communications,
to observe and absorb sensory information,
to distribute resources, where there is want for them to be.
Where life decides, to be.


Trees are willing to take all our shit, and turn it into solid ground, fresh air, fruit, shelter...
They are the perfect humans.
No concept of judgement, no need for it, their existence birthed space, for the seeds of our ancestors.
Between the might of their trunks, from the sky to the depths of the cusp, life forms like us, drew lines.
"If I can just make it between those two big trunks, I can lose this big, nasty predator" said the mouse.
And another communal place for life to congregate, emerged, in those thick trunks,
hundreds of millions of years ago.
But this, was a new place.
This was on land, food fell from the sky, oxygen was in abundance, new forms of metabolism were possible,
the trees, gave rise to new acrobatics for life to perform, and small feathered dinosaurs, gave chase to insects, fruit and nuts,
into these places along with us...

Understand how beautiful you are?
You are the fruit, the seed, the tree.
You are the mouse, the bird, the snake.

The properties of these organisms and aspects of life, they are parts of you too.
We have such amazing minds. The least amount of information in the universe, is wasted, in you.
I love you so much and, I'm so glad we have this time together.
To come to our senses, from birth to death - seed to fall tree; matrix of the biomass,
fattening the crust above sea level, a blip of gas and liquid and the least solids, floating,
in the space where earth, water and sky are frothiest.

We are foaming at the mouth of the Earth. smile
Beautiful little bubbles, all.

I love you, I love you, I love you.

See you again soon.


#44 2020-11-19 21:07:23

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: I found something in the woods.

antking:]# wrote:

That was a beautiful piece of music, thank you Ant, for that, and the kind words.

I'd give each of you a good hug right now if we were together, in person.
For now, may these words suffice.

I love you all.


#45 2020-11-20 19:00:39

Registered: 2019-02-03
Posts: 92

Re: I found something in the woods.

Dear Morti,
How are you doing out there in the forest?
Will we get the chance to interact with you in a future stream, once again?


#46 2020-11-20 19:59:46

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: I found something in the woods.

Kilian wrote:

Dear Morti,
How are you doing out there in the forest?
Will we get the chance to interact with you in a future stream, once again?

Yes, and I had a nice cozy fire last night.
I was tempted to sleep out there, I have a dollar store inflatable mattress that I rest on sometimes,

Taking a nap on the forest floor, on a dollar raft - priceless.

and I now have a hunter shooting at my camp from 260 yards away, when I think the law states there can't be any people, or structures, 500 yards past where you are shooting.
Now, to call the cops on this person, or, to approach them myself and ask them to stop firing towards my camp... this is the hard part.

Anyway, Kilian, it's a pleasure to see you again. smile

I want to finish this thread, perhaps today, at least, the story portion of it.

DestinyCall wrote:

Morti - have you tried adding more softballs stones to the wellsite?

What a great idea Destiny! big_smile big_smile big_smile


So, now that we've added all our four stones to the dry-pond-become-well-site, it seems we're going to need more.

Then looking further down the trail, I saw this...


And it reminded me of your post, Cantface.

Cantface wrote:

I hope it wasn't someone's 'breadcrumb' trail lol!

Perhaps, these objects, are, actually, breadcrumbs...

I tried to eat one. They're not bread.


#47 2020-11-21 01:37:36

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 841

Re: I found something in the woods.

I think you’re nice Morti. Sorry you’ve been feeling bad. You’re very poetic, try to write down your feelings more often. If something happens and your posts stop coming I’ll notice like I did last time you took a break and then I’ll be worried about you so take care of yourself okay?

.-.. .. ..-. . / .. ... / ... - .-. .- -. --. . .-.-.- / ... --- / .- -- / .. .-.-.-
ˆ ø˜ç´ ƒ®åµ´∂ å˜ ˆ˜˜øç∑˜† å˜∂ ©ø† å∑å¥ ∑ˆ†˙ ˆ†
he xnt bzm qdzc sghr, xnt zqd z enqlhczakd noonmdms
veteran of an OHOL town called Karltown. Not really a veteran and my names not Karl


#48 2020-11-21 02:08:46

Registered: 2019-04-14
Posts: 304

Re: I found something in the woods.

I always feel a little better when Morti is around the forums. I like that he keeps trying to restore our faith in humanity one tiny piece at a time, even myself being both a cynical and pessimistic person most of the time it's heartwarming.

You're a pretty good guy in my books Morti and I hope you stick around <3

Last edited by Cantface (2020-11-21 02:09:16)



#49 2020-11-24 23:59:42

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: I found something in the woods.

Got another two weeks to be free before going back to court, so, I can loosen up a little.

I told my probation officer I didn't mind being in jail as much as I'd thought I would. That it was a good opportunity to listen to people who needed to be heard, and I meant it. As much as I love playing this game with all of you, there are real people who could use our help in this world and they are in places we don't always want to be. In the ghettos of Detroit and Chicago, in jails and prisons across America, in those hard to reach areas of the Earth, where the roads are muddy and the people rarely see another human being from day-to-day, there are children, turning into adults, who don't see the beauty of their own existence as an amazing feet of life itself.

Well, those men I spent time in jail with, they just need someone to care about them; someone to listen to them try and make sense of their past, present and, what's left of the future they think they have. It's impossible to get to those men, and women, who need us most, without either being a corrections officer, or, a person who the law would trust within it's walls. I don't know if I'll ever be one of those types of people; offering GED classes, anger management or self help courses, but, I could see myself as a fellow inmate, becoming friends with some of those men, for a short period of time.

I found it an odd thing to bring up with him, my probation officer, knowing that in two weeks the judge is going to ask him to come before him and ask him personally what he thinks should be done with me regarding my 4th domestic assault charge. I am representing myself; no lawyer, so I am going to learn from personal experience just how harsh or forgiving the judge can be. I didn't want someone to be the middleman between the judge and myself, I want him to feel a little more responsible for my sentence and a little less detached from me himself.

That said, there are still things to do, so, I can't go back to my usual routine of playing and streaming till exhaustion each day, putting in 10, 20 or even more hours of playtime before getting as little sleep as my body needs before trying to do it again. I want to do that, I do. I want to devote my life once again to developing the world, to caring for you all and to putting on a good show of it on Twitch so that anyone looking for the game can see an example of it being played in real time. I'm not sure how good of a spokesperson I am for this game, but it certainly has changed me, and for that I am grateful and wish to return the favor, in what way I can.

As for this thread... I took some of the fun out of it, bringing the issues I am dealing with in my life, up in it, and I recognize that... can be a little distracting from the theme - the mood, that I was going for with these pictures; with my time in the woods and this little, spoof, on what was an experience I used to have with the game, which was making your first well. Obviously ponds don't become wells anymore, but they did for a long enough time that it's nearly ingrained into my mind that that's the way it still works. Good luck finding ley lines in real life. Spoiler: They don't exist. BUT, maybe, in some strange scenario in our future, something like them may exist, say, if modern American civilizations suddenly were to become wastelands, and then nature retook things, yet, just below the ground, remained the infrastructure that utility companies put in place, with, plumbing, for instance. The old pipes could erode yet maintain their function as aquifers that carry water, as the sediment of the iron pipes accumulated in various blockages along the way, where, now, we find badlands. Is it a great explanation for the state of the game and a realistic line to draw from the present state of Earth to that which we see in the game? Maybe not the best imaginable, but, it's something to consider, that this 40x40 meter grid we live on, is, the remnants of any particular stretch of the American landscape, once inhabited by people.


I don't know, maybe it's meant to make us consider something like that?
It's made me make that explanation up, just now, so, hey, it is something to think about.

The present, will, for the greatest length of time, be the future's past.
Whereas, it was the past's future, for a shorter length of time,
and, the present was just that, for no length of time, in between.

Keep that in mind when you think of your family, your community, and what you leave as a legacy, for all life, for the rest of time - these permanent fixtures we leave, in the past.
Now, as for my recent past in the woods, I carried on gathering stones until the pile would take no more, as the stones laid themselves on top of one another in a neat little shape with the bottom layer having 5 stones, the next up 4, with one perched at the top, so that the arrangement looked, almost like a vintage flying saucer that people imagined used to visit Earth, in old works of fiction. 


Now what?

Would my well site, finally, become a well?

I went to consult the sign.


#50 2020-11-25 00:25:48

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: I found something in the woods.

When suddenly the wind picked up and


blew my sign about!
I looked to the sky, waiting for the wind to settle.


And when it did, I could finally read the sign.


More answers, more questions.
I had no idea what a shovel was or why the well began as a shallow one, but I thought about it.
As I stared down the path, and the wind bit my face, I thought about it.


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