One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-03-03 03:15:00

Registered: 2017-06-12
Posts: 5

A Life Worth Remembering

I've had some pretty great runs through this game, and of course, the most memorable are ones where I make it all the way to 60.

I know others have asked for a history of the world, but what about something like a photo album to look back on. Perhaps throughout your life, you could take some small clips/ screenshots, and at the end of your life you can annotate them and make some sort of scrapbook - photo album, which you can then share with others online. I  might draw some more people into the game too.

Maybe you can only do this if you get over a certain age, or get to 60. Some people in this forum have posted screenshots and written their stories and I have really enjoyed reading about thier lives and looking at screenshots of what the farm looked like in their day.

This in itself would serve almost as a history. To the memory of that good run!


PS. . Here is what the farm USED to look like.



#2 2018-04-16 20:57:50

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: A Life Worth Remembering


me, noname guy and another cousin, martha died last

we made tools, milkweed island, we were geared, many famines and a bear killed most
there was one kill when i was born but then we used arrows to kill bears,  and nobody was killing others

it was messy but nice livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#3 2018-04-19 09:09:49

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: A Life Worth Remembering

i was in a village with a long 2 by 8 fence, near some desert and a big swamp cut out, griefers let the sheep out multiple times, was hard to survive between other 5 babies, my mom didnt really feed me, didnt name me
but i run to fire and they raised me up. lot of murders just for fun i think, we ahd like three crowns

i took a snare and run to the right, found rabbits, made my backpack, then went back with thread and made my gear exept shirt, then i found some shoes. i was looking for a seal when found an eve, helped them a bit by making clothes for them, i found seals in north. tried to save a lady who starved near a baby trying to take my offered seal skin , then i couldnt find berry in time for the daughter

the guys didnt even bothered killing the runaway sheep, would of been plenty of clothing for every kid

the family in south was prospering, the kings remained alone in my city

i offered the king that i bring a girl for exchange i need a sheep skin, as we had horse but no saddle
i was bringing sheep back too, but couldnt get the knife

i went back to eve family and asked for taking one girl, brought them some advanced stuff, like carts
the smaller sister agreed and we went back
the king was happy, he was alone in city other guy just wondering in woods
the girl made the first daughter as we arrived, the place was a mess but there was some pie left

i was getting my sheep skin and went back for thread, south village was abandoned basic village with milkweed farm whe nthe eve found it, so i could make lasso and plenty of thread, rope there

i had eight bars when i made my saddle and finally i could go for a ride. took shovel adze, two straight shafts and stone with stakes in backpack, i couldnt take off the tools, i died after making the east west fence base

next life i born there, there was a queen, possibly the girl i took back
i became the princess, my sister the other one, i was heading to other city, seen is empty, abandoned by the family i think, all carrot left to seed, seen my lost horse cart, so i went back to city, i was too little yet
a guy was asking for shovel, so i told him to follow me. i explained he need to catch a horse, not  with lasso, has a saddle, asked him to make a fence there, he didnt understood but helped, we took down the tools, i had the branches, i had to carve it, dig a hole and use adze on the firebrands, then he headed back with the horse

as soon as i became 12, i sued that horse, went back to small village, salvaged seeds, soil, milkweed, had like 5-6 runs, very fast, then i took the lasso i left, bringing another horse
i had three daughters on the way down, i was bringing them back then let others feed, lost 4th 5th and 6th kid as its hard to jump off the horse, feed, explain, and they were bad at following. i kept my 7th and 8th kid oo, but maybe they didnt make it, my sister had a few

a girl who had the knife stabbed a kid, saying "smartass", then he gone for a bit, seen once more but never again, the knife was lost too, but had one more saddle so i gave to my third daughter
i made the next lasso and was bringing the third horse
made a fence to the cut out swamp so people can get firewood fast
my late years i was cleaning up the numerous bones, and then explored a bit, far north east found a small kiln near few lakes, a small farm,  some dead bodies and gear to norh west, some other biomes, i could never visit before
life as a queen, riding horses, helping the community, was ncie run, too bad the knife wasnt mine, we could of made tons of muflon pie, like 10-15 sheeps were running away livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#4 2018-04-25 00:00:55

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: A Life Worth Remembering

born near a big desert, with a farm near it, water south bit far, no tools
managed to stay alive somehow, fed my sister once too
lot of kids died, especially in desert
i headed out with a basket of carrots found a snare north west, collected cactus on my way
got five bunnies returned with 3 cactus
took a needle a milkweed and a flint, returned, made my backpack, went home, soem people were alive, went out agaiin to see the green biome above the desert, found milkweed farm, then found camp, a lady killing another, a kid died in process
the killer spawned two kids with bloody knife. i fed them but she still was hostile, so kids also died, she tried to kill me too
i took some rope, returned home, making a bow
nobody alive, the farm was thriving, possibly they die before it grew back, all cactus on the ground
no name lady stumbled upon, told she can stay, not many resources she told, she gave birth and stood a bit
i went to make an arrow, had to go far south, found a skever but seen cut trees followed it,
then i found arrow, then a knife
went back told lady i found a camp, possibly she left to there never seen again
went back to kill the bitch she moved around i wasnt even aiming, then she picked up pie and ate it, i acted if i dropped the knife swapped back and killed her, tried to talk before but she thought she can juggle and find her bow
she had an okay camp, she also started forging knife, seen the cooked goose
took a rope a pouch and a shovel, soem pie, went back
tried to find any survivors on any of the cmaps, no one alive
getting older, found a crown, made a cart and got back all the tools to main camp
was my city from yesterday where i forged some tools as a granny, no axe or steel hoe do, some wells were full
went home, was worst from three camps, but had water, and i born there
went out to desert, killed all snakes i seen, around 8 or 10 not sure
then i tought i can forge but no axe, hatchet found, was a mess, no smithing hammer either
then i started a well, near the perfect temperature spot i was raised, couldnt finish, i put down my snake shoes, crown, seal skin and died carrying the cart without wheels  made in southern town

if somebody spawns there, there is a lot of cactus right near it and some diagonally north west, i made it safe to pass
also the stones are still there, other camp had only one well in making livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#5 2018-04-25 00:20:53

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: A Life Worth Remembering

pein wrote:

,soem people were alive, went out agaiin to see the green biome above the desert, found milkweed farm, then found camp, a lady killing another, a kid died in process
the killer spawned two kids with bloody knife. i fed them but she still was hostile, so kids also died, she tried to kill me too
i took some rope, returned home, making a bow
nobody alive, the farm was thriving, possibly they die before it grew back, all cactus on the ground
no name lady stumbled upon, told she can stay, not many resources she told, she gave birth and stood a bit
i went to make an arrow, had to go far south, found a skever but seen cut trees followed it,
then i found arrow, then a knife
went back told lady i found a camp, possibly she left to there never seen again
went back to kill the bitch she moved around i wasnt even aiming, then she picked up pie and ate it, i acted if i dropped the knife swapped back and killed her, tried to talk before but she thought she can juggle and find her bow
she had an okay camp, she also started forging knife, seen the cooked goose
took a rope a pouch and a shovel, soem pie, went back
tried to find any survivors on any of the cmaps, no one alive

First time playing since few day because of the update, It wasn't me I guess the old lady, but It look like very much my story. I flee away my birth place, find advanced camp, kill no name girl hanging around, I tried to forge a knife and by mistake put blade into bowl, didn't know that and ruin my effort, I didn't had knife for the duel. Young blond man come and try to stab me like I always do, coldblood backstab, he failed, very easy to spot. I might have killed him many times like that before. When he drop the knife few times my mouse went on the second screen and close my game trying to get it. First time I got stab unvolontary. Feel so bad, update is shit, I cannot do 4v1 anymore, I went back playing few games. Everytime I kill 2 or 3 people they start dyjng by starvation. I wonder why people even farm

Last edited by TrustyWay (2018-04-25 00:29:43)


#6 2018-04-25 00:33:39

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: A Life Worth Remembering

first by mistake, kinda, as i aimed the  tile not the lady, second was the trick, intentionally dropping then swap
she told something like: "missed" "too slow" as i was aiming with bow at first, then i ran to  drop carrots and do it with knife

wasnt old yet but i guess close to 40 as popped out a son, if it would been a daughter, would fed her

well on other run my mom kept all kids, told her not to, then my sister did the smae, total like 20 kids, only one bro reached old age
my son didnt suicide when i asked to, instead he was fed by my "aunt", 16 year old aunt
i wanted to shoot my son for it, 3 kids in fire, i shot my daughter somehow, felt bad, but then explained to my br who took the arrow, he gave back to me, he understood why i did it i guess
then i chased my son and ocne he ate a carrot i killed him
then they escaped or famine took them dont even care
naked noobs running around, preventing me to get iron and forge something

explained my sis that she had 8 kids, 1 surrvived, so she killed more than me, ofc is not her fault, she thinks
but made harder for all of us, not going to regret killing this baby machines

im not generally into killing, i try to talk with people, but i kill them if they miss a shot, my best kill was insta mushrooming a murderer, by the time his cooldown went away  he started to trip and died xD livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#7 2018-04-25 00:48:38

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: A Life Worth Remembering

I dunno why but killing feels so rewarding, of what, I dont know but that's better than farming carrots non stop.

Best I made was an old man, rekt all guards and boys trying to fight. Got killed at 59 while chilling at the fire trying to teach way of gods to kids. The second time I raided with somebody a farm he killed a running dude, very impressive

Last edited by TrustyWay (2018-04-25 00:50:49)


#8 2018-04-25 01:00:06

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: A Life Worth Remembering

i want raiding bell towers with my kids, replace bloodlines
i dont farm carrot either but setting up sheep and keep some girls alive feels good livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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