a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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To the onhouronelife population ?, I ? was recently ? denied ? being able ??? to own a small ? portion ?? of land ?? (property ? fence ?) they claimed ? i ? was going ?? to troll ?, and i ? did not, my favorite ? job ? in game ? is wandering ?, and looting ? dead ? people ? in far ? off ??? lands ?, but ? instead ? i ? got ? exiled and killed ??, at this moment ?, my 2 ✌ friends ? are arguing ? with the people ? that were not trolls ??, so im ? giving ? a warning ‼ to everyone ?, because of the leadership ? in these towns ??, I ? will be trolling ? as hard ??? as i ?? possibly ? can in every ? town ? i ?? spawn ? into, maybe ? this way ↕, people ? will understand ??? not to mess ??☠ with how people ? like ? to play ? the game ?‼?, enjoy ?!
Last edited by Berry High Priest (2021-01-01 22:26:27)
Kind regards,
Your friendly gooseberry gentleman neighbor.
My excuses fellow forum posters. It seems that the forums dont allow full artistic expression as it removed the mojis.
I pardon for the inconvenience
Kind regards,
Your friendly gooseberry gentleman neighbor.
It always amuses me when someone proves that people were right not to trust them and thinks that will teach people that they should have been more trusting.
It always amuses me when someone proves that people were right not to trust them and thinks that will teach people that they should have been more trusting.
You always have the perfect replies, that sums it up.
People who take out their frustrations on the entire community are the most selfish small brained people I can imagine.
I hope that person grows up someday, but I doubt it.
I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.