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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#51 2021-05-27 13:39:39

Registered: 2021-05-27
Posts: 5

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

Welcome to de real world. Why the cities in RL is not destroyed everytime and not everybody is killed? yes.. because it has a minimum DEFENCE. Maybe veterans need to learn something more?

-Life is hard wink


#52 2021-05-27 14:53:52

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

This thread is over a year old.

Not much point in telling them to get gud, since they are long gone by now.


#53 2021-05-28 04:00:16

Registered: 2021-03-30
Posts: 159

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

Get your eve family past 10 gens during the rift times and we can talk about what vets need to learn sobako. You dont know what hard is and you clearly dont know what it means to be a vet in this game. Most vets sacrifice their gene score so you can take for granted all the luxuries this game can provide. If you were not an entitled brat speaking down to the generation ahead of you you might understand that.


#54 2021-05-29 22:52:04

Caiaphus Tarwater
Registered: 2020-04-03
Posts: 21

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

Why I decided to quit this toxic game?

Griefers.  The game mechanics favor griefers.  Griefers in the game, and griefers on the low pop servers.  Griefers.

Griefers may like to believe that they are protesting or participating in some high-minded endeavor, but they are simply modeling antisocial behavior in a consequence-free environment.  Feelings of victimhood and powerlessness in real life, perhaps coupled with actual trauma, leave many feeling intolerably frustrated.   But in this game, they can feel powerful, at least momentarily, by causing pain for others.  They feel smart, even though it is much, much easier to grief a family rather than help a family.  Griefing in OHOL (a crafting and cooperation game) is a little like griefing in Spyro the Dragon.  It's pathetic, but it's hard to have an itch you can't scratch in the real world.  OHOL is a safe space for griefers.

Of course, there are overtly psychotic and antisocial people in real life too, but in real life the playing field is not tilted toward griefers, and there are also real consequences.

Why would I want to spend my leisure time being abused by frustrated, juvenile (developmentally if not in fact), mostly male incels?  It's not fun or relaxing for me to be reminded how many people are hurting inside and wish they could somehow relieve their pain by hurting others.


#55 2021-05-30 06:29:47

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 688

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game


I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#56 2021-06-01 14:24:15

Registered: 2018-06-03
Posts: 89

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

Haven't played the game like years,
can't finish 3 pages of year discussion and I agree with you,
no wonder the game stop update for 6 months.
I'm feeling sad, the game just turned into a nightmare, before that it was not heaven either.

I knew something went wrong when the truck can be made in that way.
(back to the time when I occasionally visit the website to check for the updates)

JonySky wrote:

you keep misfocusing the problem
The problem is not Bobo or his gang, not even murder

The problem is the heart of the game, the problem is Jason:
This game is not balanced, it must be balanced with:

- Individual killings, no stupid "innovative" gang mechanics
- "Non-fatal" solutions must be implemented, prisons, stuns, etc ...
- You must create an intuitive game for everyone (new game hub)
- You must create new objects to make life more comfortable (new objects that must eliminate repetitive and boring tasks)
- Diversity in cities (all cities are the same)
- New mechanics must be added to the engine to support the weather, natural disasters, diseases, etc ...

Griefers are in this game because they are bored, they don't want to do the same thing over and over again, they are tired of doing the same repetitive tasks without stopping
Jason prefers to fight Bobo as a child before solving the problem in his game.

OHOL is destined to die, and the person in charge is not Bobo, nor the murders

You can make an extremely fun game including murders and griefers (they generate stories)

Last edited by TAIOAN (2021-06-01 14:27:10)

I always give my children a lovely Tâigí(Taiwanese) name, súi(beautiful)!


#57 2021-06-01 15:45:50

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

TAIOAN wrote:

Haven't played the game like years,
can't finish 3 pages of year discussion and I agree with you,
no wonder the game stop update for 6 months.
I'm feeling sad, the game just turned into a nightmare, before that it was not heaven either.

I knew something went wrong when the truck can be made in that way.
(back to the time when I occasionally visit the website to check for the updates)

I also left the game a long time ago and currently OHOL does not have any incentive to return to play

Currently OHOL does not have any mechanism to be able to call it "a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building"
Before OHOL had more game possibilities, now it's just a food type creation game ...

I also think that when the engines and vehicles were implemented, the game lost its way and became a strange experiment with nonsense objects and mechanics ...

Jason proved that OHOL is aimless


#58 2021-06-01 21:20:09

Registered: 2021-03-30
Posts: 159

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

Well said JonySky. Both the quoted section and this most recent post. Couldnt agree more. Its sad to see this game become what it is today.

The biggest point i think you make is the story elements. Back in the day every life felt different. People interacted a lot and everything just felt more alive. You could walk away from a life that was disturbing where your entire family was slaughtered by another. There was organic strife that felt relatable and real, stuff that has happened time and time again across history. But now everything feels artificial. Leadership, kill mechanics, biome restrictions, etc all feel artificial and break the immersion that really was the only unique thing about this game.

Main thing that made me quit was how cliquey the game became. With the introduction of phex and the various discord groups governing the game behind the curtain all  assemblance of anonymity or even in game communication became rare. Everyone just began talking in phex, because there was no character limit and you could communicate to any user using the mod on the server. This removed a lot of the challenges of the game and honestly made things super boring. Its also, my biggest issue, promoted a level of elitism where hetuw users wouldnt even talk to you in game, and not trust you with anything because you were an unknown. You would see fenced vaults all controlled by hetuw users and exclusive to them. It all just became really boring. The game used to be rich with in game banter, planning, discussions, and a sense of anonymity where the person on the other end very well could be someone you had played next to many times before but never knew. There was beauty in that. A beauty that has been lost. With the introduction of that along with all of jasons weird mechanics i was pretty much over it. It felt pointless playing the same life over and over again. Seeing your effort constantly going down the drain or making little to no difference. Everything just started feeling the same and if you were outside the inner circle you were treated like trash. Hetuw users will make the excuse they're making the game better, saving the server, making the game playable for others. This is so false. Jason judges this game by statistics and by spawning in and going "wow this family is rich everything is fine, i dont need to change anything, in fact it seems like oil is too easy to get, i better nerf that". Anyone remember what happened to rabbits because jason saw a town full of backpacks? We need to fail if we want things to get better. Something hetuw users refuse to acknowledge.


#59 2021-06-02 06:33:32

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

The thing is letting villages fail over and over until Jason descends from the Heavens to fix all our problems is not a workable solution, either.   We do what we can with what we have because we must.   We  find a way forward and that way becomes the new meta, whether we like it or not.   

I don't think it is realistic to expect people to not use Discord or other forms of communication when Jason has added a mechanic into the game that requires complex coordination between villages, but has not provided an in-game framework to facilitate long-distance communication and inter-village cooperation.

Are we supposed to contact neighboring villages using the in-game radio to ask if they have some spare rubber, perhaps?   Good luck with that.

This whole game is heavily dependent on veteran players doing what ONLY veteran players can do.  This has been true from the time I started playing and it is even more true today, because there are so many unintuitive and poorly documented mechanics in OHOL right now, like leadership, posses, homelands, biome restrictions, iron mines, hungry work, oil tap-out, and property fences.    I was here when all these mechanics were introduced and still struggle to keep track of how they are supposed to work and why they even exist in the game.

I pity the new players who join the game for the first time and stick around long enough to realize what a mess this game has become on the back-end.   The hoops we jump through to make the current game state playable for the average user.  The daily grind, fixing the same problems with the same solutions, ad naseum.

It would be pretty hilarious if all the vets coordinated a "sit-in" and just stopped playing for a full week. No more experts ruining the game for everyone else.  It would be like the opposite of a Steam sale noob apocalypse.  A veteran drought. 

But I don't hate this game enough to want to actively kill it like that.


#60 2021-06-02 07:43:05

Registered: 2021-03-30
Posts: 159

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

The issue lies with people making the broken system work. As you say, "We do what we can with what we have because we must.   We  find a way forward and that way becomes the new meta, whether we like it or not."

There is no must and there is no like it or not. Thats just a lame excuse to hold up a broken system and refusing to take responsibility for your impact on it. Is it fun doing that? Are you forced or addicted in some way to keep doing so? You make it sound like there isnt a choice. There is. I dont see why people would work so hard to keep a broken system alive and thriving. Some might say its to spite jason, but all you're doing is making his broken system seem successful. When ultimately it should have failed years ago. The only reason i see for people torturing themselves by perpetuating this behavior is it gives them some type of gratification, some sense of importance they are missing, or have grown addicted to.

It is your choice, i cant stop you. But i can bring up its real impact on the game. The wagon lost its wheels long ago. I dont see why people feel the need to carry it further. New players figure out what this game is pretty quickly, otherwise we would have better retention rates. But it seems like we have a small population of people who are so invested in this game they've grown blind to what it is and their impact on it. Using artificial methods to make this game work is just as bad as jason using... artificial methods to make this game "work". Its time we reflect on that and figure out if that effort is really worth it.


#61 2021-06-02 09:02:21

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

Gremlynn wrote:

Using artificial methods to make this game work is just as bad as jason using... artificial methods to make this game "work". Its time we reflect on that and figure out if that effort is really worth it.

Couldn't have said it better, mod users would have left the game long ago if they werent using an artificial way to play the game, without an active playerbase Jason would have eventually question if all these changes are actually the right decision, but now since the numbers are there and new players are sheltered by a couple of boosted try hard users, from Jason's point of view the game is "in a good place".

What is Jason's point of view?

Since it's obvious he doesn't play his own game what he uses to see wether the game is doing good or bad is numbers, number of active players, retention rate of new players, average hours played etc...

Since all those number seem good the game must be good right?

See where the problem is

If you want to use mods it's your own choice but dont pretend you're making a service to the community, it's really the opposite, the game would have been dead long ago and all these dumb mechanics removed eventually, it's clearly not the way the game was supposed to be played and any other game would already have something in place to not allow that, but Jason gave up on that part so they are still here...

The same way fps players using aimbot ruin the game for everyone else, these mods ruin a part of the game.


#62 2021-06-02 09:39:58

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

Dodge wrote:
Gremlynn wrote:

Using artificial methods to make this game work is just as bad as jason using... artificial methods to make this game "work". Its time we reflect on that and figure out if that effort is really worth it.

Couldn't have said it better, mod users would have left the game long ago if they werent using an artificial way to play the game, without an active playerbase Jason would have eventually question if all these changes are actually the right decision, but now since the numbers are there and new players are sheltered by a couple of boosted try hard users, from Jason's point of view the game is "in a good place".

What is Jason's point of view?

Since it's obvious he doesn't play his own game what he uses to see wether the game is doing good or bad is numbers, number of active players, retention rate of new players, average hours played etc...

Since all those number seem good the game must be good right?

See where the problem is

If you want to use mods it's your own choice but dont pretend you're making a service to the community, it's really the opposite, the game would have been dead long ago and all these dumb mechanics removed eventually, it's clearly not the way the game was supposed to be played and any other game would already have something in place to not allow that, but Jason gave up on that part so they are still here...

The same way fps players using aimbot ruin the game for everyone else, these mods ruin a part of the game.

Totally agree
This is why video game creators do not allow MODS on vanilla servers.

Common sense

Last edited by JonySky (2021-06-02 09:41:53)


#63 2021-06-02 12:42:51

Registered: 2021-02-06
Posts: 26

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

Honestly, as much as it pains me to say it because I do believe most of the vets are genuinely trying to make this game more enjoyable for everyone, I gotta agree that currently it's doing more harm than good. Not only is it keeping up this broken system, the elitism that comes with it also discourages new players who are struggling with the vanilla client while giving more advantages to experienced players (who are already at an advantage in the first place because of their experience).

Now, I see many people say “well the game is not fun without hetuw” but isn't this the actual problem here? The question is WHY is it not fun? Because of the missing zoom function? Because race restrictions are forcing everyone to rely on each other while preventing functional communication at the same time? These problems need to be fixed within the game itself, not by third party mods that really only provide a half-fix if anything.

MAYBE if Jason discouraged people from using mods on the main server, he'd stop thinking that the game is “in a good place” (which it's really not).


#64 2021-06-02 14:42:15

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

The thing is, all of these issues have been reported to Jason over and over.  He knows that the problems exist.   If he was going to take the complaints seriously, it would have already happened years ago.   

Milkweed farming is a perfect example.   It is a real drag to farm milkweed, yet rope is vital for a wide range of applications.  Smart players will go out and gather wild milkweed rather than deal with the broken and unsatisfying production of domestic milkweed, even if they are in a late-stage town, where domestic production should have replaced wild gathering generations ago.    Mass-producing milkweed is not only a huge time-sink but also very wasteful in terms of raw resources.  With a horse, you can reach untouched milkweed fields with less effort and more satisfaction than you would put into farming for a few scant ropes. 

It is a bad sign when you would rather search across hundreds of miles of open terrain for a few rare wild milkweed plants, rather than farm your own.    And of course, using zoom mod helps the search.   Without mods, you would be dealing with the narrow vanilla view distance, so hunting for milkweed would be even harder.   You would be more likely to miss a plant that was right next to you and the search would likely take more time.   The mods make this broken system more tolerable, but they don't change the underlying issue.   

But do you really think that Jason would be more likely to fix this issue if everyone stopped using zoom mod?     I really doubt it.    Even if no one used zoom, we would still manage to find or farm the milkweed that we need to survive.   Because we have no other choice.   We would just have to struggle a little harder to do it.    Nothing would really change, except that we would spend more time on the least fun aspects of the game, like blindly searching for items with vanilla zoom and tedious production.  The problem would still be there, it would just be more work to deal with it without mods.  Jason still would not care, unless the whole game broke completely, like when we ran out of junipers in the Rift.

You are arguing that if everyone just stopped supporting this broken game by trying to make it work, Jason would finally be forced to take our complaints seriously.   Just stop playing OHOL, if you can't play it without mods.    And then what ... wait for Jason to fix four years of accumulated design choices all at once?   It isn't going to happen.   

If you still enjoy playing OHOL, despite its many flaws, you make do with what you have and find the best way forward with the tools available to you.   Or I guess you could just stop playing and hope that future updates will bring life back to this game. 

Just don't hold your breath, because it is going to be a rather long wait.


#65 2021-06-02 15:35:26

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

DestinyCall wrote:

Jason still would not care, unless the whole game broke completely, like when we ran out of junipers in the Rift.

You are arguing that if everyone just stopped supporting this broken game by trying to make it work, Jason would finally be forced to take our complaints seriously.   Just stop playing OHOL, if you can't play it without mods.    And then what ... wait for Jason to fix four years of accumulated design choices all at once?

Yes, you said it best yourself he's only going to fix this when the game is broken, from his point of view of watching numbers and not playing the game "everything is fine".

Without players that keep playing using mods the game would have broke a long time ago, new players would have left negative reviews and eventually the steam score would go from "mostly positive" to " negative" and Jason would be forced to see the reality.

Remember all Jason sees is numbers and reviews he doesn't actually plays his game so for him the game is doing good, if he ever has a doubt he can check reviews and see that they are positive, why would you change a game that has an active playerbase and positive reviews...


#66 2021-06-03 03:54:34

Registered: 2021-06-03
Posts: 1

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

Dodge what positive thing have you ever brought to this game or forum?

Nothing! The only thing you do is spread your hate and harass people who love the game.

Mods help the game, they allow people to have more fun while playing.
You want to ban all mods and kill the game. "So Jason can fix it"
That's complete BS.
Jason did not fix any of his other 17 games which died!
If the game dies he will move on, just like he did 17 times before!
Mods help to keep the game alive and because of that, Jason interested.
You don't help anyone.

You probably believe you are some sort of genius and know everything better.
You are not, reflect on yourself and realize that nothing you did here had any positive impact.
The only thing you do is make people angry and sad and you try to convince people that its best to kill the game...


#67 2021-06-03 07:14:51

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

Andal wrote:


Oooh baby needs to get some sleep, is that an alt account? Dont have the balls to post on your main?

So sowy you cant handle the truth and got so sad sad

"Jason did not fix any of his other 17 games which died!
If the game dies he will move on, just like he did 17 times before!"

The other games died because they where old games and that's what happen to old games eventually unless you keep updating them but they werent meant to be that type of game, they served their purpose, they where complete, people enjoyed playing them, completely different than ohol that is broken.

You really think he will just poop out another "big" game like this one? Bitch please.

Judging by your post you must be a child so you dont really understand the ammount of work it takes to do that kind of project, he's not going to "just" make another game, that's his biggest project, the jewel in the crown like he said himself.

You have no idea what i did for this game and the forum would be dead without "haters" like me posting regularly about ideas, the state of the game or other random stuff.

But yeah keep using mods and keep giving Jason a reason to not fix anything.


#68 2021-06-03 07:44:25

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

Andal wrote:

Dodge what positive thing have you ever brought to this game or forum?

Nothing! The only thing you do is spread your hate and harass people who love the game.

Mods help the game, they allow people to have more fun while playing.
You want to ban all mods and kill the game. "So Jason can fix it"
That's complete BS.
Jason did not fix any of his other 17 games which died!
If the game dies he will move on, just like he did 17 times before!
Mods help to keep the game alive and because of that, Jason interested.
You don't help anyone.

You probably believe you are some sort of genius and know everything better.
You are not, reflect on yourself and realize that nothing you did here had any positive impact.
The only thing you do is make people angry and sad and you try to convince people that its best to kill the game...

Mods cannot be played on a vanilla server


This is common sense, and all serious game developers know

If you want to play with mods, you usually create alternate custom servers to allow some mods

If the mod is very successful, the developer may decide to integrate this mod into the base game itself as an update to the game itself so that everyone plays with the same advantages.

Last edited by JonySky (2021-06-03 16:00:27)


#69 2021-06-03 09:07:32

Registered: 2021-03-30
Posts: 159

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

If you cant handle varying opinions and points of views you dont belong on these forums.

Jason has also said in the past he wont drop the game because hes still making decent money on it every month. Not because of the active player base. Jason makes money off of new players. Not vets who use mods. New players who grow frustrated and quit relatively quickly. Because the game as it stands, without mods, is awful. Yet we hold up this game and make it work by using mods. Without them we would see legitimate complaints and suggestions about the vanilla client. Jason would be forced to see the statistics and state of the game and attempt to adjust things. Its pretty simple. I understand being defensive over the mods and mod users. But their impact on the vanilla game isnt good or healthy.

Dodge didnt start discussing this specific topic, that was me. So if you want to talk shit bring it here. Dodge among others have just brought their own view point. Some agreeing and some disagreeing. This kind of discourse irons our ideas and discussions. If we didnt disagree or challenge each other we would never grow. If we all agreed or refused to acknowledge points of view different than our own the world would be in a very different place then it is today. Its ok to disagree and its ok to be upset about other peoples point of view. Instead of just getting upset and resorting to petty retorts perhaps try to convince them of your own point of view through thoughtful discussion. That is what these forums are all about arnt they?

That said. Someone whos only posted once. Their post having nothing to do with the game, besides mentioning it really. Attacks a user because they disagree with them. Hardly has the clout to say dodge, out of his thousands of posts, hasnt brought anything to this game or these forums. Its a bit hypocritical considering your position. Maybe dodge is right and its an alt account. Maybe you've brought a lot to the forums over the years and didnt want to stain your account with such a display. Then again maybe not.

Last edited by Gremlynn (2021-06-03 11:00:40)


#70 2021-06-03 18:45:07

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

Nice to see the sentiments of my last few posts echoed here.

I don't want to force people to stop using mods, but I would like to encourage people to take on the challenge of playing without them, so they are in touch with what it's like to play this game as a new player, and can design towns and overcome challenges, without things like phex or, even discord, which is just an external form of radio technology available in the game.

Even this forum takes away some of the challenges, when I can post farm layouts or guides here on surviving as an Eve and finding the ideal home, rather than trying to pull off teaching new players via ingame mechanics.

Whenever I had a good idea in game, I usually tried to implement it then and there, that life or the next, just to see if it was something worth doing routinely, and something other players could pick up on, given the limits of ingame communication via word of mouth, or, alterations to the environment.

Make enough 3x3 farms, and people would pick up on it, I did that for a long time before bringing the idea to this forum, and presenting it before those of you who were around at the time. After doing that, they really took off and farming became easier than ever. Was that wrong of me? To a degree, yes. It was like cheating and we could have struggled with farming for months without a plan like that emerging.

Same goes for all challenges of the game. Stream lining solutions for the challenges we find ourselves facing, means we move on to bigger challenges, sooner. We caught up to Jason. If he was ever really one step ahead, in the first place.


#71 2021-06-11 06:12:43

Registered: 2020-01-18
Posts: 63

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game

Simple solution: Convince current developers to stop supporting/updating Awbz and Hetuw, and the game will surely die. I have not a shadow of a doubt. Let's end this madness.


#72 2021-06-17 18:43:59

Aurora Aurora
From: Tuppsala (HAHA FATTAR NI!?!?!)
Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 839

Re: Why I decide to quit this toxic game


One of the original veterans.
Go-to person for anything roleplay related.
4 years in the community.
Unbanned from the discord.


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