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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#51 2021-07-05 00:23:56

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Bring back multicultural families!!!

DestinyCall wrote:

Oh geez.   Why do you keep arguing like this?   It is okay to admit when you have made a mistake.   Your claims just get more and more unreasonable when you are pressured.

What was the mistake I made?  Honestly, I think you're projecting here Destiny.

DestinyCall wrote:

If I write "latex" on a piece of paper and drop it in the middle of a jungle town, a kind person will bring me a bucket of latex eventually.   That's a cold hard fact.

Nope.  You won't get a bucket of latex.  Not in the sense of a cold hard fact.  It's not a cold hard fact that you get a bucket of latex, because that's not the object that anyone's in-game character gets.  There is no specific thing in the game recognized as latex.

DestinyCall wrote:

So yeah, people can and do trade for "latex" in OHOL, because latex is one of the primary goods that need to be exchanged between families.

Again, latex doesn't exist in the game.  It's not a good traded.  It never was.  The game doesn't call anything latex.

DestinyCall wrote:

Ummm ... yes they will.   Anyone who puts "latex" in the search field will get all four items with the word latex in the name as the result of their search.    That's what the search bar does.   It has one job and it does it really well.

Well if 'latex' is a thing in game, then by all means provide the link then to onetech of this thing called 'latex'.  Because if something exists in game, it should be a matter to point to its thing on onetech.  Not four links.  Not 'coagulated latex', not 'sulfured latex', not 'liquid latex', and not 'oiled and sulfured latex'.  Not a link to a screen with the search bar results for the name 'latex'.  The link to latex as an in game thing.  As an in game specific object that gets "traded" or acquired as a hard good.  If you can't do that, then it holds that 'latex' as a thing in the sense of a specific good doesn't exist in game.

DestinyCall wrote:

It is very easy to find latex using the search bar.   You do not need to search for "bucket" or "bucket of latex" or something.   Just search for latex.   Bucket returns way too many results and bucket of latex doesn't return any.

I put in 'latex' as a search.  I did that before I mentioned onetech in the course of this thread.  I did it again while making this reply.  I didn't find any in-game object which was 'latex'.  There is no in-game thing that gets traded as 'latex' either speaking from memory, as whenever I looked at what I was holding it or would soon have when messing with rubber trees and a bucket, it never said 'latex' to my recollection.  No, I'm not saying "there is no such as latex" because players actually trade information or whatever.  There is an in game thing such as a banana.  It's not difficult to throw up this link:  I am saying though that there is no such as "latex" that the game recognizes as a thing.  Again, if you still want to speak as if hold that 'latex' exists an in-game thing, then give me a *unique* link for this thing you call 'latex' and have some argument that nothing else in the game could as well qualify as 'latex', since you've stated that latex as some sort of traded good, or as you put it "latex is one of the primary goods that need to be exchanged between families".

Last edited by Spoonwood (2021-07-05 00:31:05)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#52 2021-07-05 00:30:02

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Bring back multicultural families!!!

Gremlynn wrote:

This is the second thread you have complete diverted from the subject to go off on some rant. You're arguing for yourself, not anyone else.

Laggy started this thread, and said this during the course of it:

Laggy wrote:

How hard is it to understand what a different race wants? They always want the same thing, if your confused by this idk what to tell you. There is this thing called no verbal communication.

The whole discussion about the nature of 'latex' is by no means tangential to that.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#53 2021-07-05 00:37:51

Registered: 2021-03-30
Posts: 159

Re: Bring back multicultural families!!!

Dude seriously.

Alright destiny. If spoons going to continue down this path and ignore our reasoning and point of view why dont we just do the same.

Lets get back to the real subject of this post. Multifamily towns. I didnt play much during the early days of race restrictions so im not super familiar with how multifamily towns worked beyond hearing the complaints about them becoming monotonous. If you have any input on that, or anyone else, I'de be curious to hear it.

It seemed like the entire server became super cities with every family living there. If a family died someone would quickly move them back there. As far as i know this resulted in killing variable progression and early game. Eventually the town would become so barren it was insanely dangerous to venture outside. Over time the oil supply would dry out and the cities would collapse, only to be replaced by another to the west. Late game resources would be shuffled in a similar way that they are now and early to mid game was all but dead.

Thank you race restrictions, very cool.

Anyway i want to hear others experiences during this weird time in the games history.

Last edited by Gremlynn (2021-07-05 00:40:17)


#54 2021-07-05 02:18:14

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Bring back multicultural families!!!

Okay, Spoon, I am going to need to reel you back, because you are wandering too far off point, even for me.

Where did I claim that "latex" is the exact name of an actual object in the game?   I never said that, yet you have made a whole big post providing proof against a position I do not hold.   That is pretty pointless and a huge waste of time, don't you think?

I completely agree that "latex" isn't the name of an in-game object in OHOL.  I never said otherwise.  You are the one who brought up exact in-game terms, not me.   As I already mentioned, I am using the word "latex" as a group term to refer to the various types of latex available in the game.  I am comfortable in doing so because the people reading this thread, playing the game, or using One Tech should be able to recognize what I mean when I say "latex".   Latex is a big part of the game, because you need it to make many things.  Everybody knows about it.  And if they don't, they should.  It is that important.   You can't make an engine or upgrade a horse cart or make a rubber ball or fly a plane without latex.

I understand that, in your initial post, you wanted to point out the differences between "bucket of coagulated latex" and "bucket of liquid latex", because liquid latex is harder to acquire without direct access to a jungle family member at the time of trade.   But you could have done that without implying that my word choice was wrong or flawed.  That was annoying and uncharitable.  And yes, it was nit-picky.  Latex is not "wrong".  It is a more generalized term for the same thing.

Lack of precision is not the same as lack of accuracy.     

My intention was to provide an "incomplete list of items that require access to a specialty biome". I don't feel that any greater level of precision is justified for that purpose.

Incidentally,  I did briefly consider composing an exhaustive list of every object that can only be crafted with specialty biome access using OneTech when I composed that list, but quite frankly, that sounded like too much work.   If someone else wants to take the time to do that, it would be cool.   But my main point was simply to illustrate that there are many race-locked items in the game, beyond the latex/sulfur/oil trifecta that dominates the scene.

If I come into a village because I need a mango leaf, it is going to be hard to get someone to go get one for me without some way to communicate my desire.    I might get latex, mangoes, sugar cane, palm oil, and peppercorns by pantomime alone.   But will anyone guess what I really need without language, if it is more esoteric?   I kinda doubt it.


#55 2021-07-05 03:40:54

Registered: 2021-03-30
Posts: 159

Re: Bring back multicultural families!!!

I dont think it takes many brain cells to see that destiny. Though i think continuing this pointless argument will only result in more quoted posts picking apart word choices that are easily understandable in their intent. By this point its very clear its less about the words or rhetoric chosen and more about the need to argue about the words and rhetoric chosen. Instead of feeding the fire of "things to quote" lets just move on. What was the point of this anyway? I respect your inclination to defend yourself but we have to focus on results. Feeding this pointless argument is only going to perpetuate it. Best we can do is reduce its ability to further propagate and try to get back on course towards the intent of this thread. Or at least towards a discussion that is rewarding to more than one party.


#56 2021-07-05 03:41:57

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 688

Re: Bring back multicultural families!!!

Language needs to be reworked or removed because it's totally broken right now. It's impossible to learn and even if you do learn another races language that fam will die out within the day anyways. Thank God phex exists.

I have put spoonwood guard on this comment. If spoon quotes this he gets 1,000 splinters

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#57 2021-07-05 06:02:03

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Bring back multicultural families!!!

In order to really talk about multi-family towns, I think you would need to go back even further than the start of race restrictions.   Things were really jacked up by that update.   Before the homelands update forced everybody apart, the obvious solution to the problems imposed by race restriction was not trade.   It was mega-cities. 

Instead of trading supplies, we traded people.   After all, the biomes are not restricted.  We are.   If you make a town with all three families, they will have access to all the biomes and special resources they need to keep the town alive for a long time.   And since the Eve spawn was changed to a westward drift, returning to old towns wasn't super hard.   

Multi-family villages BEFORE the Family Specializations update, the Rift and the Coming Together update were better and significantly less common.   Back when Eves spawned in a spiral and villages were not forced into close proximity by artificial mechanics, the majority of multi-family towns were bell towns. 

A bell town was any village that survived long enough to finish a bell tower.   They were always older advanced towns because it took a long time to make the tower.   Eve camps and younger villages were largely independent from each other.   Occasionally, you might get a random visitor, usually a veteran player who knew how to navigate between distant towns.   But most of the time, you would live out your whole life in one village with one family.   Some times, the main village might have smaller settlements, off-shoots from the original made by pseudo-eves.    This was especially common in older towns, since people might want to leave the cluttered city to start a smaller, more organized satellite village.

The map was still persistent and infinite.  And you would sometimes stumble upon the ruins of old towns, but it was harder to find them on purpose, because of the spiraling spawn pattern.   It was also much harder to find and repopulate old towns or locate other villages, especially back before maps and way-stones were a thing.


I miss the good old days, when we lived together as family and multi-cultural families were a normal part of the game.   The village was so full of life and humanity.   Your mom could be tan, your brother could be black, and your aunt might be a ginger.   It was a simpler time.


#58 2021-07-05 06:35:20

Registered: 2021-03-30
Posts: 159

Re: Bring back multicultural families!!!

Totally agree with the random race spawn. That was a beautiful time. One of my favorite lineages was during the rift. It was during one of those funky server resets where all the existing items on the server still existed but the land and resources fully reset. Remembering where one of the biggest walled cities was i ventured there. Established myself and had many children. I had set up a family gate per usual to keep us safe from raiders and thieves. I remember vividly when a wayward eve stumbled upon our town. She spoke a different language but continued to emote a heart above her head. My grandchildren said to kill her "she was a threat" and "she only wants to take over our town' etc etc. I refused. I told them the X family is a family of peace. I let the eve in and forbade any of my family to harm her or her family. Mine and that eve's family lived in that town together for over 100 generations, protecting one another. Not because we had to, but because we wanted to. I spawned into that village, in either fam so many times. By this point we both had completely learned the others language. When griefers arrived or there was a threat to our families, it didnt matter which, we protected each other. It was beautiful. That, to me, is the true meaning of a multicultural city. Not because we have to, but because we want to. For our mutual compassion and respect for one another. I would give a month off my life to live one life back in that town. The rift was a dark place, full of hate, but there were magnificent moments like that that made you realize what this community truly was. Mine and that eve family hit top two that arc. I was 3rd, they were second. It was one of the longest arcs on record during the rift. Still my personal best lineage. Unfortunately my family ended up being killed off by that same family we had lived peacefully with. By that point we had all moved cities serval times and did not live together. Even still, i know that was because of a minority of individuals who were tired of how long the arc had lasted and wanted to end it. I dont blame them. But ill always remember that arc fondly. It reminded me that peace and compassion was possible even in the hardest times. Through that compassion we broke lineage records and pushed the arc length longer than it had ever been pushed before. Even though they killed off my family eventually, i was proud to play a part. We reached 2nd and 3rd all time lineage (at the time) together.

Anyway. Big soft spot for multicultural cities. But not when they're forces, not when they're fake. They happened before race restrictions, albeit rare, but they were beautiful when they happened. I'm all for them, but not while race restrictions still press their foot upon our necks.

Last edited by Gremlynn (2021-07-05 06:41:39)


#59 2021-07-05 06:45:52

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Bring back multicultural families!!!

Gremlynn wrote:

What was the point of this anyway?

Does everything need to have a point?   Sometimes I just want to know what he will say next if I keep arguing my case, without giving up from frustration or getting too side-tracked.  It's kind of fascinating.   

But you are right.   Every response just feeds the fire.    Just like with OHOL, the only way to truly win is not to play the game. 


On a related note, if you ever want your eyes to literally bleed from pure pointlessness, read this thread: … p?id=10413

I am not exaggerating. Your eyes are in serious danger.   You have been warned.   

In an argument with Spoonwood, there are no winners.  Only survivors.


#60 2021-07-05 07:04:54

Registered: 2021-03-30
Posts: 159

Re: Bring back multicultural families!!!

Fair stuff destiny. Didnt mean to overstep. Presumed you were as frustrated with the situation as I was. If you enjoy keeping that sort of thing going dont let me get in the way. Just felt like we were talking in circles about nothing and clogging up this thread with arguments that were going no where.

Also i can do you one better … p?id=10148


Still cant get over the fact they're a discord mod now lol.

Last edited by Gremlynn (2021-07-05 07:34:44)


#61 2021-07-05 08:07:28

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Bring back multicultural families!!!

It's all good.  I'd pretty much said what I wanted to say, so you weren't interrupting anything important.   And I'm sorry about side-railing the thread for a while there.   I can't plead ignorance.   Been down that road enough times to know it leads in endless circles.     

I've spent the last few years building up an immunity to logic poison, so my tolerance for silly nonsense is fairly high at this point.   The frustration still gets me eventually, but it takes a while to really settle in and start to fester.   I've mostly learned how to walk away before I hit that point.


And yeah, I remember that thread too.    Good times, good times.


#62 2021-07-05 20:41:40

Registered: 2021-01-26
Posts: 231

Re: Bring back multicultural families!!!

I now know why no one uses these forums, couple people are a little long winded, didn't really ask any questions, btw, more of a statement.
How do i close a thread?


#63 2021-07-05 21:01:27

Registered: 2021-03-30
Posts: 159

Re: Bring back multicultural families!!!

You cant close a thread...

You shouldnt be surprised people talk about the subject of your post. Its not up to you how people express themselves on here and it certainly isnt up to you when discussions end. Plenty of people use these forums. The view counts speak for themselves.


#64 2021-07-05 22:06:20

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Bring back multicultural families!!!

DestinyCall wrote:

Guys, please respect the OP and take this argument elsewhere.   It does not belong in this thread.

Heh, the irony...


#65 2021-07-06 01:49:49

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Bring back multicultural families!!!

Ironically, I stopped when someone asked.


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