One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2021-12-26 21:31:23

Registered: 2021-01-26
Posts: 231

Jason's plan moving forward, maybe stop lying to us....

How long must we wait before we realize Jason is just messing with us and is never going to release another true update?

I think 1 year, especially when he keeps repeating the same BS about moving.

Last real content was the sports car, 1 year and three months ago.

Jason, stop lying to us....

Last edited by Laggy (2021-12-27 11:55:57)


#2 2021-12-26 22:07:21

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 27

Re: Jason's plan moving forward, maybe stop lying to us....

Noone expects Jason to update the game. We're all just randomly hanging out inside a dead forum of a dead game for no particular reason.


#3 2021-12-26 23:13:29

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Jason's plan moving forward, maybe stop lying to us....

For what it is worth, I don't think Jason has intentionally lied to the community or mislead us.   I think he started out planning on coming back to the game when the move was completely "over", so he could focus on coding again.   He never gave a concrete timespan for his hiatus, because it would depend on a lot of factors that were outside of his control.  I don't think Jason really considered just how long it would take to move across the country or if he would even want to go back to how things were before the move. 

At this point, it is pretty obvious development has stalled out.
Still, I don't think that necessarily means OHOL has been completely abandoned yet.  Jason did do a fairly involved Halloween special event this year.   We might get a few more updates next year, if we are lucky ... or we might not.   I wouldn't hold out hope for weekly updates or a satisfying end-game, of course.   

It would be nice to get an official goodbye from the developer when the time comes, but that might be too optimistic. Jason is not great about keeping people informed regarding the state of the game. 

For anyone who might have missed them, here is a collection of Jason's posts regarding his move:

jasonrohrer wrote:

We're in the process of moving from California to New Hampshire.

We bought a house in New Hampshire, and now we're spending a few months fixing it up before we move in.

Most of this involves planning stuff out, meeting with contractors, etc.  This past week, I pretty much spent all day, each day, doing that.

We're pretty close to having things planned out, and the contractors lined up.  Once that's all in motion, I'll have some down time, and I'll get back to fixing bugs.

Eventually, I'll spend several weeks actually moving, and after that, I'll be all set up with my drawing equipment again to work on more content for One Hour One Life. … 62#p105362

jasonrohrer wrote:

I still haven't moved yet!

I'm finally back in CA now, packing, as of yesterday.

Remodeling takes a long time....  way longer than it should.

And we didn't do THAT much remodeling, by the way... just new wood floors and new tiles/appliances in the kitchen..... but that stuff took 4.5 months.

We're still not totally done (no counters or sink in the kitchen yet), but we're moving in.

I pick up the moving truck on May 29. … 66#p106266

jasonrohrer wrote:

How much remodeling have you done, Dodge?

Also, it was a new floor in the entire house.  There were other moving parts, like a kitchen ventilation system, that had to be interleaved in the right order (like, before the kitchen tiles).  And this required coordination of various contractors, a few of whom ended up finishing their jobs several months behind schedule, and thus slowing down everyone else.

The wood floor itself took about 4 weeks to install.

The tile floor itself took about 2 weeks to install.

But the wood floor guy was booked for about two months out, and didn't start until the end of February. … 87#p106287

jasonrohrer wrote:

I have been taking an extended break from OHOL to focus on other things.

You may have heard that my family and I fled California due to the compound effects of fires, crime, extreme covid lockdowns, riots, and continuously rising housing prices.

I made a good amount of money from OHOL (probably less than you think I made, especially considering five years of full-time work), but it was never quite enough to buy even a crappy house in Davis, CA.  We would essentially be going ALL IN by finally buying a house there.... all in on what, exactly?  Our kids hadn't been able to see their friends face-to-face for 6 solid months, and we were trapped inside our house for 7 weeks due to unbreathable wildfire air outside.  Meanwhile, people who were committing violent crimes were being released within hours (or not arrested at all---no room due to social distancing in the jails), and downtown Sacramento had a 10-block stretch that was completely boarded up for months, due to riots, just a few blocks from the state capitol.

Buying a crappy house in CA for way too much money no longer seemed like a wise all-in bet.

Our home life---our 3-year plan that had turned into a 9-year plan---had essentially fallen apart.

And we've spent the last year building back up a different home life, with a different long term plan, in New Hampshire.  We didn't QUITE escape the wildfire smoke, because the West Coast smoke was so bad this summer that it blew all the way to New Hampshire for a few days.  But nothing's boarded up, there are no riots, and our kids can see their friends freely.

Our new home life isn't quite 100% on track yet, but getting close.  I generally don't do well focusing on more than one big thing at a time, so I'm continuing to wait to get back to working on OHOL until things completely settle down and I can devote my full attention to it for a while.

In the mean time, I've been keeping myself feeling productive by cultivating Project December with two fingers while my other eight fingers focus on building home life.  I work on it a handful of hours per week, in a spare moment here and there.  I can't work on OHOL that way.... I need to sit down at a table and draw for four hours at a time.

But when I get back to it, here's the plan:

---Of course fix all the open bugs

---Do several months of bigger content updates

---Figure out a satisfying "endgame" of some kind. … 37#p107237

jasonrohrer wrote:

Be nice to me, please.

Help me want to work on the game. … 44#p107344


#4 2021-12-28 13:43:35

Registered: 2021-01-26
Posts: 231

Re: Jason's plan moving forward, maybe stop lying to us....

DestinyCall wrote:

For what it is worth, I don't think Jason has intentionally lied to the community or mislead us.

Does it really matter if someone lies intentionally or not?

Like if you you plan something, then never follow through, does that make it not a lie?

It doesn't help that Jason has the time to make a gimmick of a treasure hunt, but not follow through with content he promised last June.

This makes me think Jason is just leading us along.

I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but until I see some content I stand my ground.

I'm not holding my breath...OHOL = DEAD GAME

Last edited by Laggy (2021-12-28 13:53:13)


#5 2021-12-28 14:33:48

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Jason's plan moving forward, maybe stop lying to us....

Yes, I do think it matters.    Intent is very important.

Is it a lie if you believe that you are speaking the truth?   Even if it turns out that you were wrong, you did not lie on purpose.  I believe that Jason intended to continue developing this game when he started his move over a year ago.  I don't know if he still plans on working on it, but I think he made those previous posts in good faith.

Unfortunately, plans can and do change.   My only hope is that we can get an update regarding his current plans.  Even if he posts that development has officially concluded and he is moving on to other projects, that would be better than continued silence. 

At this point, the lack of active development is plain to see.   I would just like to know for sure that OHOL is done.


#6 2021-12-28 15:23:01

Registered: 2021-01-26
Posts: 231

Re: Jason's plan moving forward, maybe stop lying to us....

FluxBB bbcode test

Solid reasoning, but for a lie to become a fact we have to see some effort, and so far, we only get more promises.


#7 2021-12-28 16:36:21

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Jason's plan moving forward, maybe stop lying to us....

Yeah, that is correct.    Lying assumes intent to deceive.   A statement might be factually inaccurate, but if you believe that you are speaking truthfully, then you are not lying.   You are incorrect, not insincere.   

It is a small difference, but it is an important one.    You can be honest and also wrong.   I prefer to give people thebenefit of the doubt, unless I have reason to believe they are being intentionally deceitful.  Nobody likes false accusations of wrong-doing.


#8 2021-12-29 03:48:44

From: Massachusetts
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 166

Re: Jason's plan moving forward, maybe stop lying to us....

DestinyCall wrote:

For what it is worth, I don't think Jason has intentionally lied to the community or mislead us.   I think he started out planning on coming back to the game when the move was completely "over", so he could focus on coding again.   He never gave a concrete timespan for his hiatus, because it would depend on a lot of factors that were outside of his control.  I don't think Jason really considered just how long it would take to move across the country or if he would even want to go back to how things were before the move. 

At this point, it is pretty obvious development has stalled out.
Still, I don't think that necessarily means OHOL has been completely abandoned yet.  Jason did do a fairly involved Halloween special event this year.   We might get a few more updates next year, if we are lucky ... or we might not.   I wouldn't hold out hope for weekly updates or a satisfying end-game, of course.   

It would be nice to get an official goodbye from the developer when the time comes, but that might be too optimistic. Jason is not great about keeping people informed regarding the state of the game. 

For anyone who might have missed them, here is a collection of Jason's posts regarding his move:

jasonrohrer wrote:

We're in the process of moving from California to New Hampshire.

We bought a house in New Hampshire, and now we're spending a few months fixing it up before we move in.

Most of this involves planning stuff out, meeting with contractors, etc.  This past week, I pretty much spent all day, each day, doing that.

We're pretty close to having things planned out, and the contractors lined up.  Once that's all in motion, I'll have some down time, and I'll get back to fixing bugs.

Eventually, I'll spend several weeks actually moving, and after that, I'll be all set up with my drawing equipment again to work on more content for One Hour One Life. … 62#p105362

jasonrohrer wrote:

I still haven't moved yet!

I'm finally back in CA now, packing, as of yesterday.

Remodeling takes a long time....  way longer than it should.

And we didn't do THAT much remodeling, by the way... just new wood floors and new tiles/appliances in the kitchen..... but that stuff took 4.5 months.

We're still not totally done (no counters or sink in the kitchen yet), but we're moving in.

I pick up the moving truck on May 29. … 66#p106266

jasonrohrer wrote:

How much remodeling have you done, Dodge?

Also, it was a new floor in the entire house.  There were other moving parts, like a kitchen ventilation system, that had to be interleaved in the right order (like, before the kitchen tiles).  And this required coordination of various contractors, a few of whom ended up finishing their jobs several months behind schedule, and thus slowing down everyone else.

The wood floor itself took about 4 weeks to install.

The tile floor itself took about 2 weeks to install.

But the wood floor guy was booked for about two months out, and didn't start until the end of February. … 87#p106287

jasonrohrer wrote:

I have been taking an extended break from OHOL to focus on other things.

You may have heard that my family and I fled California due to the compound effects of fires, crime, extreme covid lockdowns, riots, and continuously rising housing prices.

I made a good amount of money from OHOL (probably less than you think I made, especially considering five years of full-time work), but it was never quite enough to buy even a crappy house in Davis, CA.  We would essentially be going ALL IN by finally buying a house there.... all in on what, exactly?  Our kids hadn't been able to see their friends face-to-face for 6 solid months, and we were trapped inside our house for 7 weeks due to unbreathable wildfire air outside.  Meanwhile, people who were committing violent crimes were being released within hours (or not arrested at all---no room due to social distancing in the jails), and downtown Sacramento had a 10-block stretch that was completely boarded up for months, due to riots, just a few blocks from the state capitol.

Buying a crappy house in CA for way too much money no longer seemed like a wise all-in bet.

Our home life---our 3-year plan that had turned into a 9-year plan---had essentially fallen apart.

And we've spent the last year building back up a different home life, with a different long term plan, in New Hampshire.  We didn't QUITE escape the wildfire smoke, because the West Coast smoke was so bad this summer that it blew all the way to New Hampshire for a few days.  But nothing's boarded up, there are no riots, and our kids can see their friends freely.

Our new home life isn't quite 100% on track yet, but getting close.  I generally don't do well focusing on more than one big thing at a time, so I'm continuing to wait to get back to working on OHOL until things completely settle down and I can devote my full attention to it for a while.

In the mean time, I've been keeping myself feeling productive by cultivating Project December with two fingers while my other eight fingers focus on building home life.  I work on it a handful of hours per week, in a spare moment here and there.  I can't work on OHOL that way.... I need to sit down at a table and draw for four hours at a time.

But when I get back to it, here's the plan:

---Of course fix all the open bugs

---Do several months of bigger content updates

---Figure out a satisfying "endgame" of some kind. … 37#p107237

jasonrohrer wrote:

Be nice to me, please.

Help me want to work on the game. … 44#p107344

I want to believe you, but I also don't want to give Jason the benefit of the doubt.


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