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#1 2019-12-24 11:30:35

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Dry Springs Confusing to Players Learning How To Play as Eve

I've seen this I think at least twice now on low pop servers.  I get born to someone who is starting their first low pop camps.  Things look alright, until I notice that we have a dry spring as our closest spring.  The whole dry spring thing thus seems like it would be confusing to players learning the Eve game in general.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#2 2019-12-25 04:24:30

Registered: 2019-05-12
Posts: 698

Re: Dry Springs Confusing to Players Learning How To Play as Eve

Spoonwood wrote:

I've seen this I think at least twice now on low pop servers.  I get born to someone who is starting their first low pop camps.  Things look alright, until I notice that we have a dry spring as our closest spring.  The whole dry spring thing thus seems like it would be confusing to players learning the Eve game in general.

It basically impossible to understand about dry springs at first sight, It took me at least half an hour to get the idea behind when I restarted playing on a low pop server. And I had months of experience. One of the big problems of OHOL is everything around the game is set up NOT to help you learn:

- Piss poor tutorial: this has been argued ad nauseum. (and now you can basically skip it completely)

- Non intuitive relations among objects: why some combinations do work and others don´t? why is a sharp stone needed sometimes  and another a flint or sometimes any of them? (bucket of water/bowl of water, basket of soil/bowl of soil, klin/forge... and so on)

- Rough comunications system in the game: I mean I literally have to move around to make my bubble speech not to cover my partners bubble speech. (So, teaching in BS2 is basically dedicating a full life to teach a few things)

- Poor and toxic community with new people (I´ve talked to several people that get bad treatment in the game just because they are new, last time I got a guy that got into server 1 just because he got bored of being called a f noob, even when the game itself tells the mother he is new)

- Poor forum and information visibility, basically you have to start looking for this forum and be lucky to find help around here.

- Lack of incentive to learn inside the game: I have seen countless time people that get bored because they get into towns where everything is already done by more experienced players, so they just eat and move around doing nothing. Eventually they find the game boring and leave without even learning how to make fire from scratch.

- And now you add the amazing race specialization, if you want to learn how to make palm oil, tough luck if you are not jungle race.

- I believe the term "Berrymuncher" is derogatory and therefore I shall use the term "Berrier" instead.

- Jack Ass


#3 2019-12-25 05:49:35

Registered: 2019-05-09
Posts: 257

Re: Dry Springs Confusing to Players Learning How To Play as Eve

Having something instead of dry springs or a different texture might help.


#4 2023-02-03 23:42:15

Registered: 2023-01-05
Posts: 19

Re: Dry Springs Confusing to Players Learning How To Play as Eve

So? WTF is up with springs? I was hoping to find an answer here and it's just a long complaining post. How do springs work? The game and tech page tell me to add 2 springs together. How is that done? I also can't find any good youtube tutorials.


#5 2023-02-04 12:54:53

Registered: 2018-06-15
Posts: 224

Re: Dry Springs Confusing to Players Learning How To Play as Eve

Water springs ,oil sites and iron mines are placed on grid every 40 tiles (if the biome is correct for that resource). When building a well a signal (+tapoutTrigger) is sent to adjacent places on grid to lock/unlock those resources. On technical side of things objects apply themselves remotely onto distant target objects to change them using standard transition recipe. To complicate things even more extra features ware added to help players find wells, so object causing tapout is sending different numbers of signals to different directions (1 to west, 2 to east ,etc...) to show direction to that well. gets recepis automatically from game source and all are presented including those made automatically by game not players.

Last edited by jinbaili83 (2023-02-04 13:06:43)


#6 2023-02-04 16:26:13

Registered: 2019-02-11
Posts: 466

Re: Dry Springs Confusing to Players Learning How To Play as Eve

The game mechanics for water and iron are anything but intuitive.

testo wrote:

- Lack of incentive to learn inside the game: I have seen countless time people that get bored because they get into towns where everything is already done by more experienced players, so they just eat and move around doing nothing. Eventually they find the game boring and leave without even learning how to make fire from scratch.

I still think a baby sling might help. Babies could spend their first years watching their parents doing tasks, instead of waiting inside the nursery where there is not much to learn.


#7 2023-02-10 17:17:54

Registered: 2020-03-19
Posts: 139

Re: Dry Springs Confusing to Players Learning How To Play as Eve

Each race has their own band going from west to east. You can only have children in your band.  So if you are a ginger eve your band is at the top where the snowbiomes are, below that is a band for the white fam, below that a band for the brown fam with the jungle biomes, below that another white band and at the bottem a band for the black fam where the desert biomes are. I think an eve will always spawn in the band off their race. If you leave your race band then you'll get a message above your head and a bell sound (can't remember what the message says)

New eves spawn more to the west then the older fams. If you go to the west to find a good wellsite you will find mostly untouched ground, if you go to the east you can find old dead towns. You can repopulated those towns.

To find a springsite you need to follow the well-lines. It's a line on the ground going from west to east. You also find ironspots on that line. If you go straight up or down from a springsite then you can also find the next springsite with its own well-lines. Just make sure you don't leave your band.

A good town location needs at least two ironspots east or west from that springsite. You can have a maximum of four ironspots.
The springsite also needs to be close to a swamp biome (for pondwater and clay), best in a green biome with lots of trees and soil, nearby savannah is a bonus but less important.
The springsite needs to be fertile. You can not build a well on a dry springsite. If another fam build a well nearby before you do, then your sprinsite will become dry. Nothing you can do about that. You'll have to pack up and look for another spot.

You need to put round rocks at the fertile springsite until they form a cirkel. This will open the nearby ironspots to the east and west. If the ironspots don't open that means they are to far away or it means that someone from your fam already opend up iron spots in another location. Each fam can only open up iron spots once. 

LiberatedAmon wrote:

So? WTF is up with springs? I was hoping to find an answer here and it's just a long complaining post. How do springs work? The game and tech page tell me to add 2 springs together. How is that done? I also can't find any good youtube tutorials.


#8 2023-02-15 04:18:16

Registered: 2023-01-05
Posts: 19

Re: Dry Springs Confusing to Players Learning How To Play as Eve

Now that's some good info.


#9 2023-02-15 13:23:21

From: New Jersey, United States
Registered: 2018-07-06
Posts: 314

Re: Dry Springs Confusing to Players Learning How To Play as Eve

I like settling with atleast 2 mines, lots of clay, ponds, and soil. I think settling in swamp is fine just be careful of boars although I doubt your berry muncher daughter will he careful....

Open gate now. Need truck to be more efficient!


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