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#1 2023-07-04 04:03:36

Registered: 2023-07-04
Posts: 7

A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

Hey OHOL Community,

Hope you're all living it up in the wild world of OHOL. Meanwhile, I find myself, surprisingly banned from our beloved Discord server. The reason for my ban? Abstract reasons such as ambiguous accusations of baiting arguments, discord DMs issues, being unnice and being unfriendly and unwelcoming (very vague).

For those who don't know, I'm a griefer, who enjoys the game in a way that some might find unconventional. However, even though I might play differently, I have always maintained a cordial approach outside of it. But it seems that my unique play style has led to certain misunderstandings.

My experience hasn't exactly been a happy stroll in the OHOL wilderness. I've encountered some less-than-nice behavior and accusations, which I found to be unjust. Even when these situations arose, the response from the moderation team wasn't quite what I expected. They did not offer any help, which, tbh, hurted sometimes, smh.

Some instances I wish the moderation team helped with:

•    Few days ago, someone joined my Discord server, we had a good time, and then, unexpectedly, they kicked everyone out and deleted all the content. They later bragged about it in the OHOL general chat, which I found unpleasant and disheartening. Despite my attempts to seek help, the situation was largely ignored by the mods.

•    I've been at the receiving end of some accusations, ranging from racism to sexism, and others. However, these claims are not true. My interactions have always been within the realms of the game, and never intended to personally offend anyone.

•    There have been instances where some OHOLians have expressed negative sentiments towards me due to my play style, which I believe goes against the spirit of a diverse gaming community.

•    A particular mod has raised several accusations against me, which I firmly deny. I respect the mod and the tough job they have, but the mod keeps accusing me for buying alt accounts with different currencies and sending harassment DMs etc. Should this mod be policing me outside the scope OHOL discord server? If so, can I be banned for such policing? I don’t believe so, because the things that happen outside of the discord server such as DMs and other discord servers are outside of the moderators’ knowledge and I deny them all.

So here's the long and short of it:

If I was banned for being ‘unnice’ in the OHOL discord server, there seems to be an imbalance in 'niceness' in our community. While I'm out here trying to be the 'nice' person in the general chat, I'm met with 'unniceness'. Doesn't seem quite fair, does it?

If I've been banned for actions outside the Discord server, isn't that like being given detention for not doing your homework at home? My game-play shouldn't attract unwarranted and unproven accusations, nor what people try to say I said in other discord servers or in the DMs.

My gaming experience in OHOL has been challenging. I'm hoping for understanding and a fair resolution. Let's work towards an inclusive environment, where we can all enjoy the game as it is meant to be.

Cheers to more life (and hopefully less banishment) in OHOL!

Also here's a drawing i tought my younger sister how to draw



#2 2023-07-04 05:10:43

Registered: 2022-01-22
Posts: 12

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

Nice artwork!


#3 2023-07-04 07:54:53

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

I think there are two ways of looking at it.
1. As far as i know Jason allows this kind of different playstyles in OHOL but encourages the community to use the Donkey Town Mechanics to separate these players from others. With cheap alt accounts this mechanics seems currently broken. So out of this perspective modds / the community should separate between in game and Discord. Since i guess most of the community wont agree with you on grieving playstyles being an enrichment they will also Judge you out of the game for it.

2. From a perspective of Karma (action and consequences) there is no separation between worlds, so your action in one
most likely affect your experience in another. You might be able to separate it mentally, but your perceived experience dos not. One belongs to the other, so enjoy the experience what you have created or change your actions.

3. Since Discord mods should i guess not judge about what you do in game i guess best way to complain is to write directly to Jason or ask first some senior modds to rule in. Still i guess this will in the end not make your perceived experience much better since 2. universal law of consequences still applies. So best solution is either drop pvp or search a game / server where others like the same thing as you.

And yea nice piece of art!

Last edited by Arcurus (2023-07-04 09:16:30)


#4 2023-07-04 08:15:38

Registered: 2023-07-04
Posts: 12

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

Hello all! After awhile of playing the game but not using the forums, I decided to make an account just so I could weigh in on this post. I'm not anyone special, just another player that happens to be familiar with the situation, so I felt like filling in some information that the original poster left out.

1. MEDO's discord server that is mentioned in their first bullet wasn't just a fun group of friends. It was a server created by Bobo, a person who was banned from the OHOL discord in 2020 for sexual, incestuous remarks targeting a teenage OHOL player.

The purpose of the server, as Bobo claimed, was to bring together players who enjoyed participating in the combat aspect of OHOL. Yet the players that he brought into his inner circle include:

Shady - who was banned from the discord for continuous use of racial slurs outside of the street.
StupidSpyMain - who is now banned from the server for flooding the general chat with pornographic imagery.
Reformed - the gentleman above who was nice enough to support their friend's forum post and also was finally banned from the server last year, after years of toeing the line with his harassment, for posting and spreading personal photos of one of the moderators.

And several others, who used this group as a method of coordinating both in-game harassment of specific players and out-of-game attacks on the OHOL Discord server and its moderators including the pornographic imagery raid that led to StupidSpyMain being banned. Don't just take my word for it though, please see the entire chat history of MEDO's server as catalogued in this public video by the Admin who decided to disband the group.

If you pause frequently to read the history of their "verified chat" channel, you will find, amidst the daily messages coordinating their griefing activities against players, the following conversations that explain very clearly what the tone and intention of this group is:

1:24 - Targeted harassment of a specific player including their in-game Eve family and follow-up gloating/baiting on the general Discord.
1:38 - The original plan to spam the OHOL discord server with pornographic imagery, which was carried out soon after.
1:39 - Continued use of slurs against the OHOL moderators.
1:58 - Admission of using OHOL and its community as targets for their urges to lie to and use slurs against people.

This was the Discord server that was finally closed by the admin in the above video, in which MEDO was a primary contributor. Naturally, many people who were aware of this group's behavior rightfully celebrated. It's very sad that MEDO's activity being disrupted was "unpleasant and disheartening", but considering the nature of the group and its visible history as a place to disparage, attack, and spread rumors about specific players and OHOL discord moderators, it makes sense to me that "Despite [their] attempts to seek help, the situation was largely ignored by the mods".

2. Using the Discord as a weapon against both other players and the moderators themselves.

The month of June was characterized by an extremely high rate of griefing, as you could expect after reading the almost daily messages from MEDO claiming a kill on a family. Indeed, public data corroborates this claim as MEDO's main account ( … &id=117691) is responsible for the second highest number of direct murders for the entire month. This does not account for kills/deaths from MEDO's favorite tactic, which was to trap fertile girls in property fences until they starved as a way of killing them indirectly. This was the player that triggered calls for Jason to change gene score to also be affected by the death of aunts and older siblings.

It only follows that the entire playerbase was beyond frustrated with MEDO and sick of playing with them. Unfortunately, as evidenced by MEDO's still-existing post history on the Discord server, they took extreme pleasure in the mental damage and anguish they inflicted on other people and would bask in the attention that was given to them when people took to the Discord to complain about themselves/families/towns being killed.

As MEDO says here - "My game-play shouldn't attract unwarranted and unproven accusations" - You can see that they very clearly realized something incredibly favorable for them. They realized that they could hide behind the shield of "my manner of gameplay is only relevant in-game", while poking and prodding the people that they antagonized in-game to elicit a reaction out-of-game. A reaction that they would then cry victim in response to, and immediately ping the mods for help. They very effectively weaponized their Discord presence as an extension to their in-game griefing, vehemently claiming that in-game behavior should not be punished with hostility out-of-game, and then proceeding to bait those hostile reactions by gloating about their kills, boasting about their gameplay ability, and just continuously making statements that were designed to trigger reactions. When a negative reaction was achieved, MEDO would ping the moderators asking for intervention, fully understanding that the overwhelming public opinion was against them and only intending to use the situation as evidence that they were ignored by moderators.

MEDO terrorized the Discord because they loved the attention and knew that they were making the Discord an insufferable experience for all of the regular users, veteran players, and moderators.

No small amount of people were forced to either block them or fully quit the Discord server due to the absurdly toxic environment MEDO was creating, and the vast majority of us (outside of the banned griefer support group) are not only supportive of the moderators' decision to ban MEDO, but extremely thankful it finally happened. From an outside perspective, it was clear that MEDO was making calculated efforts to torment and sabotage the mod team by publicly insulting them and undermining them, then manufacturing situations in which they would have to offer assistance. This forum thread is the latest effort to taint the credibility of a person that the community respects and supports. Thanks Tarr!

fun facts

MEDO DM'd several people during the banner contest to try and funnel votes to their submissions before the time ended.

This group of players is the one responsible for abusing property gate mechanics to make unreachable apocalypse towers.

They were also the same players who tried using ancient stone walls and airplane exploits to create unstoppable apocalypse towers.

And the same group of people abusing regional pricing to purchase cheap burner accounts to fuel their griefing efforts.

Jason has recognized the damage these exploits and abuses causes to his game and has fixed them. The Discord mod team has recognized the damage these players have dealt to the community and the game, and have removed them. Seems to me like Jason and the mods are on the same page and have a good partnership going.

So to MEDO and her friends I say, good riddance! =]

Last edited by ru (2023-07-04 08:16:44)


#5 2023-07-04 09:27:39

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

The policy seems quite clear:

Jason wrote:

Update:  I've had kind of a change of heart about this.
In all of the main areas, you are a guest in my house.  Act like it.  Be nice.  Be welcoming.  Don't be mean.  Don't attack each other.   Don't shout.  Don't use offensive or inflamatory language that is out of step with the cultural climate here.  Don't be disruptive.  Don't clutter the space with stuff that's not about the game.  Don't troll.  Don't derail discussions with irrelevant points.  Don't repeat yourself.  One exception is off-topic, where you can post stuff that's not about the game, but still follow the rest of the rules.  Act like you would act if you were out in my backyard, where you're welcome to do some things that you wouldn't do inside my house, like play volleyball.  The other exception is the-street, which is totally unregulated.  Literally the public street.  Please take your anger and fights out there.  Mods, just ignore the-street.

Jason wrote:

Finally, questioning moderator decisions, or stirring up anti-moderator sentiment, is forbidden in the main chat areas.  Do not return from your timeout with guns blazing for the mods.  That is not being the best, nicest version of yourself that you can be.  You just got kicked out of my house for being impolite.  Don't come storming back in making accusations or demands.
You will just find yourself in another timeout.  Mods will not waste any time arguing with you or justifying their decisions.

Last edited by Arcurus (2023-07-04 09:28:25)


#6 2023-07-04 11:48:05

From: New Jersey, United States
Registered: 2018-07-06
Posts: 314

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

.... and this is why you have to be *passively mean in cycles* and not go full clown mode. If you are good 90% of the time and 10% of the time bad, people will dislike you for the deviations in play style but they won't go too insane. Anyways I guess it's time to crank out some diesel engines in *good person mode*

Last edited by QuirkySmirkyIan (2023-07-04 11:48:17)

Open gate now. Need truck to be more efficient!


#7 2023-07-04 16:17:41

Registered: 2023-07-04
Posts: 7

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

Hello Ru,

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to write such an elaborate response. It's always good to engage in healthy discussion, so let's dig into the points you've raised.

1. Regarding my discord server created by Bobo: You've painted an intriguing image of the server, but the reality is a little bit different. It was designed as a space for individuals like myself who enjoy griefing. That's right, we are not ashamed to admit that we enjoy the thrill of bear-luring and property fence trapping. However, I believe in keeping the game in the game and be respectful in the chat.

It's unfortunate that a member flooded the server with disgusting imagery that is in no way representative of our collective identity or intention, and I'm genuinely sorry for any disruption caused but I am not responsible for other people's actions nor I have the time to give them my attention. I frankly don’t appreciate it when you attribute other people’s actions to me. Remember that attributing the actions of a few individuals to everyone within a group is a classic example of the fallacy of hasty generalization. So I’ll ignore everything you said about other individuals.

2. Regarding using the discord as a weapon: My intention wasn't to turn OHOL Discord into a battlefield. I am a griefer in the game, and I talk about it openly, but I strive to maintain a cordial environment in the chat, where we can all share our experiences, victories, and yes, even our unconventional in-game strategies. I don't believe any of us signed up for a game that is only farming and crafting, did we?

The notion that I was trying to undermine the mod team is not true at all. I respect the mod team, and everything I said to them have always been respectful. If misunderstandings have arisen, it might stem from our different ways of enjoying the game rather than a coordinated attempt at creating discord (pun intended!). I maintain that I have never used out-of-game platforms to harass or cause distress to other players or moderators. When I pinged the moderators, it was not to stir up trouble, but to seek help in situations where I felt harassed or targeted. It was not about gaining attention but about resolving conflicts that arose due to misunderstandings.

Now, to the "not so fun facts" section of your response, which are mainly a list of baseless accusations I already replied to, but here we go again.

Trying to sway the banner contest? I'm half expecting an accusation of being an alien from outer space next! Sadly, this doesn’t have any basis in reality. We all love a good story, but let's keep our feet on the ground.

Property Gate Mechanics and Apocalypse Towers: Using the mechanics of a game to the fullest extent is part of being a player. I do not condone exploiting or cheating. If any of my actions led to game imbalance, I believe it's for the game developers to correct those mechanics.

Ancient Stone Walls and Airplane Exploits: Again, I assure you I've never exploited the game's mechanics. I play within the rules provided to me by the game.

Regional Pricing and Burner Accounts: I want to clarify that I've never used the regional pricing to buy burner accounts. These claims are completely false.

Lastly, your point about Jason and the mods working in harmony is an optimistic view, and I hope it's true. The concern arises when certain players are singled out due to their play style. Let's encourage a healthy gaming environment that respects all styles of play and keeps the spirit of the game alive.


#8 2023-07-04 16:28:26

Registered: 2023-07-04
Posts: 7

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

Arcurus wrote:

I think there are two ways of looking at it.
1. As far as i know Jason allows this kind of different playstyles in OHOL but encourages the community to use the Donkey Town Mechanics to separate these players from others. With cheap alt accounts this mechanics seems currently broken. So out of this perspective modds / the community should separate between in game and Discord. Since i guess most of the community wont agree with you on grieving playstyles being an enrichment they will also Judge you out of the game for it.

I'm done explaining the cheap alt accounts accusation.

Arcurus wrote:

2. From a perspective of Karma (action and consequences) there is no separation between worlds, so your action in one
most likely affect your experience in another. You might be able to separate it mentally, but your perceived experience dos not. One belongs to the other, so enjoy the experience what you have created or change your actions.

I don't believe this should have direct implications on my participation in the Discord community, provided I abide by the platform's rules.

Arcurus wrote:

3. Since Discord mods should i guess not judge about what you do in game i guess best way to complain is to write directly to Jason or ask first some senior modds to rule in. Still i guess this will in the end not make your perceived experience much better since 2. universal law of consequences still applies. So best solution is either drop pvp or search a game / server where others like the same thing as you.

This discussion is more about how we as a community, inclusive of moderators, interpret and apply rules. I do agree that it may not change the entirety of my experience, but it's crucial for ensuring that all voices are heard and all members feel treated fairly.

Lastly, on your suggestion of dropping PVP or looking for a server that supports my playstyle, I would argue that diversity in playstyles is part of what makes OHOL unique. As long as we maintain respect for each other and the game's rules, I believe there's room for all kinds of players.

Arcurus wrote:

And yea nice piece of art!

Yes, I agree, thanks!


#9 2023-07-04 16:43:19

Registered: 2022-01-22
Posts: 12

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

Be nice.  Be welcoming.  Don't be mean.  Don't attack each other.

The rules mentioned above solely apply to individuals outside the moderators' posse.


Here is a screenshot of a friend of the moderators threatening defamation of a friend of mine with you ruru, cosigning his threat.

No disciplinary action has been taken in response. A similar incident occurred previously involving me, followed by the circulation of a Facebook page within the community bearing a close resemblance to my name. Threats and derogatory comments were made toward the sister of the individual associated with that Facebook account.

The offense is not considered ban-worthy due to Humboldt and ruru being allies of the moderators and opting not to act as antagonists in this video game.

Last edited by Reformed (2023-07-04 16:43:51)


#10 2023-07-04 17:16:25

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

MEDO wrote:

I'm done explaining the cheap alt accounts accusation.

I did not accuse you, i just said that cheap alt accounts for sure broke the curse mechanics that should level out excess grieving. Since this mechanic is currently broken grieving takes over, so that some / many? players seems to simply drop playing while the griefers take overhand. If you want or not this affects also on you, since if grieving would not be be a big deal in general few players grieving from time to time would not be a big deal. But since it is the community might get angry easily.

MEDO wrote:

I don't believe this should have direct implications on my participation in the Discord community, provided I abide by the platform's rules.

The question is not if it should have, i simply explained that whatever you do will have consequences one way or another. As you call into the forest it calls out. So i don't think its even possible to separate in game and out of game fully.

MEDO wrote:

Lastly, on your suggestion of dropping PVP or looking for a server that supports my playstyle, I would argue that diversity in playstyles is part of what makes OHOL unique. As long as we maintain respect for each other and the game's rules, I believe there's room for all kinds of players.

As said i think for this mechanics the curse system was invented, so that you play together with similar players that enjoy what you enjoy. Since this mechanic is currently broken the experience from lot of others which seem to don't enjoy what you do is happening. Other games solve that with having a separate pvp server, but in OHOL it seems there are currently not enough that long for a pvp server. Another problem is that the current combat system in OHOL is quite broken so it does not give much room for pvp.

If I understand the current game rules you can do everything you want in game as long as you live with the consequences / curses in game. As of the current Discord rules, i think Mods are not allowed to judge you for what you did in game.

As for general game experience, i think original Jason wanted to have some drama in the game otherwise why is there a war sword? But since the combat nerve he seems to have decided to go along a more peaceful path like Twisted is playing. I think it would be nice to have some balance between some drama and a peaceful way of playing but currently there seems to be no balance. Its kind of interesting like Space Station 14 solved it with having clear antagonist roles.

With the Open Life Reborn project i tried to fix the combat system, so that it is more balanced. There is also a fortification / new property system where you can protect your stuff more easily. For sure not perfect but a beginning.

Last edited by Arcurus (2023-07-04 17:25:38)


#11 2023-07-04 17:18:20

Registered: 2023-05-29
Posts: 6

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

Reformed wrote:

Be nice.  Be welcoming.  Don't be mean.  Don't attack each other.

The rules mentioned above solely apply to individuals outside the moderators' posse.

Here is a screenshot of a friend of the moderators threatening defamation of a friend of mine with you ruru, cosigning his threat.

No disciplinary action has been taken in response. A similar incident occurred previously involving me, followed by the circulation of a Facebook page within the community bearing a close resemblance to my name. Threats and derogatory comments were made toward the sister of the individual associated with that Facebook account.

The offense is not considered ban-worthy due to Humboldt and ruru being allies of the moderators and opting not to act as antagonists in this video game.

Quite obviously, the 'Humboldt' (who I must say, does seem like a very handsome individual with whom I'd like to have coitus.) in the screenshot is being ironic. No such threats have come to pass, now, have they? In any case, you have done similar things, whereas you have doxxed people and accused them of pedophilia. Please do not take the cow, Reformed. To be a man in his thirties who obsessively harasses people on an obscure indie civilization building game is one thing, but to attempt to claim the moral high ground... why, that's untenable.


#12 2023-07-04 17:36:18

Registered: 2023-07-04
Posts: 12

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

MEDO, we all see through your charade. Being horrible to people in-game, in DMs (that you are able to send due to sharing OHOL Discord as a server), and in other Discords and then putting on a fake nice act in the main server is the equivalent of "I'm not touching you..." and we are all sick of not only that but your unending lies and gaslighting. You have lied about so many things in relation to this game that you did not know were able to be fact-checked with the game's public data, that we all started watching you more closely months ago.

Before you realized that your best defense was to play nice in Discord, but after you had already started your habit of harassing people in DMs. Not so always-nice-and-cordial after all, huh?


An alt account or a friend that you used/called in to help cry admin abuse against Tarr.


You claiming ownership of the account with PHEX name Mirko, that confirmed they were Mirko on Discord. Discoverable with character life data that ties unique PHEX hashes to leaderboard IDs.


A nice, manufactured moment of kindness between you and your alt/friend to help paint yourself as a good person.


Interesting that Mirko's OHOL account is so new, and was also permanenty shelved after just a few days of griefing with your group and then ending up in Donkey Town. … &id=120676 Would you like Jason to check what region this account was purchased in? … &id=120746 Or maybe your other two accounts? I'd be curious to know. … &id=118869

Regardless of region, you're buying new accounts to circumvent the curse system, further showing your willingness to abuse the game mechanics in order to make others miserable.

Yes, you and your friends really do seem to respect Tarr.


And you definitely didn't send these type of messages to multiple people on the main Discord, promoting your own work and insulting Mofoberts in an attempt to get enough votes to bridge the gap during the extended submission time.


I would ask you to claim where you lied - whether it was not doing the things that are shown, or having lied when you claimed that you were the person doing those things, but either way you are a proven liar and that means your word means nothing.

Everyone who is an active member of the main Discord in which you were banned is glad to see you go. This post is for those uninvolved that might read your ChatGPT responses and confuse it for the genuine horror of a person that is you.



#13 2023-07-04 18:08:28

Registered: 2022-01-22
Posts: 12

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

ScholarGodKing wrote:
Reformed wrote:

Be nice.  Be welcoming.  Don't be mean.  Don't attack each other.

The rules mentioned above solely apply to individuals outside the moderators' posse.

Here is a screenshot of a friend of the moderators threatening defamation of a friend of mine with you ruru, cosigning his threat.

No disciplinary action has been taken in response. A similar incident occurred previously involving me, followed by the circulation of a Facebook page within the community bearing a close resemblance to my name. Threats and derogatory comments were made toward the sister of the individual associated with that Facebook account.

The offense is not considered ban-worthy due to Humboldt and ruru being allies of the moderators and opting not to act as antagonists in this video game.

Quite obviously, the 'Humboldt' (who I must say, does seem like a very handsome individual with whom I'd like to have coitus.) in the screenshot is being ironic. No such threats have come to pass, now, have they? In any case, you have done similar things, whereas you have doxxed people and accused them of pedophilia. Please do not take the cow, Reformed. To be a man in his thirties who obsessively harasses people on an obscure indie civilization building game is one thing, but to attempt to claim the moral high ground... why, that's untenable.

It's astonishing to accuse me of doxxing while simultaneously publicly sharing alleged personal information about me. (How is it that you think you know my age?) I haven't disclosed that to you.

This only further strengthens my argument.

Ironic? That is a clear threat. If this is ironic then surely me simply posting an image of the obese woman and asking if it was a Discord mod should have been taken as ironic.

"accused them of pedophilia." This i have never done. I shared an image of a fat woman that was sent to me and asked slinky if it was her. That is the most personal i have ever taken this game/community. I possess no knowledge of your real-life details, nor do I hold any interest in them. My sole intention is to play the role of a villain in your video game.


#14 2023-07-04 18:21:20

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 688

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

Reformed wrote:

Be nice.  Be welcoming.  Don't be mean.  Don't attack each other.

The rules mentioned above solely apply to individuals outside the moderators' posse.

Here is a screenshot of a friend of the moderators threatening defamation of a friend of mine with you ruru, cosigning his threat.

No disciplinary action has been taken in response. A similar incident occurred previously involving me, followed by the circulation of a Facebook page within the community bearing a close resemblance to my name. Threats and derogatory comments were made toward the sister of the individual associated with that Facebook account.

The offense is not considered ban-worthy due to Humboldt and ruru being allies of the moderators and opting not to act as antagonists in this video game.

Hum was TO'd and warned to stop. Hence my "bad hum". I deleted mentions of your name aswell. There is a reason it isn't brought up anymore despite the large amount of conversation around you in specific.

He was given the same warning you got, except he stopped.

I do not read the entire discord so if there is other things around your info that was missed lemme know.

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#15 2023-07-04 18:43:05

Registered: 2019-02-11
Posts: 464

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

Griefing isn't a playstyle.
Griefing is griefing.

This game places absolute beginners in towns with the most experienced players, and turns them into a family for a short hour. That's what makes this game special. Do we abuse it for our own entertainment, or do we make the most of the time we spend together?

If pvp is what you want, there are other games built for that. Be kind ingame and be mindful of the people around you.


#16 2023-07-04 18:56:18

Registered: 2022-01-22
Posts: 12

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

DiscardedSlinky wrote:
Reformed wrote:

Be nice.  Be welcoming.  Don't be mean.  Don't attack each other.

The rules mentioned above solely apply to individuals outside the moderators' posse.

Here is a screenshot of a friend of the moderators threatening defamation of a friend of mine with you ruru, cosigning his threat.

No disciplinary action has been taken in response. A similar incident occurred previously involving me, followed by the circulation of a Facebook page within the community bearing a close resemblance to my name. Threats and derogatory comments were made toward the sister of the individual associated with that Facebook account.

The offense is not considered ban-worthy due to Humboldt and ruru being allies of the moderators and opting not to act as antagonists in this video game.

Hum was TO'd and warned to stop. Hence my "bad hum". I deleted mentions of your name aswell. There is a reason it isn't brought up anymore despite the large amount of conversation around you in specific.

He was given the same warning you got, except he stopped.

I do not read the entire discord so if there is other things around your info that was missed lemme know.

Hum was TO'd and can join back immediately, a little slap on the wrist after consistently making dox threats/comments. The image of the woman i posted was in general, you guys timed me out for it so i read the rules of the streets, "anything goes, unmoderated" so i posted the image there. Over a year and a half later i am still banned.

The screenshot of humboldt's threat to my friend "trekkia" was captured and sent to me two weeks ago. that is two months after it was sent. For some reason it remains in the discord general chat. scurry to delete it now before jason sees.

Humboldt did not stop, as you can see the time stamps he had comments of doxxing 3 weeks prior too. This being right before the spreading of that facebook page. Speculation yes but this cant be coincidental.


Im guessing you never read this.

Last edited by Reformed (2023-07-12 19:55:35)


#17 2023-07-04 19:46:43

Registered: 2023-07-04
Posts: 7

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

Ok Ru,

First this chat is supposed to be nice. It's a 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban. So take a deep breath and count to ten. I'll ignore your negative remarks but I’ll give you the last response even though everything you mentioned was explained already.

You posted six screenshots which all don't prove your point, let's go through the screenshots one by one:

Regarding the first screenshot. Where im having an arguement with another member in general chat. Yes, it was an unfortunate heated exchange, but it was long time ago and also a moment in time when I wasn't yet a griefer. When I grief somebody, i spicifically dont argue with them. This incident happened after enduring months of insults from the user in question. I tried to DM the person to resolve the issue and keep the past in the past and move on. I was very friendly in the DMs, so show me your proof of “harassing people in the DMs”.

The second screenshot, where it seems like Mirko is having an arguement. That occurred before I even known Mirko. As for the nature of the argument, I cannot tell the context or which channel was it, since the chat history isn't available to me now and i wasn't part of the arguement at all. So idk what that has anything to do with me.

The third screenshot where I say "the last person is me" was part of a strategy I used to divert players away from the Ginger family so that I could grief without interference. You can consider it like a war tactic. As a griefer, I am frequently up against at least five anti-griefers tracking me. If you look closely, you'll find at least one other player also mentioning my presence in the Ginger family at the same moment I posted "last person is me". It was a tactic, and it worked, don’t be so mad about it.

The fourth screenshot, where I had a conversation with Mirko, if I remember correctly, that was when I first met Mirko. She was new to the game, and I ended up teaching her quite a few things in the game.

As for the fifth screenshot, I admit that I used inappropriate language about Tarr in a different Discord server. The circumstances were intense and Tarr's actions that day were inappropriate too. But, as I mentioned, the discussion here is about my behavior in the OHOL Discord server, not elsewhere. Tarr insulted me a lot more, and in general chat spicifically. He told everybody to block me and ignore me at least 10 times. Also he posts popcorn gifs when people insult me or my friends. Here's an example of how Tarr treats me:


Finally, the sixth image is actually a very friendly conversation were I asked a person if they rather me draw memes or visually aesthetic drawings, then the person asked me what do I mean by meme stuff, then I said by meme stuff I mean drawings that don’t have an appealing aesthetic but are generally funny, which people seem to like. However, I actually do think the meme style is funny and I like it, but it is not visually appealing which is not an insult. That person in the DM was a known person in the community, he the person ended up editing and deleting their messages to make it look like I’m insulting Mofobert. I still don’t see anything insulting and I think it’s friendly and wholesome.

Also not even one of these accounts you posted is me. Which only raises the question, are you just a bad detective? Or are you just trying to frame me? Idk which one is worse.


I won't resort to reciprocating by accusing you of lying, despite the unkind remarks you made about me. You basically compiled every nigative remake other people wrote about me. Yes, I acknowledge that I engage in a lot of griefing, and it's understandable if you dislike me for it. However, it's important for you to exercise independent thinking and consider your words more carefully (and not just copy paste). Maybe come up with your own detective work next time we talk.


#18 2023-07-04 20:09:28

Registered: 2023-07-04
Posts: 7

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

He was given the same warning you got, except he stopped.

I agree with slinky, here's proof that humbolt stopped. Here's a recent interaction between me and humbolt where he accused me for harassing a person that i dont know.


After i added Moody I asked him/her why is humbolt saying this and Moody had no idea.



#19 2023-07-04 20:13:26

Registered: 2023-07-04
Posts: 7

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

CatX wrote:

Griefing isn't a playstyle.
Griefing is griefing.

This game places absolute beginners in towns with the most experienced players, and turns them into a family for a short hour. That's what makes this game special. Do we abuse it for our own entertainment, or do we make the most of the time we spend together?

If pvp is what you want, there are other games built for that. Be kind ingame and be mindful of the people around you.

No, we're talking about the OHOL discord server not a game ban.


#20 2023-07-04 21:10:31

Registered: 2023-07-04
Posts: 12

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

MEDO wrote:

Ok Ru,
It was a tactic, and it worked, don’t be so mad about it.

As I claimed before, and you were so nice to clearly admit, you weaponized your Discord presence as an extension of your in-game griefing.

You cannot have both be true: A) that your in-game behavior is entirely separate and should not be a factor in the way people treat you, and B) that your lies and manipulation on the Discord were just tactics to help yourself in game.

In trying to have them both be true, you're just revealing how desperately you change your lies to fit the situation. I'm sorry, but your entire castle of bullshit has crumbled.

Please go find another community to torment.

Last edited by ru (2023-07-05 01:53:42)


#21 2023-07-05 12:54:07

Registered: 2023-07-04
Posts: 7

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

ru wrote:

As I claimed before, and you were so nice to clearly admit, you weaponized your Discord presence as an extension of your in-game griefing.

You cannot have both be true: A) that your in-game behavior is entirely separate and should not be a factor in the way people treat you, and B) that your lies and manipulation on the Discord were just tactics to help yourself in game.

In trying to have them both be true, you're just revealing how desperately you change your lies to fit the situation. I'm sorry, but your entire castle of bullshit has crumbled.

Please go find another community to torment.

I have addressed each of the accusations you copied and pasted thoroughly and sincerely. It seems, however, that you've chosen to perceive my responses in a manner fitting a predetermined narrative. Didn't the people, that you copied and pasted these false accusations from, weaponize discord against me? Didn't you just weaponize the threads against me?

It's not fair when there are numerous players, who have utilized Discord in ways that have caused harm to others. Are their actions not subject to the same scrutiny? Or are we only addressing actions that don't fit within certain acceptable parameters of gameplay?

It seems you're choosing to neglect this in favour of holding onto personal biases.


#22 2023-07-11 07:21:58

Registered: 2021-01-26
Posts: 231

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

One Mod is clearly bias and very unfriendly towards certain people. Powertripping "Cough TARR"
You don't need to be a genius to see that.

Check your Mods Jason.

Last edited by Laggy (2023-07-11 07:30:51)


#23 2023-07-12 02:57:12

Registered: 2018-12-30
Posts: 40

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

Medo, I don't know you, but after reading this entire discourse, I'm curious as to why you want to be unbanned from Discord so badly. Everybody on the server either dislikes or distrusts you, and would probably act toxically towards you (without mod intervention, of course, because Tarr and Slinky are clearly biased and unprofessional). Anyway, it doesn't make sense why you would want to return to such a toxic environment so badly. I don't think Jason has IP-banned you from OHOL, so you can still play the way you want.

There is only one reason why you'd want to return to the discord, and it'd be because you like the negative attention. I mean, I think that's the only reason anybody griefs -- for attention. That's probably why you even made this forum post. Surely, you know that you will not be unbanned from the discord. You said it yourself, the mods are corrupt and unyielding. So why even try? Because people will give you attention. Poor ru here has likely spent many minutes of his/her life writing well-thought-out responses to your sarcastic pleas for sympathy.

It seems like everybody has already given up on this thread and perhaps realized the same thing that I have. So, I may just be preaching to the choir, but I surely hope and recommend that nobody ever interacts with you in this community again.

Pine panel walls no longer require one rope each!


#24 2023-07-12 06:05:55

Registered: 2021-01-26
Posts: 231

Re: A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban

Seriously Medo I think you may be delusion if you didn't see this coming.

You would lash out at everyone with unfounded accusation.

And if you think you can do this on these forums you will be in for a rude awakening.


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