One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2023-07-21 21:42:08

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,805

Update: Orders Again


I have been working through a heap of improvements and fixes this week.

There are several new features on the settings screen for toggling vsync and manually setting the frame rate when vsync is off.  You no longer have to go digging through the settings folder to tweak these things.

Objects that empty out as you use them, like buckets, now have a visual distinction between the full and one-less-than-full state.

A new /ORDER command allows you to review the most recent order that you've heard from your leader.  Before, if you missed it the first time it was presented, there was no way to recall it later.

Radios no longer work between Donkeytown and the main world.

A bunch of fixes have been put in place for the situation where specialty biomes switch on and off during the wee hours when player counts drop below the threshold of 30.  Tool tips get re-enabled, expert waystones still work, and there's a buffer between 30 and 40 players to prevent the specialty biome status from flip-flopping as the player count hovers around 30.

Some glitches in oil flow transitions have been fixed.

You can now remove green beans from a bowl, one by one.


#2 2023-07-25 17:56:35

Registered: 2019-04-30
Posts: 65

Re: Update: Orders Again

jasonrohrer wrote:

You can now remove green beans from a bowl, one by one.

I love this change, but I would love even more if popcorn, garlic and green beans were more similar to eat.
You can eat popcorn and greenbeans from the bowl but not garlic.
You can remove a single garlic clove and now a single green bean but not popcorn.

You are Pepsi


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