One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2024-01-17 04:20:39

Registered: 2021-04-24
Posts: 198

There Are Never New Families (THIS GAME IS BROKEN FIX PLEASE)

Every so often I log in just to see what's going on the bigserver.
Not to my surprise, all families are are past gen 30 (3/4 I think were over 100)
there IS NO WAY to play from the beginning.

This means that over 50% of the game content is effectively BLOCKED.


Simplest solution is to ALLOW PLAYERS TO EVE WHEN THEY WANT.
When other players log in, they can then CHOOSE which of the MANY FAMILIES they want to play in using /die.

Right now everyone is FORCED into the same SHITTY ASS TOWNS.

Final phase, tech tree is done.
There is nothing to do.

This is like buying a game and then being FORCED TO START AT THE //END// OF THE GAME //EVERY// TIME.



#2 2024-01-17 05:06:39

Registered: 2023-09-12
Posts: 70

Re: There Are Never New Families (THIS GAME IS BROKEN FIX PLEASE)

I like the game the way it is.

Early gameplay bores me with its repetitiveness.

Calling long-lived families "UNPLAYABLE" when people still put hundreds of lives in every single day to keep them going is simply incorrect.


>This is like buying a game and then being FORCED TO START AT THE //END// OF THE GAME //EVERY// TIME.

Yes, that is the point of the game. It is deliberately this way and that has always been the case.
For clarification here is the first sentence of the game's description as written by Jason Rohrer:


#3 2024-01-17 05:43:47

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: There Are Never New Families (THIS GAME IS BROKEN FIX PLEASE)

To imitate Tarr's style:

Change your work schedule so that you can play 4:00-12:00 A. M. EST (a little later even) when there's a new Eve spawn and/or a developing family/one before a diesel water pump. 

Yea, that doesn't work.

Some more humor in response to this:

forman wrote:

Final phase, tech tree is done.

Make sprinklers and plow???

Alright, I just saw some on iamdox's stream.

Make radio telegraph too???

Again, I'm joking.  Why oh why would you make the radio telegraph unless you play low pop, and/or make it, "because it exists" "because it's there" (and Jason if you're reading... do NOT try to fix the radio telegraph so it becomes useful.  There are plenty of more productive things to do than trying to make that thing useful.)

Apocalypse maker style:

"We need an apocalypse to reset the arc!  Then there will be new families, since the old ones will starve.  There will be linear town development too, since no one has anything!"

Yea, o. k.  But, after like 48 hours, there's almost surely a paved road, probably glass bottles, some trucks, and we're easily off of the initial oil pumpjack and onto oil wells (who likes the oil pumpjack as anything but a bootstrap anyways?).  And loom clothes started and up, if not now or soon getting transferred to the latest Eve camp also (trousers decaying would cause clutter... I remember basket decay and stuff spraying out everywhere).  Though, I remember playing after one arc, and it didn't completely feel like normal until a week or two into that arc, I do remember having some tan lady coming and visiting me as a black Eve with a horsecart like 2 days after the reset. 

Also, apocalypses reset tutorial areas.  The apocalypse is not a kind thing to do to a new player:  So, no.  Not a good solution on two points.

Additionally, I don't recommend anyone lose sleep to try to do the apocalypse. 

My style:

Hey look, server1 is active!

Well, that did work.  For like 5 days or something when server1 was active.  No families made it through the unsplit/merge period, but honestly, I felt happy with it.  Some families made it start to finish and thus could claim that they succeeded!  And town development was linear too.  Then there weren't enough players to have players not checking a custom server split between bigserver2 and server1.  RIP

I made this post after the days playing on s1:


1. Jason would have to find that idea interesting.

2. He'd have to recode his entire server movement process (the current system has bugs). 

3. Some now vets like SoloAceMouse would also have to deal with a change.

SoloAceMouse wrote:

Yes, that is the point of the game. It is deliberately this way and that has always been the case.

What you quote from Jason holds true, but what you quote from Forman is not how the game always was.

In addition to the above example where server1 was active (and there were other times it has become active), it use to be that players could '/die' and become an Eve.  Also, advanced objects getting thrown at Eve camps ruining the possibility of linear town development didn't happen when I first played, or happened rarely.  When I played between the first oil update and The Come Together Disaster, there were plenty of developing towns not on a pump or diesel water pump.  Finding them was not rare, as I recall, and they were not difficult to find.  People would resettle old towns, as Tarr would probably point out.  But, players who wanted to get away from places like "Bell town" (there was a town that got referred to by that name on the forums years ago), had meaningful options.  Also, even in an old city like San-Cal people could form a suburb and basically play as if they were starting over from scratch.

Specifically, as a case in point, I remember there was an update that changed from the pond to well system to the spring system.  I think it got called "Pump Overhaul", since pumps didn't use to bust, and they got changed to bust (I still like this aspect of that update).  I wanted to see how the new system worked.  But, since wells would cluster instead of more like the current day one well in center of town style, I could easily spot resettled towns that week.  I would often get born into a town with two wells adjacent to each other or something, and thus knew that this place had gotten resettled.  But, if I /died a few times, I could easily go to a new style one well town/camp.  And I don't think I even became Eve a single time that week (he did an arc reset after that week).  I still managed to get to the new/developing, pre-diesel or just diesel water pump town easily.

If there were some change, could I do so today?  Only at certain times of the day.  If it all.  Plenty of families would likely resettle and not experiment with some new water system.  So, definitely not; the game has not always worked that way.  The point of the game is not "being FORCED TO START AT THE //END// OF THE GAME //EVERY// TIME".

Jason made objects decay at one point when they hadn't previously, and if I recall correctly, commented on rebuilding from scratch.

The advertisement on steam says:

jasonrohrer wrote:

Leave a legacy for the next generation as you help to rebuild civilization from scratch. … _One_Life/

It doesn't say "help rebuild civilization from the end of civilization."

It says "from scratch".

Edit: I don't think "from scratch" has to mean from Eve or Eve's daughters.  A town can be deep well, or on a pump and the family still be building from scratch possibly.  A family can even still be 200 generations in and be rebuilding from scratch if you ask me, if they developed linearly.  But, if they get all sorts of loom clothes, an engine, and more even (I mean some of those things are even understandably scavenged... do players really want to make more buckets and get rubber supplies for every new family?), it just isn't rebuilding from scratch.  And resettling dead towns, even if wise, isn't rebuilding from scratch.  It ends up more like loading someone else's save file... even if that save file seems pleasant.

Last edited by Spoonwood (2024-01-31 19:09:20)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#4 2024-01-17 05:55:29

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: There Are Never New Families (THIS GAME IS BROKEN FIX PLEASE)

forman wrote:

Simplest solution is to ALLOW PLAYERS TO EVE WHEN THEY WANT.

Three more humorous possibilities as "solutions".

1. Play on a low pop/small server.  Yea, likely not a group experience.  Even if it's a group experience, it's a small one likely.

2. Find twitch streamers/viewers/vets who want to make new towns.  Do it on Sunday, and call it mass even!  It can be fun.  But, getting random people to join becomes more difficult.  It can happen.  I've had the new player popup on low pop servers before, and even had it on s1 before the split period in some recent days.  But still, kind of rare.  Also, you can only do that when you can get such a group together.  Again, change your work schedule... don't be a real priest who needs to conduct a real mass on Sundays.

3. Go to Donkeytown!  I mean, nowadays you can just be rude to your moms with your bone clutter and "nope, not your baby", and /die yourself there these days.  No need to get cursed out to go there.  Kids in donkeytown too now.  Yea, but 1. It's donkeytown.  2. Have to walk back if you want to develop a donkeytown town, or keep a family going (which means you'll need more people in donkeytown).  Also, Donkeytown will have all sort of issues with race restrictions (which is good overall, because I don't think we want donkeytown players to get useable planes up, since then they can possibly harass the main town players on their cursed out account).

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#5 2024-01-31 19:20:44

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: There Are Never New Families (THIS GAME IS BROKEN FIX PLEASE)

I logged in about 11:45 A. M. this morning.

Blacks, tans, and gingers all past generation 40.  Gingers and tans both started on Sunday also.  The Goths (not a family name) were generation 6, but they could have easily just walked to some other family and joined them, since that's what the real Goths did.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#6 2024-02-03 22:11:31

Registered: 2022-01-22
Posts: 12

Re: There Are Never New Families (THIS GAME IS BROKEN FIX PLEASE)

You guys forced jason's hand to nerf griefers and now complain that families are living too long. Pshh


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