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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2024-02-03 04:11:28

Registered: 2023-09-28
Posts: 11

Arc resets.

This game has always been advertised as a "parenting and civilization building" game. But these days "civilization building" has turned into just looting dead towns so you can build your town as fast as possible. People aren't climbing the full tech tree when some random person comes with a truck that has kero, oil, loom, and other late game items to a town that only has a shallow well. Like whats the point. Or even worse, people just straight up run to and live in an old abandoned town so that they don't have to work at all. This kind of gameplay loop has always hit me in a sore spot. The game is about survival in the wilderness, not luxury that you yourself did not work for. You should only get luxury after you've spent countless hours with your family, bonding together by building a place you can call home. This game would heavily benefit from a monthy or bi-monthly arc reset. After everyone has climbed the tech tree and experienced the full game you get to live in luxury for a little while. Then at the start of the month or every other month, the world wipes and you do it over again starting from scratch. Then you'll get that gameplay that was so heavily advertised.

Last edited by Kaden56 (2024-02-03 09:32:09)


#2 2024-02-03 15:49:17

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: Arc resets.

For sure there are also other solutions like for example separating new towns from old ones for some time.
I would recommend to post this issue in github, so that Jason can give a proper response.


#3 2024-02-03 17:22:20

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: Arc resets.









Early game does not exist. It is the most perfected part of the game and any pro player can climb through the hoops to get a place settled easily. The game also requires every race besides whites to function which encourages people dumping kerosene or clothes or trucks on new towns to help ease the game. When people like YOU fuck things up for people you start getting players to start prebuilding towns because there has to be a place for things.

Why would anyone want to build from complete scratch when YOU or your FRIENDS are the ones setting things back to zero by killing off a family. Like you are encouraging your own problem dude.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#4 2024-02-03 19:04:33

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Arc resets.

fug wrote:

Early game does not exist. It is the most perfected part of the game and any pro player can climb through the hoops to get a place settled easily.

O. K., since the early arc game doesn't exist at present, but since it is the most perfected part of the game, then it would be in the better interest of the developer to have resets happen monthly or bi-monthly.  That way people would experience the game at it's best more often, have better experiences, and maybe even tell people about the game more often.

The very words you use, fug, suggest that kaden is correct on the main point.

fug wrote:

The game also requires every race besides whites to function which encourages people dumping kerosene or clothes or trucks on new towns to help ease the game.

Kerosense?  Yes.  That seems encouraged, since getting it later can become problematic.  Trucks?  I don't know.  I did an oil well for tan Groots the other night with a rubber tire horsecart.  No truck.  Alright, I went to the same Groot family generations later the other day as a male white Spoon and Tuurd said that they had four or five trucks and offered me one after saying that he knew I wouldn't take it.  And traveling between families ends up taking time.  So, I'll give you that one.  Dumping trucks gets encouraged by races.  But clothes?  Clothes are first for function, then for fashion.

fug wrote:

Why would anyone want to build from complete scratch when YOU or your FRIENDS are the ones setting things back to zero by killing off a family.

O. K., so what relevance does his bad behavior have to whether regular arc resets would help the game or not?  Honestly, to me it looks like you just want to try to refute his position, because of his bad behavior.  But just because someone is an asshole, that doesn't mean her (or his) argument is wrong!  Kaden isn't the first person who has suggested arc resets as potentially helpful.  Forman, frodo, paradoxal, some others, and myself have claimed such. 

Also, nope, you're wrong about them setting things back to zero.  They didn't erase any objects on the server.  There were new Eves for some races yes, but not all races at the same time.  Early game arc reset period doesn't involve only some Eve out in the wilderness who maybe starts a new location with the first tools, or goes and scavenges a dead town, or goes and resettles a dead town.  It involves all (or almost all) *families* rebuilding from scratch.  From nature.  From nothing.  From the ground up.  Your family has a loom?  Some ancestor of your family likely made it after someone else went out to get rubber supplies (or maybe the same person).  You have a rubber tire horsecart?  Probably someone in your family went out and got rubber supplies justly or unjustly with the help of another living family.

Maybe I could even answer your question more concisely as follows:

*Because such a person believes that trading or stealing or charity is better than scavenging or repurposing*.

During the early (arc) game ... that most perfected part of the game, scavenging and repurposing are out, or at least minimized.  Players trade or steal or engage in charity.

Also, I guess you think fug that an early arc spring tapout by an adjacent family is one of the most perfected parts of the game.  Well, I can't say it's forgettable in my experience.  But, I digress.

Last edited by Spoonwood (2024-02-03 19:06:46)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#5 2024-02-03 21:49:00

Registered: 2022-01-22
Posts: 12

Re: Arc resets.

I have to agree with tarr. Reset will do nothing. I can solo make a truck from eve start in two lives. With just a few people around the same skill/knowledge as me the server will be back to late game within a few hours.


#6 2024-02-04 01:39:21

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Arc resets.

I don't think that Tarr quite asserted that a reset would do nothing.

Reformed wrote:

Reset will do nothing.


Reformed wrote:

I will be starting a trip to 0-0 to find a place for you guys to build a proper memorial.


These statements are not consistent.

I mean, if we had arc resets, Eve spawns would go back to around 0-0.  So, building a memorial on bs2  could get accomplished.  Also, crafting additional methman monuments would be possible.  At least if it's craftable, which I'm not so sure it is, since it says "UNCRAFTABLE" on, even though it looks like there exist previous steps which make it also: … ith-Chisel

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


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