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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#51 2018-04-26 05:11:31

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 251

Re: Missed Connections

Mother, you named me and all of my siblings LeBron. I enjoyed your banter around the fire as I grew. However, you and your sisters weren't exactly careful about population control, so by the time I was a young man, it was quickly becoming apparent that we were about to have a carrot panic.

My brother LeBron and I decided we'd remove ourselves from the farm for awhile so that the girls could live a bit easier. We roasted some rabbits and headed west to start a milkweed farm far removed from camp, as furs were in abundance, but there was no thread to be found. We traveled for some time before we found our first milkweed, but soon we found an abandoned farm plot with some basic tools and some empty rows of soil. LeBron and I managed to plant a sizable milkweed farm, trap and roast more rabbits, and manufacture some backpacks for ourselves, all while dodging bears from the north. In time, we grew to love each other. We were practically finishing each others' sentences by the time our milkweed was planted and watered.

Our task complete, we decided to head back to town to see who, if anyone, had survived. To our surprise, we found that a few young girls were still tending the farm, which had expanded and was doing well. They had also (hilariously) planted a milkweed farm much, much closer than the one we had planted. I raised a baby boy to hair age when his mother seemingly abandoned him. An older woman, Fable, told my brother of a vast field of rabbits to the southeast. LeBron and I again packed up, ready for a new adventure.

We were only able to make one rabbit trip before I began to grow old. I hunched over, an old man, as we were starting our third rabbit roast together (this kind of became our thing). Soon LeBron was also an old man. We said our goodbyes, proud of all that we'd accomplished together. Highfive, LeBron.


#52 2018-04-26 08:37:53

Registered: 2018-04-12
Posts: 49

Re: Missed Connections

I was born into a thriving little village from my Eve lineage, the Chimeras, many generations
ago -- my previous home marker still standing proudly by the kiln. However, things quickly
deteriorated when someone started drying up all the ponds and destroying the kilns and ovens.
I had barely grown hair by the time the village had been killed off and I was driven away by a
woman with a bow.

I ran North, gathering what I could along the way to start on my own weapon. I swore I would
take the land back. And then, you were born. You came mewing into the world just as I began
fletching my arrow. And suddenly, the loss of my family seemed a little more bearable. It wasn't
revenge anymore -- I had to take you home and to help you live a better life.

Once you were old enough to survive on your own, we ran South, back to our homeland. I asked
you to promise me that you would run away if I got hurt, to save yourself. When we got to the
camp, all was quiet save for a gently fading fire. Cautiously, I patrolled the perimeter. We were

And so we began rebuilding our settlement. First, the old carrot farm. Then, the forge, reshaped
from the rubble. Maybe I would be able to give you a good life, after all.

Then, your first child arrived. Not a child, but a monster. It looked like an ordinary baby boy, but
we both felt it -- something off. As soon as he could open his mouth, he spoke unintelligible


I would not allow you to touch the devil child. And so it quickly perished, leaving its putrid rotting
corpse next to the carrot farm. Death still thick in the air, your second child arrived. It was just
like the first. One by one they died, and one by one they were replaced by the next iteration of the
same child.

"Mom, are we cursed?"

I did not know how to answer you, so I didn't. Instead, I ushered you closer to the fire, hoping
that one day you would bring a pure child into the world. I would never find out as my life was
cut short by a vicious wolf.

We may have been cursed, but you were my life's biggest blessing, my little Hunter. I'm sorry I
didn't get a chance to say good bye. And I'm sorry I didn't get to thank you for giving me purpose.


#53 2018-04-26 14:47:14

Siolfor the Jackal
From: Australia
Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 64

Re: Missed Connections

My cousin, Winter.
Our mothers and sisters all died while we were still young. I made you a backpack, you made us some pies. We set out east on an adventure. We stopped to eat and make thread along the way, eventually making a lasso and capturing a horse. You stopped walking and I realised too late what was happening. You were starving and didn't release the horse fast enough. Your last words were "Crap!"
If I had known, I would have fed you. I surrounded you with stones as a grave and continued onward east to see what I could see. I made a bow and killed a few wolves along the way while still heading east. I died of old age.


#54 2018-04-28 04:55:45

From: New Zealand
Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 67

Re: Missed Connections

Siolfor the Jackal wrote:

My cousin, Winter.
Our mothers and sisters all died while we were still young. I made you a backpack, you made us some pies. We set out east on an adventure. We stopped to eat and make thread along the way, eventually making a lasso and capturing a horse. You stopped walking and I realised too late what was happening. You were starving and didn't release the horse fast enough. Your last words were "Crap!"
If I had known, I would have fed you. I surrounded you with stones as a grave and continued onward east to see what I could see. I made a bow and killed a few wolves along the way while still heading east. I died of old age.

My nameless Cuz I am so happy you lived to old age!

I was so excited about the horse I didn't pay enough attention to my hunger and my hand got tangled in the lasso /coughlagcough/. I am so happy you continued on without me and got to be a badass wolf hunter. My only regret was leaving you so soon. Thanks for the great adventure (and the pants).

-Cousin Winter

just here putting off doing my assignments


#55 2018-04-28 13:47:24

Registered: 2018-04-24
Posts: 269

Re: Missed Connections

So I dont remember my name I didnt catch yours but when you returned from your your voyage back to our village I was a teenager, I was making pies for everyone an making sure the new kids didnt pick the seed row. You came into the village and asked where some of your items had gone an who took them. I replied " Not me" and went to go get kindling for the oven. I was shot with an Arrow as you laughed meniaclly "Thief its what you get" ...... You fucking moron how much clearer was "Not me" I didnt take your shit, my whole life I just tried to make pies so we could live since my aunt kept having carrot sponge kids. Good Job you paranoid jerk.

Check this out upvote if you agree!!! … heck_this/


#56 2018-04-28 16:14:50

Registered: 2018-03-30
Posts: 12

Re: Missed Connections

To my King family, I had a great time with you all, one my my more successful Eve runs. There was a bit of a food shortage when I passed over, I hope you made it through.


#57 2018-04-28 18:04:51

Registered: 2018-04-13
Posts: 12

Re: Missed Connections

To my mother Ash and my un-named son,

I am sorry.
Mum I was your little girl Missy. You raised me as you worked hard and kept the fire warm.
You gave me my great grandmothers back pack when she died. I was very thankful.
We all did well and I had a son but then food got scarce.
There was has so many dry planted carrots seeds but the water pouches were missing. I tired to get water with a blow but died from hunger.

I only hope you, my son and my siblings made it.

I'm sorry son I didn't get to name you.
I hope you survive and grow up strong.

See you all in the next life.


#58 2018-04-28 20:20:53

Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 150

Re: Missed Connections

To my sister Georgia,

This is peach.  We were born around the same time and you wanted to farm together.  A pie maker asked me to get rabbits so i spent my life doing that.  After I brought my final cart of rabbits backs, the pie maker was gone.  I made some more plates and cooked a cart full of pies.  However, there was no one around.  I finally stumbled upon two recently murdered bodies.  My cousin, John, showed up and he had no idea what happened either.  We were the last two in our village.  I was old and never had any kids (I think due to an update).  I hope you lived a good life and wasn't one of the murder victims.


#59 2018-04-29 05:47:49

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 39

Re: Missed Connections

To my dear husband, Magnus, my second cousin (or something along the lines lol). I was born to the Wilfred family. My mother was too busy to notice me. I thought this life was never meant to be. I decided to end my life, but you were there with a single healthy carrot in your hand chasing after me. You saved my life and fed it to me. From that moment on, I fell in love with you. Yes, I know I was only a newborn. But, it was love that made me long to live.

I asked you two simple incomplete words, "mar-ry me?"
And you said, "me?"
And I said, "yes!"
You agree upon our marriage with a small incompetent child who could just barely walk on her own. This warmed my heart, and I gave you a sweet kiss on your cheek.

Soon after I was able to feed myself properly, my great aunt was giving out tedious task as in fetching more soil. She kept on asking everybody around her, but nobody listen. I don't know why she needed more soil, since there was already a big plot of land filled with unseeded carrots a few tiles away from her. However, I went out into the wild knowing I was still a small child, and fetch some newly fresh soil. I came back and my great aunt applaud my success.  I begin to work hard on the farm or at least try to be helpful in some way. Then it was time for my great aunt to pass. Still, being only loved by you, my husband, I was not used to my name being called out by any other till my great aunt was calling out to me. I didn't notice. She wanted me to be the master farmer. I ran away without listening to her and was doing some other tribal duties. I felt bad as soon as you came to me and told me our great aunt wanted me to watch over the farm. I came back only to witness my great aunt pass away before my eyes. It was time to uphold the grand title.

Though husband, those times were hard. We were running out of food and I just had our son. We named him Sally Wilfred. He wasn't much of a talker though, but that was fine by me. At the same time, I had to watch over the farm and shoo away the little thieves steeling our carrot row seeds, and there were you, with pie in your hand wanting me to have some. I didn't get the chance to say yes before somebody else did. This didn't bother me, but it was hard to keep up with our son and the farm. You even told me to feed our son! since I was too busy worrying about the farm to even notice he needed to be fed.

By the time my carrot seed row and been picked down to two carrots left by thieves, I decided to harvest the rest. This wasn't a total lost though, somebody had also made a few rows for carrot seeds only.

I decided to part from the farm and go look for some food to forage out in the wild. I took our son with me, in hopes he will help. Though he started to run in a different direction. This time I saw you, once again with pies in your arms (I always find this to be funny that you would have pies when the whole village was starving. You continue to amaze me with your quirks), running after our runaway son.  This was the last time I saw you, and the last time you'll see me.

While you were chasing after him, I headed back to the village. I was getting low on food, however, on the way there, I had another child! I was so happy to have another one with you. This child, I wanted to name her Lola Wilfred, but I was on the lookout for food. I manage to find some fruiting cactus. This helped fill me up, and now I was happy. My next mission was to find a good land to forage food, and hopefully our daughter would live till I'm able to take her back to the village and reunite with you. It was sad that I couldn't spend anymore time or show you our newborn child. We died tragically by a snake hiding at the edge of my screen as I was running down south.

I wanted to let you know, that I'm sorry. I wished I could have live longer and continue to have more memories together. I also wanted to thank you once more for saving my life when at the time it didn't have any meaning or purpose to continue on. Thank you.

- Abbie Wilfred

Last edited by Opedoll (2018-04-29 05:50:01)


#60 2018-04-29 15:49:59

Registered: 2018-04-22
Posts: 5

Re: Missed Connections

To my family, the Grosjean, I was Eve and you were all fantastic at starting this village from scratch with me.
I hope you made it far!


#61 2018-04-29 19:18:46

Registered: 2018-04-22
Posts: 5

Re: Missed Connections

MidgetMaker wrote:

To my sister Georgia,

This is peach.  We were born around the same time and you wanted to farm together.  A pie maker asked me to get rabbits so i spent my life doing that.  After I brought my final cart of rabbits backs, the pie maker was gone.  I made some more plates and cooked a cart full of pies.  However, there was no one around.  I finally stumbled upon two recently murdered bodies.  My cousin, John, showed up and he had no idea what happened either.  We were the last two in our village.  I was old and never had any kids (I think due to an update).  I hope you lived a good life and wasn't one of the murder victims.

Unfortunately I wasn't one of the victims, I was one of the murderers. This fella showed up in town and stabbed one of the old men, so I ran and grabbed a bow, killing him on the spot. Sadly I had forgotten to eat before this and died of starvation while slowly running towards the farm lol. It would have been awesome to farm together, but so it goes. Hopefully we can some time soon!


#62 2018-04-30 02:17:31

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Missed Connections

To the little girl who joined in on my dumb dancing skeleton gimmick.

Never in my two hundred hours of this game have I bursted out laughing like I did when you started copying me. I spent my whole life just entertaining babies by dropping and picking up a skeleton while making jokes about it dancing and egging the skeleton on. Thank you for the brief time we had together until someone finally had enough and stabbed me. I hope you passed on our skills to the future generations just like I did for you.

fug it’s Tarr.


#63 2018-04-30 04:08:57

Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 150

Re: Missed Connections

Brandon wrote:
MidgetMaker wrote:

To my sister Georgia,

This is peach.  We were born around the same time and you wanted to farm together.  A pie maker asked me to get rabbits so i spent my life doing that.  After I brought my final cart of rabbits backs, the pie maker was gone.  I made some more plates and cooked a cart full of pies.  However, there was no one around.  I finally stumbled upon two recently murdered bodies.  My cousin, John, showed up and he had no idea what happened either.  We were the last two in our village.  I was old and never had any kids (I think due to an update).  I hope you lived a good life and wasn't one of the murder victims.

Unfortunately I wasn't one of the victims, I was one of the murderers. This fella showed up in town and stabbed one of the old men, so I ran and grabbed a bow, killing him on the spot. Sadly I had forgotten to eat before this and died of starvation while slowly running towards the farm lol. It would have been awesome to farm together, but so it goes. Hopefully we can some time soon!

Good on you for taking down the murderer!  I hope our paths cross again soon, sister!


#64 2018-04-30 04:11:04

Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 150

Re: Missed Connections

Tarr wrote:

To the little girl who joined in on my dumb dancing skeleton gimmick.

Never in my two hundred hours of this game have I bursted out laughing like I did when you started copying me. I spent my whole life just entertaining babies by dropping and picking up a skeleton while making jokes about it dancing and egging the skeleton on. Thank you for the brief time we had together until someone finally had enough and stabbed me. I hope you passed on our skills to the future generations just like I did for you.

lol, i saw you get stabbed on someone's stream.  I don't think they found your "art" funny. smile


#65 2018-04-30 09:36:43

Siolfor the Jackal
From: Australia
Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 64

Re: Missed Connections

My nameless uncle helped teach me how to make fences and a sheep pen. Thank you very much. I got killed by a snake at age 14 though, collecting more branches for you.


#66 2018-04-30 11:02:47

Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 15

Re: Missed Connections

Tarr wrote:

To the little girl who joined in on my dumb dancing skeleton gimmick.

Never in my two hundred hours of this game have I bursted out laughing like I did when you started copying me. I spent my whole life just entertaining babies by dropping and picking up a skeleton while making jokes about it dancing and egging the skeleton on. Thank you for the brief time we had together until someone finally had enough and stabbed me. I hope you passed on our skills to the future generations just like I did for you.

Abandoned by my mother in a large village, I snuck into a baby herd to be raised by a random lady (probably pretty common).
I didn't find anything to do in this village. Devoid of purpose and belonging, I decided I was better off a bag of bones.

It was then when this skeleton started dancing to a sick rhythm right in front of me. The puppeteer was another nameless child who I drew an instant connection to.
As he gave this skeleton life, I too felt a burning inside me. Your art was inspiring, bold and provocative. The village was not ready for your new ideas.

After stalking you for a bit, I worked up the courage to pick up a basket of my deceased relatives and start shakin' it. I felt more alive than I have in years.
But my partner was soon brutally slaughtered with a cold blade.

They may have taken your life, but your spirit lived on in mine.

I am not afraid.

Last edited by Laika (2018-04-30 11:30:16)


#67 2018-04-30 17:12:11

Registered: 2018-04-03
Posts: 406

Re: Missed Connections

Dear Lakme,
You were unwanted by your mother but I chose to help you. I got attached to you, caring for you by the fire. Once you left however, I never saw you again.
I looked for you everywhere in the big city, but alas no blondie running around like a wildcat. I even made you a wolf hat, but I never got the chance to gift it to you.

I spent the rest of my life crying out for your name, and singing a little song about my sorrow.

My dear Lakme so young and free
My dear Lakme, but where is she
Life comes and goes always back to stone
Life comes and goes but why am I alone

In the end, I was stabbed in the heart, wounded by a crown wearing angel. Perhaps he just wanted to free me from my suffering, so that I could find you once more in another life...

ign: summerstorm, they/them


#68 2018-04-30 17:21:03

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: Missed Connections

I was a wandering Eve's child and became a lone wanderer as soon as I could grab.
I traveled far and wide and got lost. I decided to make a camp for my babies that
would come when I was older. I managed to make fire and a needle and sewed myself
a seal coat and was working on a backpack when my girl came to me while I was looking
for more milk for string.

I proceeded to get lost again but at least this time we already had a needle! A family heirloom..

I was starving in the marsh.. She was still so little following slow on short legs, but she could
grab now at least.. I fed her one last time and gave her my sealskin cloak. I asked her

"You carry on?"

I starved before she answered. I hope she did.

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#69 2018-04-30 17:35:02

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Missed Connections

dear vance, i was your second daughter

you found a good place and i wanted to stay there but then i seen you found an old camp with farm and iron, too cold btw

then you shot me with a bow for no fcking reason
i was the best smith, so good luck with the baby popping machine sisters, good luck with the carrot munchers you left alive livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#70 2018-05-01 06:50:01

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 3

Re: Missed Connections

To the Butts clan:

Of course the run when I name myself Eve Butts is my most successful ever... I really enjoyed re-spawning in Buttstown several times, watching it grow, and telling all of the kids ancient Butts legends from long ago. All of you were great, except for Evil Jojo who kept stealing tongs. Special shoutout to Smith Butts for making all the tools, and to Handsome Butts and Boy Butts for having the best names.


#71 2018-05-01 11:57:29

Registered: 2018-04-03
Posts: 406

Re: Missed Connections

pein wrote:

we had a noobcamp with decaying items, possibly griefed, cause the sheeps were out, or made of decayed items

my mom and sis was lazy to water farms,  i could survive, my bro went to scout, found a village with berry and water, also decayed

had 3 daughters, and some more when i holding one, didnt even had time to name my daughter
I was Water
i seen the steel file went back to forge
she stabbed me, after i raised that bitch up and had the knife, so fricking stupid idiots in this game, they stab you cause they can
fck you

pein this topic is to contact your loved ones, not to complain everytime you die

ign: summerstorm, they/them


#72 2018-05-01 13:34:58

Siolfor the Jackal
From: Australia
Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 64

Re: Missed Connections

To my Wulff children.
I'm surprised so many of you survived so well, I was very happy to see most of you grow into adults.
Elliot, you were very helpful. I found us a good spot and told you what we needed and you got the camp set up so fast.
My only surviving daughter, Alice, I hope you had some children and carried on our legacy.


#73 2018-05-01 15:42:16

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Missed Connections

Lum wrote:
pein wrote:

we had a noobcamp with decaying items, possibly griefed, cause the sheeps were out, or made of decayed items

my mom and sis was lazy to water farms,  i could survive, my bro went to scout, found a village with berry and water, also decayed

had 3 daughters, and some more when i holding one, didnt even had time to name my daughter
I was Water
i seen the steel file went back to forge
she stabbed me, after i raised that bitch up and had the knife, so fricking stupid idiots in this game, they stab you cause they can
fck you

pein this topic is to contact your loved ones, not to complain everytime you die

i die too often, for no fricking reason cause people are fcked up lately, after game messages can go to same topic, i miss them, i wish to reborn to them and kill every single one like last time i had the chance livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#74 2018-05-01 21:21:22

Registered: 2018-04-03
Posts: 482

Re: Missed Connections

To the dancing skeleton puppeteer and his protege, I would like to admit that I was the one who stabbed you. I remember when I saw you for the first time. I had just been born and was listening to you conversing with an elderly man. He was talking about how he was going to go soon and you were telling him that you were going to make his skeleton dance. I didn't know what you meant by this, but found it funny that the elder gentleman just kept saying "no". Before I could even fend for myself, he had passed; and that was where it all began.

You picked up his bones in a basket, then repeatedly dropped them and picked them back up again. It amused me at first, what a fun little idea. Sure enough, his skeleton was dancing. As I grew older I started to work on the same thing I usually do, a pair of holy fruit boots. I had painstakingly gathered all the supplies and had begun crafting the knife I would need to take out the dirty "camo death noodles". I took me a while to gather everything I needed, so I didn't spend much time at home. When I returned he was still doing his routine, entertaining all the kids by the campfire. I admired his determination to his routine, but quickly set about returning to my homage to the one, true, Cactus god.

Others had taken notice of what I was making and were asking me to kill you. I refused and told them that you weren't hurting anyone and to just let you have your fun. But as the years went by, and I set about the long task of making file blank, making chisel, cooking goose, making finished file, and finally making the blade blank that would be my tool; I had grown weary of your routine. Eventually all I could hear was, "kuk kuk kuk, kuk kuk kuk, kuk kuk kuk, kuk kuk kuk, kuk kuk kuk, kuk kuk kuk, kuk kuk kuk, kuk kuk kuk, kuk kuk kuk, kuk kuk kuk, kuk kuk kuk, kuk kuk kuk, kuk kuk kuk". It never ended, it just kept repeating over and over and over.

So as I felt my frustration grow, I took the sensible approach and figured I would politely ask of you could take a break from your routine. Sadly, it was to no avail. Again I requested that you please stop the routine, others had voiced they're frustrations and we would all be grateful for a moment's respite. Again, to no avail. Eventually I was forced to resort to aggressive means of persuasion. This gave you pause, as you noticed the knife in my backpack, but it was not for long as you continued your dancing skeleton routine. I tried to reason that your art had turned to harassment and you were bringing misery to those who had once found joy in your routine, but in the end, I was only left with one recourse.

As you eventually passed on, what happened next was one of the most eerie experiences I'd ever had in my many lives. I was not met with the usual questions of "why did you do it?" or "how could you?". I was met with thanks and congratulations. Even when you kill a griefer, even if they don't question you for it, they certainly don't thank you for it. But no one openly expressed any resentment to the crime I had committed. No one except one. A little girl holding a skeleton in a basket. She approached me completely appalled and indignant. She couldn't understand why I had done what I did. I tried to explain, but she wouldn't listen.

I could tell she was crestfallen, and normally this would've made me feel a sense of remorse. But as I stopped to reflect a moment, I noticed something I hadn't before...silence. I could think clearly. For the first time in years, I could think clearly. I truely felt for the little one, but I stood by my decision. And to this day I do not regret my decision. He had gotten lost in his art and it had driven him blind to the suffering he was causing. I continued my pilgrimage and made many boots that I blessed the next generation with. I hid the knife and only disclosed it's location to a little one that truly believe in the lord and savior, the Cactus god and his blessing of fruit boots. I only hope that you and your skeletons find peace in the afterlife, and that your protege does not fall victim to the same madness as her mentor. I left that life in blissful silence.

MidgetMaker wrote:
Tarr wrote:

To the little girl who joined in on my dumb dancing skeleton gimmick.

Never in my two hundred hours of this game have I bursted out laughing like I did when you started copying me. I spent my whole life just entertaining babies by dropping and picking up a skeleton while making jokes about it dancing and egging the skeleton on. Thank you for the brief time we had together until someone finally had enough and stabbed me. I hope you passed on our skills to the future generations just like I did for you.

lol, i saw you get stabbed on someone's stream.  I don't think they found your "art" funny. smile

Really? Do you remember the stream? I'd like to see if I could find the VOD, see if from their perspective.

Last edited by FeignedSanity (2018-05-01 21:26:01)

Believe you're right, but don't believe you can't be wrong.
Days peppers/onions/tomatoes left unfixed: 120
Do your part and remind Jason to fix these damn vegetables.


#75 2018-05-02 02:39:22

Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 150

Re: Missed Connections

MidgetMaker wrote:
Tarr wrote:

To the little girl who joined in on my dumb dancing skeleton gimmick.

Never in my two hundred hours of this game have I bursted out laughing like I did when you started copying me. I spent my whole life just entertaining babies by dropping and picking up a skeleton while making jokes about it dancing and egging the skeleton on. Thank you for the brief time we had together until someone finally had enough and stabbed me. I hope you passed on our skills to the future generations just like I did for you.

lol, i saw you get stabbed on someone's stream.  I don't think they found your "art" funny. smile

Really? Do you remember the stream? I'd like to see if I could find the VOD, see if from their perspective.

Unfortunately, I'm not following the person but when they stream again, I'll link you their name.


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