One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-05-06 21:41:06

From: Somewhere
Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 71

Comparing this game to real life

It starts like any other game. You come into it as a baby, excited to craft and learn and grow.
And then reality sets in.
You cry "F" expecting your mother to nurture and care for you. Instead you are left to starve.
So you think, "Well!" And you exhale and brush it off. You nervously laugh; "Let's try that again".
And then it happens again.
You start getting frustrated again, but your third mother takes you in. Most of the excitement comes back, and you are eager to learn once more.

And then reality sets in again.
Your mother forgets to feed you. You step on a snake. Some idiot lets a bear into town. There's a famine. There's a toddler with three pies in his backpack watching his mother cry out for food and starve. Someone kills a sheep. Someone tries to steal your shirt while you're dyeing it. The gold you harvested for a bell now sits as a crown upon an arrogant toddler's head because he was the first to snatch it up and run off with it (despite your pleas otherwise).
People ask for your clothes. People order for your clothes. No one farms. Everyone looks surprised when a famine occurs.
No one says goodbye when you die of old age. Conceited mothers snatch up your clothes eagerly and greedy babes tap at the clothes insistently.
There's a murder. Or two. Or three. All by the same dude. All in the same one hour, one life. The murderer you've managed to kill three or four times finally kills you and acts like a winner. You know you won't be coming back like he does, because he killed the only female (a new player desperately trying to figure out how to make fire).
There's a couple griefings as well. The hoe you spent ten years on has mysteriously gone missing. Or maybe it's decayed. Who cares? Hard soil lines the ground, no one steps up to make a new one. The only rope was used for a skirt, so a woman could "compliment her wool shirt" that she *totally* earned, instead of having it passed down from dear old grandma because she was a cute female baby (who later did nothing).
If you're thinking of buying this game, it will give you a new perspective. You will be frustrated with human nature, but you will be able to experience it, the good and the bad; whatever comes your way. So I recommend it.

Every time time you pick a seed carrot a penguin dies.


#2 2018-05-06 23:21:09

Registered: 2018-04-08
Posts: 46

Re: Comparing this game to real life

Lol. It should be added, for little cities and starting settlement : You say at your kid to play safe, stay at farm first as they have not much food supplies. They answer nothing or "don't worry, i'm pro". Two min later they die pathetically. As hazard always do things well, the only smart people are men and you end with only men and old women in your settlement. You ask yourself what you done wrong, eventually take pies and try to find an eve, most of the time in vain, and finally die.


#3 2018-05-07 00:10:28

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Comparing this game to real life

lo like today, i almost starve as my daughter stops all the time, follow, ok, i see her standing. i drop her eat from 1 bar, run further, drop her off near berry bush, stay here return later, pick off brancehs, she run off left where we came from, without a berry, ok, this is fcked up already livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#4 2018-05-07 03:40:07

Siolfor the Jackal
From: Australia
Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 64

Re: Comparing this game to real life

Seems like you can't really win. I often get born into towns which start off ok but almost always devolve into murder because seems like a lot of players are either griefers or think people should be killed for slighting them even a little. Or I start as an Eve and all my children die because they can't feed themselves despite the plethora of food around. Or I just get abandoned by Eves several times in a row because they are being a bit selfish or are not experienced enough to care for children and set up a camp(But how will you get that experience if you never try? tongue )
The first couple of weeks were pretty lovely. I almost never got abandoned and everyone was really nice. Players were more patient and everyone seemed eager to teach me stuff I didn't know.


#5 2018-05-07 04:39:48

Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 99

Re: Comparing this game to real life

I think maybe the game being so difficult brings out the worst in people? Everyone constantly struggling to survive creates vicious competitiveness.
Communication being very limited on top of that doesn't help any.


#6 2018-05-07 05:41:30

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: Comparing this game to real life

stickyflypaper wrote:

I think maybe the game being so difficult brings out the worst in people? Everyone constantly struggling to survive creates vicious competitiveness.
Communication being very limited on top of that doesn't help any.

Maybe. It always seems to me that the murders start once your camp is a lil richer and people aren't so busy surviving.

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#7 2018-05-07 05:55:13

Siolfor the Jackal
From: Australia
Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 64

Re: Comparing this game to real life

I think it could be true. It explains the amount of Eve abandonment, but also the lack of care or teaching because these people feel that there simply isn't time. So in that case some kids might grow up with a chip on their shoulder and feel unwelcome. Still a large step to murder but they are probably bored and unloved. Once your camp is a bit rich it becomes easier to make/get weapons to kill someone, otherwise all you can really do is abandon babies as a way to kill anyone.


#8 2018-05-07 16:38:12

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Comparing this game to real life

most funny, today a guy followed me, and told me he loves me, ofc he loves the best geared papi with a knife in the backpack xD

Last edited by pein (2018-05-07 21:02:18) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#9 2018-05-07 20:29:55

Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 99

Re: Comparing this game to real life

YAHG wrote:
stickyflypaper wrote:

I think maybe the game being so difficult brings out the worst in people? Everyone constantly struggling to survive creates vicious competitiveness.
Communication being very limited on top of that doesn't help any.

Maybe. It always seems to me that the murders start once your camp is a lil richer and people aren't so busy surviving.

Maybe because struggling to survive is all they knew, and once they don't have that as much, they get bored, and then they have the means to vent their frustration.

Or maybe people are just jerks.


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