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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#76 2018-05-02 02:42:18

Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 150

Re: Missed Connections

Eve Troublefield,

This is your daughter Bea (or Bean as you tried to name me).  You died too young but i wanted to let you know that your family name carried on.  I ended up with great-grandchildren before i passed.  The farm you started grew bigger and we were working on pies and smithing in my final days.  Thank you for choosing a good spot, mom!


#77 2018-05-02 09:08:56

Registered: 2018-04-30
Posts: 73

Re: Missed Connections

North village of Belltown. I was Lisa. Mom, you died leading the bear away from us and me and my brother were able to quickly make a bow and arrows and shoot the bastard dead. We skinned him and brought it back to camp and you were reborn as my niece. I was on a search for milkweed so I could make you a hat out of the bear but I wasn’t able to find any. I did find a gold vein and I was so excited to run back and tell you that I was a bit careless of my surroundings. I was running too fast, didn’t look ahead of me and that’s when I was bitten by a fucking rattlesnake. I’m sorry I left you alone in the village but the gold is far north. I would have made you a crown if I had lived longer. You’ll always be my queen anyway.

Last edited by Mirelli (2018-05-02 09:09:27)

I usually play as Eve Storm. If you’re named Phoenix, Bear, Winter, or Summer, it’s probably me smile


#78 2018-05-03 04:41:33

Siolfor the Jackal
From: Australia
Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 64

Re: Missed Connections

Eve Wolfman. Probably one of the best Eve mothers I've had. We got a camp up quickly and then a farm. You were reborn as my grandson which was neat, sadly we had a teensy famine and only you, my brother and I survived.
I ran off to die seeking belltown. I made it to old age but I don't think I even got close.


#79 2018-05-03 12:22:02

Registered: 2018-04-30
Posts: 73

Re: Missed Connections

To my brother, Noble, and my cousin (?) Minela. You knew me as Takahiro but I lived two short previous lives in that same village. Each time my life was cut short by the vicious bears surrounding our camp. I was reborn a third time and that’s when I was able to connect with you. Minela, you said you were killed by the bears and reborn twice as well. I found that really funny. Our town was quickly becoming overpopulated when the bear invasion began and almost quickly wiped out our whole civilization. Luckily the smartest of us knew the standing on items loophole and we were able to survive. My mother wasn’t so lucky. Eventually someone was able to kill the bear, and then another one came to camp, but I think grandma lead it away. There were still two more bears that almost killed me again but I was able to get away just in time.

There was this little curly blonde girl that was eating all of our pies and feeding them to the babies. She even fed one to me when my hunger bar was almost full. So I stabbed her instantly. Felt good. Noble and I were able to make more pies pretty quickly and we were back on track again so no harm done. I made one last batch of pies before old age set in. I gave Minela my backpack and knife just a minute before she turned elderly too lol.

It was really fun playing with you guys. After I finally died of old age, I realized that we should have named our town. What better name than Beartown?

I usually play as Eve Storm. If you’re named Phoenix, Bear, Winter, or Summer, it’s probably me smile


#80 2018-05-05 15:48:41

Registered: 2018-03-26
Posts: 27

Re: Missed Connections

to my mother--

i was born to you at the start of a famine, from what i heard among the adults, a troublemaker had been through the village. the small town was down to its last plot of carrots which they were trying their best to defend with no avail. you were a young mother, and you had no name, so you simply declared yourself Hope, and you named me Foxtrot. you took me foraging on the outskirts of town and we came across some wild seeds! i was happy-- we'd be able to help get the town back on its feet! you tried to leave me with an aunt so you could go get the seeds, but i wanted to stay with you, we were too poor for even baskets it seemed, so i wanted to help you bring them back, and we did, planting them with the utmost optimism.

but that wasn't enough, everything happened too quickly, someone threatened to murder us, i think to protect the food, so we just ran. i wasn't sure where we were going, but i knew i wanted to stay with you no matter what. you gave birth to my sister along the way, we ate wild plants and eventually found the remains of a small attempt at a settlement on the edge of the desert. i knew we'd probably never go back home, so this would be our new one. i started to try and create tools, my sister started working on the farm, we both had daughters and things were going well until we were attacked by a bear-- i led it away and we were safe for the time being, but the desert was a harsh place, there were plenty of snakes and it didn't help that there were wolves and more bear caves nearby, but there were grasslands just east.

i instructed everyone to start moving that way, we'd start a new farm, and i'd stay at the forge to make us equipment with what little resources i had. you all did so, but soon you found yourselves under attack by two bears this time. you came back to me in the desert and we tried to discuss how to get rid of them-- we had no weapons, you were too old and weak to risk going back to the village to steal them, so you decided to try and lure them away. before you left, you said "If I never see you again, luv ya.", i replied with a "love you too" but i think you were gone before you could see it-- i wasn't worried at all, though.

i continued working on my project, and then came to check on everyone, but by the time i got there, it was too late. all i saw was two bears, and a few piles of bones. i was devastated, frustrated and hopeless, in my grief, i almost let them take me, too, but knew you would have wanted me to carry on, so i did. i led the bears away once again and went back to work. i had a daughter soon after! she continued the work on the farm, had a child of her own and i grew into an old woman, we had some tools finally and i wished you were there to see it.

sadly, as my life was coming to and end, both my daughter and grandchild disappeared-- i thought they might have just run, but nothing was missing from our camp, so i can only assume the worst. i died alone with all that was left of our small family's sad story. it was a hard life with a bitter end, but i will say it was still one of my favorites. hope our paths cross again one day!


#81 2018-05-05 23:47:13

Registered: 2018-04-30
Posts: 73

Re: Missed Connections

Goldtown in 2HOL. Father, I don’t remember your name, but I remember that you named me Elly. I was born into an advanced village and we were the only people there at the time. There wasn’t much to do since everything was already made so I went looking for some gold to make a crown. I had never forged anything before so I asked for your help. You told me how to extract from the gold veins and you showed me how to smelt it into a crown. You made me a carrot crown and called me the princess.

I ran off in the other direction and found another gold vein! I brought it back and this time, I smelted it myself with the skills you taught me. I made a carrot crown and gave it to you. I wanted to then club a seal and make a coat but along the way.... I found yet another gold vein! I brought it back and I made a leaf crown.

I was on such a gold high at that point, I wanted to make so many crowns. You told me you found another gold vein to the south and I was blinded by greed. I took the horse and ran south, searching for that vein. Unfortunately, I was killed by a rattlesnake with the carrot crown still on my head before I could find it. There were still two crowns at camp, so it didn’t feel as bad.

I just wanted to say thank you, dad. I felt a bit annoying, asking you how to make all those things, but you took me under your wing and taught me how to make it myself. I’ll never forget how to make a crown and I’ll never forget you. You were one of the best parents I’ve had in game.


I usually play as Eve Storm. If you’re named Phoenix, Bear, Winter, or Summer, it’s probably me smile


#82 2018-05-07 00:07:53

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Missed Connections

to the Peinado daughters and my dead son

son you were a nice kid, thanks for making the farm even if you deliberatley put in savannah when the point was to settle on desert
my daughters, hope you dont overpopulate, the place looks nice, but lacks natural food
Did what i could, many baby suicides, lot of time lost livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#83 2018-05-07 22:42:46

Registered: 2018-03-30
Posts: 12

Re: Missed Connections

To the Weather family, I found the remains of sister Ursula and brother Timmy and carried you over to where Mother died back when we were small children. I kept myself alive until I died of old age, like I promised you I would, brother. I left the farm in as best a shape as I could on the off chance someone stumbles across it, and now my remains lies with the three of you. It was a fun run.

Last edited by AmyJ96 (2018-05-07 22:43:26)


#84 2018-05-08 02:05:48

Siolfor the Jackal
From: Australia
Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 64

Re: Missed Connections

We didn't have a last name unfortunately, but we had a town sign "FUCK" XD
My mother, Lulu. You were very nice, you took over as baker and I went off to farm. Our carrot farm was only 3 plots despite this large town. I kept the farm going, and with the help of some family, such as Ariel my cousin, we grew that farm much bigger. Some other family members often stopped by asking if I needed help and getting me more soil and water. We had a large berry farm, large sheep pen with lots of sheep. Everyone was friendly and helpful and I miss you all.
My grandmother passed down her backpack with a knife, telling me it was my turn to keep it safe. I accepted and kept farming.
I wasn't having any children and I found that a bit concerning. I had been of age for quite some time. Then eventually I had two daughters within seconds of each other. Summer and Spring. I'm sorry I wasn't able to spend more time with you, but you guys got straight to work and ran off, very proud.
Unfortunately, my life was prematurely cut short but one of my cousins. She shot me. Spring, I couldn't get my knife out, but I hope you were able to get it quickly enough to avenge me and keep the town safe. I loved you all.


#85 2018-05-08 02:23:17

From: California
Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 36

Re: Missed Connections

Siolfor the Jackal wrote:

Spring, I couldn't get my knife out, but I hope you were able to get it quickly enough to avenge me and keep the town safe. I loved you all.

Mom! I got your knife as soon as you died, but the killer kept moving around so I couldn't get her. She was able to get to another arrow and she shot me while on the run sad As I died, another one of my aunts saw the commotion and came over with a knife. I hope she was able to bring justice! It was such a nice little town... I made so many pies...

Discord: kingbaby // be nice!


#86 2018-05-08 02:40:25

Siolfor the Jackal
From: Australia
Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 64

Re: Missed Connections

Aww, I'm really sad that she got you too sad
Thank you for trying to avenge me, I'm glad someone got her before she could kill anyone else.


#87 2018-05-08 23:53:22

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 29

Re: Missed Connections

To my Lost Mom trying to make a camp.  I was Jackson. I was Fifteen.  I found a lot of milkweed. Then a snake found me.

Hope you fared well, I didn't give up.


#88 2018-05-09 18:10:05

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Missed Connections

Dear Mother,

I was a small talkative baby that your sister gave birth to. She listened to me babble until she decided she wasn't ready for motherhood. She took me far far away from the village and left me there to die alone in the world. My little legs ran as fast as they could trying to make it home when I found you. You took care of me mother, you saved me when I thought all was lost. You told the story of how your baby died in your arms and the great void he left in your heart. I tried to express how sorry I was in the few bits of babble I could speak but I told you "I mak you hap py." I spent my entire life working and leaving you little gifts. The first gift was something simple, a few pies so that you wouldn't go hungry. My second gift a small woolen booty to keep your one cold foot warm. My third gift I fixed our little carrot farm that had been abandoned while I was still growing up. My fourth gift was bringing back sheep to a once full and prosperous pen.

By now mother you grew old and apologized for having to leave me alone in this great big village. I told you I loved you and thanked you for giving me a chance at life. When you died I carried your body off to the building off to the side of town with the little luv sign. I continued to work every year until finally I grew much to old to do anything. I slowly made my way back to the little building and thanked you one last time before collapsing next to you.

Thank you for a wonderful life Mom, and thank you for giving me a chance.

fug it’s Tarr.


#89 2018-05-10 13:44:32

Registered: 2018-04-30
Posts: 73

Re: Missed Connections

I’m not sure if the town I was in had a name, but it was pretty nice. There were plenty of pies and carrots and clothing when I was born, we had a sheep pen made out of trash pits. I was a brown, short haired baby girl named Tabea (my mom, Abbie, tried for Tabby)

As soon as I was born, my mother held me and told me “your grandma would have loved to see you” My little sister, Tiara, was handed the crown by my grandmother when we were babies.

Made lots of pies to add to our stockpile, then tended the sheep. I was given a backpack with a knife by my great uncle (?) before he died. My little sister came up to me as I was making pies and gave me a wolf crown, probably scavenged from the corpse of one of our ancestors. Really sweet gesture.

I had a few children that I unfortunately forgot the names of (I didnt love you any less!!) I do know for sure that I had Blossom and Kai live to adulthood. Blossom gave me many grandchildren, and quite a few granddaughters. I made them wool sweaters and hats.

As I neared my end, I gave my crown, knife in backpack, all my clothes to my youngest granddaughter. I think her name was Olivia? She was tan like me.

I expressed my love for my family one last time and one of my grandsons walked onto my tile and hugged me. I hugged him back and called for a group hug. All of my children and grandchildren ran to my tile seconds before I died of old age. I’m glad I could die in the loving embrace of my family <3

I usually play as Eve Storm. If you’re named Phoenix, Bear, Winter, or Summer, it’s probably me smile


#90 2018-05-11 02:52:14

Registered: 2018-05-02
Posts: 54

Re: Missed Connections

Was born a boy in a pretty well-developed town, but noone was farming or baking pies and there was too many babies. Directly south of the farm was a patch of cactus that had been harvested a few times, so when the carrots almost died out, I was able to survive on fruit long enough to watch the last carrot patch seed and the farm recover. I soon noticed a little girl trying to water the carrot sprouts and told her to only water the dry planted carrots. She admitted to being very new, and I took the time to explain the rules and showed her the difference between a 1-bloop pond and a 2-bloop pond. We farmed for a bit as she grew up.

Around twenty, she asked me when she would get children. I looked around and found a girlchild being cared for by another man. I led the girl to the child and told her how to feed her and what "F" means. It worked, and they seemed happy together. However, shortly after the child grew hair, the girl suddenly said goodbye and disappeared. Looking around, I realized it was me (old male), one other guy, and a very young girl from Argentina who didnt speak much english. The guy seemed determined to declare that we had enough food and spend his time smithing. I asked him if he spoke Spanish. He did, and I asked him to relay to the girl that we still needed wheat, berrys, sheep, soil, etc. hoping that she would give these jobs to her children after we were gone. He did commence speaking to her, but I died before he could finish.

I hope she and the town survived and continued to grow.


#91 2018-05-11 09:15:47

Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 15

Re: Missed Connections

Did this family tree section on the main site get added recently?
Maybe I'm blind.
Anyway... nice to look at for the people on this thread smile … ge&id=1076


#92 2018-05-11 14:30:29

Siolfor the Jackal
From: Australia
Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 64

Re: Missed Connections

Had the most romantic marriage proposal. A lady wearing a crown named Moon ran up to me and said "Hey, wanna get married?" I replied "Sure"
I hunted soooo many rabbits for this town. I came back and my lovely wife told me we need to have kids, and eventually we did. She named her Petal, I went out of my way to make her a sealskin coat and some pants. I was happy to see we had a grandson before I died.
I made it to 60, as everyone was thanking me and saying their good byes. I told my wife I loved her and ran over to her to die on her square.
Hope you guys survived a long time.


#93 2018-05-11 17:47:12

Registered: 2018-04-26
Posts: 88

Re: Missed Connections

Laika wrote:

Did this family tree section on the main site get added recently?
Maybe I'm blind.
Anyway... nice to look at for the people on this thread smile … ge&id=1076

Were you Venus?
I was Antonio. In reality I was nameless. My birth mother either didn't care about me at all, starved or was killed by a wild animal.
Venus looked after me and made me feel loved.
I felt it was only right that she be the one that named me. She said she had a list of Mafia names lol
She called me Antonio.

Venus, ma, if you're out there, I love you. The pie I made you before your passing (the one with custom
gourmet gravy and some of my tears which happened to be your favorite lol) was the best and last pie I ever made.
I was no longer inspired as my muse was gone.

Years later I was near old age and I gave your quality white hat to your son Gamble. I told him it was yours and to
wear it with pride. 

I just wanted to be with you again so I went off and left the world. I died happy to have had a mother after all.

~Your son Antonio

Please be kind.


#94 2018-05-12 00:28:37

Registered: 2018-04-16
Posts: 15

Re: Missed Connections

Pronghorn wrote:

Were you Venus?
I was Antonio. In reality I was nameless. My birth mother either didn't care about me at all, starved or was killed by a wild animal.
Venus looked after me and made me feel loved.
I felt it was only right that she be the one that named me. She said she had a list of Mafia names lol
She called me Antonio.

Venus, ma, if you're out there, I love you. The pie I made you before your passing (the one with custom
gourmet gravy and some of my tears which happened to be your favorite lol) was the best and last pie I ever made.
I was no longer inspired as my muse was gone.

Years later I was near old age and I gave your quality white hat to your son Gamble. I told him it was yours and to
wear it with pride. 

I just wanted to be with you again so I went off and left the world. I died happy to have had a mother after all.

~Your son Antonio

Yes! So glad you wrote out our story too!
I've never had an adopted child ask me for a name and stay with me like that XD
You made me feel special, Antonio.

I remember Gamble was really into the mafia thing hehehe. He kept saying 'for the family' 'for the mafia' when the seed guard shot some poor fellas.


#95 2018-05-12 01:56:34

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 142

Re: Missed Connections

Lum wrote:

Dear Lakme,
You were unwanted by your mother but I chose to help you. I got attached to you, caring for you by the fire. Once you left however, I never saw you again.
I looked for you everywhere in the big city, but alas no blondie running around like a wildcat. I even made you a wolf hat, but I never got the chance to gift it to you.

I spent the rest of my life crying out for your name, and singing a little song about my sorrow.

My dear Lakme so young and free
My dear Lakme, but where is she
Life comes and goes always back to stone
Life comes and goes but why am I alone

In the end, I was stabbed in the heart, wounded by a crown wearing angel. Perhaps he just wanted to free me from my suffering, so that I could find you once more in another life...

I remember being a little tyke in the village and although I was not Lakme, I remember watching you adopt her and then subsequently lose sight of her.  So sad!!


#96 2018-05-12 02:02:57

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 142

Re: Missed Connections

Tarr wrote:

To the little girl who joined in on my dumb dancing skeleton gimmick.

Never in my two hundred hours of this game have I bursted out laughing like I did when you started copying me. I spent my whole life just entertaining babies by dropping and picking up a skeleton while making jokes about it dancing and egging the skeleton on. Thank you for the brief time we had together until someone finally had enough and stabbed me. I hope you passed on our skills to the future generations just like I did for you.

Tarr, you made me laugh sooo hard.  I'd never seen anything like that.  My mom told you to stop because you were going to give me nightmares, but I laughed.  I think your name was uncle Eddie?  I can't remember what my name was.  Sad to see you get murderized.


#97 2018-05-13 03:42:14

From: New Zealand
Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 67

Re: Missed Connections

To the Clayton family.

When I was born, my older sister wanted to abandon me as I was a boy. I said I could help and Mum kept me and named me Tiberias. When I grew up I swore to prove I was worthy of being kept. I became the town rabbit hunter, roaming across the wilderness; sometimes for many years at a time as I did not have to worry about babies (see older sis sometimes boys are useful!). My dream was to make backpacks and clothing for the whole town- I caught many rabbits, helped clothe my little sister Sapphire and gave backpacks to my nephews and nieces.

One day after a long journey collecting rabbits I came home to find Sapphire murdered! I ran up to see what had happened and discovered my bastard nephew Jake had killed our whole family. He tried to kill me so I ran back to a secret place where I was building a bow of my own (except mine was to hunt animals!). Unfortunately when got back Jake had already left- but to my joy I found little Julia my niece, lived on.

Unfortunately at this point I was very old. I made one final journey to find my snare, so future Claytons could continue my life's work- but alas I died of old age on the way home.

To Julia- I'm so happy I saw on our family tree you lived to a ripe old age! I hope someone found my snare and rabbit patch or made pies from all my rabbits.
To Jake- Why you gotta be such a dick man? I made you a sweet bag!
To everyone else- I hope I made you proud, I tried to keep my word and be a help to the family as well as I could!

-Uncle Tiberias

just here putting off doing my assignments


#98 2018-05-13 11:42:02

Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 216

Re: Missed Connections

This is a 'missed' connection in that I miss my family.

My mother, Sailor Moon, was the only survivor of the third generation of Moons.  She named me New, but my name became Newt.  We laughed, and she named my little brother Wolf to stick with the animal theme.

Even with 12 children, 13 including myself, I was the only one to make it and pass along our family name.  I had 6 children in total, 5 girls and 1 boy, though I thought I had had many more. My children...

Unnamed - she was supposed to be Uno.  It was an ironic name that both of us seemed quite entertained by.  She was a sweet and loving daughter, and brought me great joy by bearing my grandchildren who I loved so dearly.  I was very lucky to have her as my first child.

Charlotte - she didn't live past her teen years, but she was a good kid. 

Jacori - my only son. He was tragically taken from us at the tender age of 5 years old by a rattlesnake.  I was devastated because I was certain that he was a special boy, and that he was going to grow up into a brave and amazing man. 

Then there was Riley - a beautiful, hardworking woman who bore me many grandchildren.  I see that she even named some of her children after me.

After Riley came Ociel.  Ociel was supposed to be named Ocho, but I actually ended up liking Ociel so much more.  A special name for a special daughter.  I don't know what ended up happening to her, though. 

And finally, there was Nuh.  Although Nuh was actually my sixth child, it felt like she was my ninth.  So, Nuh was supposed to be Nueva... unfortunately for Nuh, she got stuck with Nuh.  I think she was traumatized by the name and killed herself, but I am not sure.

My family was big and full of love.  My children were such supportive, hardworking people, and I loved them very much.  I was so blessed to be given such an incredible group of people to call my Moon clan.

It looks like my clan continued on for 4 more generations before they met their demise.  Sadly, my great, great grandchildren did not make it.


#99 2018-05-13 12:03:30

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Missed Connections

Trick wrote:

It looks like my clan continued on for 4 more generations before they met their demise.  Sadly, my great, great grandchildren did not make it.

People only show up on the family tree once they die, and, as I write this, I see at least one of your descendants who only died a few minutes ago.  So they may not quite be done yet!


#100 2018-05-13 12:04:48

Aurora Aurora
From: Tuppsala (HAHA FATTAR NI!?!?!)
Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 839

Re: Missed Connections

happynova wrote:
Trick wrote:

It looks like my clan continued on for 4 more generations before they met their demise.  Sadly, my great, great grandchildren did not make it.

People only show up on the family tree once they die, and, as I write this, I see at least one of your descendants who only died a few minutes ago.  So they may not quite be done yet!

Sadly we are done. My only living daughter (The only fertile woman in the village) only got sons.

Last edited by Aurora Aurora (2018-05-13 12:05:03)

One of the original veterans.
Go-to person for anything roleplay related.
4 years in the community.
Unbanned from the discord.


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