One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#51 2018-05-12 00:49:28

From: Warsaw, Poland
Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 565

Re: Where did the coordinates go?

jasonrohrer wrote:

Imagine the hypothetical version of the game where each person only played the game once.

Would the game be stuck in the stone age forever?

Not necessarily.  After all, as soon as one person has a little success in life, maybe through random chance and trial/error, their offspring can learn from them, and be better off than them.  Then their offspring can learn even more.  It can theoretically work in this kind of incremental daisy chain, with no outside knowledge or trans-life knowledge.

That is the underlying theory of the game.  That's it's ideal form.  You play one tiny part in a much larger story.  It doesn't matter if you play one hour or 100 hours, because you learn from your parents and make your little contribution before dying.


But that doesn't mean that it's impossible to make that game.

Also, the ideal form still would ups and downs along the way.  Progress would be fragile.  But given enough time, I think it could be possible for single-hour players to make it all the way through the tech tree.

After all, in real life, we are all single-hour players.....  and yes, there were ups and downs along the way.

Now thats what I call wishful thinking.
It works in real life because we have years uppon years to indoctrinate and teach our children things we already know. Even by HARD. Before we knew how to write - songs and stories were used to pass knowledge about life, our past, dangers and skills. People spent long years teaching their kids all they knew. And even that was not enough to prevent knowledge getting lost. Thus pictograms, later on writing...
If you use one hour as entrie lifespan - its not enough time to teach anyobody but few exceptioal individuals half the stuff you know yourself. Even if you used more then single hour - with such limited text chat it would still be practically impossible.
Also - you can artifically modify the time scale od the game - you can't modify efficiency of brains of people playing the game.

Ofc, its not impossible to MAKE game like that. Just like how its not imposible to make triangular car "wheel". But it would simply not work. Even with clever workarounds what you get is a car that almost kills its driver.


#52 2018-05-12 12:57:49

Registered: 2018-04-13
Posts: 12

Re: Where did the coordinates go?

jasonrohrer wrote:

Yes, I get the chicken-and-egg problem that you're pointing out here.  Don't we need the players who have sunk 100s of hours into learning the game's intricacies in order to keep the thing afloat?

However, something else is possible.

Imagine the hypothetical version of the game where each person only played the game once.


That is the underlying theory of the game.  That's it's ideal form.  You play one tiny part in a much larger story.  It doesn't matter if you play one hour or 100 hours, because you learn from your parents and make your little contribution before dying.


I didn't aim to make a game that required 100+ hour players to keep it afloat.

Even financially, it would be foolish for me to make a game for those 100+ hour players.  There are currently only 300 of them, making up about 2% of the people who have played the game.

If I made a game that only appealed to them, I'd be sitting here with $6000 and my life in financial ruins.

On the other hand, those people are the most passionate about the game and the most likely to spread the word about the game.

You realise that your the hypothetical version of the game is to have people to pay $20 to play a game....once.

And in away I think it is the 100+ hr players who are keeping this game afloat currently, given that that are 15 severs that can hold 200 each and only up to 80 to 90 players at a time. Just a thought.

Also if the players don't like it and talk about OHOL negatively via word of mouth, then that means less people will buy it.
And if the game make it so that players who play the game in their free time begin to dislike the changes will leave the game.
If it's near impossible to survive in OHOL then it alienates new players and makes old players more frustrated with the newbies wiping their village.

Now it's near impossible to find out what happened to the village you established or left behind? Just because you want there to be a interesting story. But who's reading this story? And who is the story for? Cos it's not for the players. They're not allowed to RP in the way they want. It has to be "real". Forced RP so that it's real. 

Now with this new system, even more player are likely to just GIVE UP AND GRIEF cos they'll think "What's the point?"

You want parents and adoptive parents to teach their kids?
Then they need to be able to talk with out dying on the spot. When food is scarce, food becomes the main focus and not teaching.

In real life, people who don't have money focus on work so that they can put food on the table meaning having less time with their kids or family. In most cases, not being able to be there when they are needed cos they are trying to make enough money to feed the family.

In this case, everyone is focused on food making, climbing the tech tree quick enough to make compost so that we can make seeds and looking after that 8th baby that was bourn to one female. They don't have time to teach.

OHOL either needs a better communication mechanic cos you starve while typing or a way to make lots of food. You've taken away the latter so a better communication system would be nice. 

Also a better birth system for females, cos having loads of babies at once is ridiculous for one female and can cause a village to wipe or have mass baby deaths. This also works into the only being bourn into your linages after a certain amount of time system.

Only getting to see the fruits of your labor once, if you were an Eve previous only to die cos there are too many babies?
Why bother?

Never seeing what happens to the village you were born in and possibly made a difference in?
What's that point?

And if you do get born back into the village after 24hr or whatever, only to see that your hard work has been ruined?
Yep, I'm done.

I'm still interested in seeing where this game goes but it's not looking good so far.

jasonrohrer wrote:

Also, the ideal form still would ups and downs along the way.  Progress would be fragile.  But given enough time, I think it could be possible for single-hour players to make it all the way through the tech tree.
After all, in real life, we are all single-hour players.....  and yes, there were ups and downs along the way.

Except we can have OVER 60 YEARS with food that we can grow without restrictions and can communicate with out starving on the spot because a half year dosen't fly by while we say or convey one sentence.


Also for the player who read this, continuing from

Joriom wrote:

"OHOL is not...."

OHOL is not a game where you die over and over again, making inches and inches of progress each time until you get to the point you're aiming for and feel that you have accomplished something. Where players feel determined to keep playing to complete their objective rather than give up and die.  You have Dark/Demon Souls and Bloodbourn for that.


#53 2018-05-12 17:40:35

Registered: 2018-01-22
Posts: 712

Re: Where did the coordinates go?

jasonrohrer wrote:

After all, in real life, we are all single-hour players.....  and yes, there were ups and downs along the way.

B-but Anthropic principle?
No matter how unlikely it is for a civilization like ours to succeed, we would still observe a civilization that did succeed, because we couldn't possibly have this conversation otherwise.


#54 2018-05-12 17:47:19

Registered: 2018-01-22
Posts: 712

Re: Where did the coordinates go?

Human society is literally the most complex thing we know about. And recreating a system is the ultimate test. I think we should be very, very, very pessimistic about our chances to make it work as expected.


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