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#1 2018-05-14 02:45:23

Registered: 2018-04-11
Posts: 41

To my kiddos - the Ebner Family

This family line on server 1 earlier today.

I was born in generation 5, so I wasn't the founder of this little family. It was only me and my mother when I was born. The first thing she told me is that we were the last of her family. There was a farm and some basic things, but nothing advanced. My mom spent most of her life tending to the farm, especially when I was younger. I had some siblings, but none of them lived for long or stuck around at all. I had a nephew that lived to be very old apparently though! But I never saw him at all after he grew up sadly.

During my quest to help advance this small, basic village into something suitable, I ended up having eight kids in total. Over half of them went nameless an abandoned due to food scarcity. I only ended up having one girl. The three kids I raised, Oak, Kestrel and Sparrow, proved to be a blessing. They helped out so so much. I haven't had such competent kids in such a long time and they were really fun to play with, even if I didn't get to talk with them much between my frantic runs to start milkweed and berry farms before I died. I'm not sure how Oak died, but he was there one minute and gone the next. Before I died myself I witnessed to grandsons and my remaining son came to me to show off his progress. And I got to tell him and his sister both how proud I was of them.

I died shortly after because food got tight and I didn't really want to take up any more resources for you guys. I was going to eat a carrot to give myself time to say good bye, but died mid run to it. So I died suddenly without getting to say goodbye or offering any last minute advice. When I died though my son had made tools with my forge, my daughter was watering the milkweed and I had barely started a meager berry farm.

The family seems to have died out though at generation 9, but I'd love to know what went on further down the lines! Some of the last words paint a pretty grim future. Lol.

But I just wanted to thank my kids for being so helpful. You made this life play through enjoyable. Sorry I couldn't do more for you guys!

<3 Mom

Last edited by Zombeh (2018-05-14 02:47:25)

Ever had more than 15 babies in one life? I have.

So many babies.


#2 2018-05-14 04:45:50

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: To my kiddos - the Ebner Family

i was gen 6 Leon Ebner , my mom didnt liked the place down there, as was no green biome
so she was running up with me north, was a small ice biome, a bigger desert and then a huge green biome with very nice side edges

she was monika, died at 26 with 2 kids, despite realizing the place is bad positioned, she made a farm into the middle of green on the first spot she found soil, then had 3  more kids, and died near a berry bush with 2 kids, telling me to get seed
only one daughter reaching kid age, apparently she suicided because i told her not to take my sharp stone as i was already made two kilns by that time, invited them to left side, and i already knew no stones that part, and was running with a purpose of getting a sappling to make my noozle, she spent too much time naming them, less to care about them

then i found nord three more ponds with a nice desert spot, and bunnies, seed, so my kiln was kinda far, later made one more up there
converted her farm into milkweed, was huge 18? milkweed

went back once after i was a young adult, to see if anyone alive, nobody wanted to come, were like 4-5 people, place was a mess

second time i ran back
a guy was forging which was surprising to me, knowing that there are barely any branches there, at least he made the axe
nobody wanted to come with so i went back again, seen two identical girls, with few minutes difference, one was new, other busy getting clothes, they ran out of fur by that time, third time i  was old, a black raven lady abandoned a little boy, i was with backpack that time, so i fed him, kidnapped, he tried once to get fed by his mother but she just ignored him, then he seen i want good for him, so came with me, showed my 2+1 forge, the milkweed farm and my picked out  farm with a lot of carrots in floor

he seemed bit inexperienced, but not totally new, he digged up my farm with a skewer, i gave a hoe and died a bit after, had like 4 minutes so i gave him my pack, reed skirt, made a stone hoe, told him rabbits are to left.
he had tons on water around, reet, soil, branches, sadly was a guy and maybe never made it back

wasnt even on my lane, possibly sparrow was the girl, seen star and hope as kids, and i raised the nameless grandson, he asked for help so maybe met them, but as i see only the old guy and the only lady was alive, to bad Hope ignored me, could of been her father, and survive nord, technically all the left side of green biome was swamp with some desert and nord side was a lot of savannah desert mix … e&id=30217

could of stayed down there but it seems they died out over and over and ran out of resources, and was my moms wish
she was right but she should of listened to me
as for south village, was impressive, based on what it was, swamp and iron biome, ice and bad desert near, never seen whats south of it

i could blame myself but i rather blame Sanskriti, if he give me Hope, i could of carried her with me and have a fresh start up there, as he was the blonde guy who was rejecting the move and Kestrel forging, Star was too big to carry, also i didnt had backpack yet. my son outlived Zora

seems above 8 kids some families dont show every person

Last edited by pein (2018-05-14 04:50:53) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#3 2018-05-14 17:44:32

Registered: 2018-04-11
Posts: 41

Re: To my kiddos - the Ebner Family

Ah so you were my mysterious nehpew I only met once! lol. I remember you coming down to us in a reed skirt the first time I think. By that time  we had a forge and everything going and I was almost dead. We were just too focused on advancing we honestly didn't pay too much mind at the time. The area wasn't very great though at all and I remember telling people they'ed need to move further down the lines after getting some advancements. It just was where I was born so I stayed tbh.

Sucks it ended that way though. D:

Ever had more than 15 babies in one life? I have.

So many babies.


#4 2018-05-14 20:25:54

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: To my kiddos - the Ebner Family

yes, i was, my mom made a rope, so i made a skirt out of it, ofc i made my tools
i was setting up a viable farm on a great spot, also the forge i made first was pretty nice, baskets and adobe was plenty

was no reason staying down there, if they just grab a cart of food and tools, we could of made the same up on my spot after some clearing on desert and swamp trees, well at least an eve can find any of 3 spots livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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