One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 2018-05-15 21:54:27

From: Somewhere
Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 71

Following the bell

I was Star. My mom was Moon. We were born chasing a bell. My mom had one slice of pie left so I assumed she'd been running a while. She died when I was about eight, I continued without her.
I had three daughters and a son. The daughter and son I gave up were born when my other two daughters were babies or toddlers. Sorry I couldn't keep you.
My daughters were Luna and I forget. I left them both to separately follow the bell. I continued to follow until I was fifty and died to a wolf. I take it back babies, snakes aren't the most prominent danger.

I checked family trees( … l_id=49505 ) and found Luna had died. I'm not sure about my other one, still waiting to see.

My kids or mom, if you're reading, I love you all. Muah.

Every time time you pick a seed carrot a penguin dies.


#2 2018-05-15 22:21:38

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 75

Re: Following the bell

Noooooo, you found nothing. Argh. My life choice was a big mistake ! I was your mom, Moon ! I posted on you in "Missed Connections". Here it is :

LodiaVDH wrote: … l_id=49206

Star, I saw you just died. You were pretty old ! I was your mom, I had you in the wild, only with one pie, a basket, and a call for adventure. I left my village when I was just a kid, because a bell rang and set my homemarker to it. I walked all my life towards that stupid bell. We were running together but then I lost you, because I stopped to make you a basket. I continued my route and I would see marks of your passing (a sharp stone, a picked berry bushed...) with a smile.

Then, I died by a rattlesnake. Yeah, I didn't STARVED like the family tree says ! I was killed. By. A. STUPID. Rattlesnake. After walking all my life.

Please all I want is for you to tell me your story. Did you find the monument ? Was it a great town ? Please tell me. I wasted all my life for that idiotic bell but if you made it, it was all worth it.

You're saying you still have one daughter alive ? Ah great, some hope ! I'm proud of you, you lasted longer than me. Wolf and snakes are the worst !

Love you too my Star

Last edited by LodiaVDH (2018-05-15 22:24:18)


#3 2018-05-15 22:52:24

From: Somewhere
Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 71

Re: Following the bell

LodiaVDH wrote:

You're saying you still have one daughter alive ? Ah great, some hope ! I'm proud of you, you lasted longer than me. Wolf and snakes are the worst !

Love you too my Star

Belle just died twenty minutes ago. She lived to fifty seven (!) And has a granddaughter who lived to forty. I think we might have made it. If we didn't, the bell must be pretty far away.

Every time time you pick a seed carrot a penguin dies.


#4 2018-05-15 23:19:07

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 75

Re: Following the bell … l_id=49206

The last word of one of our last descendant is "Seeds?". That's means they are near a farm and asking other farmers about which row is the seed row. Now, maybe they stopped looking for the bell and made a camp but let's be optimistic. They probably made it to the town !


#5 2018-05-16 00:00:06

From: Somewhere
Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 71

Re: Following the bell

LodiaVDH wrote: … l_id=49206

The last word of one of our last descendant is "Seeds?". That's means they are near a farm and asking other farmers about which row is the seed row. Now, maybe they stopped looking for the bell and made a camp but let's be optimistic. They probably made it to the town !

Yessss! Gj mom! We should be proud. smile

Every time time you pick a seed carrot a penguin dies.


#6 2018-05-16 00:01:39

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Following the bell … e&id=50080

gen 36 we were in a city, summer your moms sis was my grandma, check other topic
not sure, one lady went hunting, never seen again, was pretty old, was some cousin, not directly related so i could trace back
i think we died out in city, as samantha had only sons, and a daughter died somehow i never seen her

we didnt had a bell, i think, not fully sure, was enough work in city, never went to east or south too far, but my family line seems to be hanged by a thread, as great granny was killed pretty early, so prolly your mom was lost

anyway 41 seems to be the end livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#7 2018-05-16 00:09:40

From: Somewhere
Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 71

Re: Following the bell

pein wrote: … e&id=50080

gen 36 we were in a city, summer your moms sis was my grandma, check other topic
not sure, one lady went hunting, never seen again, was pretty old, was some cousin, not directly related so i could trace back
i think we died out in city, as samantha had only sons, and a daughter died somehow i never seen her

we didnt had a bell, i think, not fully sure, was enough work in city, never went to east or south too far, but my family line seems to be hanged by a thread, as great granny was killed pretty early, so prolly your mom was lost

anyway 41 seems to be the end

Well, luckily family lines don't end in cities. I'm sure the Sols are living wonderfully in a large bell town somewhere, and I'm excited to be reborn there again.

Every time time you pick a seed carrot a penguin dies.


#8 2018-05-16 01:05:31

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 75

Re: Following the bell … l_id=50978

Wow ! I was just born as one of my descendents ! I was Miya, gen 41. I did searched the place but didn't find a monument, then a bell rang, changing my homemarker. I followed it just to see that it was taking me out of the town, so I came back on my steps (NOT AGAIN).

But it was a HUGE town ! with lot of buildings! I'm so glad I got to see where I was getting my legacy into as Moon. The people were super nice, hardworking... It was great to see.

pein wrote:

we didnt had a bell, i think, not fully sure, was enough work in city, never went to east or south too far, but my family line seems to be hanged by a thread, as great granny was killed pretty early, so prolly your mom was lost

anyway 41 seems to be the end

Ah, you were on the side of the family that didn't left for the bell calling ! I knew my instinct was right, my original town didn't seemed great, not enough food left.

karltown wrote:

Yessss! Gj mom! We should be proud.

Yeah ! I'm so proud my side didn't die out, there was 10 generations after Moon, but to be honest, when I died as Miya, we were running out of food. So I don't know what's next.


#9 2018-05-16 02:37:30

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 18

Re: Following the bell

i am related too!  I was Brian, … l_id=50978  from Generation 44.  your daughter Billie was my grams. (never met her though) I replied to the other thread about the Sol family. The last i know of the family was that my niece Rhea was murdered. She was the last girl in town.


#10 2018-05-16 08:58:32

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 75

Re: Following the bell

Amber wrote:

I was Brian, … l_id=50978  from Generation 44.  your daughter Billie was my grams. (never met her though)

Probably because she died at a young age ! … l_id=53807

I was born again as one of my descendants but my mom dumped me in the desert. At first I was super angry because I recognised the town, but next I had great life as the granddaughter of Eve Astley.

I'm not sure if the Sol line will continue but with mothers dumping their daughters that's doesn't sound promising. Still, 60 generations ! So 30 after Moon and the trip to the bell ! That's way better than I ever expected.


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