a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Or at least, how it usually goes for me.
If you are in the process of step one or step two and you have a second child, I generally, either, settle on the best place I've found so far and migrate juggling both children to that spot, or, find the nearest edge of the desert to set my children on while looking for any other alternatives in the surrounding area.
A few important things to keep in mind in this process, is to choose a location that has a lot of food around it in all directions. Sometimes it can be worth going through your first few kids safely in a grassland surrounded by food, near a desert tile if possible so you don't burn through food too fast. Then, run as far away as you can to gather food and pull milkweed before returning to feed your children, assuming they have stayed on that desert tile, you have about 30 seconds to go out and 30 to get back, if they are new born (4 pips, 20 seconds each pip) or, if they are a little older, you can be out longer. If you want to be a little safer, only run out for 10 to 15 seconds, or, just carry the youngest with you.
You can carry your kids through a grassland, juggling 2-3 of them while you move a screen or two in between feeding them, but this quickly burns through the food in the area and unless there is A LOT of forageables, you;re going to make life for your children and, potentially grand children, when they are struggling to get the farm up and running.
An ideal location would look something like this.
You settle on the desert in the center, there is food and milkweed in multiple directions, pleanty of water and reeds, pleanty of carrot seed, carrots and rabbits, and farther out are tundras for seal coats and badlands for iron and stones. If you're lucky your little patch of desert has cacti or, you are on the corner of a larger desert and can go out into it every ten minutes for cactus fruit.
Back to that first image, if lock your temp (yes, it's a little cheesy for now, I understand, but you can do it, so do it) on a desert edge with your first child, you may wind up running a lot farther before your second child pops out and your path may look a little more like this.
Maybe that DSG spot in the lower left isn't as good as the one in the upper right, but if you have your second kid closer to that, you may have to make due.
Remember, you really only need 8 milkweed for clay bowls, to get the bare minimum to water your farms, and if you only have 8-10 milkweed you can make clay bowls and start a little milkweed farm after you get the carrot farm going, to get more so you can make pouches, stone hoe and all the other things.
What is more important is that you and your kids have enough food so that they can afford those long journeys to other biomes to get anything you may be missing, and while grasslands are the main source of that, prairies for wild carrots, and deserts, in time, can also act as food sources along their journeys. Just about every player instinctively knows they can eat berries from bushes, and if they came into this game blind, they should at least be able to pick up on what is edible by watching you as you carry them.
More of them will not, on the other hand, instinctively grasp the concept that the edge of the desert, and the temp it provides, will cut their food consuming by two to five times, and will almost certainly not know how to exploit that location to lock their temp while they travel, so, a little reminder now and then, doesn't hurt, especially if you see them standing in the cold when a much better temp tile is just a few meters away.
Try not to get too anal about it though? And please, don't get upset if you've been playing for months and are fully aware and people remind you of things you already know. The argument can be had whether it's better to assume players already know and save time talking, working instead, or assuming players don't know and spend more time teaching so that down the road, more people will know. Whether you choose to think so or not, we're all pretty smart, and we do pick up on a lot, so, it may just be best to be the most efficient worker you can be, and hope others learn by the example of the snapshots they get from your life, as you pass by one another.
All that aside, it's not too hard to find a good starting location AND do so with all your kids reaching maturity, so long as you travel wisely solo and with your first kid, and choose your starting location wisely.
While there is so much more I could say, so many points; like the number of fertile soil pits, ponds and clay I like to see that influence my decisions, for now I'd just like to make this post about those two important details.
How to travel.
Where to travel.
Having your first kid doesn't mean you have to stop exploring.
Having your second before you've settled on your home, doesn't mean you need to abandon them.
Children have legs and eyes too. The more you keep alive, the more intel you will gain about the surroundings, and the more likely you are to have a successful settlement.
Nice, long but nice .
I wonder what % of lineages die to server resets vs normal way?
"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it" -pein
Well in my experience, babies wont worth the hassle, if you didnt found your spot, keeping a baby is a burden, you can do it if you got tons of berry bushes, but then it kills your next kids, i try to test them, follow, standing on good spot, asking if they want eve run.usually they do but then die in 2 to 4 minutes. also they might be of use if they not newbie, but dont expect them to be pro either, and sons seem to be more decent, daughters panic on first kid then dont leave camp at all
Not sure on map, they told its same on all servers, is huge, but if my pattern recognition is correct, NW-SE direction is more green/yellow zones connected, so if you find any bigger swamp just walk around it, i kinda favor water in desert, and barely some green exit, so you can run off, as most people eat the close ones, can be bad with high population, but for those who know how to run with keeping good temperature, can work out
small example
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
small example
What is that? Does it like automap the terrain?
"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it" -pein
Nice, long but nice
I wonder what % of lineages die to server resets vs normal way?
Server reset killed our line today. I had only one kid only one!! and she had none, notta, zilch. http://lineage.onehouronelife.com/serve … l_id=73276
Check this out upvote if you agree!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/OneLifeSuggest … heck_this/
pein wrote:small example
https://www.closr.it/canvas/14665#/What is that? Does it like automap the terrain?
its a map jason made for one review site i think, stumbled upon google search, but on server3 map i see this diagonal pattern too
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
YAHG wrote:pein wrote:small example
https://www.closr.it/canvas/14665#/What is that? Does it like automap the terrain?
its a map jason made for one review site i think, stumbled upon google search, but on server3 map i see this diagonal pattern too
Cool, thanks.
I like how you can tell it is really old because people actually built adobe walls </3...
"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it" -pein
to find a good spot as Eve is actually as seldom as a jackpot
where it falls short usually in my runs as Eve or as Eve's kid is either lack of berry bushes to beginn with, berry bushes & other food scattered too thin, means one has to run long distances to reach the next food source at all, which is for kids just deadly or there are even tons of bear caves, bears, wolves & snakes roaming right from the start
& that's only for the bare raw very first survival ! not even talking here about building a settlement to make the first killn, farm & backpack
i suspect meantime anyway that the first home founded by an Eve needs different ressources laid out differently in a different spot than an advanced settlement, so the tryout to think ahead & to build for an advanced town right from the very beginning will end up deadly for the founders generation & will cause constant struggles for everybody trying to get footing there
& the successful towns i've been to had already literally tons of berry bushes in at least one biome nearby, if i had ever that many berry bushes as Eve, it would have been a paradise, usually i can call myself lucky if i find few reeds & at least two ponds in a swamp near grassland with some berry bushes & milkweed but to expect that there is also prairie with many ressources is already luxury & then asking for desert without snakes & maybe even with cacti, didn't happen so far for me, lol
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Last edited by breezeknight (2018-05-19 07:29:28)
A starting Eve does really need a lot of food to survive early on, if she wants to keep the children. They die in mass if there isn't a ton of food around. That is why so many towns start in bad locations, because people have to stay near the bushes and stuff just to survive.
What sucks is berries decay fairly quickly too so you can't really store them. It makes me wonder how practical it is to spend all your time just gathering up all the onions, burdock and wild carrots you can find and bringing them to your town location. Like don't bother working on anything town related at all, until you have like 30+ food laying around all over. Then you can work on your town and actually get a lot done without you, or your children starving, entirely regardless of the location.
here you see what a modest location does to kids, which are not totally up to survive
i was the old dude http://lineage.onehouronelife.com/serve … e&id=73400
if i run around a beginner area as kid or Eve, then i carry the sharp stone & dig all burdocks out, not eating, just making them easily accessible
the even more worse part than starvation is starvation near burdocks not having a sharp rock with you
carrot has 5 food, burdock 7
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Last edited by breezeknight (2018-05-19 10:37:45)
Here Morti. Reminisce on this old post of yours. XXXXXXXXXXD
The is one of the problems with the drastic changes Jason likes to make to his games.
Something he just doesn't understand as a game designer.
People invest their time into making guides and strategies, coming up with collective ideas as to how to overcome the hurdles of existing dynamics.
WE, do that part, and WE become closer as a group for doing them together.
To just go and overhaul THE WHOLE FUCKING GAME just because people overcome one of those hurdles, doesn't just present a new challenge for people to overcome, it's hurts the formation and cohesion of the existing community that bonds overcoming those previous hurdles, who did so for the sake of people yet to come.
This guide, and so many guides that others players have made, have become near meaningless to the present state of the game.
I get why he changed the temp system, I get why he changed the pond and well systems (TIME AFTER TIME AGAIN) but what he needs to get is other people.
If he is going to make a game where people want to be together and care for each other, anything he does to hurt that, is going to hurt the game and it's ultimately going to hurt us as people, who would have prospered from the bonds we'd have continued forming as a community, INCLUDING HIM and his reputation as a game designer.
I mean, there are a lot of game designers out there that their community will do everything short of dying for, whereas the people who once cared for and trusted Jason, have left him. But at least he has 4 people in his life that mean more to him than anyone else in the world, right? I mean, that is a big thing, obviously, for any human being, to have REAL people in your life, and not just some NOT REAL people on the internet.
I'm sure if Jason had to solve the trolley problem, with his, what is it now? Something like 70,000 people that have bought One Hour One Life, on one track, and his wife and 3 kids on the other, he would, no questions asked, kill all 70,000 of us, for the sake of his family.
I think that is how little, he cares about everyone else in the world, at this point.
So, now this forum should become a lesson, for any future game developers that plan to put their work out for the public, to make and enjoy as a community.
You make a promise, you better damn well keep it.
Don't say you're going to make a game about parenting, and then just leave it about oil and murder for 6 months.
I'm sure it's hard for Jason to separate oil from parenting, when that's basically what he's told us his mother and father did just to afford him the luxury of being able to sit his big dopey ass in front a PC for long enough that he could figure out how to make a machine add 2 and 2 together, but there is a obviously more to life than fucking oil.
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