One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#101 2018-05-13 12:08:08

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Missed Connections

Ah, well.  Nine generations ain't too shabby!


#102 2018-05-13 12:50:24

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 445

Re: Missed Connections

My name was Aaban Fawm I was gen 3, well actually all siblings had that name but I lived the longest.  I spent my time being the main farmer and making sure the farm wasn't neglected. In the early days It wasn't hard and carrots were plentiful. I wasn't as Keen about having kids as my sisters but my first boy came while I was out getting water. I ignored him, assuming that he would starve but he managed to find our base and get fed by my sister. I named him Lucky, I reluctantly raised another boy Jeff but he starved at 10. Lucky lived to until he was 32 before starving in a famine.

My sisters insisted on keeping every kid, some lived but most of them were incompetent. I only ever saw them when they came to the farm and ate directly from my seed row, despite the fact that I had carrots in baskets. The only kid I actually liked was my Daughter, I named her after my aging mother, Josie. She was a lot more competent compared to my other kids and she tried to save the farm after I had given up hope. I had stopped aimlessly trying to stop people from eating from the badly needed seed rows and instead stood in a middle temp spot watching as they consumed the last carrots and starved.

Before I died I informed everyone around me that they were fucked before finally dying at 60. I talked to my grandson Spiro outside of the game, According to him My daughter continued trying to save the farm. My daughter died at age 56, not bad. My granddaughter starved at 13 and in the end Spiro accepted his fate and yelled "This is the end" before dying at 43.

For everyone else: I hope it was worth demolishing the last carrots, you got to live for a few more years. If my daughter ever reads this, thanks for trying but I knew the village was doomed to starve no matter how hard you tried.

"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"


#103 2018-05-13 23:13:13

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Missed Connections

To my son Roland, my cousins Alma (aka pronghorn) and Venus, my brother Luca and the rest of my lovely family, from the nameless farmer.  I just wanted to say, you were possibly the best group of people I've been with in this game.  Such great teamwork on keeping the farm thriving!  I don't know why there were no babies in the end. Maybe because it's Mother's Day in the US, and people who might have been playing were busy taking their mothers out.  Oh, the cruel, cruel irony!  But in the spirit of Mother's Day, though, I will also thank my great-aunt Lilu, who mothered me when my own mom was too clueless.

Roland, Luca, it looks from your final words like you headed out of the village after the rest of us died.  I hope you at least had a good journey, whether you found anyone or not.


#104 2018-05-13 23:14:49

Registered: 2018-04-26
Posts: 88

Re: Missed Connections

happynova wrote:

To my son Roland, my cousins Alma (aka pronghorn) and Venus, my brother Luca and the rest of my lovely family, from the nameless farmer.  I just wanted to say, you were possibly the best group of people I've been with in this game.  Such great teamwork on keeping the farm thriving!  I don't know why there were no babies in the end. Maybe because it's Mother's Day in the US, and people who might have been playing were busy taking their mothers out.  Oh, the cruel, cruel irony!  But in the spirit of Mother's Day, though, I will also thank my great-aunt Lilu, who mothered me when my own mom was too clueless.

Roland, Luca, it looks from your final words like you headed out of the village after the rest of us died.  I hope you at least had a good journey, whether you found anyone or not.

Hey fam! Love you cousin!
The irony right?!?! lol
I'm sorry none of us had babies. I planted baby seeds but we didn't water them.


Last edited by Pronghorn (2018-05-13 23:17:00)

Please be kind.


#105 2018-05-13 23:18:32

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Missed Connections

Pronghorn wrote:

I'm sorry none of us had babies. I tried to plant baby seeds but we didn't water them.

Love you too!  And, heh, yeah, well, water always was our biggest problem, wasn't it? smile

I did have a girl, but she wandered off looking to make a backpack or something, and died at 10.  I wonder now whether I could have done anything differently to keep her alive.  I didn't know she was going to be the last!

Ah, well.  18 generations ain't too shabby, either.

Last edited by happynova (2018-05-13 23:20:17)


#106 2018-05-14 03:09:47

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Missed Connections

i was jason, the pen maker

started as kid of a nameless mother, others had names, seen a little girl saying q but all people were neglecting her.
i was still young but had my pack from nice old guy, who seen i putting furs together, so i fed her until grew up, and asked to marry me
i was forging as kid, and converted oven to kiln, made other oven

made my pen next to stone building to right in empty spot
was kinda old when i started to run for berry bowl, found one, and a rope, but i mistakenly put on a short shaft when i tought i picking out my blade to make knife, so i made a hatchet, found no bow, only an arrow, found muflon too, at 58 i starved with food in hand, tried to make the bow and shoot the muflon, was low chance but had to try

my beautiful nameless loving wife made pies and we had nice babies, she survived the famine, and stood by me all my life, hope you find my body to north, had a knife to cut muflon also the rope and the yew shaft there, sorry i couldnt spend more time with you
people wasted the iron on knifes and hid all the bows and arrows livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#107 2018-05-14 17:43:18

Registered: 2018-05-09
Posts: 21

Re: Missed Connections

To Daisy Mary
My dearest aunt and wife,
I was born in a city in ruins and my mother died few seconds after naming me Nike. We were all babies and young children, except one young man who killed all the adults (poor lost soul).
I owe you my life, for you fed me carrots, smart little girl. You decided to marry me and you required seven children.
As soon as I could drive a handcart, I went away looking for wheat. We needed flour to feed our kids cakes, and straw for your handbags and for compost. I'm sorry it took me so long. I'm sorry your kids came to you only by the strenght of thoughts and not actual tenderness.
You died before me, with bitter words in your lovely mouth (Tell Nike I never loved him). I know, I forgive you. I missed you too. I ran all the time to come back to you.
Finally, too late, I came back with wheat to bake and seeds to plant. I began a compost factory between the sheep pen and the south wall. One young lady, I hope your daughter, was taking it over as I faded away.
I was not the husband you wanted, but I did my best to provide for our family. My life was a rush against time, but meaningfull, usefull, and full of you.
Thank you for this life.


#108 2018-05-15 12:42:22

Siolfor the Jackal
From: Australia
Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 64

Re: Missed Connections

Nameless cousin, you almost single-handedly took care of the carrot farm.
I was Ariel Sol. You fed me when my mother ran off and briefly forgot about me, so I helped you farm my whole life.
You even made me a wolf hat which was very nice of you, thank you very much. What happened to you? After I had my last daughter, you went off and never returned? I went looking for you a few times but I didn't find anything. I was very sad I never got to say goodbye.

I died keeping warm on the fire, surrounded by my children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It's very heart-warming to see you all express your love and disappointment as I'm leaving. I hope you all live long happy lives.


#109 2018-05-15 13:41:03

Aurora Aurora
From: Tuppsala (HAHA FATTAR NI!?!?!)
Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 839

Re: Missed Connections

Verte wrote:

To Daisy Mary
My dearest aunt and wife,
I was born in a city in ruins and my mother died few seconds after naming me Nike. We were all babies and young children, except one young man who killed all the adults (poor lost soul).
I owe you my life, for you fed me carrots, smart little girl. You decided to marry me and you required seven children.
As soon as I could drive a handcart, I went away looking for wheat. We needed flour to feed our kids cakes, and straw for your handbags and for compost. I'm sorry it took me so long. I'm sorry your kids came to you only by the strenght of thoughts and not actual tenderness.
You died before me, with bitter words in your lovely mouth (Tell Nike I never loved him). I know, I forgive you. I missed you too. I ran all the time to come back to you.
Finally, too late, I came back with wheat to bake and seeds to plant. I began a compost factory between the sheep pen and the south wall. One young lady, I hope your daughter, was taking it over as I faded away.
I was not the husband you wanted, but I did my best to provide for our family. My life was a rush against time, but meaningfull, usefull, and full of you.
Thank you for this life.

Nike! I’m sorry I was a bitter old hag. Watching a man brutally murder my family and then go free did really take a toll on my kindness. I did truly love you despite everything I said and I hope you can forgive me. I’m sorry that I don’t have much to say, I was never really good with words, but just know that you made my life brighter and I loved you dearly.


Last edited by Aurora Aurora (2018-05-15 13:44:37)

One of the original veterans.
Go-to person for anything roleplay related.
4 years in the community.
Unbanned from the discord.


#110 2018-05-15 13:54:58

Registered: 2018-04-24
Posts: 269

Re: Missed Connections

pein wrote:

i was jason, the pen maker

started as kid of a nameless mother, others had names, seen a little girl saying q but all people were neglecting her.
i was still young but had my pack from nice old guy, who seen i putting furs together, so i fed her until grew up, and asked to marry me
i was forging as kid, and converted oven to kiln, made other oven

made my pen next to stone building to right in empty spot
was kinda old when i started to run for berry bowl, found one, and a rope, but i mistakenly put on a short shaft when i tought i picking out my blade to make knife, so i made a hatchet, found no bow, only an arrow, found muflon too, at 58 i starved with food in hand, tried to make the bow and shoot the muflon, was low chance but had to try

my beautiful nameless loving wife made pies and we had nice babies, she survived the famine, and stood by me all my life, hope you find my body to north, had a knife to cut muflon also the rope and the yew shaft there, sorry i couldnt spend more time with you
people wasted the iron on knifes and hid all the bows and arrows

My love!!! Our four beautiful Children filled my days with love an laughter, Jade, Emerald, Jake and Jason Jr. Emerald took over pies for me an had lots of grandchildren to repopulate from the famine, Jake took over the farm and brought it back to life, Our line was the only to survive the dreaded food shortage, I sent a granddaughter to the north to complete your sheep quest, When I passed We had four grandchildren and sheep!. however after checking family tree it seems our grandson Lee died alone sad.

Last edited by MistressZues (2018-05-15 14:07:04)

Check this out upvote if you agree!!! … heck_this/


#111 2018-05-15 21:44:56

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

Re: Missed Connections

i was thoryn … l_id=49335

wished i told my son im proud of him. went to look up his name n saw my entire family died pretty much right after i died. i dont regret raising them out in the bushes, i only regret bringing them back to a dying camp sad

sorry kids. i wish i kept yall in the woods


#112 2018-05-15 21:57:49

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 75

Re: Missed Connections … l_id=49206

Star, I saw you just died. You were pretty old ! I was your mom, I had you in the wild, only with one pie, a basket, and a call for adventure. I left my village when I was just a kid, because a bell rang and set my homemarker to it. I walked all my life towards that stupid bell. We were running together but then I lost you, because I stopped to make you a basket. I continued my route and I would see marks of your passing (a sharp stone, a picked berry bushed...) with a smile.

Then, I died by a rattlesnake. Yeah, I didn't STARVED like the family tree says ! I was killed. By. A. STUPID. Rattlesnake. After walking all my life.

Please all I want is for you to tell me your story. Did you find the monument ? Was it a great town ? Please tell me. I wasted all my life for that idiotic bell but if you made it, it was all worth it.


#113 2018-05-16 04:20:27

Siolfor the Jackal
From: Australia
Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 64

Re: Missed Connections

Steven Wulff, why would you do this? … l_id=52713

You murdered me and then 3 of your siblings, so disappointing.
I'm sorry to my other children, some people are just jerks who can only find enjoyment in creating misery for other people.


#114 2018-05-16 10:01:08

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 445

Re: Missed Connections

I spent a fair amount of time in this one city, They had the occasional hiccup and even completely died out at one stage. In the first family line … e&id=35731 I spent two lives, One as Orion and another as a nameless ):
I built a little storage shed.

They did okay but eventually, they died out. A few days later I was born in that exact same city, My crap shack was still there. It was exactly the same apart from the walls becoming ancient. There were some wooden paths and an unfinished building next door. By the time I spawned, we had lost our family name but I looked at the family tree discovered that we descended from Eve Sol and I was in the 57th generation. My guess is that the Eve got a Lucky spawn and revitalized the city. … l_id=53932

I was yet another unnamed male, In my later years, I thought the city was going to die out again. We had one barely fertile women that had only produced boys so far. But then an Eve appeared in the middle of the town just as our last girl became too old. I was glad that the city would continue even if it wasn't my bloodline, I was amazed at how long this city had survived.

The Eve named her family the "Butts" and started producing new kids. I checked her family tree and she lived until 60 and had grandkids. I hope they survived and kept the city going.

"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"


#115 2018-05-16 10:23:54

Registered: 2018-04-12
Posts: 49

Re: Missed Connections

Baker wrote:

The Eve named her family the "Butts" and started producing new kids. I checked her family tree and she lived until 60 and had grandkids. I hope they survived and kept the city going.

I was Eve Butt. I miraculously appeared above the pie making station. I think my lineage may have died out though, from the looks of it.

I just lived another 60 years as Jupiter Sol. All of our girls died really early on, and it was just my brother and me for a very long time. Mars started on the flooring and stone walls, and I continued making more tools (thanks for the head start, mom!) and made a cart and a well. We worked on our own projects, silently for the most part, passing each other every now and then. Then, one day I just found Mars dead by the wall, the backpack I made him on the floor. I didn't get to say my goodbye, but you did a great job bro. I'm glad we got to live out our old age together.



#116 2018-05-16 23:23:19

Registered: 2018-04-26
Posts: 88

Re: Missed Connections

Etemadi family <3 … e&id=58637

Stuti, my sister, its me Terrie! Better known as Terrific.

But um...I shouldn't have tried to pick up a huge boulder in my old age. Blue did it showing off and
I thought I better show him what a real man is all about.
I threw out my back and keeled over lol
"Aw check this out" my famous last words

Please tell me Blue didn't grief us too badly. I hope you cleaned his mouth out with soap berries.

To all my nieces and nephews who called me daddy, I love you guys!!
Lisa, sis, you were a real trooper.
Mama forge master extraordinaire.
Perry thank you for working so hard for the camp.

To my little niece Grace who realized she is in fact in a game and isn't a real person... I'm so sorry you overheard
the conversation I had with your mom about all of us being digital and fake humans leading fake lives created by Jason.

Look, daddy still fake loves you. Always remember that~XOXO

Please be kind.


#117 2018-05-17 11:06:48

Registered: 2018-04-30
Posts: 73

Re: Missed Connections

mulgara wrote:
Baker wrote:

The Eve named her family the "Butts" and started producing new kids. I checked her family tree and she lived until 60 and had grandkids. I hope they survived and kept the city going.

I was Eve Butt. I miraculously appeared above the pie making station. I think my lineage may have died out though, from the looks of it.

I just lived another 60 years as Jupiter Sol. All of our girls died really early on, and it was just my brother and me for a very long time. Mars started on the flooring and stone walls, and I continued making more tools (thanks for the head start, mom!) and made a cart and a well. We worked on our own projects, silently for the most part, passing each other every now and then. Then, one day I just found Mars dead by the wall, the backpack I made him on the floor. I didn't get to say my goodbye, but you did a great job bro. I'm glad we got to live out our old age together.

I was your mom, Terra. So happy you both lived to old age, I only wish I had had a daughter. It was great while it lasted <3

I usually play as Eve Storm. If you’re named Phoenix, Bear, Winter, or Summer, it’s probably me smile


#118 2018-05-20 01:30:34

Registered: 2018-05-02
Posts: 54

Re: Missed Connections

I was born a beloved first son of an ignorant mother. My grandmother had to tell her to pick me up to feed me. I was fifth generation Fifita and Mom named me Todd. Grandma disappeared before I grew hair, but Mom did her best. She tried to raise all six of her children before starving at age 26. Only I and one girl survived her death. I spent the next 45 years farming carrots while little sister Mary smithed and raised 7 kids, ignoring the limitations of the farm and the 6 ponds nearby.

I tried to get people to expand the town with a sheep pen, a milkweed farm, or even another carrot farm somewhere else, but was ignored until a grandniece started bringing soil and doubled the size of my farm. When I became ancient, I asked for someone to farm in my place and gave my backpack to the one who responded. I wished them good luck and left. I went to Great Grandma's berry farm and tried to make it bigger but died while looking for more soil.

After I died, I looked up the family line and was saddened to learn that all my siblets (sister's kids) starved within 5 minutes of me in their 20s and only two of their kids lived to adulthood-two brothers who starved in their 40s and had suicidal last words.


#119 2018-05-20 08:15:50

Registered: 2018-05-20
Posts: 133

Re: Missed Connections

Me and my brother were born to a lonely eve new to the game and lpst in the wilderness. Mother wasnt much of a teacher so me and my brother went to work. For 60 years we struggled and built a great settlement more carrots rabbits and milkweed than we would ever need.
Then one day our only sister went missing. When i got back to the farm we were both old and gray. Only having min left we spent them talking and eating pie. We had spent our lives up until this point scrambling and building. In those last moments we congradulated each other. Standing besides you my last words "atleast we will die together" no sooner had i spoken the words and you were gone. Sobbing i finished my pie and waited for the last of our kind to fade to black.

If you are out there brother, it was a pleasure having that game with you. We worked so well together and then it was gone.


#120 2018-05-20 14:53:49

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: Missed Connections

Baker wrote:

They did okay but eventually, they died out. A few days later I was born in that exact same city, My crap shack was still there. It was exactly the same apart from the walls becoming ancient. There were some wooden paths and an unfinished building next door. By the time I spawned, we had lost our family name but I looked at the family tree discovered that we descended from Eve Sol and I was in the 57th generation. My guess is that the Eve got a Lucky spawn and revitalized the city. … l_id=53932

I not only founded that city after a long run juggling my children, keeping every one of them that wanted to live in the process, but I came back to it several times and made sure every major industry was up and running, with every life I lived there.


#121 2018-05-20 14:57:31

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: Missed Connections

mulgara wrote:

(thanks for the head start, mom!)

Always welcome.


#122 2018-05-22 03:25:36

Registered: 2018-05-01
Posts: 19

Re: Missed Connections

To my daughter, Destiny rose. I'm so sorry that I died before being able to show you to that farm, but I wanted to share my story with you. I was your mother, Sixto Rose (named six by my mother since I was her sixth child and the last she would keep) I was born into a new but thriving family with a large farm living in the swamp. Unfortunately, I realized very quickly that everyone in my family was terrible. Before I was even a year old, I saw my uncle Walter murder my niece with a bow. She hadn't done anything wrong that I could see, she was farming and helping out our family. My sister kept having children that she would abandon or let my uncle murder. I understand not being able to keep every child, but I hated the awful things she would say to them before leaving them, and the way she laughed after my brother shot them. My mother seemed like a good person but I didn't see much of her. My uncle hated her deeply and threatened her whenever she came near so she wisely kept her distance.

I knew that I was too young to make it far on my own, so I played along with my horrible sister and uncle, laughing at their kills and agreeing when my uncle called my mother horrible names. He told me that he would give me his bow and allow me to kill her when I was old enough. He was true to his word, handing me his bow and even making me a new arrow as soon as I was big enough to wield it. I betrayed him instantly, shooting my horrible sister instead. "That was for my brothers!" I told her before taking the bow and running as fast as I could and as far as I could, before my uncle had a chance to retaliate. He was old now and I knew that I would be able to return one day if I could only be patient. He had been the only person left in the village at this point, my plan was to wait for his death and then return to that village with my children.

I had two girls of my own shortly after leaving my home. Unfortunately, I hadn't set a home marker before I left and when I tried to return with the two of you, I wasn't able to find it. I left you in a good location when you were old enough to fend for yourself and set out to find it, and I did! It was abandoned, sure enough, but the tools were still there and there were even plenty of carrots left. I ran back to where I had left you and was relieved to find you safe. We set out for home at once. Unfortunately I was killed by a wolf before I was able to give you directions on how to get there. I suppose I deserved that in a way for murdering my sister, but I would do it all over again if I had the chance. I'm so sorry that I let you down, Destiny, I hope you were able to start a new settlement with a family of your own. You were the best, most patient child I could have asked for and I regret not having had more time to spend with you.


#123 2018-05-22 04:22:34

Registered: 2018-05-22
Posts: 1

Re: Missed Connections

Sixto! I am Eve Rose.  I am your grandmother.  I helped name you, as you were the sixth child, and our small base could only hold six people and no more.  Red, your mother, was a rabbit hunter, tailor, and very wise.  We knew your uncle was no good shortly before my death.  He and your sister would bully, starve, and ultimately murder the children necessary to repopulate our line.  I would give carrots to any babies I saw, because I knew your sister would neglect them and not feed them.  After I passed, I watched over our line, and was horrified at the murder in our family.  All the baby deaths from Walter Rose!!!  It makes me very happy that you avenged the innocent deaths in our family.  As I read your story, I was so hopeful that you and your daughter would continue our line.  But alas, it was not so.  Thank you for sharing your story, our story.

Last edited by Sendgi (2018-05-22 04:24:30)


#124 2018-05-22 06:31:09

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Missed Connections

To my mom, Opal,

You were very new, so I doubt you'll see this, but just in case you do:  Newbie or not, you really were a great mom.  You said you'd try your best, and you succeeded.  You made sure to keep me alive, and in doing so, you probably saved our entire town, because I ended up being the only woman there to carry on the line. 

I passed the snakeskin boots you gave me on to my daughter, just as you did to me, and told her to pass them on in turn to her own daughter, who was still very young when I died.  I told her they came from you.

I saw your last words, "say good bye to Hope" on the family tree.  I'm sorry I wasn't there when you passed, but I got the message, Mom.

Anyway.  You did good.  I hope you stick around, and I meet you again in another life.



#125 2018-05-22 07:44:29

Registered: 2018-05-01
Posts: 19

Re: Missed Connections

Sendgi wrote:

Sixto! I am Eve Rose.  I am your grandmother.  I helped name you, as you were the sixth child, and our small base could only hold six people and no more.  Red, your mother, was a rabbit hunter, tailor, and very wise.  We knew your uncle was no good shortly before my death.  He and your sister would bully, starve, and ultimately murder the children necessary to repopulate our line.  I would give carrots to any babies I saw, because I knew your sister would neglect them and not feed them.  After I passed, I watched over our line, and was horrified at the murder in our family.  All the baby deaths from Walter Rose!!!  It makes me very happy that you avenged the innocent deaths in our family.  As I read your story, I was so hopeful that you and your daughter would continue our line.  But alas, it was not so.  Thank you for sharing your story, our story.

Grandma! I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to continue your line, I really tried. I thought about you several times, we were a young family but the village was pretty well progressed, you must have worked really hard in your lifetime to get it to that state! I hate that two bad apples ruined what should have been something really great. I just knew that as soon as we got back to there with the tools and the farm already set up, the Rose family would have no trouble surviving. That was by far the most crushing death I've had in this game. Bad enough to make me finally post on the forums even! smile   Thank you for your reply though, I'm glad that someone from the family saw it.


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