One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-05-22 08:45:32

Registered: 2018-05-17
Posts: 2

I'm collecting the IDCODE of the murderer

Collect the killer ID in the Family Trees
Later, we will search the family tree for a child to be born for. … &id=101383

Looking at Generation 4, the user who says Siddhartha Korell is a killer.

Click on this to find the address below. … _id=101383

101383 is Eve and 101699 is the murderer.
I collect these records and I collect killer IDs.
I came up with a way to identify the birth of a killer by searching their identity on a website.

I am Korean and I am not good at English
I think it would be of great help if my views were well conveyed and many people cooperated.
To add a killer ID, you want to add it only if the killer has killed three or more people.

What do you think of it?


I found the same code in two places
I'm not sure, but I'll check more whether I'm a mechanical Code or a real Code user.

I understand your opinion.
Many people think that it is wrong for a murderer to destroy things he has made for hours just because it is fun.

murderer List
[Press Ctrl+F to search]


Last edited by nonongwie (2018-05-22 12:01:26)


#2 2018-05-22 09:21:26

Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 61

Re: I'm collecting the IDCODE of the murderer

The user code changes.

Perhaps it's the code for the family tree, not the user code.

Last edited by JS (2018-05-22 09:22:59)


#3 2018-05-22 09:26:04

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 80

Re: I'm collecting the IDCODE of the murderer

A black list of known murderers, very interesting! Organized players would certainly consult such a list. Depending on how much it gets filled out, it could shed some interesting statistics on amount of players who actually engage in murder regularly.

Admittedly, I am not one of these people - Had a fellow who tried to kidnap me and take me from my village in a life started a little over an hour ago! I ran back to my family who decided to kill him. I was reluctant as the victim though, and just wanted to talk to him - "What? Why? Where?" after a couple minutes of silence and running away, we eventually got, "no english" as a response from him. The murder was then done, and someone nearby instantly took up a bow and arrow on hearing murder. I had to talk them down explaining they were killing my kidnapper.

My point being, is that while it would be a very interesting reference material, there would be a lot of discrepancy. All murderers? What about those who murder in self defense? Or acting as a town guard? A person who takes this role more often might be more willing to "murder", but do they deserve to be put on the bloody red list? And what happens when two people explain that they were both trying to kill the other for the greater good? Communication can be quite dificult in this game, and misunderstanding murders happen very often. ("why'd you kill that guy" "he killed a guy" "....why?" "idk").


#4 2018-05-22 09:30:30

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: I'm collecting the IDCODE of the murderer

this is discrimination

this is not civilization

it's even more abusive than to get killed in the game tongue


#5 2018-05-22 09:40:03

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 175

Re: I'm collecting the IDCODE of the murderer

breezeknight wrote:

this is discrimination

this is not civilization

it's even more abusive than to get killed in the game tongue

Call it whatever you want to call it.

I call it, making sure I have fun while playing the game by making sure nobody ruins it.
It is not locking somebody out of the game, they are still able to play where I'm not around.

If this is discrimination in your dictionary, so it'll be.


#6 2018-05-22 10:04:32

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: I'm collecting the IDCODE of the murderer

Mr.XIX wrote:
breezeknight wrote:

this is discrimination

this is not civilization

it's even more abusive than to get killed in the game tongue

Call it whatever you want to call it.

I call it, making sure I have fun while playing the game by making sure nobody ruins it.
It is not locking somebody out of the game, they are still able to play where I'm not around.

If this is discrimination in your dictionary, so it'll be.

it's not like Jason couldn't code this if he wanted to
this idea to expose players is a very simple one, as are many other ideas, which are also not content of the game

i think one of the main ideas in OHOL is the anonymity & the randomness of situation
& i think Jason will code rather the prevention of exposure of players identity

i understand where you comming from, it's still not the right solution, it will screw the gameplay


#7 2018-05-22 14:59:20

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: I'm collecting the IDCODE of the murderer … &id=101699

it was me

my life started, as a little girl i started farming
then i got iron, funny thing, nobody else did, only the eve, who was so busy even at old age

then i hunted rabbits with barely any food, guy just took all the rabbits i snared, then he took it home, i didnt give it away just like that, i was standing next to it until he left, made my pack
then i got him some rabbits, its only fair if i snare 5 that backpack is mine

then they all started pooping kids
asked them not to, begged them, they just dont care. i was making the first hoe, then somebody smashed the adobe into an oven base. lady was even calling me names when i took one carrot. 14 seeds for a 12 tile is enough, i barely survived as a kid by running half map, places they never been, we got enough seeds, dont bitch about the 3rd line

then everybody started tossing the tools around, taking the irons, and making tons of babies in front of forge
give the kids a tour and asked them to suicide, there is no food for 20 people, maybe 8

they just died left and right anyway, but that chick who thinks i dont deserve a carrot after my work, well, had to go
especially when guy gives his backpack to a total newbie who never goes 20 tile away from camp

couldnt kill her, but killed her daughters. she starved at 27, as a farmer.
made a few arrows from forest resources and shot a few so wont starve all of us
i even starved my own daughter, not playing favorites as they did

in the end i just walked in to the farm, picked a target, shot it
then go out, they all just started killing each other, they actually killed more than me, cause one guy mistaked me for someone, then they killed the killer, i heard 4? death screams

Anna Korell, my little sister, who ate from the seeds i made, used my hoe, and bitching about food for me, your dumb girl asking to be fed at age 7, your granddaughters who claim themselves the pack and the seal skin for nothing, they all dead, next time a little respect for others who work for you to have something when you are born, and learn to count seeds and kids, your daughter was shot by an idiot mistaking her with me so 3 out of 3 died, thank god

it was  still 2 woman left, i wouldnt kill everyone, but pop control was necessary
if you dont like the rules, go and make your own camp
if you dont respect my work, and you talk shit you die
dont come on forums bitching, you had your chance

i didnt destroy shit, most of resources were from the forest, flint chips, thread, skewers, check your facts
its not a user code, its a family code
people are anonym, as it should be, i wont go every life on rampage, but this run was doomed anyway

and you know what? i still made more work to that city than all of you
not a single iron brought afterwards, not a single pack was made, not a single bowl made, not a single clay, firewood brought afterwards, but 50 babies under 30 minutes

collect some knowledge instead, like how much you can extend from given resources, and always ask others if its possible.
baby machines are the worst griefers
disgrace to our eve, to extend so quickly, waste my time, i remove yours livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#8 2018-05-22 17:07:54

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: I'm collecting the IDCODE of the murderer

Meta justice is theoretically possible. Problem is that there is still no data to weed out murders
that have good cause from those that do not.

There is no real way to bring the accused to testify on their behalf nor is there any real evidence
to examine unless they HAPPEN to have a copy of their game log (before it gets overwritten that is).

Given the game logs, it is theoretically possible for human judges to examine the playbacks (currently
in real time afaik, so super slowly) to see if actions are warranted by either the player or the
community of judges. The current cost to check the work of the judge to ensure their honesty is
equal to the work involved in examining the playback.

This brings you to the problem that you would need even more and more judge work hours to police
effectively. As the number of judges checking each others work increases, the time to judge increases
linearly. 2 judges does not give good results as in cases of ties you either have to assume guilt,
assume innocence or call in more judges.

Then the question is what is our expected population percentages of honest vs dishonest judges?
We need this data in order to decide at what point the returns of more overlapping judges improves
accuracy against the cost of their labor. Even volunteer hours are not unlimited so can not be wasted

Do we decide by majority ruling, unanimous? Do we default to innocent or to guilty?

My expectation is that as judges approaches infinity that the ability to spot good vs bad judges
also approaches 1. You could have a set up a second higher meta level to address the issue of
good/bad judges, but then we are only pushing the problem along even higher as the judges'
judges can also be corrupt.. Granted, one may care less/more about accuracy and settle for algorithmic
justice. Then again if that is the case then it would not be unfair to think this whole enterprise
was pretty useless at that point...

Without any review of murders you could automate it off the data set with ID's, but then even
with that knowledge you could not act in game without being added to the list yourself. The
problem of malicious actors acting as judges fucking with people on this new higher, meta level
is not solved at all. That, and this is ASSUMING you can get access to the game logs of the
Defendant, Plaintiff as WELL as ALL RELEVANT WITNESSES... The data set of these people could
theoretically be trawled from the family tree within +/- 1 hour from time of death, but that would
not work well in multi family cities as far as the witnesses go.

There is no way currently for a computer program to automatically determine whether someone is
guilty or innocent when judging inside of a shifting contextual environment. One of the limits
of computation is that it is inherently NOT self aware and is thus unable to perceive context
or meaning at all. You can in some instances give it parameters to make judgement inside of
but only if the context is fixed enough to be able to pre-program it in.

Given all this a black list of murderers only pushes the meta problem of murder/grief/justice/trolling
up one level higher without easing our ability to solve it.

Justice is an interesting problem/concept in both the real and theoretical application of it.

Imagine the case where there are multiple instances of overlapping blacklist based justice systems
cross blacklisting each others user-bases to achieve dominance to promote their own conceptions
of justice on yet a higher meta level..

The needless complexity is just BEAUTIFUL.... <3

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#9 2018-05-22 17:22:33

Registered: 2018-04-03
Posts: 406

Re: I'm collecting the IDCODE of the murderer

That is seriously fucked up.

ign: summerstorm, they/them


#10 2018-05-22 17:49:43

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: I'm collecting the IDCODE of the murderer

Life IDs as visible in the family tree browser are just sequence numbers---the order in which the life was logged.  Each life is given a unique ID number.

It has nothing to do with the player.

Even the playerID, which is known to the family tree server but not currently displayed, is just a sequence number of lives on a given server.  On server 1, these are currently up around 600,000, simply because 600,000 people have played on server1.  Each life on a server gets a unique playerID.

So, none of these numbers can be used to track players across lives.  Only the email can, and I'm definitely not showing you that.


#11 2018-05-22 18:26:52

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: I'm collecting the IDCODE of the murderer

You should rather look when murders have been committed and see at which hours there are more murderers and be careful at this time.

I have been stop playing since 2 or 3 weeks but I used to kill at least 3 people per life while being the good guy.


#12 2018-05-22 19:29:09

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: I'm collecting the IDCODE of the murderer

I got murdered for looking like you... thanks. Next time you dont wanna play in a town just go hug a snake

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


#13 2018-05-22 20:48:49

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: I'm collecting the IDCODE of the murderer

Turnipseed wrote:

I got murdered for looking like you... thanks. Next time you dont wanna play in a town just go hug a snake

next time you dont wanna work but make babies, just make new camp livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#14 2018-05-22 23:15:59

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: I'm collecting the IDCODE of the murderer

pein wrote:
Turnipseed wrote:

I got murdered for looking like you... thanks. Next time you dont wanna play in a town just go hug a snake

next time you dont wanna work but make babies, just make new camp

I expanded the milkweed farm, got soil, did two iron runs, watered harvested and seeded carrots. All while dodging your lazy self hiding behind trees... and only had two kids. Nither of which i raised

Last edited by Turnipseed (2018-05-22 23:17:08)

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


#15 2018-05-23 01:11:59

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: I'm collecting the IDCODE of the murderer

Soil runs are worthless make pen. I ate mostly berries still was fine. One guy planted some berries. I did not hide much, just on cooldowns. Lag made it worse. Missed a few hits. and i didnt kill you did i? they did the job, because they are dumb and they were pissed about babies too

Last edited by pein (2018-05-23 06:17:43) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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