One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-05-24 09:13:18

Registered: 2018-05-21
Posts: 53

First Impressions, and concerns

i've been playing for 3 days and i love the game

i've been learning tons of things, but a couple weakpoints that i think are problems with the design

first, milkweed..

its so damn rare and so needed for everything.. i keep spawning in the wild and to get to even start a fire takes so many milkweeds, to catch something worth cooking takes even more

what is it like 12 weeds? 4 for a snare, 4 for a bowdrill, 4 for a hatchet? i spent 37 minutes searching and i found 10, i covered an insanely large range to find those..
i gathered up 3 baskets of rabbits to cook, just couldn't find enough milkweed to cook them.

i already know about fruiting, and i did mostly only harvest fruiting, except for the couple that were MILES away from all of my supplies

i ended up dying to a rattlesnake i couldn't see before i even got to cook them.. most of every starting game play is just covering insane amounts of ground to find milkweed..  not digging that scarcity issue, ive started fires irl, and i didn't need to travel miles and miles to harvest 12 rare plants, make rope, and create hatches to cut kindling.. didn't take me 37 years either lol, what if a milkweed yielded a thread directly? or more stalks, or grew back faster.. i don't know, but its a huge hurdle on a new start, also the hatchet apparently breaks pretty quick? or am i somehow losing them.. i don't know they keep disappearing on me i assume they are breaking

SECOND problem I have alot is traveling up and down, especially down, with the UI taking up some space. theres only 1 square to click on, and if i was already going up its not even a full square, its hard to turn south and go down, and when you are, you have zero screenspace to react.. i died to a snake searching for more milkweed, i searched EVERYTHING around except across rocky areas.. crossed 3 others in north west and east... tried to cross south rocky area.. died to a snake..

i feel like if we could just use the keyboard, and if it panned the view further north and south when you were traveling in those directions, or even let us zoom out some.. i don't know.. but it really hinders game play to be basically blind and crippled in 2 directions

even if the keyboard doesn't MOVE your character, if it just let you LOOK further in a direction, and stayed viewing like that while moving.. or maybe if mousewheel adjusted the facing panning direction more or less, would keep it simple with mouse only, but gives you the ability to see and more capably travel in a direction, but then you can toggle it off to more easily work in an area without panning like crazy

just some ideas, but i do think those should be adjusted to make the game even more fun

Last edited by Intangir (2018-05-24 09:15:04)


#2 2018-05-24 09:43:21

Registered: 2018-05-07
Posts: 66

Re: First Impressions, and concerns

Milkweed actually seems pretty common to me in the green biomes. You must have had really bad luck with the spawn.

Advancing up the tech tree however is a whole nother beast. The fur clothes all require thread, every bucket needs a rope, you need a rope to start up sheep farming (you can reuse that one though), the horse needs a lasso and every box needs a rope. So making a milkweed farm is really essential.

I agree with you on the vision. Wish there was a way to look around further (there are mods).


#3 2018-05-24 23:23:38

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 561

Re: First Impressions, and concerns

WASD controls should be an option, perhaps in a settings tab. It’s diffucult for many people to use a mouse.


#4 2018-05-25 07:05:44

Registered: 2018-03-19
Posts: 51

Re: First Impressions, and concerns

This PR is still open:  Jason usually closes PRs that he doesn't want to merge, so I guess he's still thinking about it.  I maintain a branch with that change and recompile the client every time a new one comes out (although I almost exclusively play on my own server).  The change works really well and I haven't seen any bugs, so I hope that he'll get around to either merging or reimplementing it.


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