One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-06-09 03:36:03

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Pounder category object showing up on Server1

Server1 ran out of disk space and crashed today right before I applied the update.

Unfortunately, because server1 did not shut down cleanly, some dummy objects were left in the map.

After the update was applied, these dummy objects are being interpreted as the wrong object.  This is okay for some things, but in one case, a Category object is showing up.

Sadly, there's no clean way to fix this, aside from wiping the map on sever1.  I could code up something that would remove any Category objects from the map, but that will take a while, and also require server1 to restart again.

So, for now, just move those Category objects to your village dump and try to ignore them.


#2 2018-06-09 03:56:51

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Pounder category object showing up on Server1

Okay, I scrambled to add a work-around to the map-cleaning code on the server.

Server1 is going down to have this code fix applied.

Oh, crap, server1 also went back to 0 for playerIDs.... gotta fix that too while it is down.


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