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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-06-09 20:05:52

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 561

Spoiled Kids

I just

Hate it when the rest of the hardworking town is naked, and one mother gives her baby everything. Like, we didn't get a luxurious crown, or a backpack with two pies in it, or any clothes at all. Yet one baby has everything it could need. The baby didn't even work for any of it. It just infuriates me. Usually, the spoiled kids turn out to be murderers from what I've seen, too.

What I hate the most is when, for example, I hunt rabbits, set up rabbit fur and a needle to make a backpack, run to get thread, and come back to some kid having made my hard work into a backpack for themselves. It's selfish. These mothers and kids should consider the other players. How do we feel about this? It should be equal IMO.

And sometimes, the kids are murdered just for having more stuff. So, spoiled mothers, by doing this, you're setting your kiddo up for a death sentence.

Thanks for listening to this short rant.

Last edited by Lotus (2018-06-09 20:06:28)


#2 2018-06-09 20:11:14

Aurora Aurora
From: Tuppsala (HAHA FATTAR NI!?!?!)
Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 839

Re: Spoiled Kids

Oh yeah I hate that too. But i hate it even more when nobody has anything and a little 5 year old walks up to everyone asking for a backpack (Or anything else) instead of making one himself.

Last edited by Aurora Aurora (2018-06-09 20:11:29)

One of the original veterans.
Go-to person for anything roleplay related.
4 years in the community.
Unbanned from the discord.


#3 2018-06-09 20:11:56

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 561

Re: Spoiled Kids



#4 2018-06-09 20:34:45

Registered: 2018-06-08
Posts: 204

Re: Spoiled Kids

"Hate it when the rest of the hardworking town is naked, and one mother gives her baby everything. Like, we didn't get a luxurious crown, or a backpack with two pies in it, or any clothes at all. Yet one baby has everything it could need. The baby didn't even work for any of it."

It's just like the real world!

And a good reason for inheritance tax.

Last edited by forestglade (2018-06-09 20:36:53)


#5 2018-06-09 20:41:22

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 80

Re: Spoiled Kids

I was born to an Eve earlier who clearly wasn't very experienced. Her ignorance and entitlement expressed ingame were incredibly frustrating to deal with. She was raising every kid, and a farm was barely even set up at my birth as a middle child. Ten kids she had. Two suicided. Only myself - a female, and two brothers made it past childhood, the other half of her kids died, but not before growing to childhood and eating a lot of the food first. She also wasn't good with temp, and kept picking up kids wayyy too fast,  wasting a lot of her own food.

As soon as I could, I ran far and foraged away from home to wait out the starvation. It worked. I returned as a tween to see her still pumping out and feeding  the last of her starving kids, for a brief time before the last one grows, wanders off, and dies looking for food. I quickly went to help with the farm, learned how beans work from bro, prepared food and went to gathering wood for metal tools and pottery. Mind you now at this point I've already asked Mom several times to gather iron and wood, and she has flat out refused, saying she is old and her work days are behind her. She is not that old, she just hit meno, and she's just standing around. I was working on pottery when my first kid popped out, a boy. I would keep him on a warm desert tile while I worked. I had just fired up the kiln and got a couple bowls done when Momma Eve comes over to ruin everything.

"Omg a grandson!!!!!"
"Name him!"
"Feed him!"

At this point she's standing in the way of the kiln, on top/in front of wet pottery I'm trying to get to. I knew the kid had a minute before he needed feeding. Brother comes over and asks me to wait so he can gather more clay first. We already have enough to efficiently cook at once. Mom won't shutup.

"OMG!!! FEED HIM!!!!!!!!!" She feeds him one of our few grown carrots she did nothing to grow. He was not saying F.
"Name him!" I was going to, but my work is being interrupted.

She's not moving off the pottery. I name him the first quick thing I can think of "You are bee". Turns out it became "Becky". Now she starts ranting about what a terrible mother I am, to name a boy Becky, and how I should've named him after big brother.
Another kid pops out. She still wont move, help, or shut up. I still cant cook the pottery. I'm getting anxious now, I freak out. I feed the first kid, I put him down on a perfect temp tile, I pick up the new one and run away fast, kiln still fired up. I loop around a tangential biome and vent my frustration to the kid before running back to see Momma Eve still going on a tirade.

"OMG My poor grandson! Would've died if it weren't for me..."
No, he was fine. You're only dooming him, by feeding food I could eat to breastfeed him later efficiently if you would just shut up and stay out of the way. Clearly asking you to contribute anything is too much. I don't want to hear her ramblings go on, and she has already wasted too much time and resources. Starvation is imminent yet again. I run away with the second son, after feeding the first son a final time, he can move now.

I go back to where I foraged as a child and start to explain to the second son what's up, as a daughter pops out. At this point my mom has doomed me to repeat her own tragic history. Straddling bushes and burdocks in the wild with a pile of children. She prevented me from working at home, and while I try to keep all the children I can, I'm not an idiot who can't see food income and longevity accordingly. Doom was imminent. I was so frustrated at this point I no longer cared. I had second son follow me back after a couple minutes with food in hand while I carried daughter, hoping Mom was dead.

She was not quite yet. Brother was still working hard, bless him. Thank you for teaching me beans, bro. Praise the heavens I hit menopause after having another daughter, and resumed my pottery and forge work as I had before. I had only gotten a hammer made and the last of a couple irons out of the near biome, when the inevitable starvation hit me too, too far from food, too busy with work, with not enough food scattered around - Not enough food in general. I didn't see her get old in those final years. I outlasted her and can only hope she starved miserably. I'm happy yet very surprised the family even made it to 6 generations before starving out. Must've been someone resourceful in there who escaped the craziness like I did as a kid, only without an insane idiot harpy of a mother.

I love people in this game and I love fostering relationships, be it social gameplay or roleplay. I hate being exclusive. But this individual was incredibly rude, entitled, lazy, and moody. I should've suicided as a baby once I saw what kind of mother she was - you would think a momma Eve would want to do everything she can for her daughter, for the future, not directly antagonize her, - the only daughter who was smart enough to escape her vacuum of a gaping maw, sucking up all the food in a 3 biome diameter. We made it 6 generations, Momma Eve, despite your efforts to stop us completely from doing so.

Last edited by Stankysteve (2018-06-09 21:28:11)


#6 2018-06-09 21:16:43

Registered: 2018-04-23
Posts: 341

Re: Spoiled Kids

I had some frustrating events too. When I spawned as an Eve and found a good place, my first kid was a new player. but I've found out too late. By then, she already had run away with some rope and a flint-tipped bow drill from my only bow drill. I was pissed. And I needed to take care of her sister, make some bowls, keep the fire from dying and start a farm. I didn't have time to take to her and show her the basics.

I don't want to sound mean but I was happy that she died. I like showing new players how to play and teach them the basics and some tricks. But when you spawn as an Eve, your have other priorities.

Also, I was once born a female to the Hunt Family. I was the last female and I made sure I didn't die and help the others out. I had an amazing uncle and brother who took take of the farm and such. When I started to pop out kids, I fed them while working and told them what we needed.  Explained them the new update, continued to work on the farm and so on. Then the trouble began. Some kids just ran around with baskets and ate, some girls who had kids, just stood around and fed them .... every ..... single ..... kid.  I asked one girl of mine to look for round stone because almost all of our ponds were dry and we had a shovel. She said yes and went of .... without a basket, without a backpack and without any food. I ran after her, gave her my backpack and a pie and told her to take a basket with her so she could carry more. She came back with one stone  ..... no backpack, no pie, no basket, just one fucking stone.

I gave so many children tasks ans jobs, told them to farm until they are older, asked so many times to forge and to look for soil. Some did what I asked them, some just said yes and went of to eat the little food we had left, because my daughters kept every single brat they popped out (even though I told them not to). But things started to get better when some kids actually did what I told them. Someone finally went to search some round stones, someone helped out at the farm, some planted milkweed etc. I thought that everything would be fine.

Well I just spawned back as a male to the family. No one went to look for soil, no one made shovel or hoe when I told them that they broke, few people helped out at the farm when supplies got low and females kept popping out and feeding babies. At the end I was the last one who died ... alone.

I love OHOL. I love to start with nothing and to build something up with my daughters and sons. But PLEASE. Stop having so many children when the food is getting low. It's okay to say to the newborn that we can't feed them. It's okay to let your child for a few seconds alone in a warm spot and help out at the farm.

The one and only Eve Kelderman


#7 2018-06-09 21:23:16

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 561

Re: Spoiled Kids

My dying mother took off all of her clothes and gave them to my baby once. Baby had just spawned, I had already given her my loincloth. It was the tradition for a kid to have either a backpack or one piece of clothing. I even told her to leave some for the other kids, and planned to snag some for me after giving all mine to my kids, but she just kept piling on the clothing. Had a fully-geared baby and naked adults, half-naked siblings. We were i the desert, too, and I told baby she'd overheat if she kept all her clothing. Baby went on to do nothing. That's what caused me to start this thread. Been experiencing this a lot lately.

Most of us didn't even have a backpack and the kid had a bag with THREE PIES and a knife in it. At least she didn't use the knife.


#8 2018-06-09 21:30:25

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 80

Re: Spoiled Kids

Oooooo people asking for clothes in a desert home when there is no milkweed farm is THE WORST.

Wait no, actually making wearing those clothes, especially from material you gathered, in the desert home, while there is no milkweed farm, while tools are needed, and then going on to eat all the food of your labors because they ****ed up their the worst, you're right.

EDIT: For typos and to make the situation worse.

Last edited by Stankysteve (2018-06-09 21:32:01)


#9 2018-06-09 21:31:19

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 561

Re: Spoiled Kids

Stankysteve wrote:

Oooooo people asking for clothes in a desert home when there is no milkweed farm is THE WORST.

Wait no, actually wearing those clothes, especially from material you gathered, in the desert home, while there is no milkweed farm, and then eating all the food of your labors because they ****ed up their the worst., you're right.

Ugh, YES. And in the situation I spoke of, we had no milkweed. All of the clothes were made of fur, too, no sheep involved. Meaning it was a big waste of milkweed on a one year old lazy child.


#10 2018-06-10 00:51:47

Registered: 2018-06-04
Posts: 54

Re: Spoiled Kids

I remember being an old women awhile back. I had full gear and I was planning to give it my son. He had been working since he first grew hair abd I figured he deserved my stuff. I had a daughter who didn't do much but produce endless grandkids who never lasted more then 5 minutes.

Well unfortunately my son was out of town when I was dying. My daughter was chasing me around with her baby when I died so I assume they got the gear sadly.

Last edited by LHO (2018-06-10 00:54:26)


#11 2018-06-10 01:12:57

Registered: 2018-04-23
Posts: 341

Re: Spoiled Kids

That reminds me of a time where I was working my ass off without clothes or backpack and my mom, who was almost dying, wanted to give me her stuff. So she put down her Backpack and a kid that just grew hair took it before I even had the chance to take it. We both told him that it wasn't meant for him but he ignored us and run away. Needless to say, we were both furious.

The one and only Eve Kelderman


#12 2018-06-10 01:14:17

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Spoiled Kids

even if you put down 20 tiles away is better, someone will pick it up, its still better, cause some players dont even know what clothing is and why is important, they live a life in a half shoe

i been kidnapping spoiled kids when i had nothing to wear, yeah i make mine if i got the chance, but sometimes we dont even have a basket to go out and see where is the snare
then i see a fully clothed kid who left clicks backpack over and over, i pick him up or the pack, or swap with a decaying one

i was too many times on a situation where too many kids, some of us experienced, you dont care who put down stuff, you take it, thats why i  usually hide behind a tree further away and assemble when i got everything even in games with few people, happens too often that they take furs, thread and you get screwed, when you see they stealing you can take the half fur away or the thread, so they cant make it

yesterday a kid of mine made himself a seal skin jacket then got a thread for me, my baby jumped out poking it, that she needs it, well i was barely old so the real fun time, so i got a gift from my son, that he make my seal skin for me, and the kid jumps out to signal it needs it or to pick it up even if i tell no, well i just took her far away to die, cause i dont like that behaviour, sometimes i even ask my kids to give each other clothes or give each of them one thing not all

i just swap empty packs for filled ones or sometimes when we are many and a family keeps everything for themselves, i kidnap their noob baby and take it, if it jumps out i dont try again but if not i just dont see why a dumb or afk kid should inherit stuff

other time i see a newbie, i just ask for a pack and they give me, and later i give them other stuff or teach them

i try to give pack for smart kids, smiths, scouts
not for baby girls who shouldnt go far anyway
or when im getting old, i ask for some small thing, like get me clay, and if gets a clay i give clothes, i hate people who creepily follow you 4 minutes to get your stuff, even say i love you just to manipulate you

oh and some make rabbit shawls from 3 fur, that kinda makes me kidnap the kid and kidnap until dies
we need packs and pouches only, loin cloth, especially with sheep, even hats are stupid when you can make straw hat instead, the bonus is worse but it lasts longer, noobs in full gear are worst livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#13 2018-06-10 01:37:25

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 561

Re: Spoiled Kids

I was having a lovely moment with my kid as I was dying at 60, a random dude came up in between us and started "calling" my backpack, clothing, and knife. I told him I wasn't a sack of loot for him to take, but he just kept being rude overall, similarly to my story on Missing Connections, just kept saying "I'm waiting" as I was dying. Unfortunately, he ended up taking my stuff because my daughter gave it to him.


#14 2018-06-10 01:40:08

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Spoiled Kids

You can die behind a tree and tell where it is or if not fur, keep next life livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#15 2018-06-10 02:28:00

Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 216

Re: Spoiled Kids

I absolutely hate when I spend my whole life hunting rabbits, and some idiot makes a fricken hat out of the furs.  NONE OF US HAVE BACKPACKS (let alone clothes), AND YOU MADE YOURSELF A HAT?!?!



#16 2018-06-10 03:46:41

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 561

Re: Spoiled Kids

Or trying to make water pouches for bellows and transportation, and a kid who didn’t catch the rabbits or remotely have anything to do with it comes up and makes themselves a frickin shirt.


#17 2018-06-10 03:49:11

Registered: 2018-06-06
Posts: 4

Re: Spoiled Kids

I know the game is all about continuing your blood line, but it is also about self preservation. If I see something I want I take it.



#18 2018-06-10 04:26:14

Registered: 2018-06-06
Posts: 15

Re: Spoiled Kids

Trick wrote:

I absolutely hate when I spend my whole life hunting rabbits, and some idiot makes a fricken hat out of the furs.  NONE OF US HAVE BACKPACKS (let alone clothes), AND YOU MADE YOURSELF A HAT?!?!


I just had a horrible life where my mom was hunting rabbits when I was born. I followed her all the way back to camp like a good little kid, looked around, found we had huge farms but no tools and under 5 bowls for all the farms. So I went to work to try to smith. I made about 10 more bowls, some plates, and my uncle ended up being able to make quite a few stews thanks to it. I had to go get iron myself, get tinder myself, reorganize the whole cluttered camp that had a million seeds everywhere.
Then there was my brother, Issac. He literally stood there half his life moving bowls around. I'd move them away from the smithing area so I had room to make some iron. He'd move them back and then attempt to put iron ore into a bowl. Or into a firing kiln (not a forge). Or a wet clay bowl in his bare hands when it is firing and wonder why nothing is happening. (I told him to watch me and instead he would move into the way) He ate half our food and spend his entire life literally moving things I moved out of the way back into the way. I'd make a hatchet, go grab some stuff to make tinder with, come back, hatchet gone. My brother took it and was trying to use it on a tree.

Like I *think* he was new, but the way he'd purposely troll seemed more destructive than a new player. I told him to use the wiki and please move out of the way so I could make the tools for everything, but instead he'd stand there in the way of the forge and move things I needed out of the way, and things I moved out of the way back in the way. For example, I went to go grab some tinder stuff a second time for more charcoal, come back to my round stone being gone. Went to get another one, he randomly started a fire with my tinder and it burnt out in the time it took for me to finally find one and get back.... (our area had like 10 sharp stones littered around but no round ones lol). I'd be smithing and he'd pick up the steel ingot randomly I went to grab with his hands. He moved the flat rock when I was trying to place the steel down onto it then stood in the way. Basically I could only make at max 2 things per firing because of him being in the way all the time.
Because of him I only managed to make half the tools in my lifetime as I had to spend most of my time trying to repair the situation he'd ruin, or work around him being in my face doing nothing productive but eating all our food.
Another example: my one uncle was trying to make a backpack. I helped to move all the furs together to make it, and went to get the 2 cut furs. I come back and my brother turned it into a rabbit fur coat instead in that time. We were all like "wtf?" and my uncle got pissed off and just peaced out and let himself die to a snake.

And idk how to even fix that because I actually tried to help him by telling him to watch me, read the wiki, etc. And asked him to please stop what he was doing as it wasn't helping and only hurting the family. In the end my only sister starved because he ate all the berries when she was around 10 (even though we had both popcorn I made and stew my uncle made ready for him and next to him) which led to our line dying out. She went to eat the berry and he picked it, ate it himself, and she died in front of the bush.

I feel like stuff such as this isn't just new players but more trolls. I've seen some bad youtubers do shit like this for "entertainment." Like "omg I'm naked? I need some pants!" And it's just a horrible experience dealing with such players. When I finally got pissed I told him to please just leave, he's only hurting us, and he went and killed himself on a snake. It was the greatest moment of my life, alas too late as he had already killed off our line by making our sister starve.


#19 2018-06-10 04:38:59

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: Spoiled Kids

Little kids are very likely to die, so in situations where there are few children, they are the priority(especially the females that are needed otherwise the town dies). I wouldn't give a crown to a kid though, that should go to people who are working hard. Well unless, there is no one else around.


#20 2018-06-10 06:23:46

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Spoiled Kids

tried once and saveed my colony for a few generations, i moved out after finding tons of cacti and a desert spot with water, didnt wanted at first but was so tempting and was kinda far but straight diagonal from old camp

went back old age but they died out, my kids lived and made a nice camp as food was plenty for like 6 people

in the other life i born back to my city, we were too many, i checked upon old camp, was good condition, even an empty pen, rabbits back, bushes full (before mega berry farm update) so essentially extra 6 generations lived by swapping twice

same for noobcamps (green biome kiln, some stuff on ground)

dont try fixing it, make new one, optimal, make farm and bowls, invite them over
they wont go if nothing there, but so far i was surprised if i told "new city north east", lot of people came, was a kiln and some carrot rows, basket and untouched green biome compared to swamp city with some stuff, they came over with no question, and some died to snakes but still was better, so dont be afraid to start  over and have 2 of everything livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#21 2018-06-10 06:24:29

Registered: 2018-06-04
Posts: 54

Re: Spoiled Kids

Lily wrote:

Little kids are very likely to die, so in situations where there are few children, they are the priority(especially the females that are needed otherwise the town dies). I wouldn't give a crown to a kid though, that should go to people who are working hard. Well unless, there is no one else around.

I like it to be job based,  At least for backpacks anyway. Like if you hang around inside the town then you probably don't need a BP since you can just grab food when you need it or just have some laying around your work area.

But Backpacks are way more useful when your out gathering supplies or hunting. You can pack food and bring more stuff back.


#22 2018-06-10 10:10:16

Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 216

Re: Spoiled Kids

Lotus wrote:

Or trying to make water pouches for bellows and transportation, and a kid who didn’t catch the rabbits or remotely have anything to do with it comes up and makes themselves a frickin shirt.



This seriously burns me up more than anything.  If you know how to make yourself a whole fucking outfit, then you probably also know (or at least should know) we should prioritize backpacks and water pouches above your fashion sense.

ESPECIALLY if you're just starting out, and even more so if the rabbits are far away.


#23 2018-06-10 10:15:26

Registered: 2018-04-03
Posts: 406

Re: Spoiled Kids

Ok guys but how many times have you been born to a wealthy mother and appreciated getting a backpack and a crown? Everyone must have experienced this at least once and felt special and loved. I wouldn't take that away from them, just as they shouldn't take it away from me.

Last edited by Lum (2018-06-10 10:15:53)

ign: summerstorm, they/them


#24 2018-06-10 11:05:10

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Spoiled Kids

Trick wrote:
Lotus wrote:

Or trying to make water pouches for bellows and transportation, and a kid who didn’t catch the rabbits or remotely have anything to do with it comes up and makes themselves a frickin shirt.



This seriously burns me up more than anything.  If you know how to make yourself a whole fucking outfit, then you probably also know (or at least should know) we should prioritize backpacks and water pouches above your fashion sense.

ESPECIALLY if you're just starting out, and even more so if the rabbits are far away.

loin cloth last, if you got sheep, cause no wool pants, shirts and shawls when somewhere close there is an ice biome with 8 seals at least grr
i literally hunted like 17 seals one life, now they even insulate more
hats? straw hat and wolf hat
or muflon skin, there are options, pack, pouches, loin cloth enough, shoes are tiny insulation on tiny bonus and hard to see sometimes livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#25 2018-06-10 11:09:44

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Spoiled Kids

Lum wrote:

Ok guys but how many times have you been born to a wealthy mother and appreciated getting a backpack and a crown? Everyone must have experienced this at least once and felt special and loved. I wouldn't take that away from them, just as they shouldn't take it away from me.

its nothing compared to getting a pack with key and knife because you cleaned out a pen, cause you did something and they appreciate that, not a virtual relationship and your mere existence
last time i gave a crown was for my great granddaughter, which is rare too, cause all females survived and all had daughters in a timeframe of total 4 minutes? of beeing fertile
now lets imagine you put it down 30 tiles away and 2 kids are too dumb to go that far, third finds it, maybe you wont get any thanks but you ensured the best skilled kid got it, luck is involved too but a minimal testing of skill wont hurt livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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