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#1 2018-06-12 00:17:55

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 80

Venus Epifanio - From Billy Epifanio

Billy Epifanios wrote:

...So is this like a blood pact or something?...

Hello Epifanios. This is Billy. Not Bill. Billy, gen 13. … &id=309838

My dearly beloved wife. It was a village of chaos, decay, rapidly diminishing resources, and poorly managed soil causing a nasty downhill plunge for what looked to once be a pretty nice developing town. Skeletons and clothes everywhere. No milkweed farm.

    You were fierce. You were tired. You were sick of it all. I was pretty tired myself, but not like you, yet seeing you persevere was admirable. Watching everyone squander our resources and not help replenish them, or worse hinder our efforts by messing something up...our only sheep sheared - THREE TIMES! We did our very best trying to restore the wheat fields which some chump wiped out on us. To get those sheep fed. To get precious compost we needed. As we grew, I did my best to relieve your stresses. You asked for berries, I brought you bowls, and fixed a neglected berry branch farm in the southwest section of town. For you! When carrots were no where to be found we grew them back.

   Mother noticed my efforts working hard, and stopped me one day "Billy!" She took out an arrow of her pack to show me, then put it back and dropped the bag at my feet, with a couple extra arrows.
"Uhhh- Thanks!" Oh nooo. Here we go again.
"I warn you mom, I only use these in defense and to hunt" Jynxed myself bad there.
"It's ok you earned it"

Time passed, we struggled with some success in our composting efforts, but waiting for wheat to grow was tedious. But alas, I sensed something click in both of us when that little girl (Lisa) sheared our last sheep we were waiting for a lamb on, and you lost it. Your sheparding knife went straight into her chest. I wasn't sure who I should try and calm in that situation. Explain to the kid their error before they bleed out?? No, she was running away... I tried to calm beautiful Venus down, nostrils still flaring.

"That was...a little harsh...""...maybe she actually didn't know?" I say to Venus. Who really knows?

But I understood your frustration all too well! Even wailing children were beginning to wear on you, snapping at them. Yet, as I passed by you while working at one point, I saw "Marry me." over your head. I was quite surprised, as angry as you were earlier, you didn't seem the marriage type. The man next to you was humbled, and honored, as he should be! "If you'd have me!" he cheerfully replied.

But you wouldn't have him! "Wrong person" "Me!?!" "Alright!!"

  And it was official. Two tired, grizzled hard workers trying to fix up a dying town! Together! I took an arrow out of my bag as she held her knife. "So is this like a blood pact or something?" Mother (I think?) ran by and was concerned. I had to jest I was just joking with my new wife! You had already proven yourself incredibly competent, if maybe a little tempered. But I liked that. I needed that. I'm bad at making those harsh decisions, you were a great offset.

At some point a griever had come up. I forget his story. Someone killed someone and I killed them. In plain sight of people. Damnit, why do I always become a guard? Oh well, it usually goes well. Thanks Mom. I just hate having the need for one. But then a cruel twist of fate struck you, my beloved wife, the only thing I couldn't protect in the end.

...You had a son, and you named him Bill! As your husband, Billy, I thought it a touching sentiment. Until the little creep punk started running around with a bow and arrow in town. People didn't directly address it, but were clearly uncomfortable and on edge. He tried to cover his ass by saying "we need goose?" "file"

"No" came from three separate gathering mouths on screen at once. We had bow-saws, carts, and mutton. We had a couple of knives in a couple players' hands, my beautiful wife Venus the shepard, naturally had one for culling the lambs... and the deficient children who shear our last sheep while in a food crisis... And Venus approached us while were telling this creeper he had no reason for a goose or bow.

He shot you the instant you walked on screen. Either bad luck, or more likely, he spotted your knife. I had to rummage my pack for an arrow but quickly picked up another bow on screen and shot him dead. I failed to protect the only thing I wanted to. The only lotus flower in the shit town who was trying to make the place bloom again. Her idiot son, named after me, killed my beloved wife. And I told him to never come back as he bled. He laughed as he died. I laughed on his skeleton. I know Venus would not want to be buried, nor would I -  The graveyards were already ridiculous. (I noticed three busted up shovels in three big graveyards. None by compost/pen when I was a baby) Cremation/bonemeal when Jason?

   Sorry, I'm rambling... just like I did as a widow in that town, weeping about the loss of our fierce precious jewel Venus. I took your knife, Venus - and along with Mother's arrows, I was alone. We clicked so well, and that's a rare lovely experience, especially as two tired old players. There were maybe five of us left at that point, and a single fertile female remained - also named Lisa, like the girl you stabbed that ruined our sheep pen again- as I wept your loss, and told the tale of my dead wife to any of us few left who would hear, Lisa approached me and said "I will be your new one" … _id=309838
"Its too soon Lisa"

   I was getting to my balding stages. I was sad and tired, much like my dead ex-wife was. I worked with the carrots, berries, and wheat for a bit, dejected, before Lisa came running by with a baby girl in her arms "Murderer"! She didn't even stop, and for good reason. Chasing right behind her was Bart Epifiano, wielding a knife. They ran right by me. If I had not moved at that instant I would've been stabbed. Not wanting to do the awful knife dance with Bart, I removed mine from my pack, and quickly knocked an arrow into a nearby bow. You ran by again, and it took him awhile to catch up, but he turned around the instant he saw I had a bow. I caught him as he tried to pass through the sheep pen. The revelation after still eludes me. You were shocked to see it was your brother Bart. You thought I was the killer. Bart confessed he "jus wanted..." "to die". What? Go starve you jerk. You were going to kill your sister and/or her only baby girl alive. … _id=309838

   Lisa turned to me, daughter in arms. I knew I'd have to be strong now. "I thought you were killer." she said. Cant blame her. Bill the bloody Kid was named after me.
"No, I've stopped three of them already." before adding "-one killed my wife, this is her knife"
I knew what you were going to say, and overlapped my speech bubble deliberately on top of yours for the daughter's sake.
"I'm your w-"
"Your my wife now..." and then to the sweet babe in her arms "...and you my daughter"

  Sky, my daughter, I am so sorry you didn't get the time and love you deserved. As you began walking I checked up on you to see you had completely fixed the northern berry farm! I cooked you the baskets of pie I made and promised - from me and Venus' efforts in the wheat field and sheep pen. But in the end, the sheep pen had holes that didn't get fixed properly. The last sheep wandered out. Lisa was doing her best to fill in Venus' role at the wheat field and pen. What she lacked in Venus' fierceness and experience she made up for in kindness. She had the murderer's knife now. We put carrot fields inside the sheep pen to try and get straggling sheep to wander back in. We managed to get a little extra compost after getting the berry/carrot/wheat production stabilized.

My end was my regret. I told Lisa I was going to give our beautiful daughter my knife. She seemed competent and nice enough. I'd rather my only daughter could defend herself. But alas, I bumped an item on a desert tile as I ran to her and lost my temp too late, and died of starvation at 57 years of age. I died hoping she or Lisa would find it, and not that other guy running around, or some creepy kid like Bill who would go on to commit parricide/matricide. As I look on the family tree now I see she lived to old age. That makes me proud. But I worry for her grandkids. Unless a few of them fix sheep and compost fast, the doom is near. I'm crossing my fingers for you little Epifanios!!!

Damn you Bill the kid

Last edited by Stankysteve (2018-06-12 00:31:41)


#2 2018-06-12 03:35:30

Registered: 2018-05-03
Posts: 133

Re: Venus Epifanio - From Billy Epifanio

Stankysteve wrote:
Billy Epifanios wrote:

...So is this like a blood pact or something?...

Hello Epifanios. This is Billy. Not Bill. Billy, gen 13. … &id=309838

My dearly beloved wife. It was a village of chaos, decay, rapidly diminishing resources, and poorly managed soil causing a nasty downhill plunge for what looked to once be a pretty nice developing town. Skeletons and clothes everywhere. No milkweed farm.

    You were fierce. You were tired. You were sick of it all. I was pretty tired myself, but not like you, yet seeing you persevere was admirable. Watching everyone squander our resources and not help replenish them, or worse hinder our efforts by messing something up...our only sheep sheared - THREE TIMES! We did our very best trying to restore the wheat fields which some chump wiped out on us. To get those sheep fed. To get precious compost we needed. As we grew, I did my best to relieve your stresses. You asked for berries, I brought you bowls, and fixed a neglected berry branch farm in the southwest section of town. For you! When carrots were no where to be found we grew them back.

   Mother noticed my efforts working hard, and stopped me one day "Billy!" She took out an arrow of her pack to show me, then put it back and dropped the bag at my feet, with a couple extra arrows.
"Uhhh- Thanks!" Oh nooo. Here we go again.
"I warn you mom, I only use these in defense and to hunt" Jynxed myself bad there.
"It's ok you earned it"

Time passed, we struggled with some success in our composting efforts, but waiting for wheat to grow was tedious. But alas, I sensed something click in both of us when that little girl (Lisa) sheared our last sheep we were waiting for a lamb on, and you lost it. Your sheparding knife went straight into her chest. I wasn't sure who I should try and calm in that situation. Explain to the kid their error before they bleed out?? No, she was running away... I tried to calm beautiful Venus down, nostrils still flaring.

"That was...a little harsh...""...maybe she actually didn't know?" I say to Venus. Who really knows?

But I understood your frustration all too well! Even wailing children were beginning to wear on you, snapping at them. Yet, as I passed by you while working at one point, I saw "Marry me." over your head. I was quite surprised, as angry as you were earlier, you didn't seem the marriage type. The man next to you was humbled, and honored, as he should be! "If you'd have me!" he cheerfully replied.

But you wouldn't have him! "Wrong person" "Me!?!" "Alright!!"

  And it was official. Two tired, grizzled hard workers trying to fix up a dying town! Together! I took an arrow out of my bag as she held her knife. "So is this like a blood pact or something?" Mother (I think?) ran by and was concerned. I had to jest I was just joking with my new wife! You had already proven yourself incredibly competent, if maybe a little tempered. But I liked that. I needed that. I'm bad at making those harsh decisions, you were a great offset.

At some point a griever had come up. I forget his story. Someone killed someone and I killed them. In plain sight of people. Damnit, why do I always become a guard? Oh well, it usually goes well. Thanks Mom. I just hate having the need for one. But then a cruel twist of fate struck you, my beloved wife, the only thing I couldn't protect in the end.

...You had a son, and you named him Bill! As your husband, Billy, I thought it a touching sentiment. Until the little creep punk started running around with a bow and arrow in town. People didn't directly address it, but were clearly uncomfortable and on edge. He tried to cover his ass by saying "we need goose?" "file"

"No" came from three separate gathering mouths on screen at once. We had bow-saws, carts, and mutton. We had a couple of knives in a couple players' hands, my beautiful wife Venus the shepard, naturally had one for culling the lambs... and the deficient children who shear our last sheep while in a food crisis... And Venus approached us while were telling this creeper he had no reason for a goose or bow.

He shot you the instant you walked on screen. Either bad luck, or more likely, he spotted your knife. I had to rummage my pack for an arrow but quickly picked up another bow on screen and shot him dead. I failed to protect the only thing I wanted to. The only lotus flower in the shit town who was trying to make the place bloom again. Her idiot son, named after me, killed my beloved wife. And I told him to never come back as he bled. He laughed as he died. I laughed on his skeleton. I know Venus would not want to be buried, nor would I -  The graveyards were already ridiculous. (I noticed three busted up shovels in three big graveyards. None by compost/pen when I was a baby) Cremation/bonemeal when Jason?

   Sorry, I'm rambling... just like I did as a widow in that town, weeping about the loss of our fierce precious jewel Venus. I took your knife, Venus - and along with Mother's arrows, I was alone. We clicked so well, and that's a rare lovely experience, especially as two tired old players. There were maybe five of us left at that point, and a single fertile female remained - also named Lisa, like the girl you stabbed that ruined our sheep pen again- as I wept your loss, and told the tale of my dead wife to any of us few left who would hear, Lisa approached me and said "I will be your new one" … _id=309838
"Its too soon Lisa"

   I was getting to my balding stages. I was sad and tired, much like my dead ex-wife was. I worked with the carrots, berries, and wheat for a bit, dejected, before Lisa came running by with a baby girl in her arms "Murderer"! She didn't even stop, and for good reason. Chasing right behind her was Bart Epifiano, wielding a knife. They ran right by me. If I had not moved at that instant I would've been stabbed. Not wanting to do the awful knife dance with Bart, I removed mine from my pack, and quickly knocked an arrow into a nearby bow. You ran by again, and it took him awhile to catch up, but he turned around the instant he saw I had a bow. I caught him as he tried to pass through the sheep pen. The revelation after still eludes me. You were shocked to see it was your brother Bart. You thought I was the killer. Bart confessed he "jus wanted..." "to die". What? Go starve you jerk. You were going to kill your sister and/or her only baby girl alive. … _id=309838

   Lisa turned to me, daughter in arms. I knew I'd have to be strong now. "I thought you were killer." she said. Cant blame her. Bill the bloody Kid was named after me.
"No, I've stopped three of them already." before adding "-one killed my wife, this is her knife"
I knew what you were going to say, and overlapped my speech bubble deliberately on top of yours for the daughter's sake.
"I'm your w-"
"Your my wife now..." and then to the sweet babe in her arms "...and you my daughter"

  Sky, my daughter, I am so sorry you didn't get the time and love you deserved. As you began walking I checked up on you to see you had completely fixed the northern berry farm! I cooked you the baskets of pie I made and promised - from me and Venus' efforts in the wheat field and sheep pen. But in the end, the sheep pen had holes that didn't get fixed properly. The last sheep wandered out. Lisa was doing her best to fill in Venus' role at the wheat field and pen. What she lacked in Venus' fierceness and experience she made up for in kindness. She had the murderer's knife now. We put carrot fields inside the sheep pen to try and get straggling sheep to wander back in. We managed to get a little extra compost after getting the berry/carrot/wheat production stabilized.

My end was my regret. I told Lisa I was going to give our beautiful daughter my knife. She seemed competent and nice enough. I'd rather my only daughter could defend herself. But alas, I bumped an item on a desert tile as I ran to her and lost my temp too late, and died of starvation at 57 years of age. I died hoping she or Lisa would find it, and not that other guy running around, or some creepy kid like Bill who would go on to commit parricide/matricide. As I look on the family tree now I see she lived to old age. That makes me proud. But I worry for her grandkids. Unless a few of them fix sheep and compost fast, the doom is near. I'm crossing my fingers for you little Epifanios!!!

Damn you Bill the kid

It's me I though about stabbing bill when he had the bow but I stopped to say no when he said file and I got shot

I name my self Amyx after my hot 8th grade science teacher  and my baby names are after hot girls in my school. big_smile


#3 2018-06-12 11:27:45

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 80

Re: Venus Epifanio - From Billy Epifanio

My beloved! They all survived for another 20 generations. Our efforts weren't for naught. In fact we probably saved the new few generations. I only wish I could have done more for you sooner.


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