One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-06-14 10:53:27

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

I've been reading recent Jason's posts carefully.  And I had an epiphany.  This game is not MMO version of Minecraft.  It's bigger, better version of The Castle Doctrine!  You're not fighting vs environment.  You are fighting vs bad guys (griefers, criminals, however you want to call them).   Yes, you can toy with environment and have fun with it.  But the main purpose of environment is to set the stage, and to place a limit on budget you can spend on defence.  Pure genius!  No, I'm totally serious.

At first I wanted to write "How to defend from griefers effectively - a strategy guide".  But let's be honest.  I don't know squat about it.  I've been on receiving end of griefing many, many times.  But I have no clue how to defend.  On the other hand I know precisely where all the pain points and weak spots are.  What's most difficult to recover from.  So I now start "How to grief effectively - a strategy guide" and just hope that some experienced griefer will write contrary guide, about how to defend properly.

So without further ado, let's start with first chapter.

I. How to grief properly at Eve's camp - a warm up.

So you have been born at Eve's camp.  Great!  You'll be really, really helpful kid.  You can start very early.  You can't pick up things yet, but you can help already.  Jump out of mom's hands when she want to hold you.  She's so busy, you don't wanna bother her.  You may be scolded for doing that.  That's good - any time she's teaching you, she's not building a camp.  You cannot overdo it, or she may stop feeding you, though.  The perfect moment to jump out, is when she's back to eat something.  She may pick up again instinctively and drop dead from starvation.  It was bad place for a camp anyway.  Screaming "F" more frequently than you need is helpful too.  Just don't overdo it, to not raise suspicion.

When you are weaned off, you can be much more helpful.  First task is to stay alive, so go forage.  Go to the closest onions and eat them.  In free time make a sharp stone and pick burdock roots and eat them too.  It's tough to stay alive.  Watch you hunger meter carefully.  Every time it drops a bit, eat next berry.  On more distant bushes you may also pick some berries and drop them - hopefull they will decay before somebody finds them.  Don't forget to check cacti too.

It's time to be more helpful at home.  To not raise suspiction, bring some food with you - the most useless one.  Two berries and a sharp stone will be perfect.  Mom will be happy to see you.  What a clever child!  Mom already made adobe kiln and few wet bowls.  Cool!  When she goes away for a while make a surprise for her.  Take a round stone and make instead lots of plates - we'll need them for pies.  Food is important!  Also we need to help with the fire.  If you find hatchet, make kindling.  A lot of.  Preferably from long straight shaft and small curved shaft that laying nearby.  Mom will be delighted.

If there is a rope for fire bow, make snare out of it.  Food is important!  You can go hunting or wait for somebody else to do.  But it's better if you go yourself - there is a lot of wild carrots to eat.  Once you have a rabbit, it's time to start making clothes.  It's cold out there!  Make sure any milkweed and thread is safe - hide it.  And everybody always have a problem with finding needles when they need them.  So let's make sure that it's not an issue.  Cook rabbit, eat it, and take rabbit bones.  Start at the outskirts.  Put it down, pick it up, rinse, repeat.  Go closer and closer to the farm.  Do not miss any tile.  Oh, finally somebody picked up the bones to help you?  Don't worry.  Take a flint and turn each rabbit bone into needle.  They won't disapper after 4 minutes.  They will last eternity.  We surely can make a lot of clothes.

At this point somebody will go to make a bow, so you may as well help them and make one too.  You remember where you put all the thread, don't you?  Before you come back to play "who will starve first, long distance running with armed bows" game, I highly recommend to check whether there are any bear caves nearby.  If so, poke a few and bring in the circus to entertain your family.  Show them what tricks bears can do.

Now you should be done with all weak Eves.  Only the stronges ones remain.  We can help them improve village security in 3 hours.  If you failed at some step, it's wise to pony up 20 bucks for additional license, so you can continue helping them earlier.  Remember, they'll miss you.  So don't let them down.

Last edited by sc0rp (2018-06-15 04:41:57)


#2 2018-06-14 11:11:44

Registered: 2018-04-18
Posts: 177

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

*Face Palm*
You write a greifing guide... and you don't even know how to play the game, Yep this sounds like the current state of greifers. (If there is rope for a firebow, make stakes out of it.) makes no sense. Greifers don't need anymore encouragement. How about teach people how to play the game rather than ruin it.

Eve Audette


#3 2018-06-14 11:21:18

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

Take stakes and remove bush with shovel,

Put food or any tool in baskets and go hide them, hide water containers, very usefull. Hide larger tools too.

Eat as much as you want.

Take long straight shaft, burn it and then burn all kidling.

Take a rock or sharpstone and destroy flintstone.

Put veggies seeds on the floor, annoying as fuck.

Ditch on people the fault that have been made.

If you can use a cart or basket, take it and go hide litterally everything far away.

Before your 20' you can seriously harm hours of gameplay. If you are good enough people will suicidr because it is way more annoying than killing.

Don't care about killing, try to get killed, be ready to get stab so the ''saviour'' will die of starvation

Now that the game has tweaked killing so much you can insult as much and as strong as you want. Nobody will kill you.

Last edited by TrustyWay (2018-06-14 11:24:16)


#4 2018-06-14 11:29:49

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

JackTreehorn wrote:

*Face Palm*
You write a greifing guide... and you don't even know how to play the game, Yep this sounds like the current state of greifers.

So it's crappy misleading guide and nobody will be able to grief using it.  Where's the problem?

And I never been a griefer.  But I've been griefed many, many times over.  And I seek for advice how to defend.

JackTreehorn wrote:

(If there is rope for a firebow, make stakes out of it.) makes no sense.

Thanks for catching it.  That's a typo - should be "a snare". Fixed.

JackTreehorn wrote:

Greifers don't need anymore encouragement.

That's not encouragement for griefing.  It's main purpose is to come up with strategies to defend against it.

JackTreehorn wrote:

How about teach people how to play the game rather than ruin it.

Please read recent Jason's posts.  Bad guys are here to stay.  He wants criminals in the game.  And you should be able to defend against them.  If you are not, that's something he needs to fix.  So that's legitimate way to play, fully supported by game designer.  Instead of crappy NPCs, you have fully sentient opponents.  Makes for way more interesting play, if balance is right. (It's not ATM, but it's my personal opinion, and I may be wrong.)

And I'm not ruining the game.  I'm pointing out the balance issues I see, hoping they will be addressed somehow.  Those are things that griefers did to me over time and I have no faintest idea how to defend.  I don't believe in security by obscurity.  Only hoping that nobody will use them on me doesn't work.

Last edited by sc0rp (2018-06-14 11:45:07)


#5 2018-06-14 11:44:33

From: Sweden
Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 148

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

That's a novel view, which I hadn't considered before, scOrp. I hope you get the professional advice from griefers that you are looking for. Cheers!


#6 2018-06-14 12:09:32

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

You can put bowls and shit behind maple trees or poplars, hard to see/click anything over there.

Plant wheat everywhere, you need fillings for pies.

Use skewers to till.

Run around picking all milkweeds to make into lassos.

Steal tools and hide in woods.

Poke all bear caves.

Keep fires lit continuously.

Make all maple branches into stakes, just walk into the woods with a sharp rock. Easy.

Make all clay into mass crocks or into nozzles. Crocks easier.

Cut all tule and then pick it up and drop it on its own tile so it decays.

Hit all spare adobes into over bases.

Put any dry corn you can find into a bowl.

Fill pouches and bowls with salt water, or even salt if you got time. Flour or grains also works, dough even better as you waste water.

That is about all I got right now. I prefer murdering and Jihad to pure grief as the latter isn't very
confrontational. I only really like to murder and Jihad when the town is one of those decadent super
cities with 30 crocks of soup and endless everything.

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#7 2018-06-14 12:20:31

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

Flintstone wrote:

That's a novel view, which I hadn't considered before, scOrp. I hope you get the professional advice from griefers that you are looking for. Cheers!

Thanks.  When I was reading your comment first time, I finished the sentence "I hope you get the professional advice from ... the doctor, preferably psychiatrist" - oh, another person is really mad at me wink  Thanks for the laugh.


#8 2018-06-14 12:30:59

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

YAHG wrote:

Keep fires lit continuously.

Cut all tule and then pick it up and drop it on its own tile so it decays.

I did those things and I even wasn't griefing.

YAHG wrote:

That is about all I got right now. I prefer murdering and Jihad to pure grief as the latter isn't very
confrontational. I only really like to murder and Jihad when the town is one of those decadent super
cities with 30 crocks of soup and endless everything.

What I usually notice is a bunch of above thing done first and then mass murders.  Nobody can deal with the killings because everybody is trying to figure out how to fix dozen of problems at the same time.  And people are mass starving left, right and center.  It's easier to acquire a knife too, just stay nearby to someone who has one, chill out and eat a pie.  Chances are high he'll starve sooner than later.

But back on track.  Any idea how to defend against ANY of those things?  Or we have cities only because no griefer is playing at the moment?


#9 2018-06-14 12:45:00

OneLife Worker
Registered: 2018-04-10
Posts: 8

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

To defeat the enemy you must think like the enemy


#10 2018-06-14 12:53:37

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

OneLife Worker wrote:

To defeat the enemy you must think like the enemy

Sun Tzu quotes never get old.


#11 2018-06-14 12:57:12

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

YAHG wrote:

That is about all I got right now. I prefer murdering and Jihad to pure grief as the latter isn't very
confrontational. I only really like to murder and Jihad when the town is one of those decadent super
cities with 30 crocks of soup and endless everything.

Maybe a bit more specific question.  Have you failed a this?  And if so, how did it happen?


#12 2018-06-14 13:05:29

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

If you want to have a more peaceful town the best strat I have seen so far is lots people with backpack
w/knife. The idea is to have the knives spread out among the people as much as possible so people can respond
right away. Usually you can figure out who the murderer is if that is the case as they will tell you or you see
them. Then you just kill them if they come back.

If you only have one or few weapons you have to either run away or die, people seem to go power mad pretttty
quickly too when they have "control" over a camp. People not standing up to them because they are unable too
just pushes a feedback loop.

I know you can't get them while moving but most people still stop regardless. You can make the tule into
baskets/adobe and people can't waste it I suppose. Most of the poor play type griefing can be mitigated by
having a strong healthy town.

Things that are difficult to remove/remove quickly like big berry fields, graveyard pens boxes filled with pies.
If your smith is armed it is hard to ruin his adobe without notice. Sometimes your town is weak and you all

Most of the places that fall to slow murder over time seem to be filled with people who kinda just shrug and
do nothing when someone is killed. Sometimes there isn't much you CAN do if you didn't get enough info to
act or are just unarmed and starving.

As a person in a city your best defense is having the ability to live on your own in the wild with no tools or
equipment at all. This is mostly just your tempwalking and your foraging. When you can't win for whatever
reason (lack of weapons prepared, lack of reserve food etc. etc.) you have to draw back perhaps to come
back with a bow+arrow (8 milks, flint, sharp rock, yew, and feather) or not at all.

Another thing to always remember is sometimes that guy killing people and taking over the camp just flat out beats you..
That doesn't mean the game is unfair, or your play style needs to be buffed.
They were more prepared for conflict than you were and you just gonna have to try again next life. As it is
now it isn't JUST a survival against hunger and animals game, you also have to survive against people too.
If you don't think a post apocalyptic world has killing and murder and malicious people..

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#13 2018-06-14 13:32:16

Registered: 2018-06-08
Posts: 4

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

I've just stolen somebody's house by just putting a lock in his door. All the hard work gone in 1 second.



#14 2018-06-14 13:34:42

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

Thanks YAHG!  That was really helpfull.  I will have more questions about town defence later on.  For now just only one: where do you get your knife?  You make one, because nobody's at the smith or what?

And considering my first post, could you write if there is something I can do as Eve or 2nd gen to defend?  That are the things that happend to me in early camps.  Obviously not all in one game.  Usually 2-3 things from this list are enough to wipe me.  Do I miss some obvious defence there?  Like wasting some food around, making a bow, luring in a bear, then shooting people in the back.

INB4: I can run and setup camp elsewhere. But that's the same as quitting and starting another Eve run.

Last edited by sc0rp (2018-06-14 13:58:52)


#15 2018-06-14 14:40:18

Registered: 2018-06-08
Posts: 204

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide


This is a guide to reduce the population of players in the game, and only have the assholes stick around.


#16 2018-06-14 15:02:28

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

forestglade wrote:


This is a guide to reduce the population of players in the game, and only have the assholes stick around.

So you claim that those strategies are effective and have no known counters?  And the only reason towns exist is that there are not enough griefers around?  If so, then it's a good place to write suggestions for Jason, what tweaks are needed to rebalance it.


#17 2018-06-14 15:36:59

Registered: 2018-04-18
Posts: 177

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

sc0rp wrote:
forestglade wrote:


This is a guide to reduce the population of players in the game, and only have the assholes stick around.

So you claim that those strategies are effective and have no known counters?  And the only reason towns exist is that there are not enough griefers around?  If so, then it's a good place to write suggestions for Jason, what tweaks are needed to rebalance it.

I disagree, A better place would be the known bugs section rather than a griefers guide on the main forum.

Eve Audette


#18 2018-06-14 16:08:57

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

JackTreehorn wrote:

I disagree, A better place would be the known bugs section rather than a griefers guide on the main forum.

I don't know if they are real bugs or not.  That's why I discuss things here.  Maybe I'm just not playing it well enough.  I've already learned from YAHG how to protect some things better.

Title too controversial?  We have worse: "Murder suggestions", "My cannibal daughter.....", "If your a new player, DO NOT LISTEN TO THE FORUMS.".

Last edited by sc0rp (2018-06-14 16:12:44)


#19 2018-06-14 16:44:29

Registered: 2018-05-20
Posts: 133

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

Im sure ive had you as my son.


#20 2018-06-14 17:03:35

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 561

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

What makes me sad is that this thread has more views and replies than some threads get after being up for five days.


#21 2018-06-14 17:16:35

Registered: 2018-05-31
Posts: 43

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

I thought you were quitting Sc0rp


#22 2018-06-14 18:00:12

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

Realcooldude wrote:

Im sure ive had you as my son.

That's probably true for everyone on this forum.

If you think about griefing son, then no.  I haven't been griefing.  That's all second hand knowledge, acquired by being griefed.  I know first hand how people feel after something like that, so I just can't do it myself.


#23 2018-06-14 18:01:12

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

Lotus wrote:

What makes me sad is that this thread has more views and replies than some threads get after being up for five days.

Maybe it's important for people.


#24 2018-06-14 18:09:22

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

Acozi wrote:

I thought you were quitting Sc0rp

I'm almost not playing.  Yesterday it was 1 minute game.  I got born to griefer.  She fed me twice.  Then pulled a knife and stabbed somebody else.  Then let me die.  I got insta-banned from West city for 3 hours for choosing my parents poorly.  I wanted to see pein's new pen, but that was not possible.  I stopped playing, because with hiigh probability, I'd have the same griefer in next game.

The day before, one longer game.  Rescued West city during famine and griefer visit (non-violent one - just messing with food production), became a king for generation, passed down crown and knife well - they lasted at least 10 more gens.  Also stopped playing, because - griefer.

Last edited by sc0rp (2018-06-14 18:11:42)


#25 2018-06-14 18:24:27

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 80

Re: How to grief effectively - a strategy guide

Are you trying to be joirom and prove something here?

I hold a grudge in both cases.

Maybe changes will get implemented eventually, but not before souring the game for countless people and making this community smaller. Good job.


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