One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-06-18 23:54:14

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Reworking lineage ban to help new players

Since new players likely die a lot as babies and children, even if they have good mothers, the lineage ban likely affects them pretty severely.  As a new player dying young, you will quickly work your way through all of the families (probably in about 10 minutes) and then be stuck as Eve for the next three hours.  Eve is the hardest role in the game.  Not a great welcome experience.

The idea with the lineage ban is really not to prevent dead babies from coming back.  The point is two-fold:

1)  You can't easily return life-after-life to keep working on the same project (via baby suicide until you "land" back in your same village again).

2)  Griefers, once dispatched, cannot just pop back into your village.

If you die as a baby, likely neither of these two cases apply.  Heck, if you die at age 8, likely neither of these two cases apply.

I'm not sure of how long you need to live before case 1) applies.  After all, you might not live to old age.

Case 2 is easy to detect:  you've only been "dispatched" as a griefer if you've been murdered.  So, lineage ban should always apply to murder victims.

Case 1) can be tweaked so that it only applies if you've lived a TOTAL of a full hour (or more) in a given line.  This can be either one to-old-age life, or 6 childhoods, or 58 dead baby lives.

In any case, you never get more than a whole hour in a row to work on the same project.  To prevent Elder suicide right before 60 in hopes of coming back (because you have one minute left), I'll tweak it so that it triggers if you've had a total of one hour OR a single life that was at least 30 minutes.  Then the lineage ban applies.

This means that new players who are dying a lot can keep returning to the bigger villages to learn, and likely not be Eve too much of the time.


#2 2018-06-18 23:57:27

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: Reworking lineage ban to help new players

Thats a great change!

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


#3 2018-06-19 00:01:14

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: Reworking lineage ban to help new players

Instead of a cut off age to get banned you could also have the ban be based on how long your life was in that village. 3 times
your time in that line would give the same ban as currently if they live to 60, while also having no weird cut off points. You could
even ONLY count the time after they can grab, that way the no boys people piss people off less.

No point having a system that encourages gaming it.

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#4 2018-06-19 00:01:56

Registered: 2018-03-18
Posts: 393

Re: Reworking lineage ban to help new players

I actually think that when someone dies of old age, they should get a button to respawn in the family. I died from old age and was so sad i couln't teach three kids who asked me how to smith. I wish i had reborn and teach them. That would've been fun. Cus honestly, when you are 55 years old, you can't do much and are just wasting resources saying goodbye. What's the good thing about this? You should have a bonus for living long enough. If the village see you are a good person and wants you back in the group, they should look forward into seeing you again... right?



#5 2018-06-19 21:43:52

Registered: 2018-01-22
Posts: 712

Re: Reworking lineage ban to help new players

Instead of banning use weighted average to select the next lineage to spawn in, with weight (1+N)^-2, where N is the number of times this player was born in this lineage in the last three hours.

This will make it possible to always spawn in a village.

It will also be possible to spawn in any village by dying repeatedly, so you might want to use this only for players with less than 10 hours in the game. I'm pretty sure a more elegant solution is impossible.

Last edited by Kinrany (2018-06-19 21:44:48)


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