One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-06-27 03:18:47

Registered: 2018-06-01
Posts: 30

What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

Societies in this game are always at different levels, some barely scraping by on a meagre carrot farm, others feasting on stew and pies. Whats the most advanced one you've been in? Did it have any laws? Any rulers or chain of authority?Did you trade with neighbours?


#2 2018-06-27 03:21:38

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 561

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

Hmmm. I once lived in a place with three bells. Three or four buildings and roads made of stone and wood in a neat fashion. As far as I know, there weren’t any rulers (with the occasional four-YO claiming to be the king when they have a decayed hat on their head) which I think was good. Having an official ruler usually leads to battles for the crown and corruption.

I think they died out due to bear attacks

And then there was New Hope City back in early march. Who else remembers that place?

Last edited by Lotus (2018-06-27 03:22:02)


#3 2018-06-27 03:36:38

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

I don't think I ever saw the 3 bell town. Definitely a few one bell towns though.

Any other metric sorta bleeds all together, hordes of horses, herds of sheep running wild for biomes and biomes..

I remember it used to be really common to have food rooms and clothing rooms, just carts and carts of shit all piled and sorted.

Take the babies in when they are born everyone always in full kits..

Yeah but that apocalypse lol...

He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.

Something like that ^^

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#4 2018-06-27 05:45:48

Registered: 2018-06-08
Posts: 204

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

I am post apocalypse so the biggest city is a one bell town. Some roads. One building, two or three more unfinished ones.

The days of old sound golden.


#5 2018-06-27 06:52:19

Registered: 2018-05-20
Posts: 133

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

Well until we had a rash of killings the last storm family had a sweet spot that i found after the previous family had died off. After 60 gen the place looked great but no one was maintaining the compost and that is what killed it. Roads farms and buildings. And a sister town to the east. Maybe we will see that again some day.


#6 2018-06-27 07:17:56

Registered: 2018-04-18
Posts: 177

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

My favourite experience in OHOL is developing a twin town to grow along side it's sibling.
You run between towns mediating the needs of both.
Borrowing an axe, Making a bowl or two for your starter village.
As your children grow you tell them of the town just beyond and someday that you will show them the way.
People stumble across your village and you explain to them why you left.
Sometimes you are left with just your daughter and you tell her that you will fetch her a husband from the main town, or perhaps the main village dies out and you and your family have a chance to save it.

Eve Audette


#7 2018-06-27 10:23:44

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

hmm, one big was karltown
i was making one of my first rooms there
made some fences for horse nearby biomes

but much later when we reborn there as eves kids we had like 3-4 bell towers, big rooms, but then went again into murders

i seen outposts with bell tower and cisterns

the one morti complained about my grave pen, that was big big_smile
i spent like 3 lifetimes, and looked quite nice for a while, i made nice fence stops an we had several berry farms

but you cannot compare to the ones before apocalypse
i seen airlock sheep pens, rooms for many families with multiple ovens, one family was making pies while a kid sitting in fire in a loin cloth, we had like 5 ovens, many rooms, full of carts of pies and carrots
roads to two or three twin cities, huge adobe walls all around city
later those got griefed and impossible to make fire

after apocalypse the biggest i seen was between two deserts, roads all around and multiple ovens, top left two kilns, also ended up beeing griefed, all fences destroyed
was a weirdo looking stone pen with biggest berry field i seen  (before berry update, when it took 60 min to regrow)
later i reborn there to different family and was a castle on other side of desert made of stone, huge milkweed farm

the biggest pen i seen was like 11x11, (once i reproduced that one but that city looked bad), was a topic about it, guy complaining about i chased him two lifes xD there was the biggest muflon pie factory you ever saw, i made sure of it

i seen several times multiple bell towers

before apocalypse, adobe walls, trees left around and lot of berry meant wealth, swamp cities were op too but you could just settle in green
after that desert cities with fast well making

nowadays carts and baskets are very rare,and population too big , society doesnt advance anywhere, griefers destroy before you could make anything nice livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#8 2018-06-27 20:06:51

From: Oregon, USA
Registered: 2018-04-17
Posts: 92

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

I lived a full 60 year life as a male in D[F]ucktown. Well developed, very few problems when I was there, and no issues with food.

If you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean (the village, that is)!


#9 2018-06-27 21:04:54

Registered: 2018-04-03
Posts: 406

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

Yeah basically any city before the updates. They were all pretty buff and overpowered. There was one with a monument and a tombstone under it next to a house with rose bushes. Oppulence.

Also can we include the 200 gen run town? Complete with its "piome" literally a desert full of pies

ign: summerstorm, they/them


#10 2018-07-18 08:58:26

Registered: 2018-06-21
Posts: 52

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

Hey guys, I see most of the crazy awesome towns are pre-apocalypse, what about post apocalypse? I have started playing a month ago, I haven't seen any towers yet (but heard some bells), I think there is only one large town with floors, lots of food, farms, pens, some stone rooms. The rest are small/underdeveloped. By the way, do towns degrade somwhow? I mean floor, stone walls? Adobe walls crumble I think, never seen crumble though...

What's the most cruel sight you can see on OHOL? A bloody baby torn apart by a grizzly bear.

I'm Eve Planet, my children are usually called by planet names (Mars, Venus, Saturn etc), also Sun, Moon. Jedi, Joda and Skywalker are usually in the mix as well.


#11 2018-07-18 09:11:17

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 336

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

Towns come and go at the moment.
The eve-spawn algorithm changed.
Towns can still get huge but at some point everyone dies out and no one spawns or find the town again. Over time it decays or gets wiped after updates when 24 hours no one find it again.

Before apocalypse there were coordinates and closer eve spawns, so it was easier to find towns and resettle them.

Still there are huge towns at the moment, but not always.

Before the apocalypse we had clusters of towbs connected with roads and in every town was more stuff then you could use. Decay was not a thing, so stuff last forever.

In one town, called trump town, was a wall build bigger then anywall before, lots of generations worked on it.

Its a rought world - keep dying untill you live <3


#12 2018-07-18 12:07:45

Registered: 2018-06-21
Posts: 52

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

Wow, that must ave been a fascinating world before the Apocalypse! I hope we'll get there again. Decay is a good thing though, if things lasts forever it's easy to get to the point where the game is too easy and boring. I hope Jason adds more content so we can advance into ancient/egypt/rome/greek cultures/times or maybe even medieval times.

What's the most cruel sight you can see on OHOL? A bloody baby torn apart by a grizzly bear.

I'm Eve Planet, my children are usually called by planet names (Mars, Venus, Saturn etc), also Sun, Moon. Jedi, Joda and Skywalker are usually in the mix as well.


#13 2018-07-18 13:29:59

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 336

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

Yeah he will for sure add more stuff after he is happy with the foundation of the game. I

Its a rought world - keep dying untill you live <3


#14 2018-07-18 13:59:08

Registered: 2018-06-03
Posts: 98

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

marsrider wrote:

Wow, that must ave been a fascinating world before the Apocalypse! I hope we'll get there again. Decay is a good thing though, if things lasts forever it's easy to get to the point where the game is too easy and boring. I hope Jason adds more content so we can advance into ancient/egypt/rome/greek cultures/times or maybe even medieval times.

Well the game is set in the future so we won't have to too advance slowly.  We skipped straight to steel, we might skip straight to other technologies assuming we can make the tools to make them.


#15 2018-07-18 14:38:30

Registered: 2018-07-18
Posts: 12

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

Played about a week, Few before last update, htin soil got changed have to say since thing nothing. Not even milkweed comes back the way the manual says. Only thing to do really is so how far one gets in one lifetime as an Eve or her kid because its all over pretty quickly. Seen maybe 1-2 places have people actually making the compost effieciently and then not for long. Only thing I can think is try the game on a private server where its not near impossible atm. Only way I can think would be to have one person per green biome on berries and trade with neighbours eventually, ie one makes wheat one carrots one sheep one extra berries then trade. Hace baby send them to new green biome .That way each person can survive just on auto food nearly and no pressure of instant near death.


#16 2018-07-18 16:31:12

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

marsrider wrote:

Wow, that must ave been a fascinating world before the Apocalypse! I hope we'll get there again. Decay is a good thing though, if things lasts forever it's easy to get to the point where the game is too easy and boring. I hope Jason adds more content so we can advance into ancient/egypt/rome/greek cultures/times or maybe even medieval times.

There is still an occasional city but they are difficult to maintain for long.

We need better building and tree farming.


#17 2018-07-18 18:35:01

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

Once i was in a town with like two whole carts!!

Then everyone was stabbed sad

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


#18 2018-07-19 15:01:28

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

marsrider wrote:

Wow, that must ave been a fascinating world before the Apocalypse! I hope we'll get there again. Decay is a good thing though, if things lasts forever it's easy to get to the point where the game is too easy and boring.

The decay you like some much is the main reason there aren't and won't be towns like pre apocalypse.

Things that decay are necessary to lower your food requirements (clothes) and to increase productivity (backpacks, carts and baskets).  With low pop count allowed now per server any town is pretty much guaranteed to die off overnight [ ].  Then next day, even if some Eve spawns in it, everything important to revive it decayed.  So towns now can only be in "doing good" state or "FUBAR" state.  There is no middle ground where you can turn the tide.

When you try to e.g. make some carts, they get insta-stolen by griefer, together with few important town tools.  Because there is only one or two carts in town, you can't even spot who the griefer is.

Most of the lives in town right now for me is like: take half a lifetime to make/get backpack, take half a lifetime to get set of clothes, take half a lifetime to steal all shears then feed enough sheep to make enough compost to plant enough milkweed to make one or two carts.  That's like 1.5 lives to make a cart or two.

Last edited by sc0rp (2018-07-19 15:09:31)


#19 2018-07-20 02:02:23

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: What's the most advanced society you've lived in?

World before apocalypses was unique


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