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#1 2018-07-21 04:51:43

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

order for eveing

noticed a lot of new players who eve set up farm before making bowls. heres a small checklist:

1. fire bow
2. stone hatchet
3. snare

send child to catch rabbit and

4. forge
5. get 8 clay -> 1 bellows nozzle, 4 bowls, 3 plates
6. tong
7. fire
8. fire up the clay shit

now child should have come back with rabbits or died

9. if returned -> bellows
10. farm
11. hammer

this entire checklist is for if u only have incompetent children who cant do anything to help u. generally eve should get to farming or smithing and kids should be doing the other thing. but i find that most of my kids are idiots and if i dont farm they just starve and die. set up at least 3 berries at camp so they can eat something

if u have competent children u should only have to do the hatchet and fire bow on ur own, but dont count on it

if u need expansion on the steps check my smithing and farming tutorial

Last edited by startafight (2018-07-21 04:52:23)


#2 2018-07-21 04:58:51

Registered: 2018-05-11
Posts: 212

Re: order for eveing

startafight wrote:

now child should have come back with rabbits or died

In my experience it's usually the second one.


#3 2018-07-21 05:19:51

From: New Zealand
Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 67

Re: order for eveing

Also if you a new player who is first child to an eve, PLEASE LISTEN TO WHAT SHE HAS TO SAY. I once had a first child who was "totally an experienced player" Too bad he kept insisting we needed to light a fire  instead of gathering resources for me- despite not having any rabbits or a kiln. Pretty much single handedly destroyed a promising eve run because he used up all our resources keeping a useless fire going before i could get the base built sad

just here putting off doing my assignments


#4 2018-07-21 05:32:29

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: order for eveing

Change snare for stone hoe as you can't farm without that anymore. Snare is nice for needle and clothes (or just into bellows) off the fire but not necessary.

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#5 2018-07-21 05:47:19

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

Re: order for eveing

YAHG wrote:

Change snare for stone hoe as you can't farm without that anymore. Snare is nice for needle and clothes (or just into bellows) off the fire but not necessary.

yeah i only ever use rabbits for bellows or backpacks. generally i like to send my sons off to get iron and such so backpacks are handy


#6 2018-07-21 05:51:48

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

Re: order for eveing

WomanWizard wrote:
startafight wrote:

now child should have come back with rabbits or died

In my experience it's usually the second one.

yep. played as an eve a couple minutes ago and saw my grown daughter out in the savanna just staring into the distance while my youngest and i had set up a full farm and started making hammers and tools. thats a step up from dying i guess... but not that much higher


#7 2018-07-21 19:31:11

Registered: 2018-07-19
Posts: 24

Re: order for eveing

startafight wrote:

send child to catch rabbit and

That's not a good idea since young children starve easily in the wilderness due to the low health bar. Also the bellow is really not in need early game.
Children should always stay in camp / farm when young.

Btw some hints I want to give to new players too:

- use a skewer instead of a stone hoe for farming early game. it saves a lot of trouble and is usually easy to find.

Last edited by third.eye (2018-07-21 19:31:57)


#8 2018-07-21 19:48:02

New User
Registered: 2018-07-20
Posts: 4

Re: order for eveing

third.eye wrote:
startafight wrote:

send child to catch rabbit and

- use a skewer instead of a stone hoe for farming early game. it saves a lot of trouble and is usually easy to find.

New player here, haven't heard of this tip. Can you explain more? Can a skewer be used just like a hoe?


#9 2018-07-21 19:54:10

Registered: 2018-05-02
Posts: 28

Re: order for eveing

mspixx wrote:
third.eye wrote:
startafight wrote:

send child to catch rabbit and

- use a skewer instead of a stone hoe for farming early game. it saves a lot of trouble and is usually easy to find.

New player here, haven't heard of this tip. Can you explain more? Can a skewer be used just like a hoe?

They can but obviously have considerably fewer uses. But good in a pinch.


#10 2018-07-21 20:01:10

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: order for eveing

third.eye wrote:
startafight wrote:

send child to catch rabbit and

That's not a good idea since young children starve easily in the wilderness due to the low health bar. Also the bellow is really not in need early game.
Children should always stay in camp / farm when young.

It's completely opposite in my experience.  As Eve you're having children constantly.  And having toddler in wilderness totally cripples your ability to do anything usefull.  So send your kids to gather food and usefull materials and stay at home building camp.  There you can easily put toddler on warm spot, so you just need to feed him max three times and you can keep working all the time.

And if any kid starves with basket and sharp stone, well, good riddance.  It was berry mucher/carrot sponge, a walking famine generator that would sit all the time by the farm, eat everything and do next to nothing.  You can teach them in towns, but you really cannot afford that in Eve's camp.

third.eye wrote:

- use a skewer instead of a stone hoe for farming early game. it saves a lot of trouble and is usually easy to find.

Skewer seems to break almost on first use.  I use it only as emergency to plant the last milkweed for next hoe.

Last edited by sc0rp (2018-07-21 20:02:32)


#11 2018-07-21 20:42:33

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

Re: order for eveing

third.eye wrote:
startafight wrote:

send child to catch rabbit and

That's not a good idea since young children starve easily in the wilderness due to the low health bar. Also the bellow is really not in need early game.
Children should always stay in camp / farm when young.

if u keep the smarter kids they stay alive. i generally provide em with a basket with food and if they die they wouldve just died later on and consumed more food. the last eve run i had i just told my kids "food south" and only 1 died out of the 3 girls i kept. and thats after she made it to 12 and knew the whereabouts of food. babying ur kids will lead to u not doing enough to set up a stable camp - also theyll use up the food around camp way too quickly, which will also cause famine for toddlers around gen 3 (b/c ur farm prolly wont be big enough by then for the pop boom, if u have a successful second gen that is)

also bellows are really easy to make as an additional step and it also lets the transition to iron tools be a lot easier. if u dont have a bellows or iron laying about the camp later generations will rely heavily on stone hoes, leading to a shortage of rope in the area which makes getting sheep a pain in the ass

farming in youth is a good theory and all but generally in eve camps i get new babies that dont even know how to set up a berry farm. but if ur kid knows how then sure, go ahead and set em up the task of farming. but they probably wont have diverse enough crops for future gens to make pies or stew out of, which will prolly lead to a berry famine in gen 3 or 4

anyways, ur only sending ur kid out for this step so u have time to make a forge to fire up the tools to start farming. if u like u could send it out to get skewers, but i prefer bellows first so i can make steel hoes right away


#12 2018-07-21 20:50:30

Registered: 2018-06-04
Posts: 202

Re: order for eveing

sc0rp wrote:

Skewer seems to break almost on first use.  I use it only as emergency to plant the last milkweed for next hoe.

next time, check what it says, you might be using a weak skewer, those always break on first use, but if you use freshly cut saplings, you get 6 to 10 uses out of it, sometimes you're unlucky and they break at 4. But on average, 3 fresh saplings might get you further than a stone hoe.

I will be eve tana. If not an eve, my kids will be called numerically : Primo, Duo, Tertio, Quattro, Quintus, Sextus, Septimus, Octavius etc... ending with an -a if you're a girl.


#13 2018-07-21 21:02:00

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: order for eveing

tana wrote:
sc0rp wrote:

Skewer seems to break almost on first use.  I use it only as emergency to plant the last milkweed for next hoe.

next time, check what it says, you might be using a weak skewer, those always break on first use,

That may be the case.  As I said I use them only in absolute emergency, so it may be cut redundant home marker.

tana wrote:

but if you use freshly cut saplings, you get 6 to 10 uses out of it, sometimes you're unlucky and they break at 4. But on average, 3 fresh saplings might get you further than a stone hoe.

That's not true.  Skewer has 5 uses on average (3 uses @ 50%), stone hoe 18 (4 uses @ 20%). 

Probability of breaking on each use below:

 1  0.00%
 2  0.00%
 3 12.50%
 4 31.25%
 5 50.00%
 6 65.62%
 7 77.34%
 8 85.55%
 9 91.02%
10 94.53%
stone hoe
 1  0.00%
 2  0.00%
 3  0.00%
 4  0.16%
 5  0.67%
 6  1.70%
 7  3.33%
 8  5.63%
 9  8.56%
10 12.09%
11 16.11%
12 20.54%
13 25.27%
14 30.18%
15 35.18%
16 40.19%
17 45.11%
18 49.90%
19 54.49%
20 58.86%
21 62.96%
22 66.80%
23 70.35%
24 73.61%
25 76.60%
26 79.32%
27 81.77%
28 83.98%
29 85.96%
30 87.73%

Last edited by sc0rp (2018-07-21 21:04:59)


#14 2018-07-21 21:47:10

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 63

Re: order for eveing

sc0rp wrote:

That's not true.  Skewer has 5 uses on average (3 uses @ 50%), stone hoe 18 (4 uses @ 20%).

I believe the math for average should be summing up to 100%. That would make 5 (closer to 100% than from 6) for skewer and and 13 (closer to 100% than from 14) for stone hoe.


#15 2018-07-21 22:05:59

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: order for eveing

Alf wrote:
sc0rp wrote:

That's not true.  Skewer has 5 uses on average (3 uses @ 50%), stone hoe 18 (4 uses @ 20%).

I believe the math for average should be summing up to 100%. That would make 5 (closer to 100% than from 6) for skewer and and 13 (closer to 100% than from 14) for stone hoe.

Nope, maybe I wrote the title of table wrong.  It's probability that it will break at this use or some earlier one.  And 100% is a limit at inifinity.  For skewer with 50% chance of use, it's equivalent to tossing a coin.  So the question is, what probability is of having at least 3 tails in x throws.

For 3 it's 1 out of 8 - 12.5%:

hhh hht hth htt thh tht tth TTT

For 5 it's 16 out of 32 - 50%:

hhhhh hhhht hhhth hhhtt hhthh hhtht hhtth HHTTT
hthhh hthht hthth HTHTT htthh HTTHT HTTTH HTTTT
thhhh thhht thhth THHTT ththh THTHT THTTH THTTT


#16 2018-07-21 22:33:47

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: order for eveing

Boring math nitpick: onetech is right, average uses of skewer is 6 and of stone hoe is 20 (that's due to long tail of very improbable but still possible cases).

So 3 skewers should be almost as good as 1 stone hoe.


#17 2018-07-21 22:38:58

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 63

Re: order for eveing

sc0rp wrote:

Nope, maybe I wrote the title of table wrong.  It's probability that it will break at this use or some earlier one.  And 100% is a limit at inifinity.  For skewer with 50% chance of use, it's equivalent to tossing a coin.  So the question is, what probability is of having at least 3 tails in x throws.

So it is already a summed up probability?

Let me take this straight:

is it like:

Probability of breaking on each use || Summed up probability (numbers are 'random')

0.05 || 0.05
0.10 || 0.15
0.20 || 0.35
0.25 || 0.60
0.40 || 1.00 <- average there
0.50 || 1.50

As I understand the table you provided is the second one?


oh, actually I think I get the method you wrote that to show probability, it is

1 - multiplied_chances_of success

where success is hoe not getting broken

Last edited by Alf (2018-07-21 22:46:58)


#18 2018-07-21 22:51:25

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: order for eveing

Alf wrote:
sc0rp wrote:

Nope, maybe I wrote the title of table wrong.  It's probability that it will break at this use or some earlier one.  And 100% is a limit at inifinity.  For skewer with 50% chance of use, it's equivalent to tossing a coin.  So the question is, what probability is of having at least 3 tails in x throws.

So it is already a summed up probability?

Yes, it's already summed up.  So it's probability it will break on 3rd use, probability it will break on 4th use or earlier, etc.

And it's not exactly right to call 50% case there as average - the series itself is infinite with higher and higher probability of breaking, but never reaching 100%.  So average = (num of uses / probability of breaking).  But proving it is a bit more complicated.


#19 2018-07-21 23:00:48

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 63

Re: order for eveing

sc0rp wrote:

Yes, it's already summed up.  So it's probability it will break on 3rd use, probability it will break on 4th use or earlier, etc.

And it's not exactly right to call 50% case there as average - the series itself is infinite with higher and higher probability of breaking, but never reaching 100%.  So average = (num of uses / probability of breaking).  But proving it is a bit more complicated.

Yeah I see it now I think. I am pretty sure that given bare chances of breaking on each use (not >after each use<) summing them up to 100% would give the average. I am aware that I might be wrong there but for the moment can't find a reason why wouldn't it be.

And of course when I talk about summing it up then it becomes just a figure, not a probability.


#20 2018-07-21 23:17:57

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: order for eveing

Alf wrote:

Yeah I see it now I think. I am pretty sure that given bare chances of breaking on each use (not >after each use<) summing them up to 100% would give the average. I am aware that I might be wrong there but for the moment can't find a reason why wouldn't it be.

It never sums up to 100%, that's the point.  Think about it as tossing a coin.  Are 5 tosses enough to be sure that you had at least 3 tails?  Of couse not.  Will 10 be enough?  Well, not always.  If you've tossed 100 times, you still could've got all heads.  It's just very very very unlikely.  But can happen.  It's never enough.


#21 2018-07-21 23:25:09

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 63

Re: order for eveing

sc0rp wrote:
Alf wrote:

Yeah I see it now I think. I am pretty sure that given bare chances of breaking on each use (not >after each use<) summing them up to 100% would give the average. I am aware that I might be wrong there but for the moment can't find a reason why wouldn't it be.

It never sums up to 100%, that's the point.  Think about it as tossing a coin.  Are 5 tosses enough to be sure that you had at least 3 tails?  Of couse not.  Will 10 be enough?  Well, not always.  If you've tossed 100 times, you still could've got all heads.  It's just very very very unlikely.  But can happen.  It's never enough.

Of course it sums up. Think about it as tossing a coin. Are 5 tosses enough to be sure you got >a tail< (as same in here getting a hoe broken is a singular event, not a repetetive one)? Hard to say. But tossing a coin 5 times gives you a total of 250% summed probability. That means the average for getting a tail is fewer than 5 tosses and 5 tosses are very, very likely for a tail. We all know it would be 2 tosses for average, that's quite obvious. The same way why the average number of throws with a standard dice to get 1 is 6 throws.

Last edited by Alf (2018-07-21 23:25:58)


#22 2018-07-22 02:12:11

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: order for eveing

Lol eve guide devolved (mabey evolved) into an intro to probability class.

This is why i follow the forums!

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


#23 2018-07-22 06:23:13

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: order for eveing

well this remind me of some barely related stuff:

- i hate when people do stupid shit on eve camps
once my girl made a lock and key from the blade and ingot
we had no iron and was hard to find, the stupid shit at age 4 grabbed the blade, and i stopped her, explained why not to do
she still made it as she wanted to lock "our memo" its fricking stupid, cause you cant even make a box in that lifetime, not a locked room
pay fucking attention to what tools you got, what level of advancement you are
it was supposed to be an adze and a saw, well there is the math, no box for you without adze, and dont make stupid knife  before saw, no cart and no bucket then

other time 2 chisels were stolen and i was stuck on file making as i couldnt find the chisels
and did some other stuff, and kinda in 20 min when i made the 3rd chisel, and finally had the file, i see a stone room in a 2nd gen camp, unfinished, shitty small and he broke the chisels for it, didnt ask to take it and was fricking useless as we died out

other life we twinned up on discord and guy had straw hat, fur clothes and pack, and my twin sis abandoned a kid, and guy mistake me with her, and called me asshole
told him dont call me names cause might get shot
he was crafting an arrow when i got him, he had plenty of time and map knowledge, and i was a stay home, assembling mom, but i shot him on moving, and took his shit, later sis told me he was stealing the snare and didnt even get me one fur, but made fricking shoes
thats 6 thread wasted before bellows

but generally i see experienced players as my kids, go out and gather useless stuff, im like raising babies, getting clay and got to make fire, but no tongs, no firewood but we got seeds, rabbit and bunch of shit around the kiln, even soil, tilled, but im delayed with making bowl and they didnt help, while my next kids dont have anything to eat after age 4 and my kids even ate the one i gathered

also kids ask what job to do
well look around lil noob, we got 20 items, fill a bowl with berry and make omlettes on plates and plant a few berry bushes, its not a profession, its gaining time for me

yesterday we were like gen 6 and had a nice camp, with a north swamp full of reed and clay, not even animals
and i found the eves body with only pack
we had rabbits, we had tilled rows with milkweed seen, we had a pen, guess what? like 15 babies died young age, and had like 7-8 people, one single girl, i gear her up, she at least fixed berry, want to heat her up when guy steals the hat i give her
i make well, bow, get sheep, make cart, get more clay, get plates, get stanchion kit, make compost, we basically had all the tools to get going and i made the rest, but people cant find a huge berry farm 20 tiles above the pen, didnt pick carrot, didnt do anything useful, but somehow they grow old, naked mostly, wild wheat straw hats and fur clothes, and furs for packs standing right there 60 minutes, and we had mostly just carrot seed and clutter, they still used the same 6-7 bowls and plates the eve made and somehow they grow old with no building made, cant even imagine wtf they did the whole time, we had a famine and then some made a few stews but was really annoying run, lil sis was okay but her daughter just ran around shovel and do some stupid stuff like throwing broken tool into pit and taking shovel when i tried to make compost, and digged bones in place
she had quite a few babies and we were alive but really nothing useful, shoved like 2 kids the berry farm and died carrying soil to it, if no decent babies  are born, just this "i can eat and survive but i need to explore 40 minutes to find stuff for myself" types, a perfectly well situated city dies out cause their stupidity

saplings- cut it with a flint and leave a seed, okay?
might be tedious for you but a town needs sapling plantation for letters, maybe grave pens, i set up the town nicely and people cut all my sapling for home markers, then i need to go 8 biomes away, and lose a lot of time to get new sapling farm, its same as milkweed, would be nice to make a seed before cutting it
also you need one single marker, not 15, cut one and hit with stone, it still shows marker for others, and dont place it under kiln or other stations, put behind tree or useless spots like ice or desert middle
i dont think wasting skewers is optimal, bringing 3 back from wilderness takes more time than making a steel hoe, you need 2 stone hoes to get the camp going, i still think hoe is 4th, as shovel is more useful: get more soil, get stumps for kindling, adobe for second kiln, pen, well
you can just survive with one more stone hoe
and plant milkweed after there is none nearby, i can safely make 3 ropes faster than you plant a decent farm
one marker, one skewer for rabbit and goose, noozle
so dont waste the last 2 skewers! i rarely see a home marker after gen 20 and people get lost and die cause of it, a female and an explorer needs to have a marker, so the babies have one and the explorers come back form scavenging

and if you are focusing on sheep instead of making 1-2 stew or pie, you get compost, yarn and thread and is faster and more optimal than farming milkweed for clothes and gathering wild food and soil
if you cannot do it, help to do it, gather branches, clay and iron

i often see people run around naked looking for clothes or thread but they never go more than 30 tile away from connected garbage. there is none, ask it, i can tell as a 6 year old kid what we got and what we dont

so first of all:
gather food (berry in bowl, eggs)
gather clay (make bowls, kinda one per person and few extra, plates, also one per person, ideally one per pond)
gather firewood (near the kiln so tools get made)
dont try to make full clothing gen 2-3. the ideal is pouches and backpacks only, maybe loin cloth
seal jacket not fur shirt or shawl
no fricking shoes from milkweed
no fricking fur hats
wait sheep and feed it, you can have shoes, hat and apron
dont make stone buildings or roads before a good food production
you owe your mom to feed her and a few kids
if you need a job, basket making, pottery and milkweed farming always good in any level of civilization, at least spend 10 minutes of childhood doing some
get back sharp stones, plates and everything else from wilderness, and clean up the clutter, like bones, seeds and unrelated stuff near kiln livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#24 2018-07-22 07:10:21

Registered: 2018-04-21
Posts: 162

Re: order for eveing

LOL another thread from a kid that wants everyone to play the game how he does. Just STFU already and let people play the game son. If you want to play more then one account go right ahead and buy more. Play 5 game at a time and you won't be able to blame anyone when your shitty start dies off. God damn control freaks are fucking losers.

I got huge ballz.


#25 2018-07-22 10:35:20

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: order for eveing

kubassa the 14 year old purvi who tells everyone what to do
based on your other posts you seem to be an ambassador of 60 and less iq group

yepp, op is right, its a bare minimum
and desnt leave much room to creativity
you can make a few pouches maybe but in the end is same old, same old

you got three timers: axe before branches run off
well before water runs off
compost before soil runs off

you can have fun but not on others expense
if you join a community and want to stay, you need collective effort to do the next thing on list
i rarely see people run off to make their own camp, i often see experienced babies suicide without a tear

actually you are the one having problems about others having principles, so calling control freak others is funny
people ask to be teached but not willing to learn, nothing new under the sun livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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