One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-07-26 20:48:34

Registered: 2018-07-22
Posts: 12

Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

I was born into a village that was starving of no food, and i asked for a name. My mom said "shut up" and named me "poo"

So i obviously ask why she did that and guess what? She curses me. I swear, you all need to learn what cursing means. You have curse tokens, and people waste them on a baby that doesn't deserve it. Cursing only works if more than one person curses. Otherwise its basically useless.

Anyone who gets mad because their village is dying, don't blame us. Its YOUR fault for not farming. I never saw a gooseberry farm or anything.

And no, i'm not mad. I'm just asking for people to take time and learn what cursing does and means.


#2 2018-07-26 21:09:03

Uncle Gus
Registered: 2018-02-28
Posts: 567

Re: Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

So you are telling me that people are using the anti-grieifing system for griefing?


#3 2018-07-26 21:25:18

Registered: 2018-07-22
Posts: 12

Re: Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

Yeah, i feel like the system is perfect but the community is ruining it. Sadly, like 10-25% of the community is probably a griefer.


#4 2018-07-26 21:29:27

Registered: 2018-04-08
Posts: 46

Re: Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

i was here. She was not the normal type at all and the village was really full of awful people.

If you care here is the full story about your mom : there was a baby teleporter. She made a milkweed plant in the middle and used the teleporter to spread hundreds of seeds while not moving, so her griefing was really more efficient. The villagers was too dumb to deal with. As i was young boy, before it began, i saw people doing things like steel reserves but there was not a single compost pile !!! I made three compost pile asap, i told everyone, no one cared and the farm stayed dead, even before the griefers.
Your mom started her griefing first, but no one saw. Soon a second griefer revealed, a girl who killed another (none of them was your mom, busily trying to destroy the village with seeds). This other girl, finally healed, decided to take the only knife, to chase the second griefer, then to kill her children (i'm not ever sure she was troll, she was dumb all the way -_-) who wanted her mom alive. We lost LOT of time, and seconds was seeds, really. I asked her the knife to kill your mom who was spreading seeds, no answers, finally i asked her to deal herself with her, she finally decided to chase your mom, lost her, then stabbed people with the same skin than your mom and said "oops". Finally she starved. Here i think "ok, i can finally take this ****** knife", but NO ! Needless to say than during all that time, no one except me care about soil (the piles will never be used except by me) or your mom and her seeds.

As the dumb girl die, a little girl take backpack. I say her i need it to deal with griefer. She only say "i will always survive" and run. After that your mom decided it was time to go on real business and started to kill people, wasn't possible to do anything, cause no weapon. I saw you be born, be named "poo", it was obvious you will not survive and trust me it was better to die than to live here...

Finally as she was the last girl, she had two other girls. She was not paying attention at them, so i took one and ran in woods, and give her food for the three first yo. Then i came back to town. Your mom was alone, all people dead in the middle of the endless milkweed mess. At first i didn't understand it was her, i done a stupid thing, i said " i saved a girl, we are ok !". She said, "where she is", i saw her name, i understood my big mistake. I lured her south (the girl was east) trying to starve her, but i don't think i did it. And the little girl maybe starved by herself.

So "poo", know your mom was a griefer and not even the roleplay type who find excuses, this one i can accept him, but the type who just use metagame tricks to piss off people. For the dying farm it was an awesome combination between bad villagers and two griefers (i almost forgot the one who just tried to kill someone..).

Really, the worst experienced i had so far


#5 2018-07-26 21:31:14

Registered: 2018-07-06
Posts: 98

Re: Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

One person with only one curse to give, what really is the issue you are having with them wasting it?  Unless you annoy a ton of other people you aren't moving in to your next life cursed.


#6 2018-07-26 22:25:03

Registered: 2018-07-22
Posts: 12

Re: Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

No shit i'm not cursed. I already said that. I'm concerned how stupid some of the community is, even though there is a tutorial.

Last edited by Meerkax (2018-07-26 22:26:46)


#7 2018-07-26 22:36:04

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

I dropped 3 babies into a 1*3 pit with a teleporter, was a shitty cultist town with more bones than food livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#8 2018-07-26 22:57:39

Berry Good
Registered: 2018-07-10
Posts: 22

Re: Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

Dacen wrote:

there was a baby teleporter. She made a milkweed plant in the middle and used the teleporter to spread hundreds of seeds while not moving, so her griefing was really more efficient.

I have also recently experienced this style of griefing in another small town. 

Dear OHOL Gods,

Please nerf the mighty milkweed seed, for the fruiting milkweed are too fruitful.



#9 2018-07-26 23:12:41

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

Griefers gonna grief holmes.

I hope we can just accept that and then the updates can stop focusing on anti grief + anti murder.

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#10 2018-07-27 00:19:55

Berry Good
Registered: 2018-07-10
Posts: 22

Re: Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

I get that, my dood. But I'm still in favor of fixing little exploits that have game-breaking ramifications on a settlement.

Reduce the number of milkweed seeds or allow them to quickly decay when placed on the ground.


#11 2018-07-27 00:22:26

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

Dacen wrote:

there was a baby teleporter. She made a milkweed plant in the middle and used the teleporter to spread hundreds of seeds

I wish they were that efficient. Teleporters have a max range and are generally in a pretty noticeable location within the town. If you're letting someone spend the five+ minutes to set up a milkweed spammer you probably deserve some level of griefing.  Most of the newer teleporters are made of adobe oven bases which are easily disabled by you walking over with a bowl of water and dumping it on a corner. Obviously, if it's one of the older models that are mossy pillars at this point there's not a whole lot you can do about that.

Once you dispatch a milkweed memer just start a fire and dump the milkweed seeds into it. At least they're not spamming corn kernels which have to be moved away from whatever tile you actually want to clear up.

fug it’s Tarr.


#12 2018-07-27 00:50:01

Berry Good
Registered: 2018-07-10
Posts: 22

Re: Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

Tarr wrote:

Once you dispatch a milkweed memer just start a fire and dump the milkweed seeds into it.

I COMPLETELY forgot you could burn milkweed seeds.

I'm into it. Let's cook.


#13 2018-07-27 01:15:20

Registered: 2018-04-08
Posts: 46

Re: Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

Tarr wrote:

I wish they were that efficient. Teleporters have a max range and are generally in a pretty noticeable location within the town. If you're letting someone spend the five+ minutes to set up a milkweed spammer you probably deserve some level of griefing.  Most of the newer teleporters are made of adobe oven bases which are easily disabled by you walking over with a bowl of water and dumping it on a corner. Obviously, if it's one of the older models that are mossy pillars at this point there's not a whole lot you can do about that.

Once you dispatch a milkweed memer just start a fire and dump the milkweed seeds into it. At least they're not spamming corn kernels which have to be moved away from whatever tile you actually want to clear up.

It was not in the middle of the town, i only noticed it when it began to be seeds everywhere, and for the teleporter i think it was here before, not made on griefing purpose, but i'm not sure.

I didn't know it was possible to burn these seeds, thanks, will remember it for next time. However, once the machine is loaded i don't think it's a solution, the guy spam far faster seeds than you burn them.

For an adobe oven base teleporter i just looked on the wiki, didn't know it was possible to remove a base (never even asked myself), thx too for that.

I'm not really for the escalation of anti-griefing features, i think a griefer can always find his way. But if you (or someone else) have an idea about how to deal with a wall/pillar made teleporter, where is mw fruit,, i'm curious. I assume than burn them is not a solution in this case, cause you can't match the production of the griefer.

Also, is it not possible to do it with rabbits bones, who can't be removed ?


#14 2018-07-27 01:54:35

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

Complete adobe corner pieces can be dismantled with a bowl of water + bowl of water + pickaxe (two seconds between each water and then the strike.) and a regular stone pillar (not a n ancient one) can be dismantled with a pickaxe. If the person is using full oven/kilns you can just take a pickaxe to that as well. I understand like all things teleporters can be used to grief but this should be easy to spot if someone is using them for ill purposes.

At the end of the day you just have to pay attention to people acting fishy and attempt to curve it before it gets out of hand.

fug it’s Tarr.


#15 2018-07-27 01:58:16

Registered: 2018-06-05
Posts: 92

Re: Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

It may sound skeptical, but everyone has the right to use their tokens where they want them.
If you get the name 'poo', you should be thankful to your mother. haha
Cute bitch boy! The next time I look at you, I'll give you a token.


#16 2018-07-27 07:47:49

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

Meerkax wrote:

No shit i'm not cursed. I already said that. I'm concerned how stupid some of the community is, even though there is a tutorial.

I doubt that most of the players have managed to get out of the tutorial (maybe they have not even managed to light the torch)

A few days ago I was born to a twin mother in the tutorial ... and although I tried to help them out of there, they committed suicide in the hall of snakes saying they were inside a glitch

I think a large percentage of players become griefers because they have no desire or knowledge to do anything more useful in the game

the problem is not the game, it is the players who do not feel like learning, nor are they informed about how to do things and they are lazy and comfortable

That's why there are so many baby suicides when you appear as an eve, or when you have an early camp ... in an early camp they can not do the same damage as in a big city and they do not usually last 5 minutes until they die of hunger


#17 2018-07-27 14:14:32

Registered: 2018-05-31
Posts: 43

Re: Can these assholes stop cursing their babies?

One curse does nothing and disappears pretty quickly. Who cares.


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