One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-07-29 09:55:51

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

[Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

We don't see this kind of topic often so I feel like we have to open one and discuss about what you don't like about the actual gameplay :

this game isn't perfect and I am still very nostalgic about the game before the huge apocalypses, so my opinion will be biased. I have lots of things I want to say but I think you know my thoughts. (game is tedious)

What are you thoughts ? What do you miss ? What do you hate about game play ? What would you do to improve the gameplay ?


#2 2018-07-29 10:12:14

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 175

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

Things that are permanent.

Talking about ponds, rabbit holes, cactus, filled trashpiles.
When I build my house, I want to be able to clear all tiles.


#3 2018-07-29 10:17:00

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

Lineage bans,  What's wrong with playing as your own grandkid to finish your projects. Just apply it to people that murder or if people curse them. I hate it when i live a life in the only good town and I'm forced to play in trash towns for hours.

Also the so called curse system has little effect.

Besides that there is the inability to be a father in the game. The adoption feature was a step in the right direction but if you name the kid then it should be turn into your son/daughter and appear under you even if your male. Also the ability to marry would be pretty cool .

Last edited by Neo (2018-07-29 10:36:46)


#4 2018-07-29 11:24:42

Registered: 2018-03-18
Posts: 393

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

I hate that there isnt more stew recipe.
I wanna put a mushroom in my stew T_T



#5 2018-07-29 12:58:31

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

Lineage ban - I miss elders being reincarnated to their villages. Once you died you weren't sent spiraling through eve hell over and over again. Lineage is what killed me actively playing in any eve camps regularly as all you do is spend an hour working hard for two generations to kill it because you get unlucky with newer players not knowing how to tend to the village.

Wells requiring dry ponds - Village diversity used to be a real thing before wells had to be made off of empty ponds. Now you pretty much see the center of town always being desert + swamp biome. I can remember villages being built around every single biome which made villages feel different. Junktown was in a savanna, Bearpen was badlands/green biome, Ovenpost was a green biome. Unfortunately though this might just be a thing of the past should well making happen everywhere, we'd likely just see desert village spam if well making was returned to previous methods.

Curse system is too soft - Basically with Jason been having to spend most his time working on the servers (Thanks Jason, we do appreciate you working your ass off.) and us being so spread the curse system can't/couldn't really do its job. I think black text should come in at five curses and either ten causes a kill switch or some sort of secondary mark to show how evil they actually are (horns/red baby/no pupils. Most cursed people I've actually met are the more helpful type but I know one is just a witch roleplayer and the other guy seemed okay.

Also the fact that twins/triplets/quadruplets don't all get cursed together or share a cursed pool for deciding stuff is kind of goofy. Griefing together forces people to split who they end up spending their token on decreasing the actual use of having a system in place.

The ability to block what others say - I'm not sure if this is supposed to be realistic in the sense of two people talking but having someone overwrite what you're saying but spamming letters is frustrating. Was attempting to talk about our bear situation when the troll just SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM'd over my whole line of text. Like clipping bubbles is fine when two people are writing next to each other but having your whole bubble blocked is just dumb.

Last edited by Tarr (2018-07-29 21:04:22)

fug it’s Tarr.


#6 2018-07-29 17:33:03

Registered: 2018-07-20
Posts: 95

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

I like this game a lot. But storage is rather difficult with how a single carrot takes up an entire block which leads to long lines of baskets full of carrots. If there were perhaps a way to make picking up and dropping stuff and storing said items easier and less goofy then I think the game-play would be greatly improved. The lineage ban I understand since people would be tempted to suicide in an attempt to re-spawn back into their old family line which could in turn ruin some else's game experience. Marriage I don't think is something needed or wanted as an official game-play mechanic as it raises issues in regards to consent + incest which are both things Jason stated he wanted to avoid so people could focus on survival.


#7 2018-07-29 20:59:05

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

I do agree with everything said on this topic, even with contradicting things, haha!

I dislike...
...the clutter too, we need more stacking possibilities and moving stacks with carts or something...
...some small things like overly complicated food (carnitas was the name?) or the cabbage food, just not quite worth the trouble.
...milkweed: I wish one plant was enough for one thread at least, or two milkweed grew in one tile - sheep kinda make up for that in the end. But...
...the animal pen system: fences are easy to destroy and sheep are let loose: maybe haystacks or carrots could attract sheep back to the pen? Or then we need a better pen system (the holes will probably not work forever for pens...?) baskets hold so little items, three berries or carrots in a basket looks silly: maybe "basketful of carrots/berries" or something, that'd be the heart of an Eve town. And you could just dump em' on the ground as a "pile of carrots/berries". hard it is to get skewers - perhaps what is required is just another way to make a home marker so we don't get tons of arrows in towns? sometimes people chop down important trees and they're just gone, but I'm sure we can get some tree planting in the future.
...the trees obstructing my vision when moving, the foliage could be more sparse or I dunno, more see-through...? I'm not too fussed about this though, but hope it could work better for the players.
...seeds as they take tiles and are so small on the screen: many new and old players can die if not careful, they may be holding a seed they can't see and starve. Seed stacks or seed boxes would be great. some useful things aren't useful: I would like to mash rabbit bones and duck bones etc. for a bone meal or something that could boost plants in gardens, maybe even saving a tribe in an emergency.

Vanity stuff, I dislike having no huts or anything more village-like, I'd love to hunt down some deer for hide to make lil' bonfire huts or hunting huts to have a bit more of a village feel going.

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#8 2018-07-29 22:52:39

Registered: 2018-07-28
Posts: 14

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

-When you're playing as an Eve and your babies just run off and suicide the second they're born.

-When there's a home marker at your village, but it doesn't work for you.

And I second the annoyance with the clutter. I've had babies starve to death because I couldn't find a place to drop something and pick them up. Really frustrating. I would also greatly appreciate it if more items were made stackable.


#9 2018-07-29 23:49:05

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

you can lure back sheep without lamb by standing in target direction or opposite for sheep with lamb

storage- its hard to make and contain everything
carrot seed and milkweed seed should go to bowls as well

ropes, never enough, milkweed farming is tedious now, people use it for clothes, then no ropes for important stuff

its the players fault but always ends up having a grind to have the resources cause people move things  or use up things

need better rope creation, wool backpacks

more building materials, currently the best is graves, the fastest are pits
fences could be 3x1 long, and harder to remove

planting trees

i do think game is easy, i dont have problem seeing what the city needs, only that more people will cause more trouble so should be a bit easier to make ropes, pick berries

letters are too expensive, its hard to make anything that helps, under a lifetime
how often you see a sign locked saying 'bunnies NE' or 'bring back tools here'
a rework on cost should be made, each letterstock should cost 1 sapling, max two

bigger, better, harder stuff
i want to be able to create useful technology which takes time and brain power, maybe team work

art- hairstyles would work with this genealogy update, kinda bad that kids look liek each other, its more problem than a nice feature, i mean i could imagine a brown woman has only brown kids, but we got limited styles, ideal would be use one each until everyone grows (12 min)

generally the nature should be more interesting, mountains which are impassable but create caves?  more monolith style things or fragments to build something unique?
i want to walk in nature and say wow, how cool is to see different stuff, rather than same thing over and over

more stats and notifications, when my kids die or the last woman, i want some notification, maybe a whistle? or at least a necklace which brokes on death and unremovable once u split and put up with someone
marriages would be nice, even with incest, we got a way to have twin eves, so one names boys, other girls and they can marry

a better system could be made, like a baby borns with a necklace, half of it you could put on a home marker tree which could contain more  names, when it falls you know the person is dead, other half would be near the grave, containing age and some stats maybe
a home marker tree or a city center statue, which would have a zone, giving some bonus you could choose? that could be extra heat, extra baby spawn, less heat if desert, or it would give a resource time to time when you raise up a baby into a kid, also would show persons number in lineage, how many of them are inside the perimeter
this way a camp could have a name too, maybe upgrading center would increase the size

more type of clothes for style and better bonuses, like one having the benefit of giving you heat in cold areas and reduce heat in hot areas

some ownership, at least we should be able to make a belt out of something, which holds a pie or a knife or a thread, apron is hard to make, we need something cheap. locking carts to place or something, stealing other people stuff became mainstream
should be at least a way to see who made stuff or who modified it last time
code doors- the ones authorized or the ones who know the code, could go inside livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#10 2018-07-30 01:26:14

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 614

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

The biggest problem with the game... is that there isn't MORE of it!

Vastly more character variation would really help each life feel unique...



#11 2018-07-30 01:30:22

Berry Good
Registered: 2018-07-10
Posts: 22

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

Some things at the top of my wishlist include...

Pork Pies/Goose Pot Pies

I've noticed that towns aren't bothering to domesticate boar and geese lately. Allowing pork and geese to be used in pies might help incentivize more diversity animal husbandry.

Seed Pouches

Seed clutter is everywhere and it makes me sad. I was thinking that water pouches could be converted into seed pouches (with a bit of thread or rope) and used to hold somewhere around 10 seeds of the same variety.

Buff to the Curse System

I actually think the curse system is a very creative way to manage griefers. Because the black speech threshold is so high, however, it doesn't seem very effective at the moment.


#12 2018-07-30 02:13:38

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

TheRedBug wrote:

I hate that there isnt more stew recipe.
I wanna put a mushroom in my stew T_T

Seconded i think stew should be more versatile.

But i do miss the days of big towns, roads, i even remember trading a cart of pies with another town for a cart of backpacks

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


#13 2018-07-30 04:01:37

Registered: 2018-07-10
Posts: 96

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

Berry Good wrote:

Some things at the top of my wishlist include...

Seed Pouches

Seed clutter is everywhere and it makes me sad. I was thinking that water pouches could be converted into seed pouches (with a bit of thread or rope) and used to hold somewhere around 10 seeds of the same variety.

Same for threshed wheat.  A grain silo would be nice.


#14 2018-07-30 08:39:38

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

Turnipseed wrote:
TheRedBug wrote:

I hate that there isnt more stew recipe.
I wanna put a mushroom in my stew T_T

Seconded i think stew should be more versatile.

But i do miss the days of big towns, roads, i even remember trading a cart of pies with another town for a cart of backpacks

Yeah, we already traded before and have more posibility rather than growing thousand of different vegetables.

The game really went backward when socialisation and civilisation have been reduce/removed. I find the game very repetitive and it is kinda annoying.

Villages used to create their own culture but since political correct people joined, things became very annoying, they are very narrow minded on the game possibility and they only try to reproduce their moral values IG everytime, good bye mushroom cult.

Last edited by TrustyWay (2018-07-30 08:45:34)


#15 2018-07-30 08:50:12

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

Berry Good wrote:

Buff to the Curse System

I actually think the curse system is a very creative way to manage griefers. Because the black speech threshold is so high, however, it doesn't seem very effective at the moment.

I think curse system should let us play mean character sometimes. You have to deal with problem yourself instead.

People became super paranoid on griefers and it is annoying sometimes


#16 2018-07-30 22:31:45

Berry Good
Registered: 2018-07-10
Posts: 22

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

FeverDog wrote:

Same for threshed wheat.  A grain silo would be nice.


There are primitive grain silos in Africa that would fit well with OHOL's aesthetic. Basically, raised adobe cylindrical structures with woven reed roofs.



#17 2018-07-30 22:55:56

Berry Good
Registered: 2018-07-10
Posts: 22

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

TrustyWay wrote:

I think curse system should let us play mean character sometimes. You have to deal with problem yourself instead.

People became super paranoid on griefers and it is annoying sometimes

Personally, I really love seeing people roleplay in my villages. It's fun and it adds to the immersion. If people are getting cursed while roleplaying, it might be their character choices.

For example...

Good Roleplay Idea:

An aging man in his late forties. He's short-tempered and often mean to the children in his settlement. You see, he saw his kid sister die to a snake bite when he was just a teenager. He begged for help while the poison slowly took her life, but no one came to her aid with antivenom. Since then, he's vowed to keep kiddos at a distance. Life is hard and children are the most vulnerable.  He never wants to feel that horrible grief again...

Bad Roleplay Idea:

A 14-year-old edgelord whose favorite word is "p*ssy".


#18 2018-07-30 23:06:22

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 614

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

pein wrote:

more stats and notifications, when my kids die or the last woman, i want some notification, maybe a whistle? or at least a necklace which brokes on death and unremovable once u split and put up with someone
marriages would be nice, even with incest, we got a way to have twin eves, so one names boys, other girls and they can marry

a better system could be made, like a baby borns with a necklace, half of it you could put on a home marker tree which could contain more  names, when it falls you know the person is dead, other half would be near the grave, containing age and some stats maybe

How about a totem pole that grows for each person alive born within the town? A stack of male & female symbols so that we know what the makeup of the city is. Maybe even unique versions for baby-fertile-menopausal. The totem pole would lose the corresponding segment when people die.

And again, maybe a way to summon an Eve, a dance around the totem pole.


#19 2018-07-31 17:25:44

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

Anshin wrote:
pein wrote:

more stats and notifications, when my kids die or the last woman, i want some notification, maybe a whistle? or at least a necklace which brokes on death and unremovable once u split and put up with someone
marriages would be nice, even with incest, we got a way to have twin eves, so one names boys, other girls and they can marry

a better system could be made, like a baby borns with a necklace, half of it you could put on a home marker tree which could contain more  names, when it falls you know the person is dead, other half would be near the grave, containing age and some stats maybe

How about a totem pole that grows for each person alive born within the town? A stack of male & female symbols so that we know what the makeup of the city is. Maybe even unique versions for baby-fertile-menopausal. The totem pole would lose the corresponding segment when people die.

I like these! Even a simple counter for nearby players would be appreciated so I know if a chunk of people go missing.
I also like the idea of an actual "home marker tree" that could be shared by the people, and if you interact with it, you can turn your home marker off and make your own if you want to.
I wonder if smoke signals could be used to try and guide Eves close by? Usually dying villages have cut down many trees with lumber stacked, I'd take the chance and make a huge bonfire if an Eve could see some smoke puffs hover in her screen and take the journey to follow it.

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#20 2018-08-01 17:01:38

Registered: 2018-06-03
Posts: 89

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

Um, keep working with no rest in my gameplay?  It's guilty to not working.

I always give my children a lovely Tâigí(Taiwanese) name, súi(beautiful)!


#21 2018-08-01 21:41:37

Registered: 2018-06-22
Posts: 28

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

Mines: Not a fan that you just pick up ore from outside the mine, would be great to gear a kid up and send him down with a torch, some cloths, a backpack and a pickaxe (maybe a knife if the cave can have beasts.... like alligators....).
Eggs: Too many of them, would be great if all pies gave 1 or 2 less food, but if dough had an egg added to it, it would bump the pie up by 3 or 4.
Ponds: I think making water source would be amazing for the game, and if existing sources dried up automatically were created with time... this ties into
Weather: There is none. Would be awesome if it rained. Dig a pit, and when it rains if it could collect water it would be great! Also a use for snow drifts..
Dead Bodies: These things can just lie around right next to your pie or you pie could even be on the same square as a dead body for years and then you can just eat it... YUCK! These bodies need to be handled, and the new Grave digger would be a highly respected position... ok well at least as more bodies start piling up, the chance for disease increase.
Drinks: We only have water and you cant drink it. Would be great to be able to make wine, beer, juice or anything that might reduce your hunger reduction rate, or maybe give a hunger bub, but can be used many times.

Just some idea's and im not saying they are good. wink


#22 2018-08-02 00:43:11

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 47

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

FeverDog wrote:
Berry Good wrote:

Some things at the top of my wishlist include...

Seed Pouches

Seed clutter is everywhere and it makes me sad. I was thinking that water pouches could be converted into seed pouches (with a bit of thread or rope) and used to hold somewhere around 10 seeds of the same variety.

Same for threshed wheat.  A grain silo would be nice.

oh yes, please...

CynderR wrote:

Eggs: Too many of them, would be great if all pies gave 1 or 2 less food, but if dough had an egg added to it, it would bump the pie up by 3 or 4.

also great idea...

and what about CISTERNS....

they are made out of a bucket and we are used to use bowls on a bucket, but we cant use bowls on cisterns?
pls fix

what about rainwater? some sort of water catcher connected to the cistern... something like that


#23 2018-08-02 01:08:59

Registered: 2018-05-31
Posts: 70

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

A advantage villiage sometimes makes me feel nausea, bare land no green treees, so many stuffs scatter around in mess. Stone building are blocked the way and they looks ugly. I don't know why ppl do those wooden/stone floor, they looks stupid and so wired especially around farm as road.
I want to plant trees, fruit trees better, like apple.


#24 2018-08-02 01:13:42

Registered: 2018-05-31
Posts: 70

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

And I want eat more pig meat, not only the hard-get tacos.
When will cow added? I am long for milk and steak, and a cowboy hat.


#25 2018-08-02 01:59:33

Registered: 2018-04-12
Posts: 132

Re: [Disc] things you don't like about gameplay

Some day, all of the wells will dry up.  When that happens, we’ll need water pipes to carry water from far away lands.  I’d also like to be able to take a drink in the desert instead of ditching my clothes to cool off  when I’m working out there cutting and gathering wood.

There are not enough festivals of celebration.  I would like to have at least one time of rejoicing and merriment per life.  May I suggest fireworks and the weaving of colorful banners and costumes?

I want to put a sign on my cart and sell stew or tacos or pies.  I want to build roads that actually connect towns.

I love all of my children.  You are wanted and loved.


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